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Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 15:43
by panoss
I tried to check if the lupu_devx_528-3.sfs is loaded.
I opened a terminal and typed: gcc (that's the way it's being checked, isn't it?)
It returned me 'gcc: no input files'.
My lupu_devx_528-3.sfs isn't loaded???

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 15:53
by RSH
Environment>Options>Lazarus directory:

Shouldn't it be /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.28/ as it's the version of Lazarus now installed?
Yes, it should be 0.9.28 but try this:

Do anything like described except starting lazarus 0.9.30 first. Start lazarus 0.9.28 first and nothing will work. So, starting of lazarus 0.9.30 at first obviously sets some parameters or paths. And only after this lazarus 0928 runs. I think that's the reason why buiding lazarus wants the path of 0930 and lazarus 0928 thinks it has been already started so it don't set paths and/or parameters. This is confusing. It seams that lazarus 0928 uses paths of 0930 and therefor paths of free pascal 242 insted of 240. I changed the name of the directory 242 to 243 -just to test- and lazarus brings up a message that the fpc (compiler) is wrong. After renaming to 242 everything works again.

Try a build after starting 0928 at first - i haven't tried anything in this direction.
The built I tried was not a lazarus example, it was the Lazpant.
It worked before I tried to built!!but now it does not. It gives me the error:
"bgrabitmappack.pas(15,3) Fatal: Can't find unit LazarusPackageIntf used by bgrabitmappack".
I don't know if this was caused because of the TForm ancestor being used.
I have searched for
, was not found. Must be a file of Lazpant project?
I tried to check if the lupu_devx_528-3.sfs is loaded.
I opened a terminal and typed: gcc (that's the way it's being checked, isn't it?)
It returned me 'gcc: no input files'.
My lupu_devx_528-3.sfs isn't loaded???
No, the message "no input files" means you haven't given a filename to compile for gcc.

Try gcc --help, then you will get information for using gcc from the terminal (if it is loaded, what it should be, if the devx is loaded).


Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 17:08
by panoss
Sorry, I meant Lazpaint. :oops:
Yes, bgrabitmappack.pas is part of Lazpaint.

I'm starting of thinking to use some other version of linux where things with lazarus would be easier.
What a pity, I wanted to use lazarus in puppy because of speed and lightness of the OS.
Till now I was using Ubuntu 11.04, but it's too slow.
I think i'll try xubuntu.
I read it's very fast in Arch linux, but Arch has no graphic interface, everything is done through the terminal :shock: .

(how can i check if lupu_devx_528-3.sfs is loaded?)

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 17:37
by RSH
I'm starting of thinking to use some other version o linux where things with lazarus would be easier.
What a p;itty, I wanted to use lazarus in puppy because of speed and lightness of the OS.
This is extactly my intension to use lazarus and free pascal in puppy and i won't give up to get it working.
Till now I was using Ubuntu 11.04, but it's oo slow.
I think i'll try xubuntu.
I read it's very fast in Arch linux, but Arch has no graphic interface, everything is done through the terminal.
I have tried Xubuntu and Lubuntu but i did not download Lazarus. However i have read the software installer and the in there listed programs shall be the same. I am using Kubuntu 11.04 with a full working Lazarus 0.9.28-2, the files i have used to build this all here. The System starts slowly but lazarus and free pascal are quick - so far as i can say that.
how can i check if lupu_devx_528-3.sfs is loaded?
We have sometimes posted at the same time, so you probably didn't see it. Open the terminal and type "gcc --help" and you will get something like this:

