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Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 17:40
by edexter
I can't say that I hate microsoft and I don't realy see linux as a different system anymore since it runs inside of vmware and it is easy to set up new vmware versions. I have an older laptop where I zapped out windows though and my music software distro may work better with all the python dependencies inside of a virtual machine so it doesn't all have to be put together in pieces. A good marketer should know that puppy linux can be just another windows app so it shouldn't be an us vs them sort of thing (so now the Europeans are going to sue you for being part of the anti-competitive windows-linux operating system :) )

Posted: Thu 26 Nov 2009, 10:11
by omskates
I'm at work (hospital) on an XP desktop but all our major charting applications are based on OpenSuse running from Linux servers through VMWare virtualization. Mixing different OS's on the same box is more & more prevalent.

fix the browser

Posted: Thu 10 Dec 2009, 14:39
by PuppyLinuxisgay
i think the browser should be fully stable before you try to promote puppy, or they will be like THIS SUCKS and its broke nobody likes broke stuff. 421 is way cooler than 431. full of useful widgets.
but IMO there should be more rainbows and pink triangles.
loljk how long until this troll name gets b&
but i am serious. the browser needs fixing. i gave someone a puppy cd because their windows was broke, but i didnt know the browser crashed this much.

Re: fix the browser

Posted: Thu 10 Dec 2009, 18:31
by ttuuxxx
PuppyLinuxisGreat wrote:i think the browser should be fully stable before you try to promote puppy, or they will be like THIS SUCKS and its broke nobody likes broke stuff. 421 is way cooler than 431. full of useful widgets.
but IMO there should be more rainbows and pink triangles.
loljk how long until this troll name gets b&
but i am serious. the browser needs fixing. i gave someone a puppy cd because their windows was broke, but i didnt know the browser crashed this much.
Change your nic please, why make a disrespectful name like that.

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 01:36
by Aitch
Change your nic please, why make a disrespectful name like that.

ADD Also edit out the subject line or get reported!

[you also copied it, ttuuxxx....tut tut!]

No homophobes here please! we got enough problems.....& not just browsers

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 04:52
by ttuuxxx
Aitch wrote:
Change your nic please, why make a disrespectful name like that.

ADD Also edit out the subject line or get reported!

[you also copied it, ttuuxxx....tut tut!]

No homophobes here please! we got enough problems.....& not just browsers

Aitch :)
I fixed my section lol

Open Source Conference 2010

Posted: Wed 06 Jan 2010, 12:52
by Offenbach
There is an open source conference occuring in mid 2010 in Malaysia.
Here is the link ... 4170351613

Posted: Thu 15 Apr 2010, 12:54
by looseSCREWorTWO
G'day Sylvander.
You know what they say about "experts" . . .

Posted: Thu 15 Apr 2010, 14:35
by Sylvander
I've been doing such as that at the PC-Guide forums, and as a result being subjected to a sustained campaign of criticism by 2 particular moderators.

That has tailed off recently since I dramatically reduced my rate of posting there.

Here's my latest contribution.
It'd be nice if a Puppy expert would help there.
The guy [Joe Musser] cannot get Lighthouse Puppy to load on his problem PC.
i.e. "kernel panic. Not syncing. Attempted to kill init"

Posted: Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:18
by looseSCREWorTWO
Another way to promote Puppy Linux to WinDOZE users is to go on PC online discussion forums where people are "pulling their hair out" cos XP has crashed or Windows 98 has a virus, or whatever, and put forward the idea of using Puppy Linux as a Rescue Disk. Often these folk are speechless when told they'll be able to access their trashed Hard Drive and save their data, or wipe the HD clean with Gparted prior to re-installing WinDOZE.

This is a way of introducing Puppy to people who would otherwise never even think of using it. When doing this I've found it helps if you point out:
- Puppy is a FREE download
- Puppy can be run from CD / RAM without making changes to the HD

Once people are persuaded to download Puppy and they see it's "friendly" and that their Win98 machine can run fast on Puppy, half the battle is over. I think some of these people will, in time, be persuaded to make the next step of using Puppy as their primary OS.

