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Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 02:35
by rarsa

I just finished compiling the VPN client.

Now I can fully remote to my office.

With VPN client + rdesktop I can monitor and control the Windows2000 servers from Puppy!

and I can remote to my home from the office with ssh + vncclient !

To compile the VPN client I required the kernel source. I just downloaded it from the official site, extracted it in /usr/src and that was it. I did not have to compile it, though, but there are many apps that just require the headers.

If there are people interested I could create the VPN DotPup.

Now Barry,

For this puppy, the limit is the sky.
I will have to change my reviews after version 1.0.5. as my only 'con' was the need to compile in another distro.

Many people (including me) are going to be very happy.

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 11:28
by Lobster
bladehunter wrote:cc is just a symlink to gcc....there is no difference......It's put there for the sake of Makefiles that ,rightly, don't assume gcc is the default compiler. That symlink could in fact point to tinycccccccccccccccccccccc
Thanks BladeH

this is what I was looking for all along ... e&artid=33

I think there is a lot of interest in this and I wonder what sort of small ide or interface creator we should be looking at?

I am not a great fan of C - BUT it is very important for those who do and indeed have to use it.

Freeing ourselves from Vector and Mandrake and other environments (for compiling on) is great.

Compiling the source code is not that difficult - it has always seemed mysterious to me. Writing it is not something I contemplate doing but of course for those who wish to learn C Puppy would be an ideal environment.

here is another link

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 12:05
by Guest
I think there is a lot of interest in this and I wonder what sort of small ide or interface creator we should be looking at?

I am not a great fan of C - BUT it is very important for those who do and indeed have to use it.

Freeing ourselves from Vector and Mandrake and other environments (for compiling on) is great.

Compiling the source code is not that difficult - it has always seemed mysterious to me. Writing it is not something I contemplate doing but of course for those who wish to learn C Puppy would be an ideal environment.
I spent time putting something exactly like this together........beat Barry to it by ages, even included a small console IDE and no-one gave a fucking shit

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 13:15
by Lobster
What you get all the fun of doing it and expect recognition too? - tsk tsk - not in this dimension . . .

A lot of what you do BladeH is way over my head or explained in a way that I barely understand. For example the framebuffer Atheros.iso

I downloaded and burnt a copy but it would not run, so I assumed it required
a machine that was having graphics display problems that this would solve.

The number of users at present who would value a console IDE - not sure but again they are more likely to download it and use it and be too maverick to even mention it.

Are you gonna tell us about it or have you succumbed to the dark side of the force? If so I have a wrathful (deals with the dark side) Buddhist practice involving a troup of Astral Hell Hounds that you might be too terrified to resist . . .

tee hee [with extra cackle]

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 15:32
by EarlSmith
bladehunter, do you still have the things you worked on and is it still availlable? If so could you tell us where? Sometimes the timing of things is important. I am seeing that many of the small usefull programs in Puppy are writtened in Tcl . Would your IDE help some of us to learn Tcl. Back in the late 80s, I learned to use COMAL . It had a very simple ide, but it allowed me to learn it and write programs with it. Tcl seems to be the thing to learn for Puppy. I may be sounding like a fool here because of my ignorance, but some of us do appreciate what you do! You have helped me several times and I thank you!

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 22:43
by Guest
Nope most of it's all gone.......Lost it yesterday and destroyed +$4000 of equipment

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005, 22:56
by BlackAdder
Blade, was that you? Very troubling. Anything I can do to help?

EarlSmith, rather off topic, but if you install the Tcl starkit you can run a set of Tcl tutorials. There is a similar set on the web. There was a thread about starkit in Additional Software.

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 00:01
by Nathan F

I, and many others, were quite taken with the ideas behind what you put together. I'm sorry that I never got around to trying it. I give you credit for finding a good way to put a package like this together, and I don't really believe that Barry would have done this at all if you hadn't given him the idea in the first place. If he had it would probably have been in some completely different form. In that sense, yes, people gave a shit, or at least you impressed the person who was in the position to incorporate it into Puppy and make the rest of us really take notice.

I fully intend top rip off some more of these ideas for a few of my own projects later on, as soon as I get a little smarter. Things are like that in open source. You start a great idea, and someone else runs with it and gets the credit. But at least you've helped to roll the ball along a little further and make Puppy better for everyone. I'm really excited by the prospects of what applications are going to crop up now that people have an easily accessible way to compile. Please be happy for us all, yourself included.

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 03:11
by Lobster
EarlSmith wrote: Back in the late 80s, I learned to use COMAL. It had a very simple ide, but it allowed me to learn it and write programs with it. Tcl seems to be the thing to learn for Puppy.
G2 has kindly compiled and uploaded a COMAL dotpup
I studied the documentation and web sites
This is indeed an elegant language, combining the structure of pascal with the simplicity of BASIC
I do agree that Tcl is the best beginner language for Puppy ;)
I even came across some snippet of code (my only ever tcl code) that was modified and included in PizzaPup

The best way to learn is to get stuck in and working on the Puppy project has major benefits. However we all I guess, are responsible for our programming . . .

GIGO I think is the term . . .

I work on the principle of Good Input Good Output - though some prefer garbage . . .
Some people have developed a Neuroliguistic Programming Language (NLP) to program people like machines. One of their ideas is:

"The communication is in the result it creates"
Therefore if you wish to be helpful and end up being helpless, who have you helped?


:oops: if you don't understand what I am saying - I guess it must be me. OK I am off to destroy $8000 worth of equipment so everyone will be REALLY concerned . . . :roll:

pass me the sledgehammer nurse . . . I can feel one of my turns coming on . . .

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2005, 07:47
by BarryK
I have responded to a private message that Bladehunter sent.