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# gcc --help
Usage: gcc [options] file...
  -pass-exit-codes         Exit with highest error code from a phase
  --help                   Display this information
  --target-help            Display target specific command line options
                           Display specific types of command line options
  (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes)
  --version                Display compiler version information
  -dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings
  -dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler
  -dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor
  -print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path
  -print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library
  -print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>
  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>
  -print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc
  -print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options and
                           multiple library search directories
  -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries
  -print-sysroot           Display the target libraries directory
  -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers
  -Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler
  -Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor
  -Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker
  -Xassembler <arg>        Pass <arg> on to the assembler
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>     Pass <arg> on to the preprocessor
  -Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker
  -combine                 Pass multiple source files to compiler at once
  -save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files
  -pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files
  -time                    Time the execution of each subprocess
  -specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>
  -std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>
  --sysroot=<directory>    Use <directory> as the root directory for headers
                           and libraries
  -B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths
  -b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed
  -V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed
  -v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler
  -###                     Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed
  -E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link
  -S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link
  -c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link
  -o <file>                Place the output into <file>
  -x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files
                           Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none
                           'none' means revert to the default behavior of
                           guessing the language based on the file's extension

Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically
 passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by gcc.  In order to pass
 other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used.

For bug reporting instructions, please see:
If you got this message than the gcc is loaded and so the sfs should be, because gcc is in the devx.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 17:41
by panoss
Ok, lupu_devx_528-3.sfs is loaded.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 18:15
by panoss
I managed to compile it!
to resume:
lazarus with
Environment>Options>Lazarus directory:

In tools>Configure build lazarus>Advanced build Options: ALL is marked as Clean+Build EXCEPT "IDE", marked as 'none'. (maybe because of differences betwwen Lazarus directory and Lazarus version(0.9.30 &, as mentioned above)
Clean All>checked
With packages>checked

Looks like working normally!!!

I'll keep it as is for now, even though it is a little bit Framkenstein! :lol:

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 18:28
by panoss
........unwanted post

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 18:33
by RSH

i can't believe it. Any error messages or missing units?

I must reproduce this. Where do i set
Environment>Options>Lazarus directory:

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 18:36
by panoss
RSH wrote:WOW,

i can't believe it. Any error messages or missing units?

I must reproduce this. Where do i set
Environment>Options>Lazarus directory:
I don't understand your question, you set it in "Environment>Options>Lazarus directory" :lol:.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 18:45
by RSH
Ah ja,

ok it is set in lazarus itself. I thought it is a top secret compiler option.

So, i have to go offline just to start the whole system again and clean, and then i will try to reproduce this.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 18:50
by panoss
Ok. you should call it: Lazarus: the Frankenstein version :lol: .

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 19:28
by RSH
Yes, i will do so if i come to the point where you getting to. I have tried it with all sfs files loaded. But no difference.

Did you compile both versions?
Both with Environment>Options>Lazarus directory: /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.30/?
Did you use the pet versions and/or savefile etc.?

Posted: Tue 15 Nov 2011, 05:29
by panoss
Yes, they both compile.
Yes, both have Lazarus directory: /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.30/.
I used pet versions.

Posted: Tue 15 Nov 2011, 06:07
by panoss
New data!
We now have installed:
1. + FPC 2.4.0 (/usr/share/fpcsrc/2.4.0)
2 0.9.30 + FPC 2.4.2 (/usr/share/fpcsrc/2.4.2)
Both have as FPC source directory (Environment>Options>FPC source directory):

I opened 0.9.30 and changed it to: /usr/share/fpcsrc/2.4.0 .
So now, 0.9.30 uses older version of FPC sources.
And, guess what: IT WORKS!!!

So, the problem is with FPC 2.4.2 Sources.

Also, in the puppy package manager, in the list of the installed packages, I see fpc-2.4.0 BUT not and fpc-2.4.4.

Posted: Tue 15 Nov 2011, 09:54
by panoss

Posted: Wed 16 Nov 2011, 04:28
by RSH
It seems like i have compiled both versions successfully. I am now able to set an event in the object inspector using Lazarus-0.9.30.


If have had some warnings trough compiling the sources. These warnings said (f.e.) "Symbol TNotebook is deprecated", "Symbol TPage is deprecated". Symbol "TButton" as well. These warnings have been printed while compiling files using the .inc files and compiling the examples of both versions of lazarus.

