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kde error

Posted: Thu 01 Nov 2007, 15:45
by ejazjv
i have tmxxine 3.01 on live cd with pup save file and also vector linux 5.8 std gold on same partition

Posted: Thu 01 Nov 2007, 17:39
by Kal
If I understand you, you are trying to install kde357.sfs on tmxxine 3.01 and not a standard Puppy 3.01, as intended. Your setup may not be compatible with kirk's .sfs. The qt libraries are not happy with what you have, as you can see.

I think, I will try tmxxine 3.01, but it is a very slow download for me. Will PM you, if I have any luck. kirk's .sfs is one of best I have seen for KDE, but, of course he never tried it on tmxxine 3.01.

Good Luck, Kal

Running Puppy 3.01 with KDE 3.5.8

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2007, 17:05
by MU
I use the .sfs in Mupy008 pre-alpha, which is Puppy301 with some additional packages.
I got an ELF-error about libqt, so I installed qt338 with petget.

Then I exited X and typed:
xwin startkde

Now KDE launches fine.
Just some .desktop-entries are not shown in the menu, like xfe or firefox.
But most of Puppys/Muppys programs are listed.

Good work :-)


Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2007, 07:54
by Kal
If you noticed kirk has those qt libraries in the .sfs. It's the old problem of some .sfs files being blocked by the /initrd/pup_rw with either a .wh file or whatever. Tmxxine worked fine for me.

Good Luck, Kal


Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2007, 11:21
by ejazjv
finally i success i install qt3.3.8 now kde runing thanks for
kal ,mu
my second question is udev folder in i install cdma modem and i want to install rules file in udev i have huawei ets2551 cdma phone

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2007, 03:46
by kirk
I had posted this sfs file here and thought I wouldn't do anymore with it due to the udev/dbus/hal problem. But like a dog (or puppy :) ) returns to it's vomit, so have I. I've got a new sfs file with udev/dbus-messagebus/hal working. Want to hammer out a few problems, then I'll post it and see if it works for anyone else.

Ejazjv, maybe with the new sfs you can take a shot at writing udev rules for your phone.

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2007, 16:27
by kirk
I've updated the KDE357 sfs file.


* Added libtag to fix K3b complaining about no mp3.

* Fixed most file associations.

* Added knemo for network lights.

* Support for Battery life (Kpowersave)

* Added udev, messagebus, and hal daemons.

Potential problems:

* After booting the first time with the sfs file installed, when you click on a drive listed in the Storage Media folder, you may get an error message about permissions. Reboot boot to (hopefully) fix.

* When KDE launches if hal isn't running you'll get a crash message. Restart X or reboot.

* It's total crap and doesn't work at all. ( I've tested it on a grand total of 1 computer, sorry!)

The startkde script tries to launch all the daemons and set stuff up and then launches the original startkde, renamed startkde2. This would probably be more suited for a puplet than a sfs file.

I've put a link to the file on the original post.

Use a new pup_save file!!!!

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2007, 17:44
by MU

you will find several slackware-packages at:

and localization at:

They even started with 358:

But I think it could become a real mess starting to mix versions ;)


Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2007, 04:36
by Aung
I am trying to cconfigure kdenlive video editor with kde357.sfs installed by sfsinstaller_full-HD tar.gz and only got his far.

checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!

N-live is made only for KDE, why cant it slot straight in.
Or am I asking too much by trying to plonk a video editor into a mounted .sfs. I tried after running the xorg wizard and got the same thing. I would think that X is what puts the picture on the screen and is allready running.
What next? (give me ROX any day) (with a delete to garbage bin, default, that is)

can,t dail wvdial

Posted: Sun 25 Nov 2007, 21:12
by ejazjv
i make rules file for my huawei ets2551 cdma modem if i dial wvdial i have this error
" unionfs: unhasted dentry being revalidated : bin "
on dmesg -c command and /var/log is
" kern.debug kernel : unionfs :creat_parents failed for bindex = 1
pls help kirk thanks

Posted: Sun 25 Nov 2007, 22:49
by alienjeff
Out of morbid curiosity more than anything else, I'm wondering what the comparative boot times (from Grub boot selection-to-functional desktop) are for JWM vs KDE on a modern and legacy boxes of varying RAM configurations. For a point of reference, I've tweaked my initialization files to get this time down to 25-seconds (from a "stock" 35-seconds) with JWM in Puppy v2.12 full HD installation on a 600-MHz Celeron with 256M of RAM.

