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Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2005, 21:19
by paullecorde
Has anyone succeeded in translating Puppy into a language other than English? If so, would you share the translated file with me?

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 07:06
by Lobster
If I have not mentioned it - start organising and adding info here

Has someone already started on a french translation?

Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2005, 18:15
by Anco
Hi All,

Thanks a lot for all the information. I wonder if somebody already started translating into french. Otherwise I will start it, but I don't like double work than i better do something else.

I used puppy now for a few months in a testcase as installation in cybercafe situation. Well works great you already knew that, and nearly the only complain was that people who are only used to see french windows based cybercafe's was the language.

Using Puppy seems to be no problem for the general public!!!!! Now the languages...


Czech version of Puppy

Posted: Wed 22 Mar 2006, 07:21
by Kingskid
Hi there!
I just wanted to tell the world that I've started (slowly) to translate Puppy into Czech language. First I'm starting with some info on Wikki in Czech and then I'd like to translate at least some menus right in Puppy.
In case somebody wants to give a hand I'll appreciate if you send me a message so we can avoid doing one thing doubble. Tx!

Posted: Thu 23 Mar 2006, 03:18
by sccat
Very interesting.

Posted: Thu 23 Mar 2006, 07:13
by Lobster
Check the Czech here:

Very nice start - well done :)

Posted: Thu 23 Mar 2006, 07:27
by Kingskid
Thanks! :)
Just to make sure - to translate Puppy into Czech do I have to translate these files?
Or are there yet other files?

Posted: Thu 23 Mar 2006, 11:17
by Lobster
try here

fvwm95 is the old windows manager we are using JWM now

Keep up the good work :)

Puppy in French need some help

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2006, 11:54
by gsegse
I m a German IT-Professional engaged in Development-Projects in southern Senegal (Casamance), West-Africa. One of our projects is about building up a simple, cheap, easy to use and reliable
Communication-System, where Internet-Access is the core.

I tested Puppy and I think, it

You might wish to translate

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2006, 13:58
by Lobster
More French users - more liklihood of French developers

More French pages by OuI such as ... eMicrosoft
are on the wiki

If you wish to translate then I would suggest SimplePup is a good starting point

or you can just change the menu like so - this is easy - I did it ... 6172#16172

It is up to those who have translated, to document and aid others if they have the time.

Also check out the developer news for 27 March 2006

Do not think translating is difficult - think of Puppy as bits or modules. Read the existing material and use the forum for support.

You can translate this:

or how about doing wink tutorials in your language?

How about an intro in your chosen language?

Bon Chance

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2006, 19:33
by MU
There is an addon - use the KDE-Desktop and OpenOffice in french:

Puppy itself is english, and not so easy to translate, as it does not use .po -files.

Teaching Puppy another language

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2006, 21:05
by dewdrop
Hi Pups,

Most programs, internet browsers, open office, etc., come already translated. Why not just put a bunch of useful programs into a usr_more.sfs file?

And have the usr_more.sfs file be language specific.... like usr_espa

Posted: Tue 28 Mar 2006, 01:57
by Lobster
Good idea - what info/docs/links do we have on creating .sfs?


Translating Puppy to another language

Posted: Tue 28 Mar 2006, 02:37
by dewdrop

I expect that the reply was directed at me since you talk about the .sfs file idea in your question....

Lobster wrote:
Good idea - what info/docs/links do we have on creating .sfs?

So, here's one thread link from the how to major topic area:

Along with the programs being in another language, it might also include a wm (window manager) that someone has already translated into the desired language.

That would mean someone that spoke english could set up the initial machine, get everything into the desired language, and make an .sfs file out of the final product - the above thread has some instructions on how to do this too!

Put the Puppy ISO on one CD, the .sfs file on a second CD, and away you go!!!


PuppyBR, a brazillian puppy !

Posted: Sat 22 Apr 2006, 00:05
by baciotti
Hi everybody,

I created a modified puppy in brazlian portuguese and I called it PuppyBR. The main site is and the forum is

So, I just want to give a little details of what I did, so other people can make the same in other languages.. let's go there!

1) First you need to USE PUPPY. You must install it in your compuer and use it on your day-to-day work. This way you will really fell why it is a great alternative to other distros. You will feel the speed, understand its packages and way of Work. I installed it in a USB that now its my work enviroment! Yes, my day-to-day work is done on a USB! I created a script to update time and change the mouse to left-handed. (Im dexter but prefer mouse on left hand).

2) Now you need to define which programs you need (want) and the others that you do not really need. I just replaced mozilla with Firefox and removed Beaver. Then I put leafpad like main editor. To do this I used PupBeGone to remove packages and PupGet to install what I need. Please search forum and you will find info about pupbegone.

3) Burned some CDs to test and understand all the process. I tried both scripts but IMHO the alienx script is better to what I need. BUT the script that came with Puppy does not work, so searching the forum I found a modified version specially to 1.08. It was made by Dougal! (Great Work)

4) Ok, Now I had the software I need in my distro and also knew how to do it. Then I replaced the original WM and put IceWM. Also installed the puppy-xp theme! I translated the menus (yes, i tried to use the script to do this but it does not worked very well) and also used GIMP to change the name "Start" of the button to "Iniciar". After this I used the scripts to translate Gnumeric and AbiWord. Gnumeric is still in english. I also tried to search rpms for translations and read a lot but I cant find a way to translate gnumeric (yet...). Abiword is ok, in portuguese! I used the script that exists here in forum but it just work after I change LANG to ptbr.utf8!!

5) Sylpheed. I need Sylpheed in portuguese to, so I searched in google for portuguese packages and installed them. But it just works to AFTER chagne the LANG variable to ptbr.utf8! Now, all my locale is pt-br.utf8. Ahh.... I found the locales also in google.. I followed the principle of "search software for Puppy in Vector or Slackware packages".

6) I also installed the last Rox-Filer pupget. In portuguese ;-)

7) Before to create the iso you need to clean the folder! I created a lot of times because sometimes I forgot last ISO on my-documentos folder and the ISO doubled the size! One time, trying to "clean" the root folder I deleted the Mail directory thinking that Sylpheed would create it again! I just discovered that sylpheed dont do this AFTER burn 2 CDs... ;-)

Ok.. thats it! Now my distro is still a BETA, but following the principle of "release often" I released a version and the next translations, corrections I think to do releasing a package that correct automatica. For example a Bash script that copy data, create necessary folders (like syplheed ones) if need, etc.

One thing I guarantee you... it is very very FUN !

Thank you Puppy!

Thank all of You very much!

Well done

Posted: Sun 23 Apr 2006, 03:22
by raffy
Well done, Tiago, and thanks for posting the whole process here.


Posted: Mon 01 May 2006, 22:01
by Kingskid
Is there a way to use Rosetta system for translating Puppy like Ubuntu guys do? Could that not be much easier to work on the translation?