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Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2009, 05:48
by Iguleder
It fails after the modules, yes, the chroot thing, but the devx is needed only for the strip command so it cannot be this. However, the "find" package is not copied for some reason, I'll try to copy all packages to the build before the chroot stage to see if it works.

I'm very very very busy, so this might take some time.

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2009, 06:02
by plaguedogs
im stuck at ./2create packages. i have tried everything i can think of. when it runs i get "Preprocessing slackware 13.0 pkgs database" then a new terminal line. it looks like i make it to line 45. my scripting skills dont go much farther than "hello world" so i dont know what to make of line 46. most of the time i run a puppy i built with woof, based on 4.30, k (so i can have sound) but for this slack 13 business i started with a fresh 4.3.1. i tried the latest woof and the older one, 20091024B & 20091016. i dont know......i got really excited when i saw my txz folder filling up. im going to try again.

anyways, the pkgtools pet in the earlier post doesn't install anything for me. its an empty pet. i rebuilt it. it also contains tar 1.22.
in retrospect, i probably shouldn't have included tar

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2009, 07:33
by plaguedogs
here is my fixed spup. i changed the pup to pdp so there is no confusion between the real spups and my edited version. pdp=plague dogs puplet

here is some info....this puplet was based on my stock spup, its running kernel, all the problems i could find in the initial build have been fixed to the best of my ability. abiword has been upgraded to 2.6.6, geany has been downgraded to .17. other fixes include leafpad, xine, gparted and the puppy package manager. nico edit is broke. the iso weighs in at 124 megs with a zdrv. if you follow this thread you will see that the other half of our 2 man development team is working on .txz support, but this build is based on 12.2. if you desire a devx or kernel headers for your compiling needs, check the first post.

woof woof

almost forgot the md5: 127c82b933181bcffeea015142312499

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2009, 18:21
by Iguleder
My router is half dead, it works for 5 mins and restarts for some reason. I am posting this post in that 5 minutes gap I have.

I'll try to fix the ./3builddistro script, I think I found the fix, findutils isn't copied. I hope it's going to work. :wink:

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 03:28
by James C
I downloaded and did a quick test of SPDP 432 running live and I was impressed by being able to install Slackware packages so easily. Installed Firefox 3.0.4, no menu entry but launched and ran fine from the terminal. Fixed a menu entry and had a working FF from the menu....

I built my own Spup earlier in Woof development and package management was my headache....looks like you're well on the way to solving that situation.

Great job so far.... :)

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 06:09
by plaguedogs
now im installing stuff via netpkg from, tgz, txz, tlz. its working great.

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 11:30
by Iguleder
Today I'm very very busy with my studies, but I'll try to fix the ./3builddistro script, my router is finally back.

I think the problem is that the findutils package (the "find" command) isn't copied, and ./3builddistro cannot use it.

If this works, I'll build a spup from Slack 13, I'll call it spup-460, then I'll start messing around with it till 470-480. When it's ready, the plan is to add control panels, wizards, tweaks, replace applications, etc'.

We should make a pack of netpkg and pkgtools built-in, that can be used in all spup builds. The Zenwalk packages are i486, just like Slack and Puppy, so we can use them directly.

I think we should work on spup based on Slack 12.2 until we get Woof working with 13 as it should ... the same fixes can be later applied on the 13 spup. What we did so far is indeed a great job, your spup build is awesome, and Slackware 13 support is on the way, I hope I'll eventually get it to work.

Another thing I must note is that we need some versioning system. I think we should reserve some build numbers for Slack 12.2-based builds, later numbers for 13 alphas, later ones for beta and RC builds, and make 500 the final destination.

Oh, and we also need to determine the goals of spup and choose what to include in it that makes it different from dpup, because Debian and Slackware are very similar. I think our best bet is trimming it to be <=120 MB and keep it backwards compatible (i486), so it appeals more to Puppy fans and better fits the Puppy agenda.

EDIT: two first goals: Seamonkey 2 and Netpkg+XNetpkg.

