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Posted: Wed 17 Feb 2010, 18:53
by goingsolar

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 08:41
by disciple
There must be a simpler fix out there somewhere that would work in all puppies.
In Dillo's preferences file tell it to use Times New Roman, Arial and Courier? (Or some other fonts that you have and like). Of course your fonts will still look pretty rubbish until you disable all forms of antialiasing and enable BCI hinting :)

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 12:30
by ttuuxxx
disciple wrote:
There must be a simpler fix out there somewhere that would work in all puppies.
In Dillo's preferences file tell it to use Times New Roman, Arial and Courier? (Or some other fonts that you have and like). Of course your fonts will still look pretty rubbish until you disable all forms of antialiasing and enable BCI hinting :)
yes and this murga-linux forum fonts look like crap, well that is because murga-linux uses "MS fontsTrebuchet MS" :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 17:27
by upnorth
Thanks for the suggestion. Adding those ttf fonts might do the trick,
I'm still pretty happy with the font rendering in general. I use either dejavu or bitstream vera. The default antialiasing and hinting are fine at least for a 14" crt. :wink:

In dillo now, the forum appears exactly as it does in firefox - pretty doggone close, anyway. The problem was that the old X11 bitmap font (/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/helvB10-ISO8859-1.pcf) was being displayed instead of a scaleable ttf. This occured with a common stylesheet reference like:
* General rules: Font, Color, Headings, Margins, Links
body,td,th { font-family: arial, helvetica, helv, sans-serif; }"
" /* General font families for common tags */
font,th,td,p { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif }"

In the puppies, the .pcf font had deference over the .ttf font only with css directives like above. Here, the sans-serif specification should cause a ttf font to be displayed, I think. ??

The dillorc default of #font_sans_serif="DejaVu Sans" or "Bitstream Vera Sans" is sufficient. On other systems, even if you don't have dejavu fonts, the closest matching sans-serif ttf is displayed. On most systems, the important thing to change is the default #font_monospace.

In dpup now, I only have the default fonts.conf fonts.dtd conf.avail conf.d from the deb fontconfig-config package in place and everything is working great. I've since done the same thing in quirky but added the 70-no-bitmaps.conf symlink to conf.d and moved the helv*.pcf fonts back to their proper location and everything is good there.
In puppy431, I still have the helv.pcf fonts stashed away, It works, but it's a dirty hack. I borked quirky once when I was experimenting, then fixed it :shock:

The fonts.dtd shows there is a syntax to deference, prefer, reject fonts for different font families but thats all new for me for now.

Anyway, Thanks to Aragon for making this available :D

geometry problem -- (kind of solved?)

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 04:26
by don922
Here is the code setting the browser size in /root/.dillo/dillorc

Code: Select all

# Set the desired initial browser size
# geometry=650x545+0+20
This has been working and setting the size for several days, however, today when I started the browser the geometry was 558X385. This "new geometry" has continued through several restarts. Nothing changed in the dillorc entry.

What is causing the startup geometry to be different than what is specified in the dillorc?

EDIT: I can't figure out why it worked for a few days then stopped............

How do I fix it?

EDIT: I fixed it by setting the geometry to 700x715. This gives the screen geometry that I want, ie, 630x550.

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 06:44
by disciple
well that is because murga-linux uses "MS fontsTrebuchet MS"
Interesting... but does that mean you actually have that font installed? Otherwise it would use your default font.

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 07:06
by ttuuxxx
disciple wrote:
well that is because murga-linux uses "MS fontsTrebuchet MS"
Interesting... but does that mean you actually have that font installed? Otherwise it would use your default font.
Not sure on that disciple, well with dillo anyways, I set the fonts with the pet I provided above, all the sites fonts looked great, but when I went to the fonts were terrible, that's what gave me the notion to see what is up with the fonts on this forum.

