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vx5 commander/wine/Puppy

Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008, 03:10
by imnotrich
iang wrote:Interesting to find some ham radio Puppy users.

There's a real shortage of ham radio software for Linux. Has anyone tried using Wine & WIndows based software?

Contest loggers, rig control software, propagation software etc. There's a lot of shareware based programmes in Windows, but very little on Linux.

Iang, aka G4FSU
Actually, I have vx-5 commander working in wine on Debian, but read only. Haven't figured out how to write back to the device. Some sort of serial port usb cable issue.

Also got my icom pcr-100 working in Ubuntu/wine.

So it is possible.

Would use Linux equivalents if they were out there!

Rich kg6jse

Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:14
by Aitch
1/ Harley XD said
we better be careful, we could end up with a whole new group, HamPuppies, ....also forget Wine, virtualbox is a free open source version of VM Ware, GET THAT THING .pup'ed
do the first, read here for the second
Also BruceB has info about & uses VMs in puppy

or, just find your own solutions, [bookmark the searchtool]

2/ I assume people are aware of this, - see john doe's question earlier
maddox wrote:yes, it would be great if some HAM's could package their progs for puppy.
I think that the HAM programmers learnt the win coding thing, and aren't convinced (learning curve) about puppy
3/ When I was a lot younger, geeks WERE radio hams, and didn't have PCs
It's funny how geeks became specialised, isn't it?
ham geeks, windoze geeks, windoze & ham geeks, & linux/puppy geeks
It seems a bit late for the addition of category linux/puppy &ham geeks,
isn't it?
Put the skates on lads, there's some catching up to do - and if Microsh*t has their way we'll have no internet to use, so ham will become the new backbone for 'free' communication

4/ see my last post here;

Enjoy, :)

Aitch [to old to do it all, now, but still interested!]

PS Someone asked about VOIP?

fldigi with RigCAT on eeePC with Puppy

Posted: Sat 10 May 2008, 18:53
by DonTuite
I have fldigi on a USB memory stick up and running on my eeePC. I want to control my ICOM 703 using a RigExpert Tiny, which uses an FTDI chip to interface between USB and the ICOM CI-V interface.

Under Puppy, the USB drivers are /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 and /dev/usb/ttyUSB1.

I have been editing the RigCAT .xml file for the 703 without success. (After editing, I place it in "root" with the name ".fldigi.xml")

Other than changing the name of the driver in the XML file, what else should I be doing? Obviously, the XML files were written under the assumption the interface would be a TTY Com port. Can I just change a few more lines of XML, or is it a big deal?

Don NR7X

Posted: Sun 01 Jun 2008, 01:46
by Spanky
I have been editing the RigCAT .xml file for the 703 without success. (After editing, I place it in "root" with the name ".fldigi.xml")
I believe you're supposed to change the name to 'rig.xml'. Also, it should go into the /root/.fldigi directory.

Spanky (aka VE4KEH)

Posted: Sun 01 Jun 2008, 20:31
There was a derivative of puppy called "DigiPup" based upon 2.16. I have a copy that is currently gathering dust. I am wondering if it would be possible to interface my pc with my ICOM IC-28 using the sound card? However, I supposed I would have to try to install Fldigi and Geoid onto Puppy 3.01 (I am using derivative ChurchPup). I suppose I can check the grafpup site to see if there is either a pup or pet file. I will check and let everyone know.


Yes, I know, I have a California call and I live in Washington, blame the Navy. However, I don't plan to change it either.

Five minutes later:

You can find listings for fldigi, geoid, and logbook at:

They were all pet files. However, they don't appear to be there anymore. Will keep looking.

Posted: Sun 01 Jun 2008, 20:55


Posted: Sun 01 Jun 2008, 21:17
by Caneri
I've got a few files here

Look under EMCpup

Hope there is a use as I want to keep the older stuff.

EDIT: Does anyone know how to contact EMCpup's maker? I would like to post a link to his site on my pages at

pm me if you have a contact for EMCpup.

Posted: Sun 01 Jun 2008, 21:52
I installed the pet files from the EMCpup site and they worked beautifully. I now have ChurchPup 3.01 with Amateur Radio digital mode capability. How cool is that?


Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 01:52
by win2000
If you guys are interested I could posts the pets for 3 satellite trackers from the new Cloudy Skies Live CD. They are Predict, Mtrack and Gsat. There might already be a pet of one of these floating around Puppy somewhere. (Must be getting old.)

Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 03:20
That could be useful. I may someday try my hand at either satelite or EME. In either case, I'd likely stick with two meters.


Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 07:07
by Mercedes350se
For those interested gPredict is here: ... 02&t=29337

Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 17:00
by Aitch
EMCPup here, from original site links
KF6SNJ wrote:You can find listings for fldigi, geoid, and logbook at:

They were all pet files. However, they don't appear to be there anymore. Will keep looking.

