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Posted: Sun 29 Dec 2013, 01:07
by ally
hey lin

you do not have to use the windows installer, you can install to your d drive although it is not always recommended to install to ntfs drives

best would be to make space on the drive for a linux partition, it doesn't have to be large, just enough to place puppy and a savefile

from puppy run grub4dos and then you will be able to dual boot at will


edit - you could also boot from the cd with a savefile on the d drive, the cd can be removed if needed

Posted: Sun 29 Dec 2013, 03:51
by puppylin
ally wrote:hey lin

you do not have to use the windows installer, you can install to your d drive although it is not always recommended to install to ntfs drives

best would be to make space on the drive for a linux partition, it doesn't have to be large, just enough to place puppy and a savefile

from puppy run grub4dos and then you will be able to dual boot at will


edit - you could also boot from the cd with a savefile on the d drive, the cd can be removed if needed
Hi, I have some PCs that now not using NTFS, but Fat32. Is it possible to install it onto an existing Fat32 D: drive, alongside existing files there? Just like how the Win installer installs it next to an existing C:/windows. Which format of puppy will suitable to use to install this way? Do you have a link to it? If possible, this would be my first preference before doing linux partition or bootup via CD/USB. Thanks.

Posted: Sun 29 Dec 2013, 04:03
by ally
hey again

yes you can install to the d drive

make sure you defrag the drive first, download and burn an ISO image (make sure you get an iso burner program) and boot pc with that disc

when booted follow the set-up steps (keyboard etc.) and then look for 'puppy universal installer' from the setup menu

follow the instructions for a 'frugal' install and select the appropriate drive (d:/) - this will probably be sda2 (click on the icon to explore to double check)

when the 'install' finishes run 'grub4dos' from the system menu, this will sort the dual boot for you

there are many puppies to choose from and it is mostly a matter of personal choice, I couldn't see details of your system anywhere but slacko has always been a good option for my machines

if an older system use the non-pae version



Thank you

Posted: Sun 12 Jan 2014, 03:37
by bales
Great installer. I've tried both install and uninstall with multiple versions.

I was interested in a Linux distribution that could be installed by a relative noob with the minimum fear factor. This is definitely the one I'd recommend.


Posted: Sun 12 Jan 2014, 13:28
by mikeb
Great installer. I've tried both install and uninstall with multiple versions.

I was interested in a Linux distribution that could be installed by a relative noob with the minimum fear factor. This is definitely the one I'd recommend.

Very Happy
Yes opne of those things i wish I had come up with :D

Just as a note this is for installing puppy from within windows.... particularly useful for such as netbooks or where optical drives are not being wonderful and the normal puppy install tools cannot be used cannot run puppy. (yet)

Windows users are used to downloading and running programs. Start talking about iso and disk burning, or making bootable usb sticks and you are getting into a foreign language. :) Such things come in time but the first hurdle is usually to get something...anything... running.


Window 8.1

Posted: Wed 22 Jan 2014, 05:57
by shinobar
@noryb009 and to all

Newly released Puppy_Linux_571JP_Installer.exe supports Window 8.1. Note that the UEFI is still not supported.

Window 8.1 has different version name with windows 8. So, we need to add some code to the PLIC.
The modified creator PLIC-JP.tar.gz is available: ... 7JP/tools/

Posted: Wed 22 Jan 2014, 09:30
by mikeb
Window 8.1 needs special code to be add.
Well one is not surprised....MS must have a whole department dedicated to prattling around with PC boot methods.

Does it still use bootmgr or has it mutated to something else?


Window 8.1 version name

Posted: Wed 22 Jan 2014, 14:35
by shinobar

Just the Window 8.1 has different version name with windows 8.
Note that the new PLIC still does not support UEFI.

Re: Puppy Linux Windows Installer - V1.1 released

Posted: Sun 16 Feb 2014, 20:35
by bones01
noryb009 wrote:Install Puppy Linux on Windows
Most people who come here are probably looking for this link, hosting a Windows installer for the most recent official Puppy Linux, as well as a few derivatives.
Thanks for your work on this noryb009. After buying my son a macbook air for Uni (oh, the shame), I've just inherited his old laptop and have been looking forward to getting back to puppy. But I didn't want to lose the windows OS as this helps others in our family. Your link and expertise have made it possible to have both with very little effort. I can't tell you how grateful I am that people like you can make things happen.

Thanks for your efforts.


Posted: Mon 17 Feb 2014, 01:04
by noryb009
Apparently, I wasn't getting email notifications for posts here... :oops:

@bones01: Thank you, nice to hear!
not sure of the status of this very useful program but if updates did happen a choice of partitions might be a welcome feature
It would be, and is something I'm hoping to work on at some point.
Window 8.1 has different version name with windows 8. So, we need to add some code to the PLIC.
Thanks, I'll add this to github soon. I'm getting access to a windows 8.1 computer soon, so I can also try to see what we can do about UEFI/secureboot, if anything.

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 02:42
by phredo
I have been running from a "puppy' folder on my old asus netbook and love it. For the life of me I can't remember where I found the files I used, but here's how it works.

I have both a boot folder and a puppy folder and the puppy folder has sub-folders for as many puppies as I choose to reference from the menu.lst in the boot folder. Here are the instructions that came with it, which I edited some:
1. Transfer this directory (boot) and the puppy directory, which also contains the slacpup and prepup directories, to target C: drive.