Did you got these or any other Warnings trough compiling?

Compiling a GUI in Lazarus-0.9.30 using Symbol "TExtendedNotebook" stopped with error message "unit not found". Sourcecode highlighted.
"TExtendedNotebook" is not existing in Lazarus-09.28.2. There is a Symbol "TNotebook".
"TNotebook" seems not to exist in Lazarus-0.9.30. So i think compiling stopped because of the difference in these Symbols and/or units.
Compiling a GUI with "TNotebook" in Lazarus- has been successfull.

Please: explain, what is the meaning of "depreacted". I don't know this word.

Posted: Wed 16 Nov 2011, 06:41
by panoss
'depreciated', has lost it's value.
I guess, it means that they will not be used in the new version.
Yes, I got many warning messages during compilation.
And also errors when trying some programs of mine.
It's really exhausting, instead of programming it's been some weeks that I'm trying to make Lazarus work!
I can't anymore, I 'll try the win verson, which works through wine in puppy, and if problems continue, I 'll go to some other version of linux, or even windows.

Posted: Wed 16 Nov 2011, 07:38
by RSH
Hello panoss,
'depreciated', has lost it's value.
I guess, it means that they will not be used in the new version.
The Symbol "TNotebook is deprecated" message did have no effect of compiling a GUI with the Symbol "TNotebook". Just a warning was given. I was able to insert pages into the Symbol "TNotebook" and it compiles also - with warnings.

Listen (read): the warning says "deprecated" not "depreciated". Is this a fault in Lazarus or is the word "deprecated" existing too?
It's really exhausting, instead of programming it's been some weeks that I'm trying to make Lazarus work!
Yes, i know! :evil:
try the win version, which works through wine in puppy
That has never been thougth by me, but i will try this as well. Maybe it works.

Lobster says that he has just downloaded the Lazarus- and it runs in Slacko 5.3, but he didn't tell, if he has compiled something etc. I will post there and ask him. Maybe this could be a solution. It has got a newer kernel.

I will go on to get this thing running but i will also give place and time back to other things. So, come back from time to time to this place. Maybe something changes positively. Then i will report.

So long...


Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 09:19
by panoss
Some progress made!!!
1. I made a NEW frugal install of puppy528, in dir /puppy528. RESTART choosing to save the lupusave file.
2. Menu>Utility resize personal storage file>2GB>OK. Large space is NECESSARY for Lazarus.
......(second installation of Lazarus MAY be needed if not all files were installed, e.g in case of small storage file)
......Restart pc.
3. Install
4. Install lupu_devx_528-3.sfs: I have put it in /mnt/home/puppy528 and loaded it with Menu>System>Boot manager>Choose which extra SFS files...
5. Restart puppy.
8. Start Lazarus. Environment>Options
.....Lazarus directory: /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.30/
.....Compiler path: /usr/bin/fpc
.....FPC source directory: /usr/share/fpcsrc/$(FPCVer)/
.....Make path: /usr/bin/make
.....Directory for building test: /tmp/
9. Environment>Rescan FPC source directory
10. Open & install package: /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.30/components/zeosdbo/packages/lazarus/zcomponent.lpk
11. Eliminate the known problem with the object inspector replacing the rtl dir (/usr/share/fpcsrc/2.4.2/rtl) with a newer version found in fpc-src-2.4.4-0.laz.i686.rpm.
I uncompressed it with fileroller (or some other program).
12.Also in Tools>Configure "Build Lazarus">IDE NEVER choose option "Clean+Build".
Also, NEVER check the checkbox "Clean All".
That is, for some reason, IDE must never get Cleaned.
Because if it does, it will be giving an error "Fatal: can't find unit DefinedTemplates used by LazConf".
13. I also installed I don't know if that's of any importance for lazarus, but I inform you, anyway.

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 11:35
by panoss