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Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2008, 02:51
by Lobster
All ideas considered, but our graphics specialists involved with the web development project will take away from that what best suits the overall look-and-feel of the new web presence.

We're back, enthusiastic and itching to get a new presence up by Easter!
I would suggest (it really does grow on you and is high energy like Puppy) the citrus cut theme used in 3.02 and Dingo by default + a button arrangement (CSS + javascript or php perhaps) based on the theme changer in Puppy which allows you to change the theme colouring 8)

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 08:28
by gth
BarryK wrote:WhoDo, that rasterpax snapshot has three logos side-by-side. Do you have the links to the individual logos, in each color? And I presume the individual logos would be be without the reflection? Or with it?
Is this the one you mean?
rastapax wrote:Image
Just thought I'd finally register here and put in my (probably very tiny) vote for this 3 image combo too. Keeping the reflection wherever possible would be a nice differentiation from other such icons too. If the page author is familiar with PNG alpha, could even have a nice blend on non-white backgrounds too.

If this ends up being selected (or is it already, I know his is a rather old thread?), could I ask for the same image but with a bit more contrast for a Puppy LightScribe template? Here's what I'm currently burning my various ISO images onto...

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 08:59
by WhoDo
BarryK wrote:WhoDo, that rasterpax snapshot has three logos side-by-side. Do you have the links to the individual logos, in each color? And I presume the individual logos would be be without the reflection? Or with it?
Barry, we only have the original image uploaded to the gallery by rasterpax. OTOH, I can easily cut it down to separate images and remove the reflections, no problem. The reflections are not part of the logo as I understand it.

My understanding is that the logo itself is really the stylised puppy face, independent of the background, plus the text if we wish as rasterpax supplied that separately on his original image. The simpler the better IMHO.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 09:09
by WhoDo
gth wrote:If this ends up being selected (or is it already, I know his is a rather old thread?), could I ask for the same image but with a bit more contrast for a Puppy LightScribe template?
This has been chosen by the community as its preferred logo for Puppy, subject to Barry's approval of course. As long as the logo is used in accordance with Barry's conditions, I see no problem in uploading a copy in raw black & white.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 10:00
by WhoDo
Here are the individual images supplied by rastapax, including an extra one supplied in response to some suggestions in the thread. The basic logo divorced from its background could be recoloured to suit the particular use. Obviously it would be no good in black on a black menu button, for example.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 10:41
by BarryK
Personally, I'm in favour of a logo without any text.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 10:47
by WhoDo
BarryK wrote:Personally, I'm in favour of a logo without any text.
Done! See how easy I am to get along with? :P

I think the stylised puppy face is what we ought to treat as the logo. Any text, mirror effect, background, shadow, etc should only be added if the circumstances warrant that. In that way we would have maximum flexiblity in the logo's use - start button, trade mark identification, advertising button, web header, wallpaper hint, etc. What do you think?

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 15:54
by headfound
I'm currently using rastapax's wallpaper from this very thread with the plain 'face' and text on this page ... 1&start=90

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 15:58
by paulh177
i know i'm 7 months late on this, but to me it does seem to read "Linux Puppy" rather than "Puppy Linux" ... great design tho'

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 22:34
by dogle
The enthusiasm and creativity splurging from this long-running thread is truly inspiring, thanks everyone. For me, by far the most appealing image remains the old hand-drawn flop-eared pup-with-flower, and I'm a bit concerned that to date only 30 votes have shown up, suggesting maybe a minority view.

First - pure cynicism - if I were to add an entry to the Devil's Dictionary: Logo - a mythological artifice invoking the use of a unique image so widely used by PR vendors as a means of extracting large fees from gullible clients as to have become accepted by the proletariat as the norm.

Laying aside Received Wisdom I've never actually seen hard evidence of their value .... and me, well I experience real revulsion whenever I see the crooked banner image of a particular software house ... but the flop-eared pup still cheers me.

Second - the serious bit - some weeks ago MU commented elsewhere on possible problems for Muslims, and elicited a poignant response from one. Although I am in this sense a kaffir I gather that the Prophet - Peace be upon Him - is recorded as saying that angels would not enter a house in which there was a dog or a picture [He evidently spoke well of good deeds to dogs in trouble, nonetheless]. Hmm, double whammy? Could some Muslim puppylovers comment as to whether this is a serious issue or not?

