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Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2019, 03:28
by bigpup

If you are actually using Xenialpup 7.5 and not Xenialpup64 7.5

This is the pet you need to install. ...
I did a clean install of Puppy xenial 7.5 to a hard drive.
I will assume this is a frugal install of Xenialpup 7.5
If yes.
You need to shutdown and make a save.
Reboot using the save.
Download the pet package and install it by left clicking on the pet.
Reboot so the pet install is saved in the save.
It should now work.

This is my wNA1100 in Xenialpup 7.5 after installing the pet package.
It uses the ath9k_htc driver.

Look in Pup-Sysinfo>Devices>USB Devices>Summary
See if the describtion looks similar to this:
VendorID=0846 ProductID=9030 Rev=01.08
Manufacturer=NETGEAR WNA

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2019, 03:39
by RonInRaleigh
This is the 32-bit version.

I did a lot more testing given that so many people were successful with the patch. The problem was in my installation. Yes, I did install the .pet file and it installed successfully. However, I did not understand that I also needed to run "Xenialpup updates" under the Setup menu. Once I did this and rebooted, the adapter was recognized and showed up as wlan0 in the in the Internet Configuration Wizard. I configured it and got onto the network.

So my WNA1100 is working fine. The 666philb fix does work, but it requires the additional step mentioned above. I guess I am just too new to Puppy Linux and did not understand the fine points of updating.

Oh, the ath9k module still does not show up in the list of loadable network modules, but I guess this does not matter since the adapter is working.

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2019, 03:46
by Subito Piano
RonInRaleigh -- kudos! I LOVE it when people take the time to understand things rather than quickly say "it doesn't work!" and go elsewhere. It may not be for EVERYbody, but there is a LOT to like about Puppy and I hope you find that it meets your needs/interests. :D

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2019, 03:54
by bigpup
Good to see you got it working. :!: :D

I do not ever remember needing to do the Xenialpup updates to get mine working, but I always run that Update after a fresh install of Xenialpup.

The developer of Xenialpup finds things he forgot to put into Xenialpup or bugs are found after the iso was made.
So, the Xenialpup updates is a easy way to put the fixes in.

We keep telling him he needs to rebuild the Xenialpup 7.5 iso so all this stuff is now in the iso.
Especially this bunch of missing drivers and firmware.

Puppy releases, never really get all the bugs worked out, until people start using it and reporting things they find to fix.

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2019, 13:25
by RonInRaleigh
I thought I would make one final post about my experience. As I said, the athxx xxx.ko modules were in the /lib directory after installing the .pet file, but those were the only changes in the /lib directory.

After I did the "Xenialpup updates", the following three "text" files in the /lib/modules/4.4.95 directory were updated: modules.alias, modules.dep, and modules.symbols. Their three corresponding .bin files were also updated. I think the most important update was to the .alias file since it has the hardware IDs of the adapter in it and (I assume) allowed the system to map the hardware ID to the supporting driver module.

I am new to Puppy Linux, but I have to say I am pretty impressed with it.


Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2020, 19:44
by poiu1234
I need it. But link for file .pet is down.
Can you ractivate it?

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2020, 20:57
by Subito Piano
Found it on the Internet Archive

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2020, 01:41
by bigpup
Try just doing the Quickpet->Info->Xenialpup updates
Reboot so changes and fixes are now being used.
I think the missing atheros stuff is now in one of the updates.

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2020, 13:23
by poiu1234
Thanks. I found it in the archive. There is no fix. Now wifi is ok.