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Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 19:53
by emil
I made a puplet which includes sage. Link to Post in the Puppy Derivative section.

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 05:49
by jamesbond

Thank you. This is excellent effort.



Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 18:13
by emil
Scilab is a mostly nummerical package which can be used in science and engineering as an alternative to Matlab (and the free Octave). It has a similar, but not compatibel syntax and it is developed in france.

Forum member Q5sys has posted on the SageLive thread and offers a sfs of the package:
got something you might want to test to see if it works with your puplet.

I made it originally for LightHousePup, but it seems to fit right in with what you are doing.
The SciLab suite
I already packaged it as an SFS.

Might duplicate the functionatlity you already have, but it also might offer a bit more. I made it a SFS because its 118MB, and figured I could load and unload that whenever I needed.
If it works for you, feel free to bundle it with your setup.
I cannot test at the moment due to limited time and bandwith, but maybe somebody can and send short feedback.

kind regards

Re: Math Python Modules

Posted: Tue 15 Jun 2010, 14:59
by neurino
emil wrote:About installing
NumPy, SciPy and Sympy are easy to install from source. They use
a python install script
emil I had no problems compiling numpy (also can be done simply by pypi easy_install) but scipy needs lapack and(or) blas.

I see you already compiled lapack but has a very bad policy asking email addresses I don't want to accept, any alternatives?
And since you already did it: isn't lapack machine dependant? Will it work on any computer running puppy?

I made myself a (not shrinked tho) python sfs with python2.6, wxpython2.8, reportlab, numpy, PIL, lxml, matplotlib I use for work but since I encounter errors sometime I don't feel about sharing an imperfect solution.

Could you please make available your packages for example on like jemimah used to distribute puppeee?

Thank you very much

edit: don't bother, I found this mirror on my forum search: ... :math_apps

Some packages

Posted: Fri 18 Jun 2010, 22:02
by emil
Hi neurino,
Various people disliked the server. Also many links in this thread are not working any more. Thanks to dingo we have dokupuppy ... :math_apps
Myself I have moved some packages for download to

I will gradually try to complete/extend them.

problems with Sage, geogebra

Posted: Sat 19 Jun 2010, 01:49
by prehistoric
Well, I spoke too soon. I got the version of Puppy 431 with Sage on CD, and booted it. Everything looked good, but when I tried to start a Sage console it crashed immediately. I suspect I need to configure something.

As per your suggestion, I tried After I got an account set up and tried to create a notebook, it told me it failed to set up jsMath, and warned things could get ugly. (They did.) Basically, nothing worked. Sigh.

Lastly, while I have been able to run geogebra on-line, the sfs file at failed to download more than 431 bytes. (Tried two methods of download.) The file contains over 40 MB. Could something be picking up that version number?

Must not be my day for symbolic math.


Posted: Sat 19 Jun 2010, 05:49
by emil
how is your memory configuration?
what does the "free" command give?

Posted: Sat 19 Jun 2010, 07:51
by neurino
thanks emil,

in the meanwhile I hand-joined you pets in an unique sfs and added wxPython and setuptools and so, via easy_install, cython, lxml, PIL, reportlab, and matplotlib (and maybe some other I don't remember).

The global sfs is about 93Mb, I did not shrinked anything because, as a developer, I prefer full features despite minor size, just an exception for wxPython demos I keep on an sd card and can be simply tar.gz'd

I will share them if some puppy place to upload suggested.

Only one note: I used puppeee to compile, using its OpenGL for wxpython (should affect only wxGLCanvas) I guess it's full puppy compatible anyway.

Re: crash

Posted: Sat 19 Jun 2010, 13:36
by prehistoric
emil wrote:prehistoric,
how is your memory configuration?
what does the "free" command give?
Here's the result of free in your SageLive puplet, which is showing 1.2G in the tray as I write.

Code: Select all

# free
              total                used          free           shared      buffers
Mem:      1943316       227464      1715852            0        37120
Swap:     4192956                 0      4192956
Total:      6136272       227464      5908808
The Puppy I normally run (Luci204) also uses those swap partitions. It is, however, a frugal install with only 840 MB of save file shown. Could this result in the error with jsMath and I didn't think the on-line version used much memory.

With so much RAM and swap, I haven't been worrying about space in the save file.

Posted: Sun 20 Jun 2010, 08:55
by emil
Hi prehistoric,
thats lots of memory :). Can't be an issue you are right.

Check error message (sage >> error.log) - look in error.log
Delete sage-flags.txt in the /local/lib directory as maybe suggested.
I will have a closer look on it.

hi neurino,
maybe send a private mail to one of the site admins of Puppy servers how to upload the package. If you put it somewhere on a webhost I could upload it also to my (slow) boxen.math server space, but would be better if it is on an official puppy server.

kind regards

Posted: Sun 20 Jun 2010, 13:17
by prehistoric
emil wrote:Hi prehistoric,
thats lots of memory :). Can't be an issue you are right.

