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Posted: Fri 14 Jan 2011, 20:29
by Peterm321
Feedback request
If it has switched to modem mode, look in /dev to see how many ttyUSB[n] ports you have, then try the above test on each port. Let me know if this method finds the correct port for you!
I use a Huawei E1550 with "Turbopup" Kernel There are 2 files: dev/usb/ttyUSB0 and dev/usb/ttyUSB1

When modem is connected and running:-

modem-stats -c ATZ /dev/usb/ttyUSB0

Returns a blank line

modem-stats -c ATZ /dev/usb/ttyUSB1


modem-stats -c ATZ /dev/usb/ttyUSB2
Returns a can't open error message, not surprising since file /dev/usb/ttyUSB2 doen't exist I suppose.

When I disconected the modem (close pppd) [NB my script also rmmods usbserial and option - I find my modem wont reconnect properly if I dont do this]

Code: Select all

modem-stats -c ATZ /dev/usb/ttyUSB0
modem-stats: Can't open /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 for reading and writing
When the following are carried out the modem will then respond to the modem-stats comand:

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -W -v 0x12d1 -p 0x1446 -V 0x12d1 -P 0x1001 -M '55534243123456780000000000000011060000000000000000000000000000'

modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1446

modprobe option

The response to "modem-stats -c ATZ /dev/usb/ttyUSB0" is:


Once I run pppd the modem-stats -c ATZ command no longer responds, as before. I agree that it appears the modem has to be modeswitched and usbserial and option modules loaded in order for the modem-stats -c ATZ command to work.

Posted: Mon 24 Jan 2011, 04:06
01micko wrote:
JIGNESH_MODI wrote:i have try it but it still not wary 5 linux,
I also tryed in Puppy 5.2 but it is not connect in too..
5.2 is not detecting nokia e63 is big issue............ :cry: :cry:
i have tryed Lubuntu 10.10 it works very well ,just like using windows os...
so think i use Lubuntu......

Myself and rerwin have spent some time trying to resolve your issue and you offer us nothing but complaints.
-no diagnostics (as pointed out by rerwin)
-no consistency (what is it? BSNL modem or nokia?)
-no direct cooperation

Please, if you want to be a part of this community then have respect

i have tried both nokia & bsnl 3g usb modem.
3g usb not get connected in 5.2 puppy linux too,
only nokia modem is connected in puppy distroes..
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011, 04:43
barry k 1 suggestion:- conntect this man ... nl-3g.html
amit mendapara
i think he can understand what u want...
as i m not knowing abcd of linux...
so i m not understanding.. what u want... :wink:
he is at least understand what u want & help u to solve this problem...
by the way nokia phones modem works perfectly with dailup ... :lol: :o

Hi Rerwin and Barry

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2011, 07:12
by sjsrikanth
I have been going through the above posts since I have the same bsnl 3g data card. Sorry that you guys did not receive what you wanted to solve the issue.

I have puppy 5.2 running from usb,
My puppy identifies my modem after I type this in a console

# usb_modeswitch -v 230d -p 0001 -u 3

Then when I try to connect with pupdial I get a exit code = 16 message stating that the daemon has died.

I have the output of pmodemdiag attached

Can you help me!?


Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2011, 07:30
by sjsrikanth
After I included -ccp in the ppp/options file I could go a liitle more to IPCP request the LCP is terminated by peer.....
Please help

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2011, 08:12
by 01micko
hello sjsrikanth

I will inform rerwin that you are willing to get the BNSL modem going. At least you made a start by providing the pmodemdiag files.

Hang in there !!!


rerwin responded to my message and needs a little time. Please be patient .



Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2011, 06:22
by sjsrikanth
Thank you for your response I will hang on, I dont want to give up on puppy just bcoz my modem wouldnt work... I always beleive that it is better to make your distro work than to keep switching them.

My modem works well with Ubuntu 10.10, I f I send the resolve.conf, ppp options and var/log/message of ubuntu will it be useful for you guys to help me?


Posted: Fri 08 Apr 2011, 07:25
by sjsrikanth
I like puppy so much....if this one bsnl 3g problem is solved, a million users will be benefited.


Posted: Fri 08 Apr 2011, 10:19
by sjsrikanth
Hi all thanx for trying for me finally after countless sleepless trial and errors figured out a way to use bsnl 3g data card (teracom w273 7.2mbps) with PUPPY LINUX!!!

1.Updated to puppy 5.2.5
2. Installed the bsnl dialer .deb file provided by the isp
3. went to /usr/share/applications/Bsnl.desktop (so that we can make the launcher to work )
4.opened it as text
5.deleted gksudo in execute line
6. started the application (this will initiate the modem)
7.minimised it
8.used pupdial to connect!!!!