Why does it matter? Well there are 6 billion of us, the 1 billion fatcats [growl] being largely saturated with a commercial OS and the other 5 billion out there ready to gasp fo an OS which will run well on kit we 'rich' think old or cheap but to them still means a huge investment. Right now Puppy stands supreme for this vast emergent 'market' and it would be a heck of a shame if the choice of a picture were to turn a billion prospective users from the joys of Puppy and into the hands of the, er, Evil One.

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2008, 00:53
by Lobster
I believe the angle of tilt is important and prefer the above usage.

Islam ... s-of-dogs/

It is quite possible for those in Islam with a liberal attitude to produce
a Puppy image free version if they so wish
Just as it is possible for pagans to elevate the dogs importance


Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2008, 01:56
by wow
paulh177 wrote:i know i'm 7 months late on this, but to me it does seem to read "Linux Puppy" rather than "Puppy Linux" ... great design tho'
That's because in spanish we say "linux Puppy", rastapax is from Chile (I'm not 100% sure)

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2008, 03:13
by oblivious
I believe the angle of tilt is important and prefer the above usage.
I agree - the proportion, tilt, etc. of Rasterpax' work shouldn't be changed. IMO and from a design perspective, his logo is very good. The proportion and scale are just right - those things should be maintained when reproducing the image.

Other ideas to come out of this thread work really well too. I played with WhoDo's EZpup last night. Vincent's head on the Start button in one of the themes works really well on a small round button - the black and white make it stand out.

Good stuff - thanks:D

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2008, 12:50
by ttuuxxx
ok I got a perfect one for you, no background etc.
Just remember when it goes to dogs the uglier they are the more your feel sorry for them. lol
even made an icon, LOLOLOL

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2008, 13:31
by ttuuxxx
ok this time I actually tried a bit, I find its simple yet appealing

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2008, 01:48
by gth
To the additional submissions: sorry if I dredged up this thread after the final image was decided on. As the poll deadline had passed I wasn't able to click vote button: I could only post my support for rasta's image in words.

This image needs to be tilted as mentioned by a few others (which to me is part of what makes it a puppy instead of a dog; don't all puppies look at you with that silly tilt of the head? :) ).

Is the "TINYSYSTEM" slogan standard? Perhaps the word "linux" could be moved to where TINYSYSTEM is shown so it works for English users (linux puppy vs. puppy linux). I like the ratio of text sizing in rasta's original. Puppy rocks... linux is a footnote. :P

In hindsight I'd agree on not requiring the mirror-effect - but I know I'll use it as a personal preference; hopefully that's acceptable. :)

Posted: Thu 28 Feb 2008, 21:05
by rover
very nice graphic !!!!

here is just another off the wall from me:

eve ate the apple and now see where we are.

i think the logo says that puppy is sweet looking but harder than nails once you get to know him.

bluto is his name

Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 02:12
by brymway
I know my post # reflect that I'm new to posting here but I've been reading for a long time. I've been researching Linux for months. A lot of the other distros have simple avatars that are unmistakable when you see them. They can be doctored up in many ways. I'm thinking about Debian, Ubuntu, Suse, KDE. All of them are drawable, but none of them say what they are. I downloaded a bunch of backgrounds for my desktop. I got a lot of variants of the paw. That's what it is to me. The paw will represent puppy for me. I would buy things if they had the paw on them. I won't buy anything if there is a cute little puppy face or a chihuahua on them. And I would love to buy some things in support of the puppy product and distro. If I wound up with something with a cute puppy face on it, I would have to cover it up. It's just not serious to me. This puppy thing doesn't reflect what this distro is to me. This is seriously a fantastic distro to me. Leagues better than so many others, and I would like for people to take it seriously. The puppy face doesn't represent for me. The awesome penguin is cool. They can make the penguin look somewhat rebelious. That does it for me. My vote is for a paw. But whatever the choice, I can always change the look and cover up something that I don't care for.

Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 02:50
by Pizzasgood
I know what you mean. Now, if we were using something like this in place of the "cute puppy face", it would be another story:

Unfortunately, that image doesn't convey the essence of Puppy very well. The paw does.

Posted: Tue 11 Mar 2008, 00:39
by brymway
Oh, and I know KDE isn't a distro, I just threw that in there 'cause it's got that cool simple spoke thingy.
Oh and no offense to chihuahuas. Or any other dog for that matter.