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Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 12:22
by tasmod
New update version 4.

This has Time Server Region choice buttons. I felt that if too many users polled the few servers it would cause problems.

There are more servers in use in this version but split between regions.

I have used good servers from various bodies such as Universities, Standards Institutes, Testing Labs etc.

There are approximately four servers per button. This is the recommended amount for accuracy.

The 'Help' file contains interesting tidbits regarding 'time'.

Oh, and one of the servers is something free from Microsoft for once, it's at their corporate headquarters. :D :D

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 13:14
by tasmod
Version 0.5

This one is interesting.

The Regions contain all the active servers.

The program execution checks a pool of currently active servers and attempts to accurately set your time.

The interesting thing is that the server addresses are no longer coded in Psync but are 'served' up to the program.

So in effect, there should always be a server available.

Hmm, Psync is now up to 30kb in size. That's half the sample picture size !! 8) 8)

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 13:44
by Sylvander

Now it's REALLY EASY to choose which button to click.
No doubt or confusion.

By-the way...
Would it be possible to display the program version number?
After the program name?
In the title box?

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 15:22
by tasmod
Sure no problem, but that is usually left for an 'about' window.

Next version won't be so quick to come out but will be slightly better.

How about a 'selection' list of server locations narrowed down as much as possible.

That's to say, Europe-UK or Europe-Germany or Europe-Belgium etc.

Automatically served up to the program from a pool of active servers, no need to update, it's automatic. Even substitutes if a server is 'down'

This narrows down the error, even though now we are sub half second.

I suspect other than any bugs, that I'm down to a final version plus polishing.

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 15:46
by trio
Time, Time, Time

Like we have it? we never have always go faster than you can cope with...well, it's time now...I have to make a choice soon...wish me luck Rob...(the cruise will be bumpy, but I'll make it)

PS: For those of you who don't understand, sorry...Rob and mick surely know what I'm talking about

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 16:02
by tasmod
Sure do understand Trio. Good luck. 8) 8)

The 'bling' gang need new projects :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 18:28
by Sylvander
1. "but that is usually left for an 'about' window"
yes, but is it the right thing to do?
Isn't that a Windows thing?
To hide useful/vital/technical info from plain view?
On the basis that ordinary PC users will be confused by technical details.
But actually it is rather VITAL info.
And AUGHT to be immediately on view.

Treat PC users like dummies and pretty soon they begin seeming like dummies, because they know nothing of what's going on in the background.
As it is in the social and political system, so it should be in the virtual wold of software?
Developing attitudes and [pre-action] responses through PC software.
i.e. You begin to EXPECT to be kept uninformed.
Or to have important information hidden under levels of difficulty.

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 19:58
by tasmod
My prioritories are get the code working whilst applying a modicum of polish.

When finalised, polish the looks and information.

Actually, based upon your suggestion for Help I added a nice piece about the internet time and some of the time system of a PC.

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2009, 21:05
by markofkane
Should previous versions be uninstalled before installing the updated versions?

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2009, 08:53
by tasmod
Yes, please uninstall and be aware of an issue I'm trying to get to bottom of.

There is still a menu entry left behind when uninstalled.

When creating the pet, I also notice that the dir2pet script window shows menu entries in nearly all the menus, although this doesn't happen in reality.

So best to uninstall and then remove the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications.

Then install the new pet.

I've left the other versions on here as each uses a different method of synching time.

I will remove them shortly.

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2009, 10:21
by Sylvander
Also using on Puppy 4.2.1 RC3 and it's working "exactly as it says on the tin". :D

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2009, 10:22
by markofkane
Thanks!! 8)
tasmod wrote:Yes, please uninstall and be aware of an issue I'm trying to get to bottom of.

There is still a menu entry left behind when uninstalled.

When creating the pet, I also notice that the dir2pet script window shows menu entries in nearly all the menus, although this doesn't happen in reality.

So best to uninstall and then remove the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications.

Then install the new pet.

I've left the other versions on here as each uses a different method of synching time.

I will remove them shortly.

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2009, 22:29
by Flash
Psync-0.5 works a treat in Woof alfa 9! :)

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2009, 22:46
by tasmod
Thanks all, nice to know it's useful. :D

ver 0.6 is coming along but I'm having trouble with a lookup table problem.

It's gtkdialog as usual that's the problem, it's not consistent in it's window attributes.

Ziggy, you reading this?

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2009, 10:22
by tasmod
OK, this is the interface for Psync ver0.6

Any thoughts. gui OK? (Scrolling list)

It is a working app but i just want to finalise something else at moment.

Whilst I was checking this out some statistics regarding servers came to light.

Germany has the most servers next to the whole of the USA.
USA approx 500
Germany approx 250

The rest don't come near. I've found that for europe then Germany produces good results.
Obviously if there is a country for you, then that should be better.

That's my own issue at the moment, I want to do error checking. Sometimes the server pool is offline for a region.

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2009, 10:44
by Sylvander
1. Hmmm, now we're in danger of losing the beautiful simplicity of version 0.5
Are the gains worth it?

(a) Previously you just clicked one of the buttons on offer, and there was little to no doubt which one to click.

(b) Now the user must scroll down the list.
Will the choosing be easy?
Then the user must click the "Apply" button.
More to do than previously, which may or may not be worth it.
Best to try it and see I guess.

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2009, 17:35
by tasmod
I was thinking just that myself. Version 5 looks better too.

I think I will do a 'version' of version 5 whereby it uses pool servers of my choice in the code.

NTP ask strongly that you don't hard code the addresses, hence why I was working on this version 6.

The program ntpd is to be used at some point in the future to replace ntpdate which has the development stopped.

I'm not keen on ntpd though, as it is designed to regulate the clock to a high degree of accuracy over
a period of hours, if not days, by polling the servers regularily. Not ideal.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 17:00
by tasmod
Version 0.6.1 released. (Version number in title)

The window looks just the same and in fact the code has just minor mods, but, more importantly it uses a full country pool of servers for each button.

Originally I selected pool 1. I found sometimes this could be empty for some countries.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 22:22
by Sylvander
1. Before installing 0.6.1 I uninstalled 0.5 and rebooted.

2. Installed 0.6.1 and rebooted.

3. Once into BoxPup...
There were two menu entries in "Menu->Desktop" for Psync.

4. See the screenshot below of the two desktop files in "/usr/share/applications".

5. Moved elsewhere Psync_0.5.desktop and will now reboot.

6. That done and there is now only 1 item in the menu.

7. Ran that and it seems to work just fine.

Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2009, 22:26
by tasmod
Hi Sylvander,

I left a note in the instructions on first screen.

Seems to be a problem for me with petget or dir2pet, it leaves a menu entry on uninstall. Can't seem to trace the problem though, everything looks just the same in the files :? .
