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Booting puppy 1.07 without X

Posted: Tue 12 May 2015, 16:19
by sindi
Trying to boot Puppy 1.07 off CD. Last version with OSS sound and first version with Xorg.
Toshiba Satellite 1805-S203 which when booting later puppies tells me Xvesa will not work.
Xorg does not work on here - gives me a blinking cursor on a black screen but no prompts
and no X. I can type characters, or move the cursor around with arrow keys.

The laptop has Ali5451 (trident) sound which is not working with ALSA. I got a much older
HP Omnibook working with OSS sound in Puppy 1.07 when ALSA failed. Puppy 1.07 (booted
to an older laptop) has Ali5455.o.gz, which I want to try on the Toshiba.

When I boot 1.07 I get five choices (whether to use a save file, ACPI, etc.).

I tried
boot: vmlinuz,pfix=nox

Could not find kernel image: vmlinuz,pfix=nox

How can I boot Puppy 1.07 without X? I ran across mention that pfix=nox works only on puppy
2 or later. Do I need to take apart and rewrite initrd.gz or equivalent?

psave parameter

Posted: Fri 15 May 2015, 01:58
by Wognath
The kernel line parameter psave (see is not recognized in all versions of puppy, but it can be activated using CatDude's edits of the init script contained in initrd.gz, based on the idea of forum member Crash.
How to unpack & repack initrd.gz
CatDude's edited init script (second post here) works as is in unicorn-6.0 and in unicornpup (cutdown version of Tahrpup), and might work in others, or else the edits can be added to your init script.

does not work well puppy pfix=ram, tahrPup

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 00:11
by gychang
when I boot with a USB with the same puppy already installed on HD (frugal), it almost always find the sfs on the HD!!.

is there a problem or am I doing something wrong?

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 00:12
by gychang
live wrote:I propose to add one option to the boot menu.

"Boot with sfs on current media"

This way when booting starts, puppies wouldn't be looking for all partition, but only on the booting one, which would result in a faster boot.
this is excellent idea, since puppy pfix=ram usually does not work.

Re: does not work well puppy pfix=ram, tahrPup

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 02:45
by bigpup
gychang wrote:when I boot with a USB with the same puppy already installed on HD (frugal), it almost always find the sfs on the HD!!.

is there a problem or am I doing something wrong?
puppy pfix=ram is the command to boot and not use any save file or folder.

If the Tahrpup sfs file is on the hard drive, the boot process will use it, because the hard drive is faster to read from.
Thus, you get a faster boot.

The Tahrpup sfs file on the USB and the one on the hard drive are the same file.
Those sfs files never change.
They are only used as read only files.

Re: does not work well puppy pfix=ram, tahrPup

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 14:58
by gychang
bigpup wrote:
gychang wrote: puppy pfix=ram is the command to boot and not use any save file or folder.

If the Tahrpup sfs file is on the hard drive, the boot process will use it, because the hard drive is faster to read from.
Thus, you get a faster boot.

The Tahrpup sfs file on the USB and the one on the hard drive are the same file.
Those sfs files never change.
They are only used as read only files.
thanks for the info. Is there a command on boot to only load files on the USB stick when HD also contains same version from frugal install?

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 15:04
by rcrsn51
@gychang: Please post the syslinux.cfg or menu.lst file from your USB stick. You probably want the option

Code: Select all


Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 20:17
by gychang
rcrsn51 wrote:@gychang: Please post the syslinux.cfg or menu.lst file from your USB stick. You probably want the option

Code: Select all


Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 14:19
by Mike7
Hi, all.

Rhadon's install for Carolite-1-2 worked (copy files from iso then use grub4dosconfig), but I don't understand how to use the advanced grub4dos menu, nor how to add bootcodes. These are my main questions:
  • -- Does Carolite install itself in RAM automatically at boot, or does this have to be commanded at boot? (In Puppeee4.4 it's an option on the boot screen.)

    -- Aren't these frugal-install Puppies all supposed to run in RAM?

    -- If Carolite isn't installing itself to RAM at boot, should I put a copy2ram bootcode in to force it? (Is copy2ram the right code for this?)

