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example no 3 : to form a police photography of a bandit

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 18:50
by puppytutorial
example no 3 : to form a police photography of a bandit (for example front + two little side pictures at the bottom)

you all know the reception's pictures make in Alcatraz or other prisons.


make 1 of 3! a big one on top and 2 half sized one at the bottom! such combinations picture are usual in different field of the web: animal lover pages etc. where people shows her collection of pets

they are easy to make with mTpaint.

1st step: pick up the 2 pictures from Dillinger

I did find above picture here: ... =229&h=300

I open the picture in the browser as it is in *.jpg format and Seamonkey will open it willing.

after that I open in Seamonkey the zoom:

view > zoom >> double size (200 %)

and make a first snap shot of the screen as explained above and extract one of both portraits:


and save it in /root/

After that, I do the same with the other picture:


and save also it in /root/.

But I have no third picture :cry: !

If I have luck, no problem with mTpaint :wink:

I open the second picture with mTpaint and make following manipulation:

- Ctrl A to select all the picture

- Ctrl M to flip it horizontally

(step by step:

- Selection > select all

- Image > Flip horizontally )

I save the false picture in /root/ like the other both, and think «I have now my 3 pictures!» :oops: (sorry, but the third one is not true... :roll: )!

but to explain how to manage that job, it is completely the same as if the 3rd picture would be true!

2d step: Manage the size of the final picture:

- open first the front picture with mTpaint.

- hit on the short cut «Page Down» ; you see now following screen content:


The short cut «Page Down» did activate the procedure Image > Resize canvas ! With it, you can increase the size of the original picture.


You will have if finish a global picture with the 2 other pictures at the food :wink: !

On my screen, I can read that the original width is 145 and the original height is 204.

The other 2 pictures will probably have the same size as it seems on the original picture on the web...

If I want 2 little pictures at the food of the front picture, they have to be half the size of the front picture! The needed final heigh is 204 * 1,5 = 306 :wink:

As no supplementary width is needed, I erase the selection's mark in the selection's field «Fix aspect ratio» :


The new picture has immediately a food array in red that I can use for other news details on the picture.


As the red colour disturb me, I will change it immediately and go to

Palette > Edit Colour A & B (Short cut Ctrl E if you prefer)

Following Submenu appears:


You see that the colour A is red (and the color B black) and will change i!

Hit on the little white field marked with the red arrow and the long red field also marked with an other red arrow will immediately appear half in red and half in white (because you did hit on the white colour). The colour of A left in the top is now white. Hit on «ok» and close the submenu.

After that, activate the «Flood Fill» Icon in the Icon bar of mTpaint (see the 2 other arrows) and hit on the red part of the image to change it colour from red into white!

3d step: drag and drop the 2 other pictures on it and manage her size:

Now drag and drop the 2 side pictures with the mouse on mTpaint. Move a little the picture as the have the same size and will probably cover each other! After moving her position, my picture sees as follow:


the last picture that I did move appears in the left side of the window, the processing side of the splited window, ready to be managed.

- Ctrl A will mark it all (Selection > Select all)

- Page Up invokes Image > Scale Canvas

- the usual sub menu opens and as you know the wished High that you did calculate before to increase the front picture, you enter that value into the second line (in my case 102)

- the first side picture did shrink adequate and you can move it at the right place on the front picture with the mouse. Move now the other one to bring it into the left part of the mTpaint window:


make the same thing with the false :? view I did make myself and finish the complete picture:


last step: to finish save the composite picture

(it is also possible to save all the layers if you prefer!)

goto the subregister

Layer > Save Composite Image !

post 597818 created by user «oui»


reserved for a French translation

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 22:39
by puppytutorial
reserved for a French translation

reserved for a German translation

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 22:40
by puppytutorial
reserved for a German translation

example no 4 : picture only from a silhouette

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 22:45
by puppytutorial
As we did see in the precedent example, each picture has her own size.

The size can be really equivalent to the picture surface: the picture covers all the surface of the virtual page!

Or the picture is smaller and the red or white parts at the sides is an great inconvenient to realize photo montages...

Better is to have silhouette pictures without any rand at all sides!

1st step - draw the limit with the Polygon selection


You see the Polygon selection icon marked with a fat red arrow on above picture.

Hit on hit.

You now can proceed to limit your picture in two way:

1TH WAY: you hit (left mouse key as usual) on the picture, move the mouse to a new point after a short way on the picture following the contour of the flower and hit again - the Polygon selection marks the line and holds it. You can so delimit a Polygon round about the flower. At the end, as you are coming back to the start point, you hit a last time with the left key and immediately do the same again with the right key! The polygon is now closed!

2D WAY: you can try to draw round about the flower by pressing all the time on the left key and get a contour following exactly the real contour of the flower...
... if you're lucky :wink: . it is a little difficult if you have no experience or a bad mouse (* and as the Polygon selection has a snap comportment to allow to close the polygon at the end, it may happen, that the snap line starts to early!

