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Posted: Sun 07 Jul 2013, 21:51
by Caneri
Gftp handles it fine
Yup that's true...but ssh offers another quandary/security question. well and enjoy the new...Eric

@Dingo..I don't know how to answer you question...interesting you have a fix?

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 05:58
by russoodle
@penguinpowerppp: thanks for your input, it's hard to know sometimes just how to keep all the pondscum out :)

Hi Dingo....i'm afraid i'm in the same boat as Caneri regarding your potential solution....i doubt you're dumb, or that your question is, but i don't have an answer for it....anybody...??

Thanks Eric, same back at you..



Light At The End of the Tunnel..

Posted: Fri 19 Jul 2013, 16:25
by russoodle
UPDATE: Sat. July 20, OZ-time

Nearly ready to go again - clean server and clean backups (no dirty laundry here, fellas!), so it's a matter of my time over the next couple of days while i reinstall and restore our PuppyLinuxStuff....for now, the eyes and brain are feeling sluggish, so i'm off to get some shuteye and charge my batteries..

russoodle :)

Posted: Fri 19 Jul 2013, 18:59
by Karl Godt
Hi russoodle !
Glad you figured things . :)

Would you mind to post some stats and statistics of your former Virtual Private Server
( OS, net traffic , HDD space , etc ) ?

Had read about all this and am now reading .

Seems that they had trouble to disentangle the OS that run the board and the guest operating systems , but were too proud to admit such .

Cheers !

Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2013, 08:40
by russoodle
Hi Karl,

Regarding stats....the server OS was CentOS, i had 100GB disk-space and 3TB bandwidth limit, so plenty of d/l allowance to play with. If you're hosting popular large files like iso and sfs, it's amazing how quickly that bandwidth can go! :lol: I still have 100GB disk-space but a 4TB bandwidth limit now, which is great :wink: I also have a couple of dedicated IP addresses. Backups are included on the plan, too....hope i won't be needing them but good to know they're there!

Because it was a VPS, i also was allowed a dedicated share of the resources, such as RAM, CPU etc., which you don't get on a shared hosting account, although sites like are very fast to d/l from, so i believe he has one of the better share-account hosts around.

I'm not sure what your last comment refers to but i'm guessing my former host..? Yes, apparently he'd become ill but, instead of being upfront and admitting that things had become too much for him, (he "managed" it for me), he just let it slide and said nothing....when the s*** hit the fan, i had to contact him about it. Anyway, my VPS is now managed at top level - no resellers :)

Have a great day!


Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2013, 10:28
by zigbert
The zigbert repo is back on track.
My threads are updated.

Thanks a lot to Suzie!!!

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2013, 10:02
by Saturn
Hi, were the brain wave files damaged?

I don't have any back-ups of those files and I would think, they were a bit outdated anyways....

But I also have gotten a new VPS, perhaps I could mirror you, in case of another incident?

Anyways, for the Thread that describes my Repository, it is here: ... viewresult

Also the Host I have(dream-host) has a nifty Pay-pal donation button I can use.

Posted: Sat 27 Jul 2013, 01:01
by Announcer
Right on russoodle, glad to hear you got everything sorted!

I see my files are accessible again, thanks. :)

Index and links pages up...

Posted: Mon 05 Aug 2013, 04:06
by russoodle
Hi again, guys..

Finally have index and links pages up, so it doesn't look like no-one's home anymore!
Still have one or two large backups to upload, but everything else is shipshape again, thank dog.

@zigbert: You're welcome Sigmund, just sorry it took so long :)

@Saturn: Hi, none of our puppy files were affected - what happened was that the creeps hacked in and used my server for a phishing scam base....i suspect they injected their poison into php files on my sister's wordpress site that was housed on my server, but i've taken that down as it's not current anyway...
Good to see you're on track with another repo and of course, you can mirror some files if you wish, thank can never have too many sources :wink:

@Announcer: Yes, it's an enormous relief to have normal sailing again :D


Posted: Thu 22 Aug 2013, 10:24
by darkcity
Is down today? I can't get it.

Posted: Fri 23 Aug 2013, 03:33
by russoodle
darkcity wrote:Is down today? I can't get it.
Grrrr...sorry darkcity, it does seem to be down at present, no idea why but will be checking into it when i'm back on the computer (on phone at the moment)...sorry for the inconvenience, am is jinxed or something?? :-(

Posted: Fri 23 Aug 2013, 09:35
by darkcity
No worries, just thought I'd flag it. 8)

Posted: Fri 23 Aug 2013, 11:10
by russoodle
Hi darkcity....(i meant i was not home near the computers but out and posting from phone.. )..anyway, have discovered the reason and all should be back in order soon :wink:

My fault - been away a fair bit lately so underlying issue is lack of communication on my part :oops:

Posted: Fri 23 Aug 2013, 13:34
by darkcity
Thanks for the speedy re-up, and for continuing to provide this resource 8)

Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2013, 01:19
by starhawk
russoodle -- I sent you a PM, as I have something to upload and my password's been changed. Please send me a new one as soon as you can :)

Also -- it would be good to have a contact email on your website's front page... just sayin'.

Posted: Wed 21 May 2014, 17:02
by Argolance
Hello, is (or seems to be...) down since 2 or 3 days...
Are we replaying the same play as last year? :?
Has someone news from "our" dear russoodle? :cry:


Posted: Wed 21 May 2014, 17:33
by starhawk