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Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 16:13
by jemimah
Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. You're the first with that model to really tell me how things are working.

I'll look into the touchscreen drivers on the wiki.

How did you fix the brightness with other distros?

I don't believe the Linux synaptics driver supports pinching.

The hotkeys are programmable using xbindkeys. The rotate command should be set to something like "xrandr -o inverted", and "xrandr -o normal" to put it back. I can knock together a script for this so it does the right thing when the button is pressed.

Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 15:33
by dougeeebear
Any chance of getting Fluppy's Control Panel integrated into Puppeee?
Also would a pet be out of the question?


Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 17:02
by jemimah
Yes it will be in beta4 which I plan to release in a few days.

Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 17:14
by dougeeebear
Quick note regarding your pet files directory on, it seems as if they all need permissions set, because I don't seem to be able to download any of them.

Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 17:25
by jemimah
They work for me. What error are you getting?

Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 17:54
by dougeeebear
If I click on any one them, they open up like a text file.
Right-click / Save As... doesn't work either.
This is in Windows with Firefox.

It looks like it did work ok using "Save As..."
The Firefox download manager apparantly just doesn't recognise the pet file sizes.

Posted: Thu 11 Nov 2010, 23:02
by 2lss
I gave the latest 4.4 beta a try the other day on my 900 and for the most part, everything was working great. Flash video playback was nearly perfect at 360p and didn't load the cpu up nearly as much as before. I'm not sure if you updated xorg or something but its working very good.

I only see three issues so far. For one, the cursor moves in little grids, which I'm assuming its an issue with the elantech driver like in 4.3

The other issue is that chrome still locks up (for me) on some flash sites and/or the flash plugin crashes. Youtube works fine but some sites with elegant advertisements seem to cause it problems. All in all it happens less than the previous chrome versions so I'm hoping the developers will work out the issues in newer releases.

The last issue (or maybe its a preference) is the small system and chrome fonts. For me its a little difficult to read on a small screen.

Other than that it looks like its going to be another awesome eeepc puplet :)

Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 01:39
by jemimah
Yes, it'll need another build without the elantech driver.

You can try Gnash instead of Flash if you want.
It generally works on Youtube, but it's pretty iffy for other sites, but should be good performance where it does work.

The font problem is complicated. If I force the minimum size bigger, some sites do not render correctly. I'm still trying to find a good fix.

Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 04:55
by John Lewis
Hi jemimah,

Just gave this latest a try on my 701SD.

It looks great and loads fast.

The only snags are: I couldn't get wireless. It claimed not to find card even though enabled in bios. I tried to check with lsmod but didn't get a list of anything at all for some reason. Just headings Module Size and Used by but no list. Odd.
No audio controls. AlsaMixer doesn't start and the speaker function keys don't work. Screen brightness and suspend to ram worked.

John Lewis

Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 09:14
by Partack
Hello Jemimah!

I just typed a whole bunch of stuff but but it got deleted some how =( so i'll have to do it again -__-;

so, the Ultrabright button in eee-control worked great! Sorry for not seeing it before, i'll look at what controls are available to me more closely next time .__.;

your screen rotation command: xrandr -o inverted (for inverted) and xrandr -o normal (to put it back)
worked fine except the cursor became hidden, yet it still functioned.
and your fix for that: ctrl-alt-f1 then ctrl-alt-f4
worked perfectly too and the cursor came back =)

You told me that screen rotation would be implemented next release, i would very much like it to rotate at 90 degrees, please, as portrait is usually quite nice for reading. not to mention it's the buttons behavior in windows.

as a suggestion, perhaps the rotate screen button could be implemented in the following way:
# Single press:
Rotate the screen 90 Degrees

# Long Hold:
Lock the screen

i think that would be quite useful and comfortable in my opinion.

I believe the behavior for it in windows was this:

# A single press:
brings up a menu made by asus

# A press-hold:
would show a little icon in the center of the screen illustrating what rotation you would make the screen if you let go of the button and it would always start from the 'normal' upright position, even if you were already in that orientation..