Posted: Mon 18 Apr 2011, 03:30
by rerwin
Thanks for posting your diag file. The latest (0417) version of my modem-modprobe package at ... 074#431074
appears to support your modem. It can be installed into Lupu 5.2.5. Although it prepares you to remaster the result, you can simply click on "No" in the "remaster" dialog to only use the package in your current setup.

I would like to look for further additions for your provider. Could you send me the .deb file for the BSNL dialer, so that I might incorporate some of it into puppy? I have already found a posting describing how to set up for bsnlnet. From that, I propose to add the following file to puppy as /etc/wvdial_options/APN-bsnlnet:

Code: Select all

lcp-echo-failure 4
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-max-configure 10
lcp-max-failure 10
ipcp-max-failure 10
ipcp-max-configure 10
I could do something similar for your provider if I could get the details from your solution. Or maybe just refine what I have already.


Posted: Fri 22 Apr 2011, 04:56
by sjsrikanth
Thank you rerwin for the time and effort. Please find the bsnl dialer provided by the isp here ( which by itself fails to connect, but when running in background , pupdial works like a charm) ( Sorry that I,m not able to upload the file in this forum I get a file size 0 errorr)

Posted: Fri 22 Apr 2011, 15:13
by rerwin
Thanks for the link. I now have the deb file and have taken a few lines from its options file. To add the info to puppy, I need to know the APN text you use. Is it different from "bsnlnet"?

The 0421 version of my modem-modprobe fix package contains the options I listed above, so you might try that. Or I can post here another file for you to add to /etc/wvdial_options.

Posted: Sat 23 Apr 2011, 11:01
by sjsrikanth

The 0421 version of modem-modprobe does recognize the modem.Thank you. But connecting without the dialer running in the background is a problem still.

The APN I use is bsnlnet.

Please do post a wvdial_options file for bsnl .

Posted: Sun 22 May 2011, 09:14
by vanchutr
I think the best (from now) puppy to set up 3G-USB modem is puppy_sqzd_4.99.2

I'd test with two models (types) USB-3G modem:

(1). HSPDA USB Stick Model MF100 RoHS. Connect (fast) to Internet

(A). Connect with this script:

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -W -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

/sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0x2003

echo "Initializing modem. Please wait..."
sleep 60
echo "Done. Connecting..."

(B) Code of /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

Code: Select all

# Disable automatic mode switching globally (e.g. to access the original
# install storage)


# Enable logging (results in a extensive report file in /var/log, named
# "usb_modeswitch_<interface-name>"

### 3G Viettel


# ZTE MF628+ (tested version from Telia / Sweden)
# ZTE MF626
# Contributor: Joakim Wennergren

DefaultVendor=  0x19d2
DefaultProduct= 0x2003

TargetVendor=   0x19d2
TargetProduct=  0x2003

#TargetProduct=  0x0031


# if that command doesn't work, try the other ("eject") 

(B) Code of wvdial.conf

Code: Select all

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB3
Baud = 57600
Init1 = 
Init2 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 S10=200 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Carrier Check = yes
Dial Command = ATDT

[Dialer isp1]
Phone = *99#
Stupid Mode = yes
Auto Reconnect = yes

[Dialer isp1apn]
Init5 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","isp_adn"

[Dialer isp2]
Phone = *99#
Stupid Mode = yes
Auto Reconnect = yes

[Dialer isp2apn]
Init5 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","isp_adn"

[Dialer pin]
Init1 = AT+CPIN=

[Dialer wireless]
#To force only 2G or 3G, uncomment the Init4 line and append 0 (2G) or 2 (3G), and substitute your operator's name for MYOPS.
#Init4 = AT+COPS=0,0,"MYOPS",

(2).HSPA USB 3G Huawei E173Eu-1. Connect good to Internet

(A) Use this script:

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -W -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

#/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -W -R /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

/sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x14b5

echo "Initializing modem. Please wait..."
sleep 60
echo "Can connect with pupdial... May be"
(B) Code of /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

Code: Select all

# Disable automatic mode switching globally (e.g. to access the original
# install storage)


# Enable logging (results in a extensive report file in /var/log, named
# "usb_modeswitch_<interface-name>"

### 3G Viettel


DefaultVendor=  0x12d1
DefaultProduct= 0x14b5

TargetVendor=   0x12d1
TargetProduct=  0x14b5

(B) Code of wvdial.conf

Code: Select all

[Dialer Defaults]
Phone = *99#
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud = 9600
Init1 = 
Init2 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Carrier Check = no
Dial Command = ATDT

