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Posted: Wed 22 Dec 2010, 16:40
by goingnuts
dbl post

Posted: Thu 23 Dec 2010, 20:25
by sc0ttman
goingnuts wrote:sc0ttman: Can you start (and view) after jwm has started via rxvt? If so jwm has the <StartupCommand></StartupCommand> where you might put 'exec'
I tried your suggestion, not sure I did it right, but what I did, didn't work! :(

Also, I noticed your script from the jwm_drives thing, is stopping me from being able to successfully create a save file..

the whole process goes through, but the writing part doesnt actually work.
(just in case you wanted to know.. )
im gonna try some changes either way.. so specifically not asking for support...


goingnuts, in case you care, i stopped automount from running in pupmode 5, now I can create save files...
then i modded so that when you click on a drive, it runs ' $1' which mounts the drives, if not mounted...
(my script '' is a near copy of, but it takes $1)

But when automount doesnt run, I must hack 'create_jwm_drives', so that it successfully mounts the drive on which the pup_*.sfs file is kept..
(I check for pupmode then use either /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2 (no save file) or `readlink /mnt/home` (with save file)

(Not checked yet, might have to do the same)

did you have the same problem with create_jwm_drives if you dont automount?
(is that why you use automount?)

Posted: Tue 28 Dec 2010, 07:36
by technosaurus
simple console calculator

Code: Select all

A=`awk "BEGIN{print $1}"`
A=`dialog --stdout --inputbox . 0 0 $A`
[ $A ] && $0 $A
or change to dialog to Xdialog if you want

calc '8+9*(8/2)+sqrt(144)-sin(1)'

jwm-drives - reviewed

Posted: Wed 29 Dec 2010, 09:39
by goingnuts
As a response to sc0ttmanĀ“s findings using jwmrc-drives I reviewed the code:
Icons now dependent on file-system and using 9menu a small pop-up-window shows relevant choices (mount, umount/explore or cancel). Not really pretty as jwm insist to manage the window...
But 9menu (12K installed) has potential of being used for other purposes.

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 00:50
by technosaurus
if anyone wants to make it "pretty" you could add a notitle noborder group to jwm

Posted: Thu 30 Dec 2010, 07:59
by goingnuts
technosaurus: Just what was missing - thanks!
Just added:

Code: Select all



Posted: Sat 01 Jan 2011, 15:36
by goingnuts
Worked a little more with otf_sfs_loader. Added:
#autoconfig max loops and creation of loops
#check of disktype instead of relying on extension (now loads tcz)
#autoconvert squashfs 4 to 3 (and vice versa for future P431 comp.)
#check aufs version (for future P431 comp.)
#user setup (modify max number of squashfs-files that can be loaded)
#now takes arguments from command line (or drop a bunch of squashfs-files on the script and auto load)
#adapted ldconfig and fixmenus/restart jwm from gyros sfs_load-script for P431)

Included static builds of mksquashfs vers. 3 & 4 + unsquashfs vers. 3 & 4.
Also included rc.otf_sfs that will reload all the squashfs-files loaded at shutdown.

Still on the draft-level...

Posted: Mon 03 Jan 2011, 03:09
by technosaurus
getgui is a nice little (actually quite extensive) replacement for *dialog and other *message tools (I modified the source to change the ugly yellow to a medium gray)
manpage - examples
  • some screenshots

Posted: Mon 03 Jan 2011, 15:55
by goingnuts
technosaurus: That is a nice finding! I might try to implement it in my Total size (including dependencies) is around 1900K whereas total size for Xdialog is around 2700K (static gtk1-version) and around 8800K for the version from P412. And the dependencies are identical to the ones jwm needs... :D

Posted: Mon 03 Jan 2011, 23:02
by technosaurus
the developer of getgui (Steve Grubb) has some other pretty nice/lite tools as well: - getgui, lxlogo, midriff, ploticus, quisp, shsql ...
While I am promoting overlooked (Non-Puppy) devs, I should put a plug in for:
Angel Ortega
Michael Cardell Widerkrantz
Valery Reznic
kornelix??? ... the name escapes me, though I have communicated via email after submitting some UI patches (the only C++ programmer in my list)

We really should have a wiki page for these guys and some of the Puppy devs too.

