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Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 03:54
by nap44
Hi Muggins,


Wow. What a complicated procedure.

A few questions though to finish it off.

1. The CUPS v1.1.x prints out a perfect Printer Test Page with color wheel and text and graphics.

2. A web page, I've used the Puppy Jumping off Page, prints ok, except the top margin seems stuck at 4mm and cuts off the area just above the eyes in the Puppy icon on that page. Changing the margins in printer setup (default is .04) does not seem to alter the printout but I have not played with it a lot as yet. Maybe .04 is 4mm and needs to be say .09. Can you suggest anything I may be doing incorrectly.

3. I've tried the write program and the Spreadsheet program (AbiWord and Gnumeric, resp) that come with Puppy and neither have picked up the installed printer. They only show two options, Create a PDF document and Generic Postscript and don't give the option of selecting the installed printer. Do you know how to fix this. All this effort is primarily designed to print documents so it's important this part works. By the way, when I tried the TurboPrint package, these did not pick up the TurboPrint driver as well. What to do here!!!

4. Can you tell me about the 6 files in the library. If I attempt later to install the scanner part of the driver, are there another 6 files I need to change. I don't understand what these files are or do. Are they unique to Puppy or part of Linux. Why do they need to be linked to something.

5. CUPS was already installed in Puppy so why did I need to reinstall it. Was this just a sure fire way of picking up the ppd file. I wonder if putting a ppd file in /root is a way of getting a non supported driver up and running in other Linux distributions. To my simple mind, installing a printer in Linux should be the same no matter which distro is used. But the again!!!

6. I keep getting caught out with copying files in Linux. The copy and Paste method. Wants to copy onto itself so must be doing something dumb. Is there a trick to it that is a bit different to copy in windows. I end up just retyping the new path to copy to. Copy/Paste works if in the same directory but not to another directory. Seems it does not copy to a clipboard to paste somewhere else.

Getting back to the printing.
With all the linux skill out there, couldn't someone write a generic script that would install any printer in any version of Linux, as long as the appropriate driver was sitting in a common file somewhere and the script just searches for that location. The Turboprint driver just installed without any fuss and it contains many generic drivers. Or am I dreaming again!!

Finally, is it possible to open up two copies of the SeaMonkey browser at the same time.

Kind regards,

Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 05:03
by muggins
q1 & 2)

good to hear that it's working. regarding modifying printer preferences you should have downloaded the printer .pdf manual, from the same location as the .rpm files. that should give you some clues. remember that there are about 5 binary files installed to /usr/local/bin, what their functionality is, only the manual & google can tell you. (printuimp160 sounds like it should be a gui app?).

also, (and i know it's not the most user friendly app in existence.), do some reading about using cups.

the abiword printer issue is a regular problem on puppy forum...but i've forgotten what solution is! have a search of the forum, and i'll also see if i can also dredge something up.

the six library files are required for the canon driver & they need the 6 symlinked files to work. this is basic linux file anatomy. executables(binaries), go in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, shared library files, (sort of like window .dlls), go in /usr/lib, and other left-over bits usually end up in /usr/share. for any deeper understanding than that you need to do a course in "linux file structure philosophy-101" taught by Professor Gn2!

i'm sure there's a way of getting cups to use an already existing .ppd file, but unfortunately i don't know how. so it's easier to use pakt's cups .pup which will "grab" the .ppd file from /root.
i use a combination of gui &/or commandline. haven't had windows computer for yonks. think of it as an opportunity to learn new skills!Image

regarding scanning, before bothering to do above process with the scanner .rpms, i'd recommend you dload & try the commandline scan program i previously mentioned, as it's just one file & it works straight away with canon pixmas.

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2007, 21:05
by gamfa
taught by Professor Gn2!
He's helped my through a couple of nasty knots including my I560.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2007, 00:26
by muggins

i'm not having a "shot" at gn2's linux expertise, (which definitely leaves me in the shade), but his rather arcane way of expressing this.