Edit: sorry Chris, just noticed later link

Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 19:29
Not a problem. I just wish I could find a way to hook up my pc to my Icom IC-28H. I know that I can do it with my Alinco DJ-S41 using a couple of double male cables (though the size on the microphone input for the alinco needs to be smaller than the other three, 325mW radio, you get what you pay for). Either way, I plan to use my sound card to connect my computer to the radio.

Any thoughts?


Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2008, 22:21
by Aitch
I plan to use my sound card to connect my computer to the radio.

Any thoughts?
Nope, Sorry - just watch out for floating dc power - tantulum capacitor isolate i/ps, to be safe

I found loadsa stuff - /frequency mods /satnav stuff /squelch reducers

Useful sites, though they haven't been checked fully ... g_info.htm - looks good

Clusty searchtool - bookmark this!


Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 03 Jun 2008, 00:24
by win2000
2 satellite trackers for Puppy Linux 3.01
Download from...

Home page:

MTrack is a satellite tracking program. It was written many years ago (about 1990/91) and originally ran under DOS and supported the Hercules monochrome graphic card. It was ported to use Motif under Linux in 1994, and was later modified to use GTK in 1999.

Entry is added to your Personal menu.

2nd satellite tracker is Predict/gSat
Home page:
When installed two icons are added to your personal menu.

PREDICT is an open-source, multi-user satellite tracking and orbital prediction program written under the Linux operating system.
GSAT is a realtime satellite tracking client program to KD2BD's Predict.
gSat basically provides a GUI for Predict.
Quick Start for gSat...
MUST add the following line to the end of /etc/services for gPredict to work...

predict 1210/udp

Then reboot.
After you start gSat, bring the window to the front which has the earth.
Click on CONNECT. When the new small window opens click on CONNECT again.

No additional files or libs are required. To get accurate positions of the satellites, you will need to update the 'TLEs' for both mtrack and Predict.

Posted: Wed 25 Jun 2008, 14:52
by davidA
I just wanted to mention that I have been running 'Airmail' on top of Wine for some years. It works well with some Linux versions, although I have had problems when trying to install on a few (vanilla Debian included)

Airmail runs well on Ubuntu 7.1 and (since switching to Puppy) am pleased to say that it runs fine on 'Dingo' (over VHF/UHF packet) and over a regular telnet connection (I have not tested on HF as I don't have a Pactor TNC)


David VE7DAJ

Posted: Thu 03 Jul 2008, 03:29
by edoc
I stumbled upon CQRLOG for Linux and it is the most robust free Ham logging and rig control and dx-spotting, etc I have found!

I also acquired the G4ZLP USB-to-mic-port CAT interface for my Yaesu FT-857D (to keep the rear CAT port open for future tuner and amp control.

PROBLEM: I cannot get CQRLOG via Puppy to talk to the device.

Puppy "sees" it via USBview and it is not red.

I have tried /dev/ttyUSB1 and /dev/usb/ttyUSB1 and neither work.

I checked and both the rig and CQRLOG are set for 9600 baud, not sure if I need to change any other settings.


Posted: Thu 03 Jul 2008, 11:59
by edoc
Someone from the CQRLOG list posted this in response to my question (similar to the one I posted here). If the FTDI chipset supported by Puppy? It is supposed to be in the "standard" kernel. I don't recall how to request the data he sent from his (see below) ...
It depends on the chipset used in the interface. Therte are still some
chipsets with proprietary parameters and the manufacturer ignores the
linux! Anyway, such chipsets should be avoided!

It is quite tricky to investigate that G4ZLP uses FTDI chipset for his
interfaces. These FTDI are one of the best and are widely supported in
Linux, however this support must be enabled in the kernel (assumed that
you compile your own kernel - it is a must, unfortunately it is hardly
possible to dig into every distribution and study how they built their

Your kernel can be the culprit if it is built without USB port drivers

Here is the part of my kernel .config which shows that the FTDI support
is built as module (so not directly into kernel).

# USB port drivers

Posted: Thu 03 Jul 2008, 12:13
by edoc
Does this mean that the FTDI drivers (scroll down)are loaded?

Code: Select all

# lsmod                                    
Module                  Size  Used by
usb_storage            83264  0 
pwc                    96256  0 
compat_ioctl32          1408  1 pwc
gspca                 683344  0 
videodev               27904  2 pwc,gspca
v4l2_common            16896  2 pwc,videodev
v4l1_compat            14596  1 videodev
wlan_wep                6784  1 
evdev                  10240  0 
parport_pc             31716  1 
lp                     12616  0 
parport                35528  2 parport_pc,lp
snd_mixer_oss          16896  0 
usbhid                 24928  0 
usblp                  14080  0 
ftdi_sio               34184  0 

Posted: Thu 03 Jul 2008, 12:22
by Aitch
Hi doc

Useful bash commands

lsmod = gives installed hardware

dmesg = gives clues about failed module loads

modprobe > device = check loaded module, if not autoloaded

rmmod > device = removes badly loaded modules

could be usb serial is not loading

try modprobe ohci-hcd,


modprobe usbserial

there may also be specific interupts used, so you could try booting with different params, see pci ... /bootparms