    -- How (where) do you add bootcodes: grub4dos commandline at boot?, in a particular boot config file? (what file?), after Carolite boots?

    -- Is there a bootcode to activate zswap? Is that needed to turn on zswap (which I was told is a good thing on pendrives)?

    -- Any other boot codes I should add?

    -- When should a PBS bootloader be used? (When I installed a Puppy to a 4gb ext2 partition (sba1) on an 8gb stick (sba), it would only boot if the bootloader was installed in sba, not in sba1 (the Puppy partition). Why? Can someone explain it to me, when and how to use PBS?

    -- What is the terminal command for viewing all the installed bootcpdes and kernel parameters?


Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2015, 05:21
by MrAccident
I'm posting here because I can't find a way to make a new topic in the forum. Please tell me how to do that.

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2015, 05:32
by starhawk
Do you see the "post reply" button...?

Look just to the left of it, you should see another button... it will be very helpful...


Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2015, 07:12
by bigpup
MrAccident wrote:I'm posting here because I can't find a way to make a new topic in the forum. Please tell me how to do that.
Go to the section of the forum you want to post in.
Click on new topic.
Your post will be a new topic in that section of the forum.

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2015, 17:32
by MrAccident
OK; today I see it. Pretty sure it wasn't there yesterday. Thanks.

Puppy Linux Boot Parameters & General Linux Boot Parms

Posted: Wed 10 Feb 2016, 07:14
by gcmartin
In reviewing this page which supports Puppy Linux boot parameters, I can find no mentions of the syntax requirements or defaults for the Puppy Boot Parameters themselves (those are the options BEFORE the equal sign).

  • Are boot options case sensitive? OR is case NOT a factor and spelling is the only factor?
    What are the default values?
In reviewing this page which supports Puppy Linux boot parameters, I can find no mentions of the case requirements for the General Boot Parameters shown. The parms begin their topic area in UPPER case while the supporting paragraphs show lower case. Defaults, on this page, are usually shown.

  • Are these boot options case sensitive? OR is case NOT a factor?
There is a 2nd, separate, page showing additional Puppy Linux Parameters. In reviewing this page which supports additional Puppy Linux boot parameters, I can find no mentions of its relationship to the Puppy Boot Parameters themselves (those are the options BEFORE the equal sign).

  • Are these boot options related and to be used in conjunction with the first mentioned set, above? Why are they separate?
Thanks in advance for any clarity on options used in booting Puppy Linux.

Posted: Fri 18 Mar 2016, 06:47
by boof
Please move post if in wrong place:

Want to boot from USB-which works,
and save to sda2-which is either forbidden or beyond my ability. Is there a boot parameter I could set? Like:

kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck, PupSfs=/sda2/slackosave_crypta.2fs

I've tried editing the SAVEFILE contents to be /../sda2
but no good there either. I can't get it to save. I'll try (0,1) and see if that helps later. I know it's nooking for a partition number on the same drive, I'm hoping it can be tricked into another drive. I won't do it now, I've got too much stuff running and it's a PITA to start again from scratch if it doesn't work, although I suppos I could just save a slackosave.2fs in sdb3, to keep what I have, and reconfigure SAVEFILE for testing? The old brain is a bit slow these days.

With Tahr-6.0.5 I could boot from a cd and save on sda2.

BTW. I've discovered the when using a USB 2.0 memory stick in a 3.0 port, I need to lock the port to 2.0 or a puppy USB stick won't find the sfs file. It defaults back to 3.0 and can't read the device. It probably just need more time, but a BIOS change is not difficult.

Sda2 for your Slacko

Posted: Wed 23 Aug 2017, 09:29
by Pelo
There is no reason why a Slacko could not use sda2 if tahrpup use it, in my knowledge.

LICK makes our Puppies run on Windows partitions..

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2018, 14:54
by hamoudoudou
of course. LICK makes our Puppies run on Windows partitions..

Re: LICK makes our Puppies run on Windows partitions..

