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Do you still use Windows sometimes? And why?

Posted: Tue 30 Apr 2013, 06:27
by Monsie
Hi all,

I still rely on Windows each April to complete the family Tax Returns. There are good freeware programs available now, but none have been written for Linux based operating systems that I know of. Note: I have never tried to run such software in Wine. Someday, I may choose to e-file (complete the Return on-line) in which case I will be able to do so regardless of operating system, but I must admit I am a bit hesitant, perhaps needlessly so, but... I feel more in control in terms of being able to work with and save my data on my computer.


Posted: Tue 30 Apr 2013, 09:01
by Tote
I haven't used it since I discovered Puppy Linux.

I bought a second-hand laptop recently that came with Windows 7. I didn't particularly want 7, I wanted the laptop. So I thought I'd dual-boot for a while, then I went into setting up 7. It looked like an nice OS, everything worked, click-click, ooh that's pretty, etc.

Then, it was recommended to install virus scan software. I clicked okay, and was watching the process, anti-phishing, anti-malware, anti-virus updates, and I had a vision of the future where I'd be compelled to update all of that every other day just to try and stay safe in-line.

Just watching it all install was enough to bring me to my senses. No thank you. I cancelled, deleted Windows, partitioned the hard drive and now I'm running three or four Pups and loving it.

I didn't need Windows for any particular task. It's the same with Puppy. I just browse, e-mail, music, photos. Light user. I don't even need a specific Puppy version, they'll all more or less do whatever I need, but with Pup I don't need all the anti-virus software and if I totally wreck anything I just delete and start over.

I can't imagine ever being tempted back to Windows.

Posted: Tue 30 Apr 2013, 21:34
by musher0
Hi, Tote.

Very convincing. Exactly how I feel. :)

You didn't mention that Windows is so much of a slowpoke : 2 min 45 sec. to boot into Windows, whereas to boot into Puppy it's 30 seconds or so.

I think that your testimony above should be on the first page of and, at the very top.

Have a great day! :)


Posted: Wed 01 May 2013, 00:49
by rokytnji

Code: Select all

harry@biker ~ $ cd /home/harry/Isos
harry@biker ~/Isos $ ls
android4.0rc2eeepc  AntiX  Slimpup  TinyCore  Windows
$ cd Windows
harry@biker ~/Isos/Windows $ ls
3.1 rar            Dos document.odt  Windows 3.1
95-floppy-windows  MS-DOS-6.22       Windows for Workgroups 3.11
harry@biker ~/Isos/Windows/95-floppy-windows/Win95Floppy $ cd Win95Floppy
harry@biker ~/Isos/Windows/95-floppy-windows/Win95Floppy/Win95Floppy $ ls
It is the only thing I can get on floppy that installs and boots to a gui on a
P66hz, 12MB ram, MA401 pcmcia 16bit Netgear wireless B card. No cdrom . 1992 Kapok/Nan-Tan color screen netbook. Uses a 16bit pmcia dialup modem card with a phone line jack also.

Then. I need my Windows 7 laptop for

for stuff like

Linux is just starting to get into automotive, but just for cars. Us bikers are the red headed step child I guess. ... ummit-fall

On the ancient netbook. Checking out ebay lately. My netbook might actually be worth something now for collectors of old computer gear. Mine is in tip top shape and the battery still holds a charge (weighs about 5 pounds.) 8)

Any Gaming. I do doom in dosbox. ... post925657

Posted: Wed 01 May 2013, 01:50
by starhawk
Hey roky -- I have a copy of a thing called XWOAF -- XWindows On A Floppy. It *might* work on that Stone Age laptop of yours ;) PM me and I can send you the disk image. It's in *.img format -- hope you know how to dd on a modern box, because I sure as heck don't! Alternately, hop over to the DOS prompt (you could still do that from '95 without a reboot, right? It's been a while, lol...) and use the Internet and RAWRITE. I can send you both RAWRITE (for DOS) and XWOAF, that's not a problem.

Posted: Wed 01 May 2013, 05:34
by Tote
musher0 wrote:Hi, Tote.

Very convincing. Exactly how I feel. :)

You didn't mention that Windows is so much of a slowpoke : 2 min 45 sec. to boot into Windows, whereas to boot into Puppy it's 30 seconds or so.

I think that your testimony above should be on the first page of and, at the very top.

Have a great day! :)

:D Yeah, I also didn't mention Internet Explorer and sitting watching that little blue gizmo spinning endlessly round and round waiting for it to load a page. All the while mentally comparing it with how fast puppy is. No comparison.

Tax Software, Movie Maker and Cut Assistant

Posted: Wed 22 May 2013, 23:17
by mikeslr
Hi All,

While I could do my taxes online and email the forms, a slight case of paranoia compels me to do them off-line and use the Postal Service. AfAIK there is no tax software that runs under any version of Linux.
For a quick movie production nothing beats XP's Movie Maker. It's ability to split scenes on-the-fly with just one click, re-arranging the parts you want and discarding what you don't is much faster than having to set the beginning and ends of scenes to be split. But even better is Cut Assistant which works with VirtualDub. VirtualDub will run under Wine, but Cut Assistant won't. Cut Assistant enables you to scroll thru your entire movie, slow down to as little as frame by frame at critical points, mark each part to be included (or excluded) and produce an output movie in one run. Not fancy, artistic video, just plain, uncluttered reportage.