Check error message (sage >> error.log) - look in error.log
Delete sage-flags.txt in the /local/lib directory as maybe suggested...
As soon as I saw the error log, the problem was solved. This AMD machine does not have SSE3. My lapse was provoked by the way the console crashed, denying me a chance to read the message. Opening my own console solved this problem. (a "doh!" moment)

I still have to explain why has trouble with jsMath, (returns status -7) but that is a different problem.

Now, I'm in a position to get into real trouble. :wink:



jsmath for sage notebook

Posted: Sun 20 Jun 2010, 16:41
by emil
I don't know exactly.

Do you also get this error when you call from inside the
SageLive ? I included the optional jsmath font Tex packages for optimised output. For me it works perfectly from within SageLive and from within the German puppy-431-de (from scratch, without installing anything special).

It might help to download one of the jsmath-fonts (Texfonts) from ... fonts.html (Maybe go for Texfont15)

and then copy it to a place where they are found
in Puppy /root/.fonts
in Ubuntu /home/foo/.fonts (for user foo)

This Latex Fonts should get detected by your browser and used.

Good Luck


Posted: Sun 20 Jun 2010, 17:17
by emil
2 remarks
geogebra download should work now
you have to unzip and keep Subdirectory when installing jsmathfonts, i.e.
it should look like /root/.fonts/TexFont15/cm10.ttf (dont know the exact name of that subdir)

works like a charm

Posted: Sun 20 Jun 2010, 23:33
by prehistoric
Thanks emil!

I'm spoiled by operating in American English on a U.S. keyboard. My forays into software developed elsewhere have been limited. I read German with a dictionary in one hand.

Part of my trouble came from working in development versions of Puppy where fonts have been ruthlessly culled to save space. The other came from not thinking you might be operating with special fonts other than English plus mathematical symbols.

For portable software, fonts are admittedly a real pain. A small number of built-in fonts for common language groups might be reasonable for SageLive, if space is available. If space is at a premium, it should be possible to break out some seldom-used components as special pets or sfs files, even if these only work with Sage.

I've removed that flags file from the installed version of SageLive-431, but when I went looking for something to edit it out of the iso image, I found I needed to know more about Sage installation -- the story of my life. (I'd like to make a CD that will run on most common hardware without change. I'll put it on the list of projects for my next incarnation.)




Posted: Mon 21 Jun 2010, 06:17
by emil
Good luck, hope it works now for you as expected.
I saw the "bug" about the sage-flags.txt is also contained in the html documentation


Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2010, 10:37
by aarf
finally got organised enough to test this:
lupu500 booted on external HD (sdb1) with /mnt/home/sage-4.3.1.sfs loaded by inclusion in Boot Manager (although didnt notice it being loaded in the boot dialog)
(also with openshot pets already installed which includes python. pupsave is 256 MB free space around 100MB)

Code: Select all

# sage
| Sage Version 4.3, Release Date: 2009-12-24                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

WARNING!  This Sage install was built on a machine that supports
instructions that are not available on this computer.  Sage will
likely fail with ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors! The following processor
flags were on the build machine but are not on this computer:

pni ssse3 

Email for help.
To remove this warning and make Sage start, just delete
(renamed to ssage-flags.txt)
# sage
| Sage Version 4.3, Release Date: 2009-12-24                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
The Sage install tree may have moved.
Regenerating Python.pyo and .pyc files that hardcode the install PATH
(please wait at most a few minutes)...
Do not interrupt this.
Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can read and write it.
/sage-x.y.z-i686-Linux/local/bin/sage-sage: line 206: 10019 Illegal instruction     sage-ipython "$@" -i
# sage
| Sage Version 4.3, Release Date: 2009-12-24                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
/sage-x.y.z-i686-Linux/local/bin/sage-sage: line 206: 11291 Illegal instruction     sage-ipython "$@" -i


Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010, 21:25
by emil
Hi aarf,

Code: Select all

To remove this warning and make Sage start, just delete 
try just to delete this file as suggested and see if it works.

If Sage starts, try

Code: Select all

, which will test the ATLAS package.

you can also do a "sage -testall" (or similar syntax, don't know by heart) but this will take hours to complete.


PS: I haven't tested my earlier sage sfs package in Lupu - I didn't think it is possible. Do they run there (at least on machines wich support ssse3)?

Posted: Wed 07 Jul 2010, 21:09
by aarf

GUI for Octave

Posted: Wed 15 Sep 2010, 10:45
by Temon
I know that there are some tutorials to install QtOctave, but I'm too clumsy to achieve it. I cannot even install 'cmake', which is said to be needed. Is there another GUI for Octave that can be easier installed on Puppy?
I'm using Octave command line now, but I got used to the GUI at Ubuntu (home PC) which I cannot install at work.

Thank you and sorry for my English.

Posted: Thu 16 Sep 2010, 11:16
by Temon

As usual, I solve it right after asking for help!

I used "tgz2pet" with a QtOctavexxx.tar.gz file and everything is fine now.

Sorry and thanks, anyway!