As much as I appreciate the standardization and cohesiveness of KDE, a mere fleeting glimpse of the DE makes me shudder in revulsion, as it's all too reminiscent of my year running Knoppix ... just couldn't seem to wrap my arms around it. The distro itself is wonderfully feature-rich, but I found the online community impersonal, emotionless and drone-like.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 04:02
by kirk

Sorry, I really have no idea. Unionfs does seem to post a lot of messages in dmesg, but most seem to be benign. You probably should try making it work with the standard puppy. Maybe you can find some instructions on the web on how to make it work without udev. (using mknod to make the nodes for the device if needed)


It's certainly slower with KDE. Slower still with the second one I posted. Slack 12's KDE requires Hal, Dbus, udev, and a few other services to work correctly. These sfs are experimental. The second sfs file that has hal & udev really should be part of a complete remake of puppy instead of a sfs file. I don't use KDE my self, but someone who has the interest, could make a version of puppy 3 with KDE that works pretty well.

The Slackware developers didn't have small and efficient on their minds when they built slack12. Lots of (needless?) dependencies. Glad to see the move back to T2.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 09:23
by Béèm
I installed this KDE sfs and started KDE.
One of the first things I noticed is, that in Konqueror I can't mount hda1 which is a ntfs partition. See picture.
I mounted it with pmount and then it worked.

I thought in Konqueror clicking on a storage media, which isn't mounted dick mount it automatically. Correct?

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 09:48
by Béèm
There are two programs I found interesting when I tried KDE quite some time ago now.
- Krusader (two pane file browser)
- Ksnapshot.

Did you look into these to be added in the future?

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 16:01
by kirk
I thought in Konqueror clicking on a storage media, which isn't mounted dick mount it automatically. Correct?
Yes in the second SFS file I posted it should, but it seems to be unstable. That error message usually means one of the services didn't start up. The first kde sfs file doesn't support mounting at all. So I put Pmount on the desktop. I'm going to edit the first post and mark the second sfs file as unstable it really should be part of a puplet.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:48
by Béèm
The second is the KDE357j.sfs, right?
That's the one I downloaded.

As for Krusader, Ksnapshot and eventually Knode, do you have plans?

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 22:33
by kirk
The second is the KDE357j.sfs, right?
Yes. Again it seems unstable. Sometimes I can make a pup_save file and use KDE357j.sfs and all works well reboot after reboot other times you'll get the message you posted. I ran into several Unionfs bugs that I tried to work around. But perhaps there's more. When I posted KDE357j.sfs I had a pup_save that was working well with it. Since then I've had the problem you saw. Probably should not have posted it. But perhaps someone can use it as part of a kde puplet.
As for Krusader, Ksnapshot and eventually Knode, do you have plans?
No, I've taken it as far as I'm going to. Gslapt may get those for you.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 22:46
by Béèm
Ok, I'll try the KDE357.sfs and see how it goes.
Having discovered other problems as well, I'll see if those are also in this one before reporting more.

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2007, 03:22
by richard.a
alienjeff wrote:The distro itself is wonderfully feature-rich, but I found the online community impersonal, emotionless and drone-like.
Jeff, this reminds me of many other so-called "communities".

One that frustrated me no end - and which I've abandoned - and its product - is the Free version of AVG anti-virus for Windows. I have need to run Win2000 on several machines on my LAN as an option.

They were absolutely no help over an update that turned the the product into a rogue elephant stomping around deleting plain html files and uninfected executables even on machines that don't actually go on-line, effective 31st October this year. It even said I had an infection that wasn't listed in their glossary!!

That upgrade, separately downloaded four different times to four different machines, had the same effect everywhere. And all they could do was bleat I'd posted in the wrong section of the forum.

Unbelievable :(

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2007, 03:25
by richard.a
Béèm wrote:I thought in Konqueror clicking on a storage media, which isn't mounted dick mount it automatically. Correct?
That's been my experience, in both Linux and BSD-Unix, with KDE.

Richard in Oz