2. Run grubinstall.exe from Windows on that HD.

3. Add the line:

C:\BOOT\STAGE1="Puppy Linux"

to the end of the boot.ini file on the HD.
The boot folder contains grubinstall.exe, stage1, stage2, and menu.lst.

So, it's not as simple as the exe described in this thread, but it's not bad. And it allows me to choose from several puppies. Perhaps the menu.lst in the one on this thread could be edited to do the same?

Besides sharing, I have a question. When I boot up, the default boot after the timeout is to XP. I would like to change it to Puppy, but I don't know how. My boot.ini looks like this:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
C:\BOOT\STAGE1="Puppy Linux"
I'm thinking I just need to change the "default=" line, but nothing I've tried has worked. Any ideas? I've been playing around all day, getting ready for April's XP nonsupport, creating a savefile dedicated to running virtualbox with a slimmed down XP inside. So far it's been working great! I have the vbox sfs outside of Puppy and have vbox creating its vdi files also outside of Puppy, so the save file doesn't have to hold them.

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 03:07
by noryb009
Update on my last post: Windows 8.1 support has been added to the repo. I'm still looking at UEFI/secure boot.
Perhaps the menu.lst in the one on this thread could be edited to do the same?
The one in this thread can already boot multiple puppies, but thanks for the suggestion.

I think I had a boot.ini defaulting to grldr (stage1, in your case) at some point. I think the default line was just:

Code: Select all


Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 10:48
by mikeb
No notifications are fun :D
I've been playing around all day, getting ready for April's XP nonsupport,
I use windows 2000 almost daily long after the official support was dropped. There is nothing really to prepare for ..its just a marketing ploy...nothing will stop working...your machine will not have a mass invasion.

Your boot.ini method is really the grub version of win'n'lin (grub4dos is derived from grub and shares code) ..the exe installer simply automates this for user convenience and non techie usage and, like this method, is a way of doing it without touching the mbr.... just want to clarify that.


Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 18:08
by phredo
... is a way of doing it without touching the mbr.
If that's the case, how would I reverse it if I decided I didn't want to make use of this dual boot method? I assumed I would (1) take the added line out of the boot.ini, and (2) restore the mbr to it's original state. But if it's not the mbr that's been changed, I guess that wouldn't work.

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 19:56
by noryb009
The uninstaller just removes the entry from the boot.ini (along with deleting the grub4dos and puppy files).

The MBR for Windows NT/XP displays a menu. However, IIRC, if there is only one entry in boot.ini, this menu is skipped. So by adding or removing the second entry in boot.ini, the menu is shown or skipped, respectively.

Posted: Wed 26 Feb 2014, 02:11
by phredo
The uninstaller just removes the entry from the boot.ini (along with deleting the grub4dos and puppy files.
In the case of the setup I referred to, I did run a file named "grubinstall.exe" that must have done something. I did the placing of the puppy and grub folders myself, as well as adding the line to boot.ini. I wonder what it was and if it's something I would need to undo, if I wanted to back out of it?

I like it that your exe sets up an "uninstall" option and that it doesn't change the mbr. I'm ready to try it on our desktop computers, especially my wife's, which only has a gigabyte ram. I just need to do a few more experiments with wine and vbox first. By the way, I haven't tried "default=C:\BOOT\STAGE1" yet, but I'll report if it works soon.

Posted: Wed 26 Feb 2014, 20:59
by phredo
"default=C:\BOOT\STAGE1" worked to make Puppy the boot default. Makes it much easier to start up unattended without slipping into Windows by mistake with its long start up and shut down times.

Posted: Wed 12 Mar 2014, 15:32
by noryb009
The installer for Slacko Puppy 570 has been released.

phredo: great to hear that it worked!

Posted: Thu 13 Mar 2014, 18:54
by phredo
Thanks, noryb009 -

I've installed both your Precise and Slacko on several computers at home, and I love the ease of installation and the nice touches you put into the menu. I customized menu.lst, because I put both Puppy directories into a "Puppy" folder, both just to centralize everything and also to have a convenient place to add sfs files common to both, download files to so they'll be outside the save file(s), and anything else that comes to mind. It makes for something I can copy to another computer, with or without the original installation directories.

Because of the above, it would probably be easier for me to download an iso of Slacko 570 and just replace the 560 files with the new ones. Which files would I need to copy, just the puppy_slacko_5.7.sfs or some or all of the other files? Alternately, I could just save my menu.lst, install from your new exe, move things around and edit my old menu.lst, if needed.

Also, will my old save files work with 5.70?


Posted: Thu 13 Mar 2014, 21:27
by noryb009
Thank you! :)
Which files would I need to copy, just the puppy_slacko_5.7.sfs or some or all of the other files?
You need to copy the .sfs, initrd.gz, and vmlinuz (in some puppies, you also need the zdrv, but slacko doesn't have one).

You can do it either way. If you understand the menu.lst, you can also just make a new folder, copy the three files there, then add that to the menu.lst.
Also, will my old save files work with 5.70?
I'm not sure about this. I know that some Lucid Puppies were backwards compatible, but I'm not sure about slacko. You might want to ask in the main 570 thread.