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Posted: Thu 20 Jun 2013, 19:06
by rcrsn51
In Random mode there is only one "disc" because all the folders have been merged together and shuffled. So clicking Next Disc just restarts playback from the beginning.

You can see this "disc" in the temporary folder /tmp/carouseltmp.

Posted: Thu 20 Jun 2013, 19:39
by greengeek
Testing the v3.4 pet:

Very good! Loving it. My preference is Carousel - it works nicely and is flexible - I can chuck in my entire media collection, or just smaller portions of it very easily.

I think most people will be very happy that you've set it to play as soon as they hit start - that makes it nice and streamlined (although I quite liked the fact I had a chance to move the ribbon controls to bottom of screen before hitting play... But then I can use the 3.2 pet for that)

Posted: Mon 24 Jun 2013, 00:50
by rcrsn51
V3.5 adds a new feature to the Carousel. In Random mode, the program will now search into subfolders for media files. So you can generate a randomized playlist of an entire directory tree.

Posted: Tue 25 Jun 2013, 10:09
by greengeek
I have tried Peasy/Carousel in a few puppies now and it seems to work well in all of them. The v3.5 .pet is perfect for my needs.

I especially like the fact that you have added both Peasy and Carousel to the rightclick "open with" menu. Makes it so easy to get my whole music collection playing randomly while I carry on with other work.

Really like the way I don't have to even think about a playlist with Carousel - it does it all itself. Nice.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 01:01
by R-S-H

I do use these icons for PeasyMP3 in my LazY Puppy.



I've added a .pet to install. It includes the .desktop files (DE & EN edition) plus the Icons in /usr/share/pixmaps, plus symbolic links to these Icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 19:09
by charlie6
Thanks again rcrsn51,
here a french translation...

Posted: Fri 05 Jul 2013, 01:20
by rcrsn51
@R-S-H: Thank you for the icons. Could you please add some instructions on how to create a desktop shortcut that uses these icons? That might be helpful to new users.

@charlie6: Thanks for the translation. It looks like I got the gettexting correct the first time!

I will be posting another version shortly that has a new startup feature.


Posted: Fri 05 Jul 2013, 19:41
by R-S-H
rcrsn51 wrote:@R-S-H: Thank you for the icons. Could you please add some instructions on how to create a desktop shortcut that uses these icons? That might be helpful to new users.

I've added a .pet to install to my post above.

It includes the .desktop files (DE & EN edition) plus the Icons in /usr/share/pixmaps, plus symbolic links to these Icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps.

So, to have a desktop shortcut one needs just to move the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications onto the desktop.

I think, this is the easiest way for new users.


Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 13:23
by rcrsn51
PeasyMP3 v3.7 is posted above.

Posted: Fri 02 Aug 2013, 16:38
by scabz
Thanks for PeasyMP3 works great on my eeepc 900a. it only has a 4gig ssd so not much room for music but PeasyMP3 plays radio streams nicely.

Thanks and Great work!!!

Posted: Sun 15 Sep 2013, 14:13
by PaulR
A tip for novices like me:

You can save a step if you play directories via the 'open with' route. Customise the Rox menu to 'Play with peasymp3' when you right-click any folder. Brilliant!


Posted: Sun 15 Sep 2013, 16:37
by rcrsn51
Thanks for that tip.

I have posted a new version on Page 1 that has improved support for Internet radio streams.

Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 18:08
by PaulR
Another thought occurred to me - would it be possible to detect when the program was fed a directory from a customised Rox context menu and if so automatically start playing? I can thing of no logical reason not to do this from the users perspective!



Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 20:28
by rcrsn51
PaulR wrote:Another thought occurred to me - would it be possible to detect when the program was fed a directory from a customised Rox context menu and if so automatically start playing?
I looked at this idea once and decided against it.

For example, my default .peasymp3 folder has a bunch of Internet radio stations. I rarely want to auto-play the first alphabetical entry in the playlist.

It's only one more mouse click to start playback.

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 06:32
by PaulR
Maybe if the first file in the directory is an mp3 etc rather than a link? Or perhaps a command line switch?? Just thoughts...


Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:37
by rcrsn51
PeasyMP3 v3.5 now plays MIDI files through Timidity. Here are the instructions for installing Timidity.

1. Install the Click the small green DOWNLOAD box.

2. Using one of your MIDI files, test Timidity from the command line: timidity xxx.mid

3. Make PeasyMP3 the default player for MIDI files.
a. Right-click on a MIDI file
b. Select: Set Run Action
c. Enter the command: peasymp3 "$@"


Posted: Thu 19 Sep 2013, 14:01
by PaulR
Would it make sense to have a 'stop' button?

With streamed media this would allow one to temporarily suspend the stream instead of having to quit the program or fiddle with a volume control. Pressing 'start' afterwards would reconnect the stream (or restart an mp3).


Posted: Thu 19 Sep 2013, 14:14
by rcrsn51
PaulR wrote:With streamed media this would allow one to temporarily suspend the stream instead of having to quit the program or fiddle with a volume control.
The Pause/Resume buttons do this for me. Do they not work with your streams?

Posted: Thu 19 Sep 2013, 16:48
by PaulR
rcrsn51 wrote:The Pause/Resume buttons do this for me. Do they not work with your streams?
No, I get a constantly repeating sound if I pause a stream; the only way to silence it is to exit the program. I suppose it's related to the eeepc hardware.


Posted: Thu 19 Sep 2013, 16:52
by rcrsn51
Can you give me a link to one of these streams? Do you get the same thing with mp3s?

[Edit] I tested this with an Acer netbook and Pause/Resume worked OK. However, here is a work-around for your eeepc.

1. Go to /usr/sbin and open peasymp3 in a text editor.

2. In geany, turn on line numbering with View > Editor > Show Line Numbers

3. Go to line 152. Change the word PAUSE to STOP

4. Go to line 156. Change RESUME to CONTROL 0

5. Save and exit.