Posted: Sat 17 Jul 2010, 16:04
by ken geometrics
looseSCREWorTWO wrote:Another way to promote Puppy Linux to WinDOZE users is to go on PC online discussion forums where people are "pulling their hair out" cos XP has crashed or Windows 98 has a virus, or whatever, and put forward the idea of using Puppy Linux as a Rescue Disk. Often these folk are speechless when told they'll be able to access their trashed Hard Drive and save their data, or wipe the HD clean with Gparted prior to re-installing WinDOZE.
I have used Puppy to rescue data from messed up hard drives. When someone calls for help it is good to show up with the puppy disk and a very large memory stick. You can save their important files onto the stick.

If the disk is showing mechanical problems, you can use gparted to copy its contents into a partition on a new bigger hard disk. This can be the "D" drive in the future.

There are now a few WinXP machines in the world with a partition with Puppy and grub. This way, hopefully the person won't even need to hunt for the CD the next time XP mungs its self.

Posted: Sat 17 Jul 2010, 21:48
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.

Re: How YOU Can Promote Puppy

Posted: Sat 16 Apr 2011, 04:39
by Ed Howdershelt
> What else can we do to promote Puppy?

Send copies to the right people at the Salvation Army and Goodwill and let them make Puppy the nationwide default OS on the computers they sell.
Point out to them that reselling used computers with Win installed is illegal in most states, no matter whether they install it or it came that way.

Send copies to animal shelters, especially those with thrift shops which might occasionally sell a donated computer.

Design a version catering to use by veterinarians, Petco-type stores, and grooming shops. Play up the 'Puppy' reference.

Do a 'Cat' version? Lots of cat people out there. :)

Just maundering.
Ed Howdershelt - Abintra Press
Science Fiction & Semi-Fiction

Re: How YOU Can Promote Puppy

Posted: Mon 23 May 2011, 17:47
by increa
benali72 wrote:The more people who use Puppy, the larger and more vibrant our community will be. The better for all of us. (and the better for all those who will benefit from their use of Puppy).

What can each of us do to promote Puppy?

Here are a few ideas... add your own to this thread. Then go out and DO it!

* Add a mention or testimony about your use of Puppy to your existing web site

Posted: Mon 30 May 2011, 23:49
by blaarghalltheusernamesare
try to get schools to use it if they have old crappy computers.

Posted: Tue 31 May 2011, 02:41
by harii4
blaarghalltheusernamesare right,
try to get schools to use it if they have old crappy computers.
School's just extort more Tax money :x - THINK OF THE POOR LITTLE CHILDREN?
They have to get the newest latest copy of windows or it hurts the children.

I offered that schools use it but got the government run-around.
we'll look into it or they get new hardware (+solfware) every two - three years.

I offered to give an "linux PC" to an church but got turn down.
Worried about their networks safety.

Posted: Tue 31 May 2011, 12:09
by blaarghalltheusernamesare
well our school definitely doesn't get new hardware every 3 years. they've even still got some pentium 1s in use.

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2011, 06:30
by Bruce B
Do you guys talk to people and discover the majority don't know what Linux is, they've heard the word?

I ask because I haven't conducted a 'personal survey' since a few years back

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2011, 09:01
by Sylvander
1. When I mention Puppy Linux to people in passing ...
No-one has ever heard of it. :(

2. My wife and daughter [and son and his wife when visiting] go on the web using Lupu-526->Firefox-3.6.18 because that live CD-RW is in the drive at all times. :D
They have no problem using it.

3. My son and his family moved to London last week, and he is trying to fix his laptop [restored the XP factory default install, but it's not working well], and get his desktop set up for use.
So he began making use of the Multipup CD-RW I gave him some time back, together with the matching copies of my own pupsave files I gave him.
At this point he has Boxpup-431 in use.
I'll give him a copy of my Lupu-526_CD-RW+Lupusave when he comes up here from London for a week beginning next week.
His Dell_Inspiron_6400 trackpad->[flickering] and keyboard->[mistyping] are malfunctioning in both Windows and Puppy.
Anyone know how to fix?

Posted: Mon 08 Aug 2011, 16:56
by russoodle
Sylvander wrote:1. When I mention Puppy Linux to people in passing ...
No-one has ever heard of it. :(

Pretty much a similar reaction here.
My car wears a big Puppy Linux sticker stuck on the rear window, and i sometimes wonder how many motorists will Scroogle it..