EDIT 2: fixed it, the gzip package was compressed in .tar.gz and not in .txz like the others, added it, now it seems to work. My router died again, I'll try to build an spup-13 and if it works I'll upload screenies unless my router won't let me.

EDIT 3: isn't extracted for some reason.

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 17:23
by Iguleder
Made spup-460 using Woof, now it's time to test it. It's quite big. 114 MB ISO.


Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 22:42
by raffy
You can share it at

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 01:12
by plaguedogs
if you can get your router working, upload 460 and the new scripts. im so happy you got your iso built. im still stuck at ./2createpkgs.

i agree with you all the way, i486, 120megs.

i would also like to see netpkg/pkgtools built in. one problem with netpkg is that it doesnt know whats allready in the system. it tries to install dependencies that have already been met. maybe its just a matter of typing up a list to put into /var/log/packages for netpkg to reference while trying to resolve new dependencies. on the other hand, adding repos to puppys package manager looks pretty easy
seamonkey 2 is essential. its introduction to puppy is long overdue. but many puppy apps depend on the old seamonkey, i hope seamonkey2 can satisfy these other apps. ill see how it behaves tonight.
for the core iso i would like to try and stick with puppys standard apps as much as possible. i do like how lighthouse and muppy had special sfs's to add groups of extra apps. as far as version numbering goes, 460-469 sounds good to me. good luck with 460.

im going to look into linking /root/.packages to /var/log/packages, or figure something out to make the package managers play nice.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 07:01
by plaguedogs
seamonkey 2 should be an easy addition, this evening i had it installed in usr/lib just like the old one. the first things i noticed are the ugly fonts like default firefox. also when i try to run composer from the menu, it puts up a dialog that says to start it from a running mozilla window. both of these issues can be resolved with minimal effort.

tonight i built a pet for xz and netpkg with a little pinstall script, but when i installed it for a quick test, it didn't quite work right. ill fix it tomorow.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 14:05
by Iguleder
The spup-460 build didn't boot, kernel panic. I'll try to rebuild it. About the scripts, I'm still working on it, I used the Woof fixes I uploaded previously.

The ISO was built without all modules, so maybe that's the reason it didn't boot, if I remember right 4.3 had the same problem without the zdrv, so I'll make another 460 with all modules, in the main SFS.

For some reason I don't believe we'll get Slack 13 to work ... :x

I got it to extract all packages, and the ./3builddistro step was smooth, but things like kernel panics are too much for my limited knowledge. I really really hope I'll be able to find the cause for this issue. If I don't, I'll try to get the Slackware kernel package and maybe even recompile it for Puppy with sfs support, it's 2.6.29.

Regarding applications, etc', I agree with you, it's better to keep spup closer to Puppy by including all default applications and replacing only problematic or outdated ones, and maybe even some applications that we find inferior to other alternatives. You're right about SM2, 1.1.18 is better, we should follow the "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" rule and keep it until 2 is proved to be stable.

And last thing, I think the 120 MB barrier will be very hard to avoid.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 18:27
by plaguedogs
i have had a couple isos panic and refuse to boot. i thought is was the zdrv too. when i rebuilt them with no zdrv, all went well. i think your close. very close.
as for the 120 megs, when i built my fixed iso at 124megs, i included xine-libs. if i remember correctly, the package was 6 or 8 megs. when i was testing the stock spup, i ran xine and only tested it quickly with a movie i had on my local machine. it played the audio but no video, so i added the xine libs. a few days ago i noticed that i was testing it with a .mov file, not an avi. to make a long story short, i might be able to get away with cutting down that package a little, while providing the same functionality as a regular puppy, and get a little closer to the 120 megs. i also left in some abiword templates for other languages that were not in the offical puppy builds. they are not very big, but i can cut those out too.

im still trying to make myself an spup with a 29.6 kernel, but im still having problems with the kernel sources. actually, i tried one with 27.29 kernel, but it panicked and i couldn't be bothered to build it again because i couldn't find an sfs for its sources. i might try again and build my own kernel source sfs for it. i need smp, uniproc makes me feel crippled.

in the mean time, ive committed to a field trip at my kids school, and halloween is pretty big deal at my house, so life goes on.

i think we are doing a good job at pursuing spup, im also having a lot of fun doing it.

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009, 06:33
by plaguedogs
zpm, cli version of zendo. i built it for spup, but i dont see why it wont work for regular pup. now you can install tgz, txz and tlz from the zenwalk repos. it runs very quick and has detailed dependency checking. it downloads packages to /var/packages, installs them, leaves a list of installed files in /var/log/packages.
a good start is to query the mirror with -q, ex.

Code: Select all

zpm -q zsnes
type "zpm --help" for more options.
more info at:

it includes all dependencies, pkgtools-13, xz-4.999.8b, & tar-1.22

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009, 17:06
by Iguleder
I tried to make one without the zdrv, same result. It also has many defective symlinks and I've noticed that /usr/share/applications and /usr/share/pixmaps,icons have many missing files.

I'll try to fix it again ... this weekened I'm very busy with physics, I'll se what I can do. I'm also working on my own distro, so it's another time consumer.

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009, 23:23
by plaguedogs
in the high pressure, frozen gas fields of northern alberta we have an expression: the 36 hour day.
i think it fits into hacker culture quite nicely
sorry to here about your iso. im going to focus on my 12.2 version. ill call it #450, maybe 451 by the time im happy with it. i'll be shooting for the 120 meg threshold and trying to get icons in the menu. im a master of icewm, but the jwm menus have me a little baffled at this point.
im pretty happy with the pet i posted above, but i would be more happy if i could make zpm installed packages show up in puppys user installed packages file. i might have to learn some more advanced scripting techniques.

good luck with physics, its a heavy subject.


grub is broke in my puplet, one for the bug fix list. note to self.....


scratch that, i dont think grub is broken.....i think the click click gui is broken, some gtk problem. i think i discussed this with another forum member a few months ago. kinda makes me want to use lilo.
lilo is so easy...... as long as you can remember how to spell "L-I-L-O"

heres a lilo entry for a frugal puppy

Code: Select all

# Puppy Linux
image = /boot/puppy/vmlinuz
    root = /dev/ram0
    label = Puppy
    initrd = /boot/puppy/initrd.gz
    append = "pfix=ram"

Posted: Sun 08 Nov 2009, 04:11
by plaguedogs
im stumped . i cant seem to get grub fixed. the quick and easy grub setup was the reason i downloaded puppy in the first place, back in 2.13. ive done a couple rebuilds and tried to strip my iso down, but im not loosing any weight. a couple kb here and there, but nothing substantial. so there it is... my iso is on the first page of this thread.

i ve had to take a low paying job. my high paying job has sort of gone the way of the dodo, having to work twice as much.... im not left with an abundance of terminal time. i will be hacking at this for a while, as it is the only puppy im running. any questions about the build can be posted here.

Posted: Mon 09 Nov 2009, 19:07
by Iguleder
I'm very very busy ... no time for spup. If I find any free time, I'll see what I can do.

Posted: Fri 13 Nov 2009, 18:42
by WireWulf
spup good idea i been working on my own version but keep failing short of geting everything i need for it to work

Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2009, 06:05
by plaguedogs
im back at it
i got grub working, easy workaround.. i replaced bk's super hacked grubconfig with one i found on freshmeat from 2003. it works perfect. i tried editing the universal installer to to use it, but it's a little above my skill level, maybe ill look at it again on the weekend.
as is, the universal installer will get the kernel into /boot, but then exits after making an empty /boot/grub dir. ive been testing frugal and full installs. both work, you just have to unmount the target partition, and run the new grubconfig ( its in the menu, right where its always been).

other than that, im pretty happy with the iso. ill get it uploaded somewhere over the weekend.

i also need to decide on a version #, maybe 450, 460? i should use 486, lol get it .... spup_486 for i486 ...... lol , im going to bed, today at work, i kicked a piece of wire mesh (for concrete) and it pierced my boot and went in to my foot, yay .... gory boots of blood, it kinda ruined my day,