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2018, 17:14
by RetroTechGuy
hamoudoudou wrote:of course. LICK makes our Puppies run on Windows partitions..
There hasn't really been a problem until Windows10 (which, for your convenience, removes any files not placed there by Windows10).

Cutting into the boot sequence is a little harder for Win7 and on (I run Lin'N'Win on my XP and Win98 machines). I bypassed mucking with the Win7 boot sequence by simply booting from an external SD card (then pointing to the files stored on the Windows hard drive). Win10 broke it so I moved them onto an external USB drive...

About Windows 10 :

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2018, 03:38
by hamoudoudou
About Windows 10 :
1 Windows 10 updating a computer bought with Window seven or eight

2 Computer bought with windows 10 and build for windows 10, build in respect of windows 10 specifications.. Linux is still searching for drivers..

Posted: Wed 25 Apr 2018, 04:28
by s243a
It also helps to look at the code. Here is the part of the source which contains all the paramaters; lines 836-883 of /initrd/init tahrpup:

Code: Select all

#pmedia= usbflash|usbhd|usbcd|ataflash|atahd|atacd|atazip|scsihd|scsicd|cd
[ $pmedia ] && PMEDIA=$pmedia #boot parameter, broad category of boot media. ex: cd.
[ $psubdir ] && PSUBDIR=$psubdir #boot parameter, directory for puppy files. ex: puppy220
[ $psavemark ] && PSAVEMARK=$psavemark #100913 partition number that has/will-have save-file.

[ $PSUBDIR ] && [ "${PSUBDIR:0:1}" != "/" ] && PSUBDIR="/${PSUBDIR}" #add leading /.

[ $pdev1 ] && PDRV=$pdev1 #boot parameter, partition have booted off. ex: hda3
#100915 requested by technosaurus (formats get changed further down)...
[ $pdrv ] && PDRV=$pdrv #format partition:<path><filename> ex: sda2:/slacko/puppy_slacko_6.3.0.sfs
[ $pupsfs ] && PDRV=$pupsfs
[ $zdrv ] && ZDRV=$zdrv #ex: sda2:/slacko/zdrv_slacko_6.3.0.sfs
[ $fdrv ] && FDRV=$fdrv
[ $adrv ] && ADRV=$adrv
[ $ydrv ] && YDRV=$ydrv
#<partition>:<filename>, for savefile/savefolder. <partition> can be a name or Label or UUID
[ $psave ] && PSAVE=$psave #ex: sdb4:/puppy/tahr/tahrsave or smark or 49baa82d-8c69:tahrsave
#list of kernel modules to load, ex: pimod=hid-logitech-dj.ko,kernel/drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.ko 
[ $pimod ] && PIMOD=$pimod
#specify partition for Underdog Linux (refer also underdog.lnx).
[ $underdog ] && UNDERDOG=$underdog
#[ $pdebug ] && PDEBUG=$pdebug

# show menu with pupsaves
[ $psavemenu ] && PSAVEMENU=$psavemenu

if [ "$pfix" ];then
 for ONEFIX in $(echo -n "$pfix" | tr ',' ' ')
  case $ONEFIX in
   ram)     PRAMONLY="yes";;      #run in ram only (do not load ${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save).
   rdsh)    RDSH="yes";;          #exit to shell in initial ramdisk.
   nox)     PNOX="yes";;          #do not start X.
   clean)   PCLEAN="yes";;        #force version upgrade and cleanup.
   trim)    PTRIM="yes";;         #add "discard" to mount options if SSD
   copy)    PCOPY="yes";;         #copy .sfs files into ram.
   nocopy)  PNOCOPY="yes";;        #do not copy .sfs files into ram (default is copy if enough ram).
   fsck)    PFSCK="yes";;         #do a fsck of ${DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX}save file.
   fsckp)   PFSCKP="yes";;        #do fsck before first mount of ext partitions
   [0-9]*)  PIGNORELAST=$ONEFIX;; #blacklist last $ONEFIX folders (multisession).
   psavebkp)PSAVEBKP='yes';;      #don't ignore pupsaves created by Pupsave Backup
   *)       echo "pfix=$ONEFIX is not a known boot parameter";;
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