..just to let you know.. I don't expect you to make it exactly the same (in-fact i didn't really like it that way and a few comments on other forums have been in a similar light.. someone even made a program to replace the asus one so that it doesn't behave that way anymore =P)

if there's anything else, just let me know and i'll test it out for yah =)

thanks very much again for your hard work and patience

Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 16:06
by jemimah

Using the new kernel I sent you, can you see if the egalax driver loaded by running

Code: Select all

lsmod|grep egalax
Also can you send me a copy of your /proc/bus/input/devices file?

Posted: Sat 13 Nov 2010, 18:28
by Partack
jemimah wrote:Using the new kernel I sent you, can you see if the egalax driver loaded by running

Code: Select all

lsmod|grep egalax
made sure it was exactly as you typed, even copy and pasted to make double sure.. nothing happened when i entered that command in a terminal.
jemimah wrote:Also can you send me a copy of your /proc/bus/input/devices file
sure, i'll send it over to you via PM =) you should get it soon.
(sorry for how slow this post was.. uni assignment. =P)

Posted: Sat 13 Nov 2010, 19:52
by jemimah
I've compiled the evtouch xorg driver and also added the proprietary driver from the eeti website and compiled eeti's tkusb kernel module. These will be in the next Puppeee beta.

There is a discussion of configuring touchpads on puppy here: ... 958#295649 If we can get thing working, I can fix the xorgwizard to work automatcally. Somethings in Puppeee are different than other Puppy version - such as the evdev module is compiled into the kernel but a lot of this stuff will be similar.

And also pretty good documentation if you download the official drivers here: ... Driver.htm. But I'm uncertain if the official eeti drivers will support the t101mt or not so we'll have to experiment.

Posted: Sun 14 Nov 2010, 14:44
by Stripe
Hi all

Got a couple of new sfs files to test for puppeee/fluppy, both are media players compiled totaly from source and both include the latest stable mplayer-1.0rc3
Note: these are only test versions and have had all help files and docs stripped to test the binaries and their dependancies

GMplayer1.0.0.sfs has the popular gnome-mplayer-1.0.0 front end and the link is: ... ist&num=50

SMplayer.0.6.9.sfs has the larger smplayer-0.6.9 front end and the link for this is: ... ist&num=50

Have fun and please let me know what you think

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 17:08
by morgonzola
hey so have you seen the new iron? any thoughts about it?

the pet is here
(i know its a lupu pet but it is a pet regardless)

and i think it needs glibc =>2.11.1

the wiki page is here
actual site is here

im using pupeee 1.0 right now and it has glibc2.10 and i have heard you don't update this without breaking your system. does this pupeee have glibc >=2.11.1?

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 18:20
by jemimah
You can see my thoughts on Iron here: ... 909#467909

I would consider switching to Chromium. but I prefer the Chrome builds because of the glibc issue and because it's not a pain to get the nonfree codecs.

Also I'm unsure if Chromium has more need for user-agent spoofing or not. Chrome tends to be supported by most websites. Do you know if Chromium has more issues with websites refusing to support it? Or does it advertise itself as being Chrome?

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 18:28
by Stripe
Hi all

Does the linux version of chrome still send messages to google? I know when using windows I had the firewall set up so that I had to manualy approve any connection to the internet. and chrome was trying at least 4 or 5 times a day without it even being run. (probably why I like to use firefox)
Is there a similar option on the linux firewall? so that you can see what traffic is taking place without your knowledge?


Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 18:37
by jemimah
Chrome comes with an autoupdater cronjob - which I do not include.

The firewall doesn't have that approve feature that the windows one does, but you can download a sniffer if you like.

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 18:51
by 2lss
In regard to the cursor behavior...
jemimah wrote:Yes, it'll need another build without the elantech driver.
Are you planning to build a kernel w/out the elantech driver?

If not I will give it a shot, just not sure about splitting the modules into the zbXXXX.sfs

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010, 19:01
by jemimah
I'm about to upload so you might want to wait a bit.
You won't need to mess with the modules at all - elantech is built in vmlinuz.