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 23:53
by mrj
Using Dillo 2.2 in Pizzasgood's multiuser puppy linux 4.2.1's
forum looks good. But to make forum look acceptable to me
in puppy linux 4.3.1 with Dillo 2.2 I go to "Tools" and uncheck "Use embedded CSS"

One odd thing I've found with Dillo 2.2 is that it no longer shows
the following webpage properly; ... ric_e.html

Now it wants to save it as a file instead of displaying it.

Missing the Options menu under View

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 13:34
by don922
I really miss the Options menu under View, that is included in dillo 0.8.6-i18n-misc.

This is a much easier way to make "on the fly" adjustments to the browser rather than opening up dillorc and trying to figure out not only what to adjust but, also, how to make the adjustment.

For example I wanted to get rid of the white background in dillo 0.8.6-i18n-misc it took less than one minute to adjust the background to an eye-pleasing light gold color.

Not including this menu is a real step backwards for dillo 2.2.

fontconfig-config (x11 bitmap fonts vs freetype)

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 23:55
by upnorth
This is for testing only

This pet will fix the issue with the incorrect font being displayed on some html pages. This issue can occur with dillo2+ and opera10+ web browsers, but usually not Moz. It is possible that it occurs with other applications. This is characterized by squares appearing in place of some characters, a general jagged appearance, and improper sizing.

What is occuring is that the old nonscaleable X11 bitmap fonts are being displayed instead of the expected ttf font: [helv*.pcf instead of the intended sans-serif ttf, and tim*.pcf instead of the intended serif ttf or the alternate type 1 pfb font.] This happens when a sylesheet or embedded html specifies something like: body,td,th { font-family: arial, helvetica, helv, sans-serif; } or
<FONT FACE="Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Times, Serif".

The pet will only install files to the /etc/fonts folder. It will overwrite the default fonts.conf and add two subdirectories: conf.avail & conf.d. The conf.d folder only contains symlinks to the xml files in conf.avail.

Although this pet can be installed or uninstalled cleanly, you should definately place a copy of your current /etc/fonts folder into your home directory prior to installing. This way you will have a copy of your original configuration should you ever need it. This is especially true with full hard installs of Puppy,

This has only been tested in Puppy431, Dpup484b4, the Quirkys, Spup, newer Slaxer_pups and shouldn't be installed in anything older.

The net effect of this pet is to block the availability of Bitmap Fonts to most applications. This effect can be nullified by removing the symlink "70-no-bitmaps.conf" from /etc/fonts/conf.d, then run fc-cache -f if necessary. If you want to reenable it, ctrl-shift-drag the 70-no-bitmaps.conf in /etc/fonts/conf.avail to /etc/fonts/conf.d.

These url's provide a good overview of the font system:

This is for testing only

fontconfig for quirky

Posted: Sun 04 Apr 2010, 15:51
by upnorth
If you are using quirky, there is now a full fontconfig pet from coolpup:

crappy fonts in dillo or opera

Posted: Fri 09 Apr 2010, 17:28
by upnorth
Here is the simpler and smaller fix for the "dot matrix font" pita. Assuming the default /etc/fonts of a standard puppy: Insert this code into your /etc/fonts/local.conf file just above the </fontconfig> tag.

ADDED NOTE: you can add this to your /root/.fonts.conf if you prefer.

Code: Select all

     <patelt name="scalable"><bool>false</bool></patelt>
When you are done your local.conf will appear as:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations -->
  Enable sub-pixel rendering
	<match target="font">
		<test qual="all" name="rgba">
		<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
     <patelt name="scalable"><bool>false</bool></patelt>

thanks for mikeb's jan23 post

In some situations, a reboot may be necessary.

Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2010, 03:21
by technosaurus
there are quite a few patches for the good old gtk1 version here:
and here: ... -splitted/

I found the second set here: ... 870&page=6
along with an explanations
Yes, I recall what they were for .

The patches on are for the following:

dillo-0.8.6-file.patch - Make opening local files work (code: loads the file in its entirety to memory and feeds that to the parser; not optimal but was the easiest route)
dillo-0.8.6-iliad-support.patch - Page scroll with left mouse button instead of middle button; this is: when you drag the page with the stylus, it scrolls (code: swap the references to left mouse button with the ones for middle mouse button in some places; add the list of changes in the about page).
dillo-0.8.6-next-v3.patch - If you press the next button (right arrow in the toolbar) and there is no next page in the page cache history, it will try to guess the next page and load it; did it to act as a rough comic book viewer (code: look for the last number in the URL, increment it and try to load that page)
dillo-0.8.6-utf8-support-v2.patch - Some support for utf-8 pages, so that it can show properly the Spanish Wikipedia; only supports the latin1 part of utf-8, and only transforms the pages that announce themselves as utf-8 (code: if the page advertises itself as utf-8, convert the latin1 utf-8 codes to latin1 codes; latin1 is iso-8859-1 codepage, the one supported in dillo 0.8.6).

And that's all. The patches are simple but not trivial. They just make dillo more usable on the iliad (at least for me .

So, apply them to your build (they don't cause unstabilities AFAIK ). Also, you should modify the about page in dillo-0.8.6-iliad-support.patch to note your changes/additions .

P.S.: About the dillo2 port: the fixed font is installed (the X server won't start without it), so that error is strange.

P.S.2: Ups! Those posts are material for the devel's corner...

Re: crappy fonts in dillo or opera

Posted: Mon 10 May 2010, 03:50
by redandwhitestripes
upnorth wrote:Here is the simpler and smaller fix for the "dot matrix font" pita. Assuming the default /etc/fonts of a standard puppy: Insert this code into your /etc/fonts/local.conf file just above the </fontconfig> tag.......

In some situations, a reboot may be necessary.
Worked a charm without reboot, thanks.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 20:51
by upnorth
Just found this on the dillo-dev mail list @ ... 07614.html

Might be helpfull for some.

What exactly does not work? Are you seeing little square instead of
tamil characters?
In that case you can try to install FreeSans and FreeSerif, which
are part of the freefont package.
Then change the fonts in your dillorc to:


Note however, that you might also need to force the use of these new
default fonts in case the webpage chooses a different font
explicitely. To do that add e.g.

* {font-family: sans-serif !important}

to your ~/.dillo/style.css file.

Hope that helps,

Posted: Sun 06 Feb 2011, 00:08
by Karl Godt
about :
there are quite a few patches for the good old gtk1 version here:
dillo-0.86-orig [./configure --prefix=/opt/DILLO && make install [inst: 497KB,pet: 226KB]] :
Die Deckenhöhe in den Wohnungen beträgt 2,50 m und die Betondeckenhöhe 0,18m .
Ich habe für mich in der 20. Etage eine ungefähre Höhe von 55 Metern über Grund
patched [./configure --prefix=/opt/DILLO && make install [inst: 729KB,pet:313KB]] :
Die Deckenhöhe in den Wohnungen beträgt 2,50 m und die Betondeckenhöhe 0,18m .
Ich habe für mich in der 20. Etage eine ungefähre Höhe von 55 Metern über Grund
which is as it should be :)

about :
This is statically compiled agains fltk.
Which means compiled dynamically with a static compiled fltk[2] :?:

LDFLAGS="-static" did compile some [/usr/local/lib/dillo/]dpi/*/*.dpi of [7]*440-450KB stripped without the dillo main bin and the downloads.dpi .
CC="diet gcc" had been even worse .

I compiled "dillo-2.2 ./configure --prefix=/opt/DILLO-2 && make install" with a "fltk-2.0.x-r8323 --enable-shared" and the whole dillo became half the size [inst: 739KB,pet: 299KB]

New Dillo

Posted: Mon 01 Aug 2011, 19:47
by session
I love this browser; today I inadvertently discovered Dillo-2.2.1 has recently been released and version 3 (a port to the actively-developed FLTK-1.3) is just around the corner.

Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2011, 12:34
by ichaochao

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2011, 21:53
by mrreality13
Any one make a pet yet of dillo 3? :P

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2011, 01:59
by Dingo For Puppy 5.2.5
- direct download

compiled with ssl and ipv6 support

next days I'll make also dillo for 3.01 and 4.3.1 puppy