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Faenza icons

Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011, 21:14
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Here are some basic templates for faenza-style icons. I only made one overlay (to be placed in the ovl dir). The rest should go into the bgd dir (as in the archive). One of these days I will have to do a new pikona without the image-magick dependency, since I now know how to do that by calling the gdk libs. It's on my list.:)

With kind regards,

Posted: Sat 12 Mar 2011, 06:18
by big_bass
Hey vovchik
8) 8) 8)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

what a great guy you are :D

it's perfect!


another overlay

Posted: Sat 12 Mar 2011, 10:50
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Glad that I could be of service. I like the pup. Here is another overlay image that might be useful for faenza-style icons. It just provides a bit of shading for the lower part of the image.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2011, 02:39
by big_bass
Hey vovchik

I was having a lot of fun with this today thank you again

I compile and package apps even though they look like slackware packages
because of the *tgz but they are not slackware official packages (they are better because they were recompiled from source on my machine the "imagemagick package" )
since I use slackware based formats on TXZ_pup
these should run fine on any "puppy version" in theory
I added these for anyone wanting to test out your excellent program
(I only repackaged it so others could enjoy your great app!)

this has the new faenza templates
and I added all the fixes and I added an apple ipod template
called AppIconMask.png ,AppIconOverlay.png , AppIconShadow.png

requires one dependency its stripped down to 1.9 mb ... 4_SLXR.tgz

extra only needed if you compile other packages requiring imagemagick ... 4_SLXR.tgz

extra the docs they are very large ... 4_SLXR.tgz


pikona for slxr

Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2011, 16:50
by vovchik
Dear Joe,

Thanks for packaging it. I REALLY should do my mods soon so we can then skip the big IM stuff and just use the standalone BaCon binary.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 08:56
by harii4
I recommend starting an thread in - Desktop: Window managers, icon programs, widgets, etc.... section :)

that way this great tool can be found easier :D

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 12:42
by Flash
I moved the whole thread to "Desktop" It was a tough call between Desktop, Eye candy, Graphics and Utilities. :)

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2011, 23:55
by scsijon
witches and warlocks, bitches and dogs, etc, etc, girls and guys....

little confused on which files to download, does Joe's (big_bass) packages replace the others or are they in addition or what?


Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 02:31
by harii4

this has the new faenza templates
and I added all the fixes and I added an apple ipod template
called AppIconMask.png ,AppIconOverlay.png , AppIconShadow.png

requires one dependency its stripped down to 1.9 mb ... 4_SLXR.tgz

extra only needed if you compile other packages requiring imagemagick ... 4_SLXR.tgz
i used these with TXZ_Pup but you could use tgz2pet for the other pups.

Pikona 4e released - no IM dependencies!!!!!!

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 14:49
by vovchik
Dear puppians,

I have rewritten Pikona, eliminated all IM dependencies and the binary is now about 29k. It should run fine on most recent puppies. Please see first post for details. More info is contained in the Pikona readme, which is accessible from the Pikona4 menu. The link is here: ... 580#363580.

With kind regards,

PS. The source is also in the

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 14:41
by 666philb
hi vovchik,

i'm using lucid 528, and when i execute obect and save, i get a message saying the icon's saved in /root/pikona/ but there's no icon there?

any ideas?


Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 15:27
by vovchik
Dear 666philb,

I don't know why that should happen. Pikona creates the ~/pikona dir (/root/pikona in most puppies) if it doesn't exist and should dump its png output into that directory. Since it uses gtk/gdk and nothing else for image resizing and compositing, it is not a dependency problem, I think. Just for curiosoty, click on the Help buttion and see what the log file says. I am thoroughly as puzzled as you are and have not experienced that "feature" of Pikona.:)

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 17:52
by Tman
666philb wrote:hi vovchik,

i'm using lucid 528, and when i execute obect and save, i get a message saying the icon's saved in /root/pikona/ but there's no icon there?

any ideas?

Thanks for your efforts..this will be a fun tool to play around with once I get it working. However, I must report that I just tried your new version and am getting the same error the 666philb got. I used it in Dpup Exprimo. A log file appears in /root/pikona..but no icon. :(

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 17:55
by 666philb
yes, there's a pikona directory in root, but all it contains is a log folder and log

Code: Select all

Created:  on 12-03-11 at 14:19:32
     Bgd: /usr/local/pikona4/bgd/circle_gy.png
     Obj: /usr/share/icons/moon.png
     Ovl: /usr/local/pikona4/ovl/badge_vignette_soft.png
     Icn: /root/pikona/circle_gy_moon_badge_vignette_soft_96.png
Created:  on 12-03-11 at 14:20:24
     Bgd: /usr/local/pikona4/bgd/circle_gy.png
     Obj: /usr/share/icons/moon.png
     Ovl: /usr/local/pikona4/ovl/badge_vignette_soft.png
     Icn: /root/pikona/circle_gy_moon_badge_vignette_soft_96.png
but no icon to be found

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 18:00
by vovchik
Dear guys and gals,

I am sorry I don't have a debug mode so that I can see what its causing that weird behaviour. Pemasu - dpup extremo author - just posted in another thread and indicated that it worked. I am wondering what is going on - where is the icon being deposited, if anywhere? When you run Pikona, try opening /tmp/pikona in Rox after Pikona starts to see what files are being created. This might give me some indication as to the source of this odd stuff.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 18:02
by Tman
I have attached a pic of the test-icon I was making in Dpup Exprimo SMP 5.X.13.5

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 18:19
by 666philb
ahh... there is an icon created but in /tmp/pikona as opposed to /root/pikona :)

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 18:33
by vovchik
Dear Phil,

Glad you found it, but why didn't it save the icon in /root/pikona???? I am scratching my head, because that is part of what the Save routine does - moves the icon from tmp to /root/pikona. Weird....I will have to investigate that.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 18:59
by Tman
666philb wrote:ahh... there is an icon created but in /tmp/pikona as opposed to /root/pikona :)
oh..thanks to you, I found it as well.

vovchik, I've provided before and after screenshots of the /tmp/pikona folder. It appears one old picture remains, and the new pic hasn't been moved (or copied?).

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 19:37
by vovchik
I see that the new file is greated in /tmp/pikona, which is entirely as expected. The code in my prog (from line 919) saves it like this:

Code: Select all

	IF FILEEXISTS(CONCAT$("/tmp/pikona/", new_file$)) THEN
		IF FILEEXISTS(CONCAT$(home$, "/pikona/", new_file$)) THEN
			DELETE FILE CONCAT$(home$, "/pikona/", new_file$)
		RENAME CONCAT$("/tmp/pikona/", new_file$) TO CONCAT$(home$, "/pikona/", \
which means:

if there is a file with that new name in /tmp/pikona, move it to /root/pikona (and if a file in /root/pikona already exists with that name, first delete it). Since you are getting the "Save" notification, the routine is kicking in, just not moving the file. I am wondering whether this is not another UDT/non-UTF problem. Are you - Phil and Tman - using a UTF locale? Or just LANG_en? I have seen weird things occur as a result of UTF/non-UTF settings. Pikona itself explicitly sets a UTF environment so as to support various languages:

Code: Select all

I wonder whether that isn't at the root of this odd problem.

With kind regards,