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Interesting approach to screen/active window copy

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 19:48
by gcmartin
I thought I'd try your product. I have been looking for a Linux alternative to MS for a long while.

In OS2, then Microsoft, I could copy a Window (Ctrl-"Print Screen" key) or I could copy the Screen surface ("Print Screen" key). I have not found a Puppy solution to this. And am anxious to dive in to your PET to see if.

But, I have an installation issue that arose and though awareness might help.

When I 1st attempted to install, I initially got an error (see screen below). Then, I tried a 2nd time and get package message of "Success..." (also below) I don't know why, and thought to ask if there is some additional thing i can provide you so that you would know why the installation issue that occurred.

Hope this helps

Re: Interesting approach to screen/active window copy

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 20:59
by radky
gcmartin wrote:When I 1st attempted to install, I initially got an error (see screen below). Then, I tried a 2nd time and get package message of "Success..." (also below) I don't know why, and thought to ask if there is some additional thing i can provide you so that you would know why the installation issue that occurred.

Hope this helps
Hi gcmartin,

Thanks for evaluating the 64-bit version of Pupsnap.

In weeks of testing multiple versions of PupSnap, I have not personally observed a failed installation of the pet.

In the case of Fatdog64, Pupsnap runs an initial pinstall script which adds the Ctrl+Shift+S hotkey to /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml, and this has been very reliable in my testing. Other than that, the Pupsnap installation is rather routine.

Hopefully, your case will be a one-time misadventure. :)


Posted: Sat 26 Mar 2011, 19:46
by gcmartin
@Radky Thanks
Check your PM<


Posted: Sat 23 Apr 2011, 14:54
by radky
Version 1.6. See main post.
-Enhanced design of the PupSnap Setup GUI.
-Enhanced tooltip Help resources.
-Enhanced launch wrapper to allow automatic recovery from aborted PupSnap sessions.
-Added single-click access to file management (ROX-Filer, Thunar, Xfe).
-Added auto-refresh of the image viewer (Precludes multiple, overlapping instances of the default viewer).
-Added auto-detection of image deletion (Click the View button and PupSnap searches for the most recent
screen capture. If that image has been deleted, the search continues for other images in the current folder).

Posted: Mon 25 Apr 2011, 19:00
by radky
bleepingbeep wrote:The new version is working fine for me (running Lucid 5.2.5). Thanks for this tool -- I love it.

The only issue I have is this: When viewing an image in Viewnior (the default picture viewer), I'd like to be able to capture/crop a portion of it using PupSnap. But when I invoke it with Ctrl-Shift-S, Viewnior and the picture disappear before I can mark the capture area.

This does NOT happen if I'm using Gimp, mtPaint, etc.

Anyone else encounter this or have a fix? Thanks.
Hi bleepingbeep,

1 - With each screen capture, the PupSnap GUI and default viewer (if open) will disappear immediately prior to the capture, then both will reappear after the capture.

2 - To capture a small ‘cropped’ area of the screen, go to the ‘Region’ tab of PupSnap, and select Save. Then use the mouse to outline a rectangular region that you wish to capture.

3 - Subsequently, when the captured image is displayed in Viewnior, if you wish to crop the image even more, do the following:

Code: Select all

Go to the ‘Image’ menu of Viewnior, then select the ‘Crop’ option. In the new dialog box, use the mouse to outline the area of interest in the image, then click the ‘Crop’ button in the lower right corner.
PupSnap also supports other viewers such as fotoxx, geeqie, gpicview, gqview, gwenview and xnview. Each viewer has built-in options to manipulate the post-capture image. Of course, if you capture the screen to an Image Editor such as mtPaint or GIMP, the options for post-capture manipulation are even greater.

Thanks for your question. :)

Posted: Mon 25 Apr 2011, 19:19
by bleepingbeep
Thanks very much, radky. I get 99% of what you said, but my problem is that the Viewnior image does not reappear for capture, and so there's nothing available to be marked.

Perhaps there's some aberration in my installation.

Posted: Mon 25 Apr 2011, 20:25
by radky
bleepingbeep wrote:Thanks very much, radky. I get 99% of what you said, but my problem is that the Viewnior image does not reappear for capture, and so there's nothing available to be marked.

Perhaps there's some aberration in my installation.
Hi bleepingbeep,

PupSnap and Viewnior disappear before the screen capture, then both subsequently reappear, and Viewnior displays the captured image. At this point don't use PupSnap to capture a portion of the image displayed in Viewnior. Rather, use the built-in options of Viewnior to crop the image:

1 - Go to the top menu of Viewnior and click the ‘Image’ option. You will see a drop-down menu --- select the 'Crop...’ option.
2 - A new dialog box (entitled 'Crop Image') will appear containing the image you wish to crop. Use the mouse to outline the area of interest in the image, then click the ‘Crop’ button in the lower right corner.
3 - Another dialog box will appear giving you the option to save the cropped image, or Cancel.

Thanks again for your question. Hope this helps. :)

Posted: Tue 26 Apr 2011, 16:23
by bleepingbeep
Well, radky, this is embarrassing, but thanks for setting me straight. My observation, though accurate, was completely wrongheaded. I thought Viewnior was simply an image viewer, and was unaware of its cropping capability.

I've used Linux for about 5 years, but Puppy is relatively new to me. Still learning, obviously!

Posted: Tue 24 May 2011, 23:24
by abushcrafter
I have removed all the junk code from the help HTML file. It is a lot smaller now. It's also done to high standards. I have used CSS classes which will make it a lot nicer to work with. Please look at & learn from what I have done. Don't use Composer because it produces rubbish code full of junk! The latest versions of Kompozer are better but not good enough. I recommend reading some doc on XHTML, HTML5 and CSS. For bit of a WYSIWYG program I recommend Amaya.