[Dialer isp1]
Phone = *99#
Auto Reconnect = yes

[Dialer isp1apn]
Init5 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","isp_apn"

[Dialer isp2]
Phone = *99#
Username = MY2USERNAME
Password = MY2PASSWORD
Auto Reconnect = yes

[Dialer isp2apn]
Init5 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","isp_apn"

[Dialer pin]
Init1 = AT+CPIN=

[Dialer wireless]
#To force only 2G or 3G, uncomment the Init4 line and append 0 (2G) or 2 (3G), and substitute your operator's name for MYOPS.
#Init4 = AT+COPS=0,0,"MYOPS",
Any comments? Thank you

Posted: Sun 22 May 2011, 09:34
by vanchutr

Connect (successfull) 3G GHSPDA USB Stick Model MF100 RoHS in:

(a) puppy_sqzd_4.99.2
(b) icepup 010

Connect (successfull) 3G Huawei - HSPA USB 3G Huawei E173Eu-1:
(a) puppy_sqzd_4.99.2
(b) icepup 010
(c) puppy 432

Posted: Thu 09 Jun 2011, 21:57
by rerwin
sjsrikanth wrote:rerwin

The 0421 version of modem-modprobe does recognize the modem.Thank you. But connecting without the dialer running in the background is a problem still.

The APN I use is bsnlnet.

Please do post a wvdial_options file for bsnl .
Thanks for confirming that the options work. About the dialer running in the background: that is how it must run to interface with the wvdial executable. You can close the connection dialog but leave the connection running without taking up screen space. To disconnect later, start pupdial again and click on the disconnect button. Since the dialogs for that seem self explanatory, do you mean that somehow that does not work for your 3G modem or BSNL?

Since you have the options file working in the 0421 update to lupu, I assume you are requesting a file for use with other puppies. Keep in mind, though, that you need to be running the 1.1.7 version of usb_modeswitch and the 20110227 data file. Those are already in wary 5.1.2, but probably not in anything older than that.

Please let me know how it works in wary, or wherever you put it. Thanks.

EDIT: This fix may not be necessary. Please report if you notice any difference in connection speed or other behavior. /EDIT

Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2011, 07:55
by sjsrikanth
Thank you rerwin for the .pet. Yet to test it.

In my previous post what I really meant was pupdial does not connect to internet if the BSNL dialer provided by the isp is not running in the backgroung.
(The red led light indicator in the datacard does not turn green if I use pupdial alone, but it works when the bsnl dialer runs in the background)

BSNL support

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2011, 22:48
by rerwin
Thanks for the clarification. I have examined, again, the BSNL package and conclude that most of its action is done in executables for which (I assume) no source code is available. I installed it in my lupu installation and it looks quite nice. Does it actually work in lupu?

Because the BSNL package will not run in wary or 4.3.1, I still would like to try fixing pupdial to connect successfully to BSNL -- if we can figure out how to do it. On a second track, we could try to make the BSNL package work in at least the ubuntu-based puppies -- if it does not work already. But first, to pupdial and its friends.

I would like to determine the differences in the setup files between a run with only pupdial running and a run with BSNL started before running pupdial. But do not do anything with the BSNL GUI (as I understand you to mean when it "runs in the background"). I have added a modified pmodemdiag script to the attached dotpet to capture all of the files that could be involved. Please install it. Run pmodemdiag in both runs, after going as far as you can but before disconnecting.
EDIT: I have removed the dotpet, because this test is no longer relevant. To try a solution, see the BSNL experimental package below. /EDIT

In case you are concerned about pmodemdiag grabbing your login ID and password, pmodemdiag does not save them in the diag tarball. Note that you will need to rename one or both of the pmodemdiag...tar.gz files so that the second use of it will not complain about the file already existing.

Now that I have had a vacation from puppy, I am ready to focus on BSNL, as far as we can go with it. Thanks for your continuing interest.

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2011, 05:42
by sjsrikanth
Thanx rerwin, will get back soon with the diagnostics. (sorry for the delays in reply, My Pre P.hd exams to be blamed!!!)

3G Modem

Posted: Fri 17 Jun 2011, 09:23
by rameshiyer
I have used 3G Modem ( Huawei make) in Puppy Linux. It is working properly. No problem. The connection is from BSNL. Some time some signal problem and slow speed etc. Otherwise, no problem at all. I have connected both GPRS (PGPRS setup) as well as Dial up in Puppy/warry Linux.