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Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2009, 17:14
by jakfish
It keeps failing to return normally. Most times, something's missing: wifi, wine, no shutdown.

I remember now that Tempestuous had warned of this, precisely b/c suspending to RAM is pretty tricky.

On the other hand, the eee readout of acpitool is interesting and thorough, so I'll keep it installed.


wifi does not get IP

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 01:36
by netjess
I was sooo excited to see pupeee 4.2 but alas wifi seems to only partialy work. :(
I have a eeePC 900 that came with XP installed. It all works but snail pace slow.
Pupeee is so much faster and now it can see the network but it won't pull an IP. I have M$ machines and a MacBook that work on my wireless just fine. I use WPA - Personal (WPA2?).
I put in the key and it just doesn't get an IP. Also it doesn't see my network in the "Puppy Network Wizard" but it does in pwireless.
I think this may be key. Maybe PNW can't deal with the WPA?

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 09:07
by luther349
just use the puppy network manager if it doesn't see your network just try again. it will see it after a few tries. i tried other network manger in puppy and yes they don't get the ip.

wifi on Pupeee

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 15:22
by netjess
I tried it several times. Always the same result. It does not see my wireless network. It sees a couple of my neighbors networks though.
I have even tried moving to different rooms in the house. Same result.
Same machine running XP has no trouble connecting, just SLOW.

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 22:55
by luther349
my networks use wep and they work. however i have herd of issues with wpa and puppy. just switching your security to wep.

eeepc 1000he wifi driver

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 23:43
by Carlomag
Please, where?
luther349 wrote:
for the 1000he owner they use a newer wifi chipset. if you look in the forum link i have with the pets i used someone has posted a driver for that model eeepc.

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2009, 10:16
by luther349
look a couple post down where someone ask for the pets i used. being its on the first page i saw no reasion to link it twice.

wifi on Pupeee

Posted: Thu 09 Apr 2009, 13:17
by netjess
Yeah, not gonna change my network security to something less secure. Just won't use Pupeee, unfortunately.

Posted: Fri 10 Apr 2009, 07:24
by Lobster
Obviously I too am not going to use a less secure encryption.
Great to see 4.2 working if not connecting on the Eeeepc :D

I use wpa2 for wireless and eeetiger worked with wpa2 - as yet Pupeee 4.2 does not. Not sure if Dinky is available to advise . . .

Posted: Fri 10 Apr 2009, 10:38
by vader
Hi all

pupeee works fine on my 701. One problem I found was that for some reason slimpacks_420.txt wasn't included which made remastering a bit tricky :)

If anyone wants it, I have remastered pupeee with all the bug fixes (and the slimpacks file). I have made one or two mods though. I prefer gimp to mtpaint, as well as mplayer instead of xine.

If anyone wants to remaster on the eee, you can by making a slight mod to remax, and mounting the current iso as loop.

ie. put the iso somewhere, and mount pupeee.iso /mnt/dvd -o loop

then copy /usr/sbin/remax to /tmp, and edit it. Searh for sr* and change to loop*. Run /tmp/remax and there you go! To remaster pupeee, get slimpacks_420.txt from the standard iso, and download 0dpkg_420 (the first entry in the install list). Make sure you tick "include file list on CD" so slimpacks is also included.


Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2009, 00:09
by luther349
well thats up to you. i do believe theirs a patch to make wpa work. being i do not use wpa i did not test it. i do believe is you use a shorter key for wpa it does work i think its just the long keys it does not support. entering the long key threw iwconfig might do the trick.

happy with puppeee

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2009, 18:57
by poopDog
A quick pass shows it works on my 2GB surf (700 model) eee. Wireless works. Card reader works. Sound works without running configuration utility.

Thanks to everyone who worked on this project :)


Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009, 08:44
by luther349
well thanks goes to alot of people. i simply combine all there work into 1 iso. to save eee users the trouble of hunting it all down.

as for the wifi issues unfortunately its just the limits of the linux drivers. the only way to get full wifi on any distro is to use nds. witch puppy has issues with.

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009, 11:42
by tempestuous
luther349 wrote:eeepc 1000ha wifi uses diffrent drivers madwifi does not see it correctly.
No, that shouldn't be the case. The Eee 1000HA definitely has the Atheros AR5007EG chipset, and this will definitely be supported by the "hal-" variant of the MADWiFi driver, confirmed by forum member Dpup here - ... 537#246537
Carlomag wrote:pupeee 4.2 is well working on my old eeepc 701, but does'n catch the right wi-fi card on my new 1000he.
luther349 wrote:for the 1000he owner they use a newer wifi chipset.
Yes, the 1000HE uses a very new Atheros N-mode chipset, which is not supported by the kernel in Puppy 4.1/4.2.
luther349 wrote:if you look in the forum link i have with the pets i used someone has posted a driver for that model eeepc.
No, I think you're confusing models. It's not possible to provide a compatible driver for that chipset with the current Puppy kernel ...
but it is possible to support that wifi chipset with a newer kernel, as I just reported here -

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2009, 10:37
by luther349
some bad news. my dog chewed my power cord. so for now this will be the only release i do until i order a new cord. lucky i just landed a new job. nothing pisses you off more then finding a destroyed cord that's not easy to replace.

pupeee 4.2 wifi WPA2 TKIP

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2009, 14:06
by Dpup
Tested pupeee4.2 on two ASUS eee 701 4G, and a 1000HA, all work great, wifi to secure DLink WPA2 TKIP detects and connects fine on all three computers, all will auto reconnect on boot. every time. Flash video, and audio works fine.

This message is being input from my ASUS eee 701 4G with pupeee4.2 on a USB flash drive. Another interesting note is that I plugged the eee 701 into a USB keyboard and mouse adapter and into a 8 channel KVM switch and large screen monitor for this message. The all work great out of the box too !!!


Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2009, 02:51
by luther349
good to hear. i found a new cord for like 10 bucks. once i get a check and open a new bank account ill order it.

Posted: Sun 19 Apr 2009, 05:37
by froggie
Can this also be installed to be booted from an USB drive?
If so, could someone explain the process of how to do it?

pupeee 4.2

Posted: Mon 20 Apr 2009, 10:23
by Merlin351
Hi all, i had a bit of trouble getting to reply to a particular thread but here goes. I had some issues trying to connect to wifi but the following seems to work every time and now it seems pupeee has saved the instructions set and works every time in Australia without having to go through the scan and log procedure each time:

1. Network wizard.
2. select ath0.
3. scan.
4. select wpa/tkip
5. enter the name of your wifi (profile name and ESSID).
enter the passkey.
6. then save.
7. use this profile (which will then try and connect to your wifi net).
8. If you get a successful connect msg and are using DHCP then select DHCP and it will then attempt to config DHCP. If successfull it will ask if you want to save it for future sessions.
9. it will take a few seconds then select done.

This may be old hat for some but for me it took some time as it is not intuitive and it now woks every time for me.

Posted: Mon 20 Apr 2009, 20:43
by luther349
you can use the universal installer to install it to the usb drive. or you can send the iso to the usb drive with unetbootin.

as i said the puppy network manager works just fine.