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Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2012, 22:30
by Ray MK
All good - posting from FD64-601 now - running from RW-dvd.

Luvly Puppy - so much included in such a very modest downlaod.

Love the new control panel - so nice to use - easy even for me.

Now to find that spare USB stick - and put 601 on that.

Should have an SDcard somewhere too - so one on each, for the shirt top pockets.

Thanks again JB, K and everyone else for such a Super-dupa Puppy.

Very best regards - as always - Ray

Edit: Booting from USB stick ok, better and faster than RW-dvd.
SDcard good too. Fantastic.


Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2012, 15:56
by Scooby
I have to run networkwizard and do auto-dhcp on eth0
everytime I boot up

I tried
rm -f /var/run/
dhcpcd -h aalo -d eth0

from terminal

Seems like it connects but nothing happens when I try
to reach internet

Maybe I've missed some step that network wizard does?

Does it do some configuration of eth0? ifconfig?

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2012, 18:23
by kirk

You shouldn't have to do anything. Try booting with the savefile=none boot option. That will boot without using your save file. You should automatically connect. That's assuming that eth0 is plugged in before booting.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2012, 09:15
by Scooby
kirk wrote:Scooby,

You shouldn't have to do anything. Try booting with the savefile=none boot option. That will boot without using your save file. You should automatically connect. That's assuming that eth0 is plugged in before booting.
Tried savefile=none, same bahaviour. No automatic connection on eth0.

It works in lighthouse puppy but not in fatdog.

anyone know how to correctly call dhcpcd from commandline.

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2012, 20:22
by Scooby
If I boot with no xwin (pfix=nox) then I see that the following line is executed

dhcpcd -I -d etho
and it reports success , still I cannot connect.

if I then run xwin and type the following in terminal.

rm -f /var/run/
dhcpcd -I -d eth0

then I can surf the internet for about 30 seconds before
connection goes down.

But if I boot up normally and then run network wizard and hit autodhcp
then it works fine???

comments? is there some kind of timeout on connection?

also what is /var/db/
what does it do?


Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2012, 21:51
by Scooby
During startup fatdog executes (for my computer maybe different with wireless)

dhcpcd -I -d eth0

this fails for some reason which I dont understand?

If I then kill the process indicated in /var/run/
and restart the daemon it works

kill $( cat /var/run/ )
dhcpcd -I -d eth0

Would be interesting to know why the first automated call doesn't work?

Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2012, 23:14
by Scooby
I constructed a startup script but for it to work I must wait for the first
automated call to dhcpcd runs this takes about 35 seconds

I would like to fiddle with the timeouts on that command

From where does this call come from during boot?

Posted: Sun 26 Aug 2012, 01:06
by Scooby
I threw away my old savefile and didnt run networkwizard

I discovered that the system runs

dhcpcd -L

I made a hack that waits for this process to die then run dhcpcd again

Code: Select all

while [ $(pgrep dhcpcd) ]
  echo $c
  c=`expr $c + 1`
  sleep 1
dhcpcd -I -d eth0
nohup seamonkey "" &
It works but its far from beautiful. Have to wait for about 26 seconds for the first process to die.

Any comments?

Posted: Sun 26 Aug 2012, 12:55
by kirk
That's weird. The dhcpcd call is in /etc/init.d/50-Wpagui. If you also have a wireless card, that could be a problem, if a open wireless network is found it will associate and try to get a address. That could cause problems. When you launch the network wizard, un-check the box "Run WPA_Gui at startup." if you have wireless. Could also be that your network card is slow coming to a ready state for some reason. Then you would need a delay before dhcpcd is run.

Save File Not Found

Posted: Mon 27 Aug 2012, 03:07
by Country Bumkin
I have tried to install 601 on a USB hard drive. The installation seems to work and the save file creation is correct at shut down but on the next boot up the save file contents are not available and some functions report fatdog64 is 'not installed.'

The drive icon does not have the 'mounted' indicator present

If I manually mount the drive and use the control panel 'save file test' option the file content is reported as correct.

Any suggestions ?

Is there any way to save to the drive (like 521) rather than a frugal save file ?

Regards C Bumkin

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2012, 18:19
by Scooby
kirk wrote: un-check the box "Run WPA_Gui at startup." if you have wireless. Could also be that your network card is slow coming to a ready state for some reason.
I have wireless, can you tell fatdog to ignore it?

Or maybe you do that by unchecking "Run WPA_Gui at startup."

Anyway I will try it when I can find time.

Thanks for answers Kirk

Posted: Wed 29 Aug 2012, 00:32
by kirk
Country Bumkin,

Fatdog64-600 boots completely different from 521 or other puppies. Only savefiles named fd64save and located in the root of a partition are automatically loaded. Take a look at the FAQs/Boot Options. Here's some examples from that page:
  • savefile=direct:device:sda1 --- use savefile named fd64save.ext4 located in root directory of /dev/sda1, save directly to it
    savefile=ram:device:sda2:/fd600/fd64save.3fs --- use savefile named fd64save.3fs located in /fd600 directory of /dev/sda2, use RAM layer
    savefile=ram:usb --- use savefile named fd64save.ext4 located in root directory of the first found usb device, use RAM layer
    savefile=direct:multi --- use multisession on device /dev/sr0
I have wireless, can you tell fatdog to ignore it?

Or maybe you do that by unchecking "Run WPA_Gui at startup."
Yes, that will do it.

Posted: Fri 31 Aug 2012, 13:53
by Scooby
Tried with the "wpa_gui at startup" off

Then I dont get any connection.

For some reason my network card wants to have two calls to dhcpcd
were the first one fails?

Strange but I got connection so why fix it if it isntcompletely broke.

Thanks for feedback kirk

Fatdog64 Live DVD Mode

Posted: Sun 02 Sep 2012, 00:36
by RandSec
Please excuse me in advance, I have just spent 2 days working on Fatdog64 with only limited success and am tired.

I have run various forms of Puppy all day every day for several years. I do this from DVD's on systems with no hard drive. I have ample reasons for using DVD's, but this is neither the time nor the place for that war.

Using the "Live DVD" mode in Fatdog64 is not like other Puppies. The working incantation was not obvious to me. Instead, it is mainly from a comment in the Fatdog64-600rc topic by jamesbond on Tue 03 Jul 2012, 00:30

The trick seems to be to use the boot command: "fatdog64 savefile=direct:multi"

Unfortunately, that does not produce a Save icon.

That issue is addressed by jamesbond here at Fri 06 Jul 2012, 06:21
You need to use the RAM-layer in order to enable manual save button. Use "savefile=ram:blahblahblah" instead of "savefile=direct:blahblahblah" to enable the RAM layer.
Unfortunately, that does not solve my problem.

To see that, we need to go back to the equipment:

DVD storage simply is not as reliable as hard drive storage. The main reason for that is that hard drives store small "sectors," which are easily read after writing, easily re-written, and even replaced without user involvement.

In contrast, DVD's store data in large streams on a single long helix on the DVD. If a dust speck causes a write error, we cannot know about it until we first write then read that whole "session." We can write the data again, of course, but the drive cannot do that itself, because it cannot store enough data in writer RAM.

To use optical storage reliably, something (at this point, the user) needs to verify that the write has occurred and can be recognized. Verification is necessary after every DVD write. Failure to verify writes risks all the data the user is trying to store, and sometimes, ALL of the data on that disc. On other Puppies, I can and do use the Save button, then mount the DVD and look for the saved directory. If it is not there, I can save it again. Worst case, I can scrounge up a flash drive and save the data, but this all depends upon the system staying alive for as long as it takes.

Unfortunately, we cannot do that with a Save button which queues for some unknown future action. I guess that would be shutdown, but I DO NOT SHUT DOWN! I just turn the power off. It is a glorious thing to be able to turn off the computer and walk out of the room without delay. DVD storage gives us that, provided there is no hard drive in the box. I love it!

Other DVD issues include properly checking each operation for failure, and then STAYING UP, issuing notice to the user, allowing repeats and alternate actions, and only giving up after the user specifically allows it.