2d step: bring the picture into the buffer

Hit now on the Copy icon:


see for the red arrow on the picture.

DON'T FORGET TO DO IT IMMEDIATELY: the contour selection is very «sensitive» and you can lose your long work very fast...

The colour of the Paste icone is now changed and shows that somewhat is in the Paste buffer

After this step, it would be possible to process more the picture (change the size, add arrows, etc. ...)

Remark: for such complex pictures, you need probably some time to do it exactly but you can't stop and save an intermediate stand of process! please consider this difficulty: you need time!

3thd step : bring the buffer into a new layer

Transmit that Somewhat to a new layer, it is your rose:



Image > Paste to new layer


and save it!



File > Save

Here is your picture:


as it opens now in the viewnior image viewer from Puppy linux by hitting on it with the mouse!

You can see that I did now really meet with all the contours. It would be possible to add next steps to amend it now.

If you want to do that, please save better in *.png format.


(* = it was possible in the Puppy versions till Puppy 4.* to install a «Wacom graphic tablet» to do it really more easy! my old RS32 tablet did work very well and I can remember, that I did explain in that forum how to introduce it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf . With newer versions as used in some Puppy 5.* I did never try any more if it is yet possible. Please try yourself if needed and report it please in a message in this thread! With a Wacom pen or a Wacom mouse (works very fine slow to meet exact the point), it is probably very more easy to draw the contour of complex picture exactly and fast...

post 597880 created by user «oui»


reserved for a French translation

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 10:01
by puppytutorial
reserved for a French translation

reserved for a German translation

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 10:01
by puppytutorial
reserved for a German translation

example no 5 : biker routes using the silhouette technique

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 10:04
by puppytutorial
example no 5 : biker routes also using the silhouette technique to make an bundle of route details on only one sheet

I am sorry, but because great disturb in OSM / OpenCycleMap affecting my plans concerning this job, I can at this time not continue this part of the job!

post 597992 created by user «oui»

reserved for a French translation

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 10:05
by puppytutorial
reserved for a French translation

reserved for a German translation

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 10:06
by puppytutorial
reserved for a German translation

4newbies: upload and include pictures in a forum discussion

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 10:16
by puppytutorial
It is not very useful to include directly pictures into a message of messages board (in this message board, it is not welcome; the recommended way is to Add an Attachment and the forum editor offers a facility to do that!)

to only add an attachment, please look at following picture:


the first and big arrow shows the field where you are writing your message. the next arrows the divers details you have to fill up or activate!

because the opening of the discussion will become slow for all users and the size of the uploaded picture can disturb all other message because the message width of all messages has to be at last equivalent or more than this picture.

if you can reduce the size of your pictures as well as the resolution (see above messages) and shrink your picture under about 15 kb and if it is possible to recognize the wished details after that ( :wink: ), use arrows as explained in above messages to make them better recognizable, you can hit on the key «img» of the message editor of the forum to do it, or use the ready to use link offered by your provider of pictures uploading facilities, if through such a provider.

before you make that, you need to upload the picture on a adequate url in the web (your site or a special web page where it is possible to add and access for a long time pictures.

a good provider (under a lot of other) to do that seems to be

you have to sign up and login.

after that you can upload your pictures:


Uploaded with

3 steps:

- hit on the key «browse» (first arrow)
- go to your picture on your disc and mark it
- hit on the key «upload» (first arrow)

after some time following view appears:


In the 4th line named «forum code» you find all the code ready to use as needed to upload that picture correctly in a forum. To extract it proceed as follow:

- hit at the begin, left, of the line
- press on the shift key of your keyboard
- hit on the end key of your keyboard (both step to make sure that you catch all the length of the string :wink: !)
- enter Ctrl C as usual to copy this string into your keyboard buffer

go to your forum message and include the string entering Ctrl V at the right place!

hit on the «preview» key of the forum editor to see if all is right!

after that, if all is ok go and press «Submit»

post 600932 created by user «oui»


reserved for a French translation

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 21:29
by puppytutorial
reserved for a French translation

reserved for a German translation

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 21:29
by puppytutorial
reserved for a French translation

4newbies: printing out my routes using gtklp

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 21:31
by puppytutorial
I find that gktlp is a good help to print easily out my land maps and other works.

here my usual settings (I let the other tabs unchanged!):



(only if the change is needed!)



with those base setting, you can probably easily begin to learn by experimenting and doing!

post 601100 created by user «oui»

reserved for a French translation

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 22:57
by puppytutorial
reserved for a French translation

reserved for a German translation

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 22:58
by puppytutorial
reserved for a German translation

related pages

Posted: Fri 04 Jul 2014, 21:11
by oui
related pages: see please here

inkscapelite plus Mtpaint

Posted: Tue 08 Jul 2014, 19:39
by Pelo
scale pictures to fit together, then open Mtpaint

see that.