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Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 19:37
by don570
Here's a modern GUI version of rsync that you should inspect
for ideas

Posted: Fri 13 Apr 2012, 00:34
by don570
I've been trying to use pmirror and finally I was able to get it
to work.

The trick was to make sure that the exception file was set.

I set it to the mirror folder and now any changes to the
mirror folder will transfered.

The error message was confusing. It said something about a
configuration file.

I have three suggestions

1) It should be combined with pschedule so that
a nightly backup would be done automatically.
2) The version number needs to be shown somewhere.
3) Change Line 127 from 'logbox' to 'editbox'
so info can be copied from xdialog window.

Posted: Sat 14 Apr 2012, 04:49
by zigbert
There should be written a new Backup-app for Puppy. Both Pmirror and Pbackup are unfriendly to user. Pmirror is too limited and Pbackup is a coding mess. The new gtkdialog is capable of giving us a much better gui....

Pbackup is my first bash-script ever, and it has simply grown out of its own skin. The initial idea wasn't good enough....





Posted: Sat 14 Apr 2012, 16:47
by don570
I like simple backup programs. I don't even need to put in exceptions.

Now that I know how to use pmirror it's fine. I just leave 'none'
in 'exception file'

It's rather confusing to call it 'exception file'

A better English word to use is 'exclude' or 'exclusion list'.

I doubt that anybody is using pbackup because it's too complicated.

Recently both Scottman and Pemasu lost entire
hard drives full of important work that they weren't backing up.


Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 23:48
by don570
I made changes to Zigbert's pmirror and released it as
Puppy Backup. Some versions of Puppy don't work with
my fork. Apparently it is a bug with the <input> tag ... 168#621168


Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 15:52
by zigbert
Version 0.6
See main post

- Gettext for NLS (thanks to rodin.s)

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 14:07
by zigbert
Version 0.6.1
See main gui

Bugfix: missing icons

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 17:42
by papos
tested with puppy_precise_lxpup12.12

Pmirror 0.6.1 don't remove file in destination folder

Puppy Backup remove file in destination folder

better is to have the 2 options


Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:49
by papos
Pmirror 0.6.1 don't remove files in destination folder, this is perhaps better...
take care with optional removing files in destination folder
especialy when you select source directory: /home/datas (for example)
and taget directory /mnt/sdc1/sav
he copy all directories in /datas/ (but don't create a new directory datas even the first time)
in the same time he remove all files that are in /sav and not in datas!!!
better to create a directory files in /mnt/sdc1/sav/datas
and put it at taget directory /mnt/sdc1/sav/datas

pMirror bugreport

Posted: Tue 02 Apr 2013, 09:20
by rodin.s
Russian forum member vityk have found some bugs in pMirror and have fixed them. One bug does not allow to choose exceptions file at first run and another one makes program unworkable at following runs. Corrected script.
He also advised to include two things in help file:
1. Path to files in Exceptions file should be as if those files are in the destination directory.
2. Empty value of Exceptions file is not allowed. It should be either path or "none".

Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 16:45
by zigbert
Version 0.6.2
See main post

Fixes is provided by vityk (see previous post)
In addition I added support for empty value of exceptions file


Posted: Sun 11 Aug 2013, 13:45
by zigbert
Uploaded SFR's fix for gettext
See main post

Posted: Sat 16 Aug 2014, 18:29
by don570
I describe how to clone an Ubuntu install with pmirror. ... 193#795193

Posted: Sun 18 Jan 2015, 20:58
by robwoj44
polish translation

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2015, 16:30
by zigbert
Added Polish translation - Thank you
All I could reach for today.
I will continue updating polish NLS the next days ;-)
Great stuff


Posted: Fri 23 Jan 2015, 16:56
by zigbert
Italian added
Thanks to xanad

Posted: Fri 23 Jan 2015, 18:42
by zigbert
added french translation
thanks to esmourguit

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2018, 20:51
by don570
First post links don't work.....

To download pmirror 0.6.2-1 go to ... es-noarch/

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2018, 21:38
by don570
Suggestion :

A better method of warning user that there are files that will be destroyed
Maybe an orange yaf-splash warning ... 74c6fdb5a0