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Posted: Wed 18 Jun 2008, 12:25

The basis of a good manual is that what is written is not based on hope - but can be trusted!

Painful though it is you should check everything you write by doing what you write. Then you rewrite it to correct the errors found from the experience!

Get yourself a copy of Puppy 4.

My intention here is not to be critical but to provide advice. I know how difficult it is to devote time to writing and applaud you and craftybytes for stepping up to the plate.


Posted: Wed 18 Jun 2008, 12:44
by oli
@craftybytes: You can't open the manual in the sandbox. Either the manual is at the publish area or it is in the sandbox. And because the main chapters like how to run and install Puppy 4.0 are finished I decided to move the English manual out of the sandbox into the publish area. So everything you change is for real.

In the sandbox you can try out what you want to do with the manual. For example you can copy the html-code of the manual page and paste it into a page of the sandbox. Then you try out and when everything is alright you copy the html-code back into the manual.

@puppyluvr: Please use Puppy 4.0 when you add or edit a page to/of the Puppy 4.0 manual. There are many changes from release to release. Only if the layout (e.g. colour) is different I sometimes keep the old screenshot (because it is a question of time and importance).

Posted: Wed 18 Jun 2008, 14:15
by puppyluvr
:D Oli

Will upgtade my Dingo asap from 3.98 to 4.00. Been ueing 3.98 for a while, and didnt
think there was any significant difference from 4.00.
I will go thru it again in 4.00 step by step like I did in 3.98 to see if the screenshots remain the same and change any that may be different. :oops:
My intention here is not to be critical but to provide advice.
I know, and it is very much appreciated, so please DO be critical as it is important to me to do this the best that I can. :D

@ Edit. Upgraded to 4.00 and went thru the process again, but I dont see any differences from 3.98 in the screenshots, so will leave them.
All future posting will be from 4.00. Thank You.. 8)

Posted: Wed 18 Jun 2008, 15:46
by alienjeff
First, thank you for stepping up to the plate in this project.
puppyluvr wrote::D <snip> :D <snip> :D <snip>

suggestions are greatly appreciated

<snip> :) <snip> :oops: <snip> :roll:<snip>
Suggestion #1 - Please ease up on the emoticons. This isn't AOL ... I hope they apply!!
Suggestion #2 - Don't hope. Make certain. An important key to successful editing is consistent attention to detail.

Posted: Wed 18 Jun 2008, 16:03
by HairyWill
Eagle eyed proof readers, reading the manual itself would be very helpful.

Posted: Wed 18 Jun 2008, 16:26
by puppyluvr

Sorry, I didnt know the smileys were so annoying, I will attempt to refrain.
Suggestion #2 - Don't hope. Make certain.
@ I have now made certain that there are no difference`s between
3.98 and 4.00 as far as the screenshots of WLAN setup are
concerned. I had truely forgotten I was on 3.98 until I had finished
and really had to sleep, so I figured I`d D/L 4.00 and check the next
morning, which I did.
@ Of course Ive read the 4.00 manual, (translated from German),
hence my choice of a section that was unfinished in either language
while using the 3.01 and 4.00 manuals as stylistic reference, to
(hopefully) maintain consistency, for the ease of the end user..

@ Well, I did ask for criticism, didnt I ?? Keep it up!! I just want to do the best job
I can, for the benefit of the end user, and for Puppy...

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 04:08
by craftybytes
@HairyWill -
Eagle eyed proof readers, reading the manual itself would be very helpful.
Yep - that is what I'm doing to start with - giving the whole Manual the once over to see if there is any spelling or mistranslations that need fixing - then I'll get more daring and try my hand with one or two of the sections that maybe need more elaboration for clarity..

Hopefully in my stumbles through the editing mash I don't misconstrue the concepts behind the use of Puppy and write something incorrectly or out of context..

Anyway I'm just happy to give something back to Puppy..


Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 08:22
by HairyWill
alexthedragon wrote:I will be happy to help with the English manual and I might even get the time to do a Danish one, though I might need a extra pair of hands for that one.
Sorry it has taken a couple of days to reply to this, your offer has forced us to think quite carefully about how things are organised.

The short response is that puppyluvr and craftybytes would be happy to have you work with them on the manual and I will change the status of your account on Welcome aboard.

Because you have not previously had a presence in the puppy community I am sure you can appreciate that there was a trust issue involved in granting you access to edit. This has forced the site admins to carefully consider how we can best facilitate contributions.

