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Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2012, 02:54
by Flash
Oops, I screwed up and googled for turner instead of tuner. When I spelled it right, google coughed this up:
Linux is currently just a tar files. You will need to extract them to a folder of your choice and start them using the .sh file. There will be installers in the near future.

*64 Bit Linux users will need to replace the [TunerStudioDir]/lib/ with the one found in [TunerStudioDir]/lib/alternateLinuxDrivers/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/
** If you install the 64 bit version of MegaLogViewer, you must also have a 64 bit JRE installed.

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013, 03:19
by Bligh
After reading this thread, I bought a wireless mouse, they are cheap, and it is working well.

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2013, 19:09
by Emperor
ok ive tried something different.......
I bought an USB Mousepad (Peripad-501) and its a bit better, but i still have the Touchpad Tap.

grep Name /proc/bus/input/devices-->
Name="PS/2 Generic Mouse"
Name="Mouse Pad"
--> :lol:

xorg.conf didnt show any chances :cry: is there a for such things?
The Manufactur ignores any Request and send instead Add mails :roll: