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Re: DevX for EasyOS version 2.2.16 is where ????

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 11:16
by BarryK
rwishlaw wrote:DevX for EasyOS version 2.2.16 is where ????
Sorry, forgot. It is uploading now.

Re: writing files fails on bootup

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 11:21
by BarryK
Rodney Byne wrote:To Barry,
This is a new one and a serious one.
Never had this before. What a mess.

dd ok.
But during mid bootup & file-writing 2.2.16 to usb (tried a 4Gb then a 16Gb),
on both occasions it failed to write files twice, before advising
to press and hold down the laptop on/off button to abort.
So couldn't give an overall quality report as Easy never reached desktop.
Too obvious to miss, how come you didn't pick this up?
I take it you did a fresh write to a USB-stick, not an upgrade?

You say "dd ok", but did you use 'easydd'?

I don't know what this statement means:

"on both occasions it failed to write files twice"

Re: Default ethernet connection at boot-up is inconsistent

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 11:29
by BarryK
Dry Falls wrote:
rerwin wrote:This would seem to distress new users: at first boot-up my wired ethernet device is not found, even though it was working before I booted up EasyOS the first time after installation to the USB flash drive. There was no network icon in the tray. (This is not new misbehaviour.)
I had similar issues when I added nm to lighthouse. Added this to rc.local:

Code: Select all

/etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager restart
The problem for me is that, like belham2, I have never had this happen, which makes it difficult to determine the cause.

Could you try something... /etc/init.d/rc.networkmanager, insert a delay at line 50, for example "sleep 2".

/etc/rc.d/rc.network_eth_nm should have brought the ethernet i/f up, maybe nm is taking it down? Perhaps the delay before starting nm will fix this?

Or, maybe don't bring the ethernet i/f's up in /etc/rc.d/rc.network_eth_nm, leave it to nm?

When you have this problem, is the ethernet i/f up? Just run "ifconfig" to find out.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 11:45
by BarryK

sfsget is broken!!!!

I have messed up the download path. Don't use it for now, I will post a fixed script soon.

Re-uploaded 2.2.16, it turned out that the SFS-file-list file at the repository was incorrect. I fixed it, and now sfsget works.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 12:50
by belham2
Awe, nuts.

Just spent an hour getting this 2.2.16 set up across various machines.

I didn't use sfsget for anything yet.

Question: can I just swap the new sfsget script in on these installs I've just done instead of doing completely new installs again?? I customize a lot of things, so would like to avoid doing them all again, if possible....

Also, was happy to see that when I installed the latest Firefox using Petget (it grabbed latest Firefox-ESR from Debian's Buster Repo), and then used 'Easy Container Management' to set it up, the choice of Firefox-ESR in an ec-chroot container was in there to click on!

Way to go, Barry!

Only problem, is Easy Container Management created the Container, when it put the Firefox w/ Lock shortcut on the desktop, when I click on it does nothing. Same thing inside JWM menu.

I then checked /usr/share/ and the .desktop file for this looks correct: ".

In short, I now cannot get Firefox to start at all in a Container. I can get Firefox to run as "root", but in the Container created, so far it is a "not happening".
So am sort of stumped right now.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 13:40
by BarryK
belham2 wrote:Awe, nuts.

Just spent an hour getting this 2.2.16 set up across various machines.

I didn't use sfsget for anything yet.

Question: can I just swap the new sfsget script in on these installs I've just done instead of doing completely new installs again?? I customize a lot of things, so would like to avoid doing them all again, if possible....

Also, was happy to see that when I installed the latest Firefox using Petget (it grabbed latest Firefox-ESR from Debian's Buster Repo), and then used 'Easy Container Management' to set it up, the choice of Firefox-ESR in an ec-chroot container was in there to click on!

Way to go, Barry!

Only problem, is Easy Container Management created the Container, when it put the Firefox w/ Lock shortcut on the desktop, when I click on it does nothing. Same thing inside JWM menu.

I then checked /usr/share/ and the .desktop file for this looks correct: ".

In short, I now cannot get Firefox to start at all in a Container. I can get Firefox to run as "root", but in the Container created, so far it is a "not happening".
So am sort of stumped right now.
sfsget should be ok now, the fault was not in 2.2.16, a file at was wrong.

Try starting firefox-esr in a terminal:

Code: Select all

# ec-chroot firefox-esr
...if you see an error message, let me know what it is.

After the unsuccessful attempt, look at this file:

Code: Select all

...see if any useful error message there.

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 15:08
by belham2
Hi Barry,

I tried everything I could think of, patiently mapping out what Easy Container Management set up for firefox-esr, and I could find nothing wrong.

To use as a side-by-side example, I used Petget & installed Debian's latest chromium, and Easy Container Management easily set up chromium & it runs great in its Container.

I constantly compared everything between what Easy Container Management set up for Chromium and also what it set up for Firefox. Every thing, every single reference & link was identical and as it should be from what I could tell.

Later I'll do another EasyOS frugal install on another machine, and see if this won't-run-in-Container behaviour keeps up with Firefox.

Maybe this is a problem with Mozilla Firefox, and not EasyOS?? Why would EasyOS handle a Petget-installed Chromium into a Container with aplomb, and then bomb out with a Petget-installed Firefox in a Container?? Doesn't make sense....

I mean, I can start Firefox easily in root (going straight to its folder and clicking on its execute), but nothing budges in Firefox's Container and/or in the /usr/share/application/desktop for that Container launching. I can't even get an error log in /mnt/wkg/containers/firefox-esr/.session/tmp/

Re: Default ethernet connection at boot-up is inconsistent

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2020, 16:52
by rerwin
BarryK wrote: rerwin,
Could you try something... /etc/init.d/rc.networkmanager, insert a delay at line 50, for example "sleep 2".

/etc/rc.d/rc.network_eth_nm should have brought the ethernet i/f up, maybe nm is taking it down? Perhaps the delay before starting nm will fix this?

Or, maybe don't bring the ethernet i/f's up in /etc/rc.d/rc.network_eth_nm, leave it to nm?

When you have this problem, is the ethernet i/f up? Just run "ifconfig" to find out.

Although the sleep made no difference, the 'ifconfig' is revealing.

After boot-up:

Code: Select all

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:19:D1:26:8A:13  
          inet6 addr: fe80::219:d1ff:fe26:8a13/64 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: 2604:6000:8b41:4000:219:d1ff:fe26:8a13/64 Scope:Global
          RX packets:26 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:2360 (2.3 KiB)  TX bytes:724 (724.0 B)
          Interrupt:21 Memory:dffe0000-e0000000 

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 96:8D:EB:34:EB:CF  
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
After disconnect:

Code: Select all

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:19:D1:26:8A:13  
          RX packets:46 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:3892 (3.8 KiB)  TX bytes:818 (818.0 B)
          Interrupt:21 Memory:dffe0000-e0000000 

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback . . . 
After reconnect:

Code: Select all

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:19:D1:26:8A:13  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::dbb6:5698:dd60:9f40/64 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: 2604:6000:8b41:4000:4462:4674:ce38:b9a9/64 Scope:Global
          RX packets:50 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:25 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:4591 (4.4 KiB)  TX bytes:2709 (2.6 KiB)
          Interrupt:21 Memory:dffe0000-e0000000 

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback ... 
So, the "inet addr" is not found initially but the presence of the "inet6 addr" lines makes it appear that the connection is active even though they are not appropriate for my LAN.

Rebooted and see immediate connection:

Code: Select all

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:19:D1:26:8A:13  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: 2604:6000:8b41:4000:4462:4674:ce38:b9a9/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: fe80::dbb6:5698:dd60:9f40/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:1019 (1019.0 B)  TX bytes:2491 (2.4 KiB)
          Interrupt:21 Memory:dffe0000-e0000000 

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
I have been allowing the boot-up page to time out (9 seconds) and seem to consistently have the issue. This time I clicked "Normal startup" immediately. Coincidence? Apparently, because the next 2 quick-click bootups did not connect.

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2020, 10:03
by belham2
Hi Barry & all,

I give up on getting Firefox to run using "Easy Container Management" (launching ECM from the Menu). ECM creates it fine, but after that: nada, with a capital "N".

If anyone, who uses Petget to install the latest Debian-Buster provided Firefox-ESR in their EasyOS frugal install, can get Firefox to run---heck, even start up---after using ECM to set up the Container, please let me know.

Firefox runs fine as root, but refuses after ECM puts it into a Container.

I've tried on 5 different machines now, and am frustrated beyond belief.

It's gotta be a Mozilla/Firefox issue, only thing I can think of. EasyOS's ECM puts all other browsers into a Container and they run great. But not Firefox-ESR (from the Debian-Buster repo in Petget).

I am lost.........

Can't even get a log to generate in the Firefox-ESR Container, because one won't even generate because Firefox-ESR won't even try to start up or attempt to start :?


Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2020, 10:47
by drongo
Hi Rerwin,
I had a similar problem with Puppy about three years ago. It was a work laptop running Windows. When I took it out of the docking station and booted it from a Puppy CD it would only connect to ethernet about half the time.
Turned out that Puppy was attempting to connect to ethernet before I had put the connector in and failing to find an active interface. If I plugged in the connector before I booted the CD it always connected!
Not sure if that is relevant to your situation?
I was literally plugging the connector in after I rebooted but sometimes my fat fingers were just too slow.


Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2020, 13:53
by E3D3
Some feedback about my v2.2.16 experiences.

For me is this EasyOS the best of all "puppies".
Normally I encounter some issues within the first 15 minutes on almost every OS, but with EasyOS 2.2.16 it took almost 2 days.
I'm very happy that the WIFI connection for most of my laptops is much better than before, so I don't need my USB WIFI-adaptor anymore.
The retro-look has style (IMHO) and everything I try WORKS. Even the Debian-apps I installed via petget. I didn't use sfsget yet, but the window opens without error-messages.

So far I have only 2 issues.
One is that setting global keybindings with the GUI app don't work as expected. When assigning new keybindings to an action, the old keybindings remain, so I had to comment those in the keybinding file (root/.jwmrc) to deactivate the old keybindings. Strange enough do I see now that this file is renamed to .jwmrc-previous, that the new .jwmrc has the orginal lines uncommented, but it still works correct, cq uses the file /root/jwm/jwmrc-personal. Don't know why it now works as expected but not before, even after reboot/restarting WM & X server.

Edit 20200410:
After some reboots the old default keybindings are suddenly active again, without any change in the configuration. This is really crazy.
Any idea how I can solve this ?

The second issue is with SeaMonkey. I saw in the main-menu SeaMonkey IRC chat client, clicked this, but couldn't find the chat client when SeaMonkey opened. Even chatting (with another app) with #seamonkey@freenode didn't help, cq told that I need to install Chatzilla as browser plugin from the Mozilla site. I think that the menu item should be removed, or tell what you should do to get it working.
Another problem with Seamonkey is that I hide the menubar, and couldn't get it back with most often used keybindings. When trying different keys & -combinations, I found help under F1, that give the wrong keybindings for showing the menubar again. It is not the alt-key but Alt-V, or F10 (that many app use for exit).
I like that Seamonkey uses less resources but beside this is it a pain in the ..., with non-custumizable button-placement, statusbar, big icons (the biggest for a useless link to their home page) and other restrictions. This is not the responsibility of EasyOS, and I don't know what to advice as a better webbrowser.

Beside these 2-3 issues everything works great, not good, but really great. I installed all my favorite/essential programs much quicker and easies than it does in my many other tweaked distro's.
And I'm superhappy that I could install a recent enough Emacs-version, which was for years the only bottleneck for me to use "puppies" as primaire OS.

The little help in almost every EasyOS programs is more than nice and also the other documentation. Its very readable & understandable for me, friendly and not pedant cq very un-Linux.

Big respect and thanks for making and sharing this OS, for all the work around but most for the integrity of it all.

Best regards E3D3

sfs files

Posted: Fri 10 Apr 2020, 13:37
by E3D3
I installed as sfsget tryout the devx-package, stupid enough in a container, forgetting the advice I have read.
I removed it with the Easy Container Manager from the main menu by selecting it from the dropdown list and a click on the button 'Delete container: delete & exit',
but the sfs file (>200MB) and many other small files with names starting with devx in different folders are still present.
Is this normal ? And how can I clean/remove everything from the devx package ? Is there a file that list what was exactly installed with the devx package ?

easydd unusable "status=progress"

Posted: Sat 11 Apr 2020, 08:58
by GuillaumeD
Hi, first I apologize you for this amazing works.
I love your pragmatic approach for all tools/concept.

( ... d64.img.gz)

booting live USB easyos-fr-2.2.16, and making a install on a SDD with easydd:

Code: Select all

easydd ./downloads/easy-2.2.16-amd64.img.gz
ERREUR: L'utilitaire dd ne prend pas en charge l'option CLI 'status=progress'
Can't launch easydd (GUI or from terminal)

It seems the dd check "progress" is english related:

Code: Select all

#the full dd is required...
DDTEST="$(dd --help | grep 'periodic transfer statistics')"
[ ! "$DDTEST" ] && err_exit "$(gettext "dd utility does not support 'status=progress' cli option")"
so a quick fix for all langages is :

Code: Select all

#the full dd is required...
DDTEST="$(dd --help | grep 'progress')"
[ ! "$DDTEST" ] && err_exit "$(gettext "dd utility does not support 'status=progress' cli option")"
Have you a gitlab/hub for issues/fix ?

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2020, 11:21
by BarryK
Hi guys, there are some issues with 2.2.16 posted above, but my attention has been elsewhere:

...that is, the new lithium powerbox project. I prefer to keep the focus on one thing at a time, and will get back to looking at the EasyOS/Pup issues soon.

The powerbox will be ready for the next camping trip. When that will be I don't know. Here in Western Australia, we have lockdown, cannot even drive to different regions of WA. All campsites are closed.

Posted: Wed 15 Apr 2020, 05:46
by scsijon
BarryK wrote:The powerbox will be ready for the next camping trip. When that will be I don't know. Here in Western Australia, we have lockdown, cannot even drive to different regions of WA. All campsites are closed.
Same thing here in Victoria, all publically accessable sites (both council and privately owned) are closed.

They even went to the point of closing all Public Toilet blocks except for one on the Highway of each town with signs on the others. Open hours 0700 to 1700 only. Reason apparently is so it could be maintained and sanitized properly between users. Problem occurs with missing toilet paper still happening though and breakins at night.

However to thread,
@Barry I seem to have problems reconnecting after disconnecting with the taskbar icon, a reboot fixes it, but connect button and trying via the taskbar globe rarely work (remembering i'm on nbn satellite). It has definately has become worse in the last three versions, maybe a timing problem starting to become too fast? Even gone back to the old way with no improvement. EDIT: With a little more investigation I found if with SNS I delete the existing configuration for eth0 and start again it will connect ok each time. I mean delete and start again, it fails to reconnect if attempting to connect/reconnect once started without a link up. Not sure if that's of any help.

Added install bootup text

Posted: Thu 16 Apr 2020, 15:38
by Rodney Byne
To Barry,
Ref my post on 7th April about strange added bootup text,
and hang on bootup, I eventually found the cause.

It turned out that the initial bootup coloured keyboard
selector has a bug.
On default bootup, if say No.5 is selected then entered
no password, all this strange error text scrolls down.

Instead of pressing default, you have to press the second
one, which auto-corrects the file as it proceeds.
I saw the corrector picked out an error in the No.5 keyboard
descriptor. Thereafter install proceeded normally.
I now have a good install to usb.

Just some notes from a 'Newbie'

Posted: Mon 20 Apr 2020, 00:35
by mikeslr
Having taken an interest in 'Containers' I've just gotten around to installing EasyOS 2.2.16 to a USB-Stick. So, while I'm kind of 'an old hand' where Puppy is concerned, I'm a Newbie when it comes to EasyOS.

First problem I encountered was finding the img to download. Second problem was getting it onto a USB-Stick. Destroyed one USB-Stick trying to use Etcher. So I strongly disagree with Barry K's decision to abandon ISOs as a deployment package. While it is true that few of us have or can even acquire a CD/DVD burner that doesn't mean that the ISO format is obsolete. The Wheel was probably invented as the front end of a Wheel-barrel which in our technologically sophisticated culture few of us have or have reason to acquire. But they now put wheels on Airliners* -- kind of makes it easier to take off and land. As far a I know, every reasonably recent version of Windows and every Linux distribution --Puppy included-- has an application which will directly 'burn' an ISO to a USB-Key. Abandoning the ISO format as a delivery mechanism means to use EasyOS a 'newbie' not only has to learn a different operating system but first acquire and learn a new application. Not at all "Easy".

I managed to get that job done using Mike Walsh's Easydd portable. ... 61#1031161

I was pleased to find radky's jwm-desk manager: making aesthetic customizations should be easy.

I was also pleased to find that several AppImages ran OOTB, as did the portable web-browser's I tested. I'm not a fan of unnecessarily 're-inventing the wheel'. Even though EasyOS has libreoffice and gimp built-in, the next time I boot it up I'll see if AppImages of those can run. If they do, Barry K may want to reconsider the necessity of building them in.

For anyone seeking a video editing application more powerful than avidemux, the Shotcut-200217 AppImage seems to be functional.

Some basic Qt-series 4 or Qt5 libraries may be needed for some of my frequently used applications.

I guess I'll have to learn how EasyOS use SFSes (or doesn't). At any rate, learning how to make the most EasyOS gives me something to do while 'sheltering in place'.

* Airliners. These, too, may be relics of the past or at perhaps curiosities only used by most of us on 'honey-moons' or other 'once-in-a-life-time' vacations. "Jaws" came out in the summer of 1975. I still think twice about swimming in the Ocean. Summer vacations used to involve several hours drive to hotels in the mountains or the seashore. Maybe a train trip. Airliners enabled us to explore more distant venues. But how many of us will want to spend many hours sharing the air with 400 or more strangers and then rubbing elbows with hoards carrying who-knows-what diseases. Hopefully, I am being pessimistic. But I have serious doubts about Governments --especially my own-- spending taxpayer dollars to bail out the Airlines and the travel industries [even Trump's Hotels] until there is some realistic way of determining to what extent distant travel holds a place in our various cultures for anything beyond business necessities.

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 02:05
by charlane_meyer
EasyOS 2.2.14 is not working for me! I am not long into Linux so I do not know what this is about. I keep getting the error message "No puppy frugal installs found in /mnt/sdb1/easypup". I downloaded the ISO from the link provided on this forum. I had BionicPup64 8.0 loaded but had no sound and couldn't get bluetooth to work on my Dell E6430 with 4GB Ram, 1TB HD. What is going on here? Why is the USB installer not working/not finding these files? I made a sub-directory next to the /boot directory in case it was a path problem. I still get the error.

I am loading to the same USB that I installed BionicPup64 8.0 with.

I did not want to get so involved in this. Any comments are appreciated.


Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 04:39
by ras
I am not long into Linux so I do not know what this is about
Fortunately, Barry has posted some installation tutorials that may help.

I have found that having a thumb drive dedicated to easyos is helpful.

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 07:15
by Sage
I have found that having a thumb drive dedicated to easyos is helpful.
He's right of course. But there's a guaranteed foolproof way of achieving success which I noted earlier. Ignore all that CLI 'dd' stuff that the gurus revel in. Using a bog-std (Linux) PC, d/l the compressed file (e.g. xyz.img.gz), right click and choose 'Extract Here' to get the raw '.img' file, then use USB Image Writer to write (or overwrite) the entire file(s) in the correct places and formats. NEVER EVER FAILS.