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Re: jre-

Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2012, 07:46
by shinobar
Monsie wrote: Should I un-install it first before updating to your new version?
Yes unload the old and then load the new.


Posted: Wed 14 Mar 2012, 21:13
by shinobar
Updated to jre-

Need a PET for PPM users

Posted: Wed 14 Mar 2012, 21:53
by gcmartin
Might you consider making available the PET, please. LIve media users do have any means to have a SFS carry over from session to session. ... unless of course, you change Barry's system for Live media.

Thanks in advance

Re: Need a PET for PPM users

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 12:14
by shinobar
gcmartin wrote:LIve media users do have any means to have a SFS carry over from session to session. ... unless of course, you change Barry's system for Live media.
I think the multisession Live CD is still experimental, but you can try the sfs_load-1.3.9, built-in the most recent dpup and slaco beta.


Posted: Sat 17 Mar 2012, 01:17
by shinobar
fix was missing mozilla plug-in
jre- from

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2012, 00:25
by playdayz
jre- is working nicely in Lupu Libre, for both Libre Office and Google Chrome. Thanks.

jre-, jre-

Posted: Mon 06 Aug 2012, 06:10
by shinobar
Updated jre-, jre-
May works on any Puppy 4.x/5.x.

The browser plug-in of jre-1.7.x may not work on Seamonkey. Use jre- in this case.

Posted: Sun 02 Sep 2012, 16:54
by darkcity
I am using a program called Jubler. It works with Java 1.6 but not 1.7. Is it possible to install two different versions of java?

Posted: Sun 02 Sep 2012, 17:30
by gcmartin
This a good option for those who use SFSs. But Puppy PPM is PET oriented. I know this has been requested before, but could these also be made available in PET format as it would cover both communities.

I am just one of a few DVD ISO with save-session use over the past 4-5 years. This approach from Barry and the community works. I did not understand the reference of "experimental" made earlier. If that is published somewhere, please direct us as Barry may consider addressing it. Also, I have not seen any statement anywhere which indicates that Puppy is moving away from traditional PPM use to a SFS based type of package manager, thus ceasing use of PETs.

Maybe its time I ask the more obvious question: Is there something that is done when this is created as an SFS versus what occurs when its a PET?

I ask because I have seen, for example, where the SAMBA SFS was actually no bigger (or smaller) than the SAMBA PET from those developers who provide both.

By asking this question, I, BY NO MEANS, am asking for any change in any direction. I am just trying to envision if there is reasoning I should be aware of. I am merely looking at the current systems implementation and current awareness of packing approaches (PETs and SFSs)

If someone would explain this, this could reduce these requests.

Thanks, in advance, for any understanding.


Posted: Sun 02 Sep 2012, 19:34
by tlchost
When possible, it would be nice to have an sfs file for the new jre1.7.0_07



Posted: Sun 02 Sep 2012, 22:15
by Makoto
Yeah... I've got both Firefox and Seamonkey complaining every time I start them because I have 1.7.0_05 installed (and Java disabled in both browsers, but it still complains :? ).

I'd try installing it myself (I have the .tar.gz version downloaded), but I don't know how - or the extra links and such shinobar included with his SFS versions. :(

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 13:57
by xman
It's time to use 6u35 or 7u7.

In 6u34 and 7u6 and earlier versions of java there were security holes which were and are exploited in the wild by criminals. "Due to the severity of these vulnerabilities, the public disclosure of technical details and the reported exploitation of CVE-2012-4681 "in the wild," Oracle strongly recommends that customers apply the updates provided by this Security Alert as soon as possible", ... 35715.html.

jre-, jre-

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 16:49
by shinobar
UPDATE: 2012-09-04
jre- and jre- Note that the browser plug-in of JAVA 7 may not work on Seamonkey. Use the JAVA 6 (jre-1.6.x) in this case.
Both from

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 21:30
by Makoto
Thanks! Everything seems to be working great (including LibreOffice :) ). The Java plugin seems to be working with both Seamonkey and Firefox, here.

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2012, 23:01
by Hugh
Shinobar, thank you for your work with JRE
and the various sfs files you've created!!!

You've made the process of installing JAVA
into Puppy incredibly easy and effective.

I've just added it to SolidPup 5.1.1 and it
passed the Test.

Next I need to try and see if MineCraft will
function in this environment. My Grandson
is hooked on MineCraft and I'm striving to
set it up in Puppy to enable him to break
away from Windows. I'll report back as soon
as we try it...
- - - - - - - - - -
11 Oct 2012
My Grandson's computer is a Sony Vaio
VGCRB30 model (3.0 GHz P4, 2 GB RAM)
and SolidPup plus Shinobar's jre installed
work well up to a point. Running Minecraft
in java brings up the login page ok, but for
some reason the login will not accept any
input from the keyboard.

Would anyone have any idea why this is
so? Is it a hardware incompatibility?

We've also tried in on a Dell GX260 with
SolidPup and jre and it works completely;
login is successful and the game begins.
Unfortunately this machine only has
512 MB of RAM so it is very, very sluggish.
Once we upgrade RAM to a sufficient level
perhaps it will do what we want.

This is our first attempt to install and use
java for any application so it is a rather
exciting adventure.

Thanks are extended to Asterisk as well!

...More to come...


Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 16:03
by linux_guy
It's working with Firefox 16.0.2 on Slacko 5.3.3, except here: I use other java pages, including my company's choice of VPN (Juniper) and it works great.
Makoto wrote:Thanks! Everything seems to be working great (including LibreOffice :) ). The Java plugin seems to be working with both Seamonkey and Firefox, here.

jre-, jre-

Posted: Mon 29 Oct 2012, 13:42
by shinobar
UPDATE: jre- and jre-

Re: jre-, jre-

Posted: Mon 29 Oct 2012, 16:41
by tlchost
shinobar wrote:UPDATE: jre- and jre-
.09 works fine in Slacko 5.3.3 seems not to be detected in Beta 2 running on a bootable USB drive.



Posted: Wed 11 Sep 2013, 12:20
by shinobar

Posted: Wed 11 Sep 2013, 12:42
by Semme