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Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 08:04
by miriam
:) Thanks Tony. I'll mention that to him... though he'll probably want to start off with something less challenging.

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 12:30
by tony
Hi Miriam,

I must admit that I started off with the game as a "shootemup" and later settled for just circuits and bumps on the old ww1 aircraft.

Regards Tony

Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 03:03
by miriam
Woo hoo! I just finished downloading the slackware binaries and they work perfectly.
That is for version FlightGear 2 and I'm using it on Puppy 3.0.1.

I had previously tried to compile FlightGear, but had some trouble, however in doing that I also downloaded and compiled SimGear If the slackware binaries don't work for other people (they work on mine) then you might need SimGear too... however, I kinda doubt you'll need it.

I'll try to download the FlightPup liveCD iso again today (the download failed yesterday, part way through). When I have that I'll be able to demonstrate it on anybody's machine without having to install it. Thanks again to CatDude for uploading the FlightPup iso.

Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 08:28
by CatDude
Hello miriam

If you are having trouble downloading via the browser, then use wget instead.

Open ROX-Filer and go to the directory where you save your downloads,
then open a terminal in that directory and use the following command:

Code: Select all

wget -c --user=puppy --password=linux
If for any reason you get disconnected, just re-run the command and it will pick up where it left off.

Hope this helps

Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 08:38
by cthisbear

Bottom of page...>>> Save file to your PC: click here


Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 10:20
by miriam
Hi CatDude. Yep, that's what I used, though without the '-c' to continue. I'll try continuing what I downloaded earlier and see if it gets the rest. Thanks for the suggestion. I much prefer wget rather than browser downloading because it is much more reliable. I was very surprised when it didn't get the whole thing.

Cool! cthisbear has uploaded it too. Good on ya. :)

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 00:27
by miriam
CatDude, I continued the download using wget last night and checked it with md5sum. It showed bad checksum. So I downloaded it again. This time wget made it all the way through. However when I ran md5sum on that it also checked out as bad.

Are you sure the checksum is correct?
Both my downloads show md5sum value of:

Code: Select all

d2d30bca577c310feced8f80fa4817c9  FlightPup-v1.iso
This is different from the checksum value given online.

They won't boot due to corrupt kernel.

Does anybody else get the same problem? It takes me about 10 hours to download this, but I'll try again anyway.

Posted: Thu 27 May 2010, 12:05
by John Lewis
If you've not got this to work yet, Pm me with an address and I'll post you a CD. I'm in West Aus so it shouldn't take too long.


Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 06:52
by miriam
Hi John. Nope I haven't got it to work. I would be very grateful if you could do that. I'll pay for the postage. I'll pm you...

Posted: Thu 08 Jul 2010, 20:33
by aracnachid
I have the same problem as miriam.

Have downloaded from two different locations and after writing to cd it gives me invalid or corrupt kernal image error :( .

Any ideas? Or can I order a live cd that works from somewhere?

Posted: Thu 08 Jul 2010, 22:07
by CatDude

@ miriam
So sorry for not responding sooner, but i have only just seen your post.
miriam wrote:Are you sure the checksum is correct?
Absolutely sure.
The ISO that i uploaded had the following md5sum: c1e485f6ca6300d6af9ae18d2d4628a1
miriam wrote:Both my downloads show md5sum value of:

Code: Select all

d2d30bca577c310feced8f80fa4817c9  FlightPup-v1.iso
This is different from the checksum value given online.
Well, i just download the ISO from the link cthisbear gave:
and that gives the same md5sum you are getting, so i can only assume that it is corrupted.

Also, as you are probably aware,
most (if not all) ISO's over 100MB (that includes the FlightPup-v1.iso) on Caneri's servers have been deleted by the :twisted: Morons :twisted: otherwise known as his hosts.

@ aracnachid
I will upload it somewhere in the morning, then post a link here.


Posted: Thu 08 Jul 2010, 22:22
by smokey01
CatDude I can provide you with an FTP account on if you like

Posted: Thu 08 Jul 2010, 22:38
by CatDude
Hello smokey01
smokey01 wrote:CatDude I can provide you with an FTP account on if you like
That sounds like a good idea mate, and very kind of you too.

You can PM me if you like.


Posted: Thu 08 Jul 2010, 23:55
by miriam
aracnachid, I'd be happy to post you the FlightPup CD along with another disk containing the iso, as John Lewis kindly did for me.

Just PM me your postal address and I'll try to pop it in the mail today.

Ummm... that goes for anyone else who has had difficulty downloading it too.

Posted: Fri 09 Jul 2010, 00:06
by miriam
CatDude, thanks for the thought. I appreciate it. I now have the iso though, thanks to John Lewis posting the disk(s) to me via snail-mail.

I will pass on that favor to anyone who asks.

Posted: Fri 09 Jul 2010, 09:15
by CatDude

Thanks to the generosity of smokey01
you can now download it from here:

miriam wrote:CatDude, thanks for the thought. I appreciate it. I now have the iso though, thanks to John Lewis posting the disk(s) to me via snail-mail.
That's OK my dear, no problem


Posted: Fri 09 Jul 2010, 13:50
by miriam
Thanks CatDude and Smoky01. I grabbed a copy. The md5sum checks out too.

Posted: Thu 15 Jul 2010, 00:07
by aracnachid
Thanks miriam for posting the flightpup disks to me. I am happy to pass the favor on for anyone having trouble getting a copy or downloading the iso.

If anyone wants a copy of flightpup sent to them please send me a personal message and I will be happy to.

Thanks again miriam

Posted: Mon 08 Nov 2010, 15:34
by CatDude

Thanks to the generosity of Russoodle
you can now download it from here too:

FlightPup-v1.iso (448 MB)

If asked for, use the following:
Username = puppy
Password = linux


FlightGear 2

Posted: Tue 30 Nov 2010, 10:45
by alpensepp
hello flightgear lovers 8)

flightpup1 is the only way for me to get decent framerates out of my older equipment (ati x1300). fglrx isn`t working anymore with modern xorg-versions for that card, with puppy3/4 it is. with the opensource driver radeon (tried in ubuntu) the framrate is unplayable low.

since flightgear 2 has arrived some time ago, I searched the web for something like or even a preconfigured flightpup2 as followup for flightpup1.

has anybody an idea where to find something like
or could JB4x4 continue with his nice work he did on flightpup1? :wink:

thanks for any answers!