His effort is not at all wasted, rather complimentary.
I emphasised that usr_devx.sfs is "thrown together", to prove the principle of mounting a squashfs development file directly on /usr, and compiling against all the existing library files on Puppy -- which necesitated are rather odd usr_devx.sfs composed of files (mainly headers) taken from both Vector and Mandrake.

Bladehunter was working on something more formal and "self-contained", plus he incorporated an ide. I think he used LFS and compiled the packages to create his development file.
I did look at Bladehunter's file, but decided that it wasn't right for my immediate need.

However, none of Bladehunter's work is nullified. A new more formal usr_devx.sfs is the way to go, created from scratch with packages compiled to work together, with a ide.
I had a particular requirement, so knocked something togther in one afternoon, so could get something running quickly.

I'm working on "Puppy Sourcerer", which means that all of Puppy can be compiled from source. So, anyone comes up with a better usr_devx.sfs, we can compile all of Puppy using it.
Having usr_devx.sfs means that I now have a tool to forge ahead quickly developing Sourcerer, and in the meantime someone else can look at overhauling usr_devx.sfs -- that's why I posted instructions on the News page how to modify the contents of usr_devs.sfs -- in my private message to Bladehunter I invited him to be involved in that.

I really don't want to tread on anyone's toes.

Yeah, please take the invitation!

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 11:50
by PeterSieg
Hi bladehunter, Barry.
Just back from vacation :)
Just read the news about 1.0.5alpha + usrdevx.sfs.
I will not have a change to try it before next week :(
I really strongly believe, that we are on the right track with that.
We need to have such a usr*.sfs development environment file system, that
just by mounting AND hopefully executing some autostart script sort of thing,
allows to compile Puppy apps and the kernel etc...
If bladehunter and Barry can team up here - what a dream team!
BTW: I do need this to be automounted if the usr*.sfs file is fount on the live-cd
puppy is booted from.. NOT /mnt/home :(
But of course, I can always manually mount it..

So please continue both of you to reach this goal, because we are almost there!

BTW: When I left for vacation app. 2 weeks ago, we had close to 400 forum
users.. Now we are close to 500!!!


Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 12:41
by BarryK
rarsa wrote: To compile the VPN client I required the kernel source. I just downloaded it from the official site, extracted it in /usr/src and that was it. I did not have to compile it, though, but there are many apps that just require the headers.
The latest usr_devx.sfs has the kernel 2.4.29 headers in it. As you say, that's all that many apps need to compile.

Re: Yeah, please take the invitation!

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 12:51
by BarryK
PeterSieg wrote: BTW: I do need this to be automounted if the usr*.sfs file is fount on the live-cd
puppy is booted from.. NOT /mnt/home :(
But of course, I can always manually mount it..
usr_devx.sfs automounts on /usr at bootup, nothing to configure, it's all ready to use. You just have to download it to /mnt/home/, meaning the same partition that has pup001 -- so Puppy can easily find it.

Well, the rc.sysinit script could be modified to look on the CD also... let's see, when it looks for usr_cram.fs, it could also look for usr_devx.sfs and if found copy that to the hard drive. boot, usr_devx.sfs will already be on hd, thus speeding bootup.
...does this seem like what you would want?

Note: anyone with a NTFS-only hard drive must not download usr_devx.sfs to /mnt/home while running Puppy!!!

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 15:18
by rarsa
Barry wrote:
Note: anyone with a NTFS-only hard drive must not download usr_devx.sfs to /mnt/home while running Puppy!!!
Let me reword it to make it VERY clear.

If you have your pup001 in C:\ then you have to do the following:

1. Using Windows download usr_devx.sfs
2. Copy usr_devx.sfs to C:\
3. Reboot with puppy.

search for usrdevx.sfs etc

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 15:31
by PeterSieg
Well, the rc.sysinit script could be modified to look on the CD also... let's see, when it looks for usr_cram.fs, it could also look for usr_devx.sfs and if found copy that to the hard drive. boot, usr_devx.sfs will already be on hd, thus speeding bootup.
...does this seem like what you would want?
Well no :(
I do work with at the moment with no hdd at all. Just a cd drive with live-cd Puppy and
a usb stick for pup001 (or was it pup100?)...
Also the qemu environment is somewhat similiar...

So looking on the live-cd is great!
But copying to where pup001 is, doesn't work for me here because of limitted space.
Idealy, only copying to /mnt/home, if enough space..otherwise just mount from cd..
(Oh, so many options -- as usuall :) )


Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 17:08
by nduanetesh
BarryK wrote: The latest usr_devx.sfs has the kernel 2.4.29 headers in it. As you say, that's all that many apps need to compile.
Barry, any chance you'll be uploading this any time soon?


Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 18:01
by Bancobusto
Don't know if this helps, maybe there are more than on usr_devx.sfs out there, but here's the one I have, seems to work just swelll....

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2005, 20:07
by rarsa

If you are planning to move to the proposed (doopdoop) iceWM improved look and feel, plus having the ability to compile from within Puppy, plus all the other goodies, I really think that the next version of puppy should reflect it.

Those two items alone (ability to compile + new look and feel) separate the next release from the previous versions.

One of the standard ways packages and apps versions are numbered is


<major> Major version usually not fully backwards compatible
<minor> Substantial new features but still backwards compatible.
<fix> Small number of new features, usually resolving anoyances and bugs.
<build> Just meaningfull during development to differentiate test versions.

What rules are you following to number puppy's versions?

I'm actually thorn between suggesting 2.0.0 or 1.1.0

I really think that 1.0.5 does not make justice to the actual relevance of the release. I know that you that look at puppy every day may not realize how much it has grown.