@all editors/translators
As the manual is in wiki format the role translator now has very similar rights to that of any registered user except that ordinary users cannot modify the manual. The revision tab should allow translators to revert back to earlier versions of a page and page deletion rights have been removed so it should now be impossible for a translator to irrevocably delete someone else's work. (If you find a way to do so, please let Tom know so that it can be tightened up). Hopefully the guaranteed ability to revert is more valuable than the ability to delete. Should you need to delete a page then please ask an admin, (raffy, hairywill, WhoDo, tombh, lobster, oli, prit)

I have also created a page which displays recent manual edits
this also has an rss feed associated with it

any problems, please shout

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 08:53
by craftybytes
Thanks Will..

Now that that has been sorted - I think it be time for us new 'maintainers/translators' to now get together and discuss our personal approaches and our perceived priorities towards editing the Manual - more for coordination purposes..

Should this be done in this particular thread or should we open a new topic to follow through..?

And if a new topic - still in this forum or in the sub-forum "Documentation Project" - as any ongoing queries / discussions are related to the Manual (thus 'documentation')..?



Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 12:58
by puppyluvr
@ When I go to the site and log in all is well. But if I go to the "Manual" tab it automatically logs me out. If I re-log-in again it navigates me away from the manual page, and when I attempt to return to the manual it logs me out again!! The wiki page..ect..doesnt do this, just the manual page.The edit button is there, but I cannot
input text as it says im not logged in. Have I been revoked???
Too many smileys in my posts perhaps????LOL

Now that that has been sorted - I think it be time for us new 'maintainers/translators' to now get together and discuss our personal approaches and our perceived priorities towards editing the Manual - more for coordination purposes..

I agree Crafty, do you use Gizmo??? A great way for us all to "chat together"

@Oli, I notice missing pages in the 301 manual, are we also free to add to/edit
the 301 manual as well???

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 13:23
by Lobster
Have I been revoked???
We had an informal admin meeting yesterday using Skype
HairyWill made a vey good point:

Translators and editors have to be protected - from themselves . . . it ensures that they avoid the embarrassment of deleting work or otherwise experimenting too enthusiastically.

Tom and Hairy are therefore in the process of invoking your participation . . .
Tom is available on Skype (as I believe you are - or are you on Gizmo - that is it - they are both on Gizmo too)
Both Tom and Hairy are very amenable if you wish to contact them with any questions

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 14:34
by Billwho?
Hi All
It seems that there are now plenty of translators and editors available for the Puppy 4 manual. But as I have been proof-reading the earlier English manuals for Oli I will keep poking around in them if nobody minds. If you add any new chapters to the earlier manuals send me a PM and I will run a second eye over them for you. Likewise if for some reason you would like me to have a look at the latest manual just send me a PM.

@Will. I do still have editor access don't I? (Haven't had to change much lately :) )

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 14:57
by HairyWill
I just logged in as an ordinary user and was able to view the manual fine.
I wonder if Tom screwed down the translator permissions a bit too tight yesterday. I've had a quick look and I can't see anything obvious.

just try it

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 15:42
by puppyluvr
ยป Access Denied
You are not authorized to access this page.
:( :cry:

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 16:06
by tombh
@puppyluvr: I'm pretty sure that's a cache problem. Try hard-refreshing with CTRL+F5 maybe, or clearing your browsers cache.

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 16:53
by puppyluvr
Cleared browser cache. now i can view the manual and remain logged in, however the edit function seems to be missing. I have View / Review but no edit..

@thanks for the ctrl/F5 trick!!!

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 17:11
by davidA
Hello everyone:

Here is a suggestion (from a new user perspective) that for reasons I am not aware of, may not be possible to put in place - regarding the ongoing maintenance of the manual:

It seems to me (that if many people will be working on maintaining it) that it would be wise for only one person to move (and review) the final edit (from the place where it is edited) to its final destination. This will protect the original copy from being accidentally damaged.

I am suggesting that the manual be developed in a different work area.

There are some very useful tools that allow a group of people to work together on projects, to easily make rollbacks, to do diffs, to compare with what has been written before.

One such (very simple) tool is. Likely there are many similar ones; there may even be a tool in the existing Wiki, where this can be accomplished.


Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 17:43
by tombh
@puppyluvr: just havin me dinner, so didn't have much time to check thwat out, but made one little change. Does it work now?

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 18:42
by alexthedragon
Thank you HairyWill, I believe you are right to act with caution, it is after all just common sense. In time I am sure I will earn everyones trust. ;-)

Thank you for the new status, now I just need to learn the ropes and were in business.

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 20:00
by puppyluvr
:D Hello Tombh,

Now I can edit the title of a page, but not the body!!!! Only the title is highlighted for editing!!! :D
Sorry... :(