Posted: Wed 25 May 2011, 14:08
by radky
abushcrafter wrote:I have removed all the junk code from the help HTML file. It is a lot smaller now. It's also done to high standards. I have used CSS classes which will make it a lot nicer to work with. Please look at & learn from what I have done. Don't use Composer because it produces rubbish code full of junk! The latest versions of Kompozer are better but not good enough. I recommend reading some doc on XHTML, HTML5 and CSS. For bit of a WYSIWYG program I recommend Amaya.
Hi abushcrafter,

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll see what I can do. :)

Posted: Thu 02 Jun 2011, 12:43
by radky
Version 1.6.1. See main post.
-Added '600px' Thumbnail option, which automatically reduces a large screenshot to a forum-compatible 600-pixel width. (thank you aarf)
-Improved HTML code in Help file. (thank you abushcrafter)

Posted: Thu 09 Jun 2011, 22:55
by aarf
cool had to rename from.gz to .pet then installation and 600px screenshot went as needed thanks radky. will add this to my personal sfs.( when i figure out how to make it.)

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2011, 21:35
by radky
Version 1.6.2. See main post.
-Added support for non-root environment (fido).

Conflict with Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 Beta 4

Posted: Fri 23 Dec 2011, 23:32
by Jim1911
As you can see with the attached image, when save is clicked the picture is taken, however, PupSnap doesn't remove itself while snapping the image. :(

Have a Merry Christmas,

Re: Conflict with Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 Beta 4

Posted: Sat 24 Dec 2011, 01:46
by radky
Jim1911 wrote:As you can see with the attached image, when save is clicked the picture is taken, however, PupSnap doesn't remove itself while snapping the image.
Hi Jim,

Re: Conflict with Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 Beta 4

1 - Concerning PupSnap (64-bit version), do you have this problem with the prior release of Lighthouse64 (513), or with the current Fatdog64?

2 - In Lighthouse-64 5.14.2 Beta 4, do you see this issue with your older Dell desktop PC and new Dell notebook?

3 - Does it happen each time you attempt a screen capture?

4 - Does PupSnap exit immediately after the capture? Does it help to apply a 2 second capture delay (compared to the usual delay of 0)?

5 - On my system, PupSnap is working great on Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 and Fatdog64. To rule out the possibility of file corruption, you could download a fresh copy of PupSnap (64-bit version), then reinstall.

Re: Conflict with Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 Beta 4

Posted: Sat 24 Dec 2011, 03:28
by Jim1911
radky wrote:
Jim1911 wrote:As you can see with the attached image, when save is clicked the picture is taken, however, PupSnap doesn't remove itself while snapping the image.
Hi Jim,

Re: Conflict with Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 Beta 4

1 - Concerning PupSnap (64-bit version), do you have this problem with the prior release of Lighthouse64 (513), or with the current Fatdog64? No, with Fatdog64, Did not test 513 on Laptop

2 - In Lighthouse-64 5.14.2 Beta 4, do you see this issue with your older Dell desktop PC and new Dell notebook? Laptop only, no problem with desktop so the problem is probably related to the intel graphics on the laptop.

3 - Does it happen each time you attempt a screen capture? Yes, but not with Fatdog64

4 - Does PupSnap exit immediately after the capture? Yes Does it help to apply a 2 second capture delay (compared to the usual delay of 0)? Delay solves problem.

5 - On my system, PupSnap is working great on Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 and Fatdog64. To rule out the possibility of file corruption, you could download a fresh copy of PupSnap (64-bit version), then reinstall.

Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2011, 14:42
by radky
Version 1.6.3
-Added 0.1 second delay (full-screen acquisitions) to assure complete dismissal of the PupSnap GUI prior to capture. (thanks Jim1911)

SOLVED - using v 1.8 of May 2012

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2012, 15:40
by Jasper
Hi radky,

Thank you very much for 1.6.3 which works well with my Slacko 5.3.1 Main.

However, before I use it all of my Windows programs work using Wine, but after I use it some of my Windows programs no longer work until after a reboot.

If you would like to see if you can replicate this behaviour then one of the non-working programs is MalAware.exe which is only some 1.2 MB from and although it literally only takes a minute to run it is sufficient to see if it loads before and after taking a screenshot.

I did try to investigate, getting first a message re "permissions" and when fixed, another message re "binaries" which I don't know how to fix.

For me, this is not at all urgent; though I shall appreciate any advice or assistance you may be able to give as and when you have time.

My regards


The problem is now, almost certainly, resolved, but I have made an sfs of the v 1.8 pet so that I can easily unload the sfs should any Windows/Wine application still fail to run perfectly.

Posted: Wed 29 Feb 2012, 02:00
by radky
Jasper wrote:after I use it some of my Windows programs no longer work until after a reboot.
Hi Jasper,

I tested the suggested virus-scanning program (MalAware.exe) in Lighthouse-64 which has Wine installed. The program seemed to scan OK, both before and after screen captures with PupSnap, so I can't duplicate the scenario you describe. Since PupSnap is only a graphical interface for the scrot command-line capture utility, you might want to run a simple test with scrot from the command line, to see if the problem persists.

To test, open a terminal and run

Code: Select all

scrot screenshot.png
which captures the full screen to screenshot.png in the root directory.

Maybe others with Wine installations will share their experience with scrot-mediated screen captures.

Thanks for your question.

SOLVED - see second post above

Posted: Wed 29 Feb 2012, 10:12
by Jasper
Hi again radky,

Thank you for taking time to reply. Your code "scrot screenshot.png" does put a full screenshot in root, but my difficulty in being unable to reuse some Windows programs persists.

I can do everything I need using other methods of taking screenshots; though sometimes with extra keystrokes/mouse-movements - so not always as conveniently as with your excellent program.

My regards