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Posted: Sat 30 Aug 2014, 15:42
by eyesopen

I am in Key Largo, FL

I believe I messed up the internet with the firewall, but I am now playing with Puppy Slacko and have not managed to mess up anything yet. Internet and mail working and I am streaming tunes from my external sabre DAC...Eureka!

So, if it ain't broke don't fix it...

Posted: Sat 30 Aug 2014, 16:12
by starhawk
Ah, OK, I was hoping you were somewhere in NC so I could give you some hands-on help (I've done that before).

Oh well.

Glad to hear you've got everything going with Slacko, though!

Er, with the firewall, I always just do the automagic config and it works. It's the one 'Net protection thingy you do need...


Posted: Sat 30 Aug 2014, 16:40
by eyesopen

I'm getting smarter and did just far, so good. At times I wish I was in NC...

Posted: Sat 30 Aug 2014, 19:47
by starhawk
Well, I can't say I like the political situation here (I'm on the Blue Team, as I like to put it) but it's not horrible.

Besides, I like to help people ;)


Posted: Sun 31 Aug 2014, 19:06
by eyesopen
Well, FL is just rotten to the core, whatever color is in vogue (and they change colors like my x use to change shoes)...weathers not bad, sometimes...I have a lot of folks to help as well :wink: down here on the peninsula (no islands, no mo') the traffic is hittin' Miami style and you speak espanol...makes me want to go back to the US (if I could find it), well maybe not :wink: only hot weather folks remember snow fondly. Trees, cool breezes, no palm trees, elevation...hmmm, actually sounds good at times.