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Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 17:39
by musher0
Hello again, GrumpyWolfe.

You say:
GrumpyWolfe wrote:Hi musher0


I am now working on ver 9 for while trying to get dos-box to work for someone I found that ver 8 does not have the full xserver in it and I am not sure how I did this for it only give me a versa driver and that does not let dos-box work for me [...].
Well, as for me, in mywolfe 0.08, I have Xorg in /usr/X11R7/bin/, with a size of 1379584, and... NO vesa! (Actually, there is no vesa program, but 2-3 libraries are present under /usr/something. Also, when I type "xorgwizard" in the console, the xorg configuration panel appears, there is no choice for xorg or xvesa.)

I had no problem getting DOSBox to work under mywolfe using the version 0.73 that I have mentioned above, and the, which is here: ... h&id=18747

DosBox success!

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 19:43
by ndujoe1
Miusher 0, thanks for your instructions and guide. Dosbox is working now in MyWolfe. It allows me to transition to the MyWolfe Iso as I use the Ensemble 3.0 software from daily.

Re: DosBox success!

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 20:37
by musher0
ndujoe1 wrote:Miusher 0, thanks for your instructions and guide. Dosbox is working now in MyWolfe. It allows me to transition to the MyWolfe Iso as I use the Ensemble 3.0 software from daily.
My pleasure, 't'was nothing at all! :) I'm not familiar with Ensemble. I gather that it works from a dos foundation?

Ensemble 3.0

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 21:55
by ndujoe1
yes after a fashion. It is an operating system in itself. And was ported to the Commodore, Apple, Mac and IBM. Developed originally on a Solaris workstation. It is a multithreading OS.

It lost the OS race, along the way due to funding, and mismanagement. Frank Fischer is attempting to get it back in the public eye through

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 21:59
by musher0
What I mean to say is: do you need DOSBox to run Ensemble under Linux?

Ensemble 3.0

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2010, 22:11
by ndujoe1
yes you need dosbox to run Ensemble under linux.

SFS conversion

Posted: Sun 10 Jan 2010, 02:15
by ndujoe1
Thanks for your instructions and suggestion about .sfs conversion. I expanded my personal save file size and did a conversion of the open office .sfs and it works nicely now in MyWolfe.

Re: SFS conversion

Posted: Sun 10 Jan 2010, 05:54
by musher0
ndujoe1 wrote:Thanks for your instructions and suggestion about .sfs conversion. I expanded my personal save file size and did a conversion of the open office .sfs and it works nicely now in MyWolfe.
Yeah, I remember, on the "Abiword not working" thread. It's great that you installed something substantial to write with!

Posted: Sun 10 Jan 2010, 05:59
by musher0

Google Chrome

Posted: Mon 18 Jan 2010, 02:06
by ndujoe1
Does the Linux version of Google Chrome update itself or do we need to re-download a new issue of MyWolfe iso as these occur?

Posted: Mon 18 Jan 2010, 02:54
by GrumpyWolfe

Right now this is the devilment release and so until I go and get it and set it for puppy no it does not update by itself. I do testing to make sure it is ok to run. I maybe should of stayed with the beta release for I do believe it will automatically update but they may be slow in coming. I will post anything I can about any new devilments that come along.

I have build ver MyWolfe-009 to fix the x-server to give more dvi support and included all of the dosbox tools

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2010, 19:13
by ndujoe1
I have an older Pentium III computer and it would not shutdown completely. I followed the suggestion in the forum, by invoking the options with F2 at the boot and typing puppy acpi=force. I am running LIve-CD so how do I incorporate that command in the boot up process without having to invoke the options menu with F2 each time? Thanks

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2010, 22:18
by GrumpyWolfe
For that ndujoe1 you will have to ask someone with more knowledge of using the cd system I use a poor man frugal most of the time.

acpi setting for older computer

Posted: Sun 14 Feb 2010, 23:23
by ndujoe1
Per the instructions from Prehistoric: I used isomaster to change the isolinux.cfg file to add the acpi=force command to the append line. I created a new modfied iso and burned it to the CD and it worked like a charm.

Prehistoric's quote:

While I don't have that particular puplet right at hand, I would say that you can modify the isolinux.cfg file in the ISO to do that. I'm guessing, it says in part:


label puppy
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd

You need to add acpi=force to the append line:

append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd acpi=force

Then burn a new CD from the ISO image.


Posted: Sun 14 Feb 2010, 23:40
by GrumpyWolfe
I am glad to hear you got it to work. I just got me a new aser aspire one and am working on just what works and what I need to modify to get MyWolfe to work on it so glad you got i t working.