Not so overlooked but worth looking at almost any code they (re)write:
Fabrice Bellard
Rob Landley

Posted: Tue 04 Jan 2011, 02:50
by technosaurus
here is the calculator ported to getgui

Code: Select all

A=`awk "BEGIN{print $1}"`
A=`getgui calculator -keyin -initval $A`
[ $A ] && $0 $A
and a minimal process killer gui

Code: Select all

L=`ps -a |grep -v PID |awk '{print $1"\t\t"$4}'`
kill `getgui -title "ggProcess" -msg "Select process to kill" -selectbox "PID    CMD_NAME\n$L" -buttons "Kill|Close" -okstr Kill |cut -d " " -f1`


Posted: Wed 05 Jan 2011, 20:20
by goingnuts
I have been missing freememapplet in the pupngo GUI-part...but it needs so many libs...
Managed to link libgcc and libstdc++ static and this leaves freememapplet with dependencies already present. But binary goes from 20K to 524K! UPX-ed it gets down to 155K. Still a lot just to show what it shows. But here it is if anybody misses it.
Changed font to fixed and included the 3 xpms needed.

Posted: Wed 05 Jan 2011, 22:23
by technosaurus
Thanks - it does come in handy to know why things have started to slow down and even fail (the -flto flag in my new gcc compile uses ~3X the disk space as without it -which is actually useful to lower ram usage when it is not running in RAM like I typically do)
Compiling c++ for size is a daunting, sometimes painful task if you want to link statically with libstdc++ (similar to glibc, lots of inlining makes it rather large)
for c++ apps you can try compiling with -fno-rtti and -fno-exceptions added to the CXXFLAGS as well as doing the final link with gcc instead of g++ and linking libsupc++ instead of libstdc++

Note: When compiling with -fno-exceptions, if you get an error refering to exceptions, you can usually remove the catch code that gcc refers to without affecting operation ... maybe just do a print to stderr in its place

If you still aren't satisfied with your results there are some alternatives.

I have tried uclibc++ with uclibc and it worked great (it uses a gcc wrapper), but have been meaning to try it with glibc or alternatively stlport or the seemingly more promisingustl

here is one example program I compiled statically with uclibc and uclibc++
(it was roughly the same size as the shared glibc version)

On a side note I think it would be an interesting project to make a tray applet frontend that all it does is refresh icons at some periodicity and run an application when clicked (maybe add a right click later)
This would allow one process to handle them all and conserve RAM

Code: Select all

trayapplet - copyleft 2011 technosaurus
# trayapplet icon1:refreshtime:leftclickcommand:rightclickcommand icon2
default values: X seconds, no command, and start/stop/help/about menu
this would allow the icons to be updated using a shell script (by changing a symlink, regenerating the icon etc...) btw I compiled ploticus (same maintainer as getgui) last night - it is EXTREMELY fast at generating images - no extra dependencies either - will post if interested ... did several different versions with various combinations of SVG, png, X11, ps, gif enabled ranging from <300k to almost 600k, but all are really fast and light ... I may try to tweak mtcelledit to use ploticus instead of mtcellplot

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 18:51
by emil
Do not work in P431 but could be modified to do so (different squashfs/aufs-version I think). Works only with aufs (but same functionality could be made with unionfs using unionctl).
Worked a little more with otf_sfs_loader. Added:
#check aufs version (for future P431 comp.)
hi - I tried to use the OTF_SFS Loader with Lupq-511, but it wont run because aufsfilesystem check fails. You write that it possibly could be modified, do you have any specific hint how and where?
thanks in advance!

otf_sfs in puppy 5

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 18:53
by emil
goingnuts wrote:
Do not work in P431 but could be modified to do so (different squashfs/aufs-version I think). Works only with aufs (but same functionality could be made with unionfs using unionctl).
Worked a little more with otf_sfs_loader. Added:
#check aufs version (for future P431 comp.)
hi - I tried to use the OTF_SFS Loader with Lupq-511, but it wont run because aufs filesystem check fails. You write that it possibly could be modified, do you have any specific hint how and where?
thanks in advance!

otf_sfs in puppy 5

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 18:53
by emil
goingnuts wrote:
Do not work in P431 but could be modified to do so (different squashfs/aufs-version I think). Works only with aufs (but same functionality could be made with unionfs using unionctl).
Worked a little more with otf_sfs_loader. Added:
#check aufs version (for future P431 comp.)
hi - I tried to use the OTF_SFS Loader with Lupq-511, but it wont run because aufs filesystem check fails. You write that it possibly could be modified, do you have any specific hint how and where?
thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 19:29
by goingnuts
Might as well use this area to store build code for the freememapplet in previous post. Here is the source
And build script:

Code: Select all

rm -f freememapplet.o freememapplet
ln -s $(g++ -print-file-name=libstdc++.a)
g++ -static-libgcc -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -L. -L /usr/X11R7/lib -lX11 -lXpm -o freememapplet
strip --strip-all freememapplet*

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 19:30
by goingnuts
dbl post

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 19:31
by goingnuts
dbl post

Posted: Thu 06 Jan 2011, 19:45
by goingnuts
dbl post