When I was actually using Fatdog64, I loved it: it seems clean and responsive. I find the big initrd load irritating, but I love the video. I assume that since I do not have to set it up, I can take that same DVD and use it on different machines having different video systems, something most Puppies cannot do. When everybody gets their own secure virtual machine on a DVD, and can take it wherever, that is a big deal.

I found something wrong in the surround sound 5.1 channels on a working entertainment system which has correct sound on other Puppies. I have a Disney WOW calibration disc which jumps from channel to channel to identify which is which. Normally, each channel would be the same loudness, but here the center channel is much louder and also comes out both front sides. My guess is that the issue is the sound mixer, since that seems more likely than VLC, but who knows?

Fatdog64 has a noticeably better display on my systems than other Puppies, even though they use special drivers for my AMD video. We may never be able to stream HD Netflix or Amazon Prime on Linux, but we can hope for DVD's to look good, perhaps better than most players.

Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 08:32
by smokey01
I recently tried to use Osmo in Fatdog64 and it didn't work properly. To be more specific the Task part didn't. When I created a task in the future it looked fine until the next time I started Fatdog and Osmo. I then noticed the task had been ticked as completed. This is not much use as it will never raise an alarm.

Because of this I went looking for a later version and I found two. The current version in Fatdog is 0.2.6. I found source code for 0.2.8 and 0.2.10 so I have compiled 0.2.10 and attached it as a pet. It now works as it should. Well I haven't noticed any problems so far.

Changes since 0.2.6

2010-03-31: version 0.2.10
* Optional horizontal (netbook-friendly) GUI
* Search capability added for tasks and notes list
* Configurable date format in calendar header
* Options and About tabs are moved to separate windows
* Read-only mode and customizable font for notes
* Statistics for selected text in notes
* Many GUI improvements
* Added translations: en_GB, da, bg
* Updated translations: cs, es, jp, pl, it, de, fr, hu, nl, zh_cn

2009-08-21: version 0.2.8
* Encrypted data backup
* Exporting tasks to iCal file
* Option to ignore weekend days in date calculator
* Text attributes are handled now in day notes editor
* Default alarm sound for task reminder
* Added new calendar marker for birthdays
* Slightly improved iCal support
* Locale settings are used by default
* Many improvements and fixes
* Added translations: uk
* Updated translations: it, fr, ru, jp, tr, cs, nl, es, pl

Thanks to CatDude for sniffing out the required dependencies and compiling them.

It should install fine over your existing Fatdog.

To make it start on every boot, symlink /usr/bin/osmo into your start-up directory.


Posted: Mon 03 Sep 2012, 20:13
by GKM
Hi there,

Did anyone try the XLock lock screen from the Fatdog control panel? I tried it, but it does not appear to accept any password. I tried to set a root password, and it works with the logon screen, but not with Xlock. I also tried a few standard puppy passwords, and the cpasswd option from the command line, but to no avail. What do I do wrong?


Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 01:21
by kirk

Yes, that's a bug. James has fixed it for the next release. Not sure when that will be.


Thanks for the fix.


Originally during Fatdog64-600 development, we had decided to drop support for multi-session saves. But, James found that it did seem to work, though I don't know to what extent. I haven't tested it my self. Maybe James will respond next time he checks in here.
Sound should be adjustable in ALSA Mixer, unless you're using digital sound to an external receiver, then VLC preferences should be looked at.
The new big initrd does have a faster boot for the most popular boot methods.

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 16:13
by gcmartin
kirk wrote: ... Originally during Fatdog64-600 development, we had decided to drop support for multi-session saves. But, James found that ...
Thanks Kirk.

I'm sure you are aware that I, too (along with others) are LIve DVD users. And, I think you remember that ran FATDOG for several years merely booting its multi-session, mutli-save system, in production, never needing to install on USB/HDD with extremely rewarding success.

This is/was a very attractive approach and use of FATDOG. Heres hoping it continues.

Here to help

Update java

Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 00:33
by winwin
Hi, I don't how to update the java in Fatdog64? Can anyone give me a help?

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 03:57
by smokey01
Codeblocks-10.05 is available on my site for FD64: ...

It does require wxWidgets which is available via the FDPM or here: ...

It's a very impressive application for developing C & C++ applications.

Documentation here:
