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Posted: Tue 08 May 2018, 22:18
by mistfire
@foxpup It might be on your bootloader thats why you cant boot on uefi.

You must format the flashdrive as fat32. install grub-efi on your flashdrive. Put the iso contents on it and configure the bootloader

Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 00:53
by Terry H
Fantastic job so far mistfire. It's looks really polished and is blazing fast.

Manual frugal install to a Sandisk 32 GB Ultra Fit Flash Drive, using UEFI boot Manager, Fat32 EFI Partition and an ext4 partition fo all data. Manually loaded intel 7265 wifi firmware. All working nicely. Having issues with saves.

Save to Folder:
Intitial save to folder works, however subsequent attempts to save subsequent sessions have failed. I have attempted charnging Save interval to 0, +0, 10, but on shutdown/reboot when i log in again any changes made in the recent session are not saved.

Save to file:
I also checked save to file. After booting in following creating an ext4 save file, when I close down again I get first shut down dialog again so can only create a new save file with different suffix.

Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 08:20
by smokey01
I'm having similar problems to Terry H except I have made a frugal install to my internal SSD drive. It created a savefile but never loaded it at bootup.

I'm not familiar with SliTaz so I'm not sure what stanza to use.

It boots with the following:

Code: Select all

title TazPup A3
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /tazpupa3/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=tazpupa3
  initrd /tazpupa3/initrd.xz
I still haven't sorted the dual monitor problem. The current system only sees one of my two monitors. Does SilTaz have the nvidia propriety driver available?

Is there a devx available?

Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 09:32
by mistfire
@Terry triggering save session on slitaz shutdown was extremely painful in my head. Because when slitaz close X server it just restarts X. So the save session script must run while X is running then trigger slitaz shutdown.

@Smokey can you please send me the bootinit.log file which can be found at /initrd/tmp ? I will try to add debug mode on rc.shutdown script to trace the save session process. You may search nvidia driver property at . I think devx sfs from slacko might work.

Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 10:28
by wiak
Take your time with this mistfire. This is a new idea/project and there are lots of technical issues involved that are best worked on slowly and accurately. Goodness, its only been a few days so not the time to worry about devx yet! Truly bound to take time to get persistence/save file/folder issues worked out and an important piece of development so best to not rush it. Better to wait a few weeks and release something solid so users won't expect a perfect Pup at such an early stage. I haven't even tried it yet - I usually wait until it is clear to me the developer feels it is 'ready' for productive testing (unless I'm helping out with the main development, which I'm not in this case).

Of course, especially when it comes to the savefile issues, early test reports are certainly good and helpful in determining what is going on.


Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 10:30
by greengeek
Testing Tazpup 3 alpha - loving it so far. Exciting stuff.

Keep it up mistfire please!

PS: I do not want persistence. I want a pristine boot each time - uncontaminated by previous session. If possible I do want to customise with personal sfs or similar.

I save what I want externally so no persistence required.

I want quick and stable.

cheers and good luck!

Posted: Wed 09 May 2018, 10:59
by anticapitalista
Just to give some feedback, iso doesn't work in Virtualbox (no X desktop), while Slitaz does boot to desktop just fine.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 01:35
by mistfire
Tazpup alpha 4 is now released:

* More improvements on shutdown and save session
* Remaster script might work
* pup_event frontend now running (house cleaning task might work)
* Shutdown and reboot works on user account without root asking password
* Device startup from puppy is now added
* With zram
* With tazpkg installer script

Download: ... sp=sharing

Build kit is now available if you want to build your own tazpup ... sp=sharing

Just run the script in terminal, specify the pristine slitaz iso image and puppy iso image, and wait until the process is finished. This tool only works on puppy host

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 04:11
by smokey01
@Smokey can you please send me the bootinit.log file which can be found at /initrd/tmp ? I will try to add debug mode on rc.shutdown script to trace the save session process. You may search nvidia driver property at . I think devx sfs from slacko might work.
See bootinit.log file attached.

There are two nvidia packages in the repo but they are for legacy cards. My card is a GT 740 which is not supported this is why I need to compile my own.

Which slacko version devx do you suggest? There are many.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 04:31
by mistfire

According to the bootlog. Your savefile was not found. Where did you put the savefile and its filename?

try the devx of slacko 6.3.2 first

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 04:49
by smokey01
mistfire wrote:@smokey

According to the bootlog. Your savefile was not found. Where did you put the savefile and its filename?

try the devx of slacko 6.3.2 first
The savefile is in the same directory as the ISO files, EG:

I tried slacko 6999 but it didn't load. A box popped up asking which application to use to load the sfs file. I thought you had on the fly working?

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 06:24
by darry19662018
Ok Alpha 4 running on this Dell Inspiron 6400 my this thing makes me giddy with its speed.

Puppy installer works with frugal installs only - thats ok I like frugal installs with a save folder option, Anyway this exciting Mistfire and good enough to be a daily runner. Will keep playing.:)

Like others have said take your time with it and enjoy the ride.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 06:46
by mistfire
@smokey sad to say but root account on slitaz does not support file association. Use sfs-load application to load the sfs file or use tux account to double click and load sfs file. Dont worry I will try fix that problem

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 08:44
by smokey01
mistfire wrote:@smokey sad to say but root account on slitaz does not support file association. Use sfs-load application to load the sfs file or use tux account to double click and load sfs file. Dont worry I will try fix that problem
The devx for slacko-6999 seems to work, well gcc looks for input files anyway.

sfs-load works fine as user tux.

I still can't get any persistence. The savefile can't be found. Does the save file have to be at the root level of the drive or partition? I have it one level deep along with the OS files.

Please post a working stanza for a frugal installation.


Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 08:48
by mistfire
@smokey01 I need some deep analysis on it. The best solution was get all the files in the /initrd/tmp folder and send it here to for more detailed analysis. Did you use save file or save folder?

If you use the psubdir folder parameter then the savefile must put on the folder where the name is specified on psubdir

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 08:50
by smokey01
mistfire wrote:@smokey01 I need some deep analysis on it. The best solution was get all the files in the /initrd/tmp folder and send it here to for more detailed analysis. Did you use save file or save folder?
Savefile @ /mnt/sdc1/tazpupa4/tazpupsave.4fs

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 09:46
by rg66
To get sfs mount/load working as root just add: application/x-squashfs-image=filemnt.desktop to /usr/share/applications/defaults.list

To get puppy icons working with faenza theme delete /usr/share/icons/SliTaz-Faenza/48x48/mimetypes/application-x-exacutable and rename application-x-generic to application-x-exacutable, also do this for 16x16 then run "gtk-update-icon-cache -i /usr/share/icons/SliTaz-Faenza" from terminal.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 19:32
by Keef
Finally got online...

RF-Kill was blocking the wifi, but no rfkill available to unblock it. I compiled it elsewhere and used that - easier than recompiling busybox.
Posting from Midori now.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2018, 22:49
by Terry H
Using alpha 4 I am unable to access an ntfs partition. Checked that ntfs-3g is installed. The partiton shows the mounted indicator in pcmanfm. When I look atthe Description in pcmanfm, it shows, inode/x-corrupted type. I get the following Message Box displayed.


The specified directory '/media/Windows' is not valid.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2018, 02:18
by smokey01
I just saved a session with the save to folder option and it seems to be persistent. The savefile does not work but the folder does.

Posting from Alpha4 with savefolder.