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tempicon -a tray icon to monitor CPU temp

Posted: Sun 01 Jan 2012, 21:58
by Billtoo
This is icewm in Saluki

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 11:51
by 01micko
I've been sitting on this for awhile..

new svg based tempicon remove older versions first!!!

- See main post

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 18:09
by DaveS
01micko wrote:I've been sitting on this for awhile..

new svg based tempicon remove older versions first!!!

- See main post
Excellent. Much easier to read thanks.

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 19:50
by CatDude
Hello Mick

Working OK in Slacko-531 (with Compiz + Lxpanel)

I installed lm_sensors-3.1.2 via the PPM then installed the

Running the command: sensors-detect

Code: Select all

AMD Family 10h thermal sensors...                           Success!
    (driver `k10temp')
but modprobing the module k10temp failed. :(

A quick 'google' lead me to these: with which i was able to build the k10temp module.

I put it in: /lib/modules/
ran depmod
then modprobe k10temp
rebooted and there it was in the system tray of lxpanel. :D

Nice one mate.


Line 6 of: /usr/sbin/

Code: Select all

:wink: :wink:

Posted: Sat 21 Jan 2012, 00:57
by 01micko
Minor update v-0.06 -see main post

Thanks CatDude, 06 fixes the version number. Yeah, has k8temp which works with my X2 and nvidia board, I thought it would work for most, wrong I guess! Can you post your module please? I'll whack it in PPM.

Also, pemasu, it *should* install cleanly into woof now, I'll test tonight when I do a build. I left a message on your thread but I now realise it was doomed to fail!

Posted: Sat 21 Jan 2012, 08:48
by CatDude
01micko wrote:...Can you post your module please? I'll whack it in PPM.
Here you go mate.


Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2012, 13:33
by snayak
Does it work with Wary 500?

Srinivas Nayak

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2012, 22:30
by technosaurus
I have made a generic tool to do this using symlinks:
you should be able to adjust your backend to only update a single file and the binary is smaller too.

edit: and here is an awk example that I used to generate the svg for my cpu

Code: Select all

awk '{BG = "#00FF00"
if ($2 > 65) BG = "#FFFF00"
if ($2 > 80) BG = "#FF0000"
printf "<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"> \
<rect width=\"32\" height=\"22\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" \
style=\"font-size:%d;fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:3pt;\" id=\"rect1\" />  \
<text x=\"0\" y=\"18\" style=\"font-size:%d;font-weight:normal;fill-opacity:0.75;stroke-width:3pt;font-family:helvetica;\" id=\"text1\"> \
<tspan id=\"tspan1\">%d°C</tspan> \
</text> \
</svg>",14,BG,14,$2}' /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/temperature >test.svg

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 22:25
by mavrothal
technosaurus wrote:I have made a generic tool to do this using symlinks:
you should be able to adjust your backend to only update a single file and the binary is smaller too.

edit: and here is an awk example that I used to generate the svg for my cpu

Code: Select all

awk '{BG = "#00FF00"
if ($2 > 65) BG = "#FFFF00"
if ($2 > 80) BG = "#FF0000"
printf "<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> \
<rect width="32" height="22" x="0" y="0" \
style="font-size:%d;fill:%s;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:3pt;" id="rect1" />  \
<text x="0" y="18" style="font-size:%d;font-weight:normal;fill-opacity:0.75;stroke-width:3pt;font-family:helvetica;" id="text1"> \
<tspan id="tspan1">%d°C</tspan> \
</text> \
</svg>",14,BG,14,$2}' /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/temperature >test.svg
Tried this and I get:

Code: Select all

awk: cmd. line:4: printf "<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> \ 
awk: cmd. line:4:        ^ unterminated string
awk: cmd. line:4: printf "<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> \ 
awk: cmd. line:4:        ^ syntax error

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 23:58
by technosaurus
Edit, nope that was just my browser formatting even though html standards told it not to.

the real problem was using the UTF-8 encoded '°' instead of the standard ascii one that I posted ... guess I need to push a tarball to avoid these copy-paste issues (unless maybe you added your own '°' ???)

btw if you ever need an ascii character, I use this a lot to cut/paste from the terminal

Code: Select all

int main() {  
char c=127;
while (c-->=-127) {  
  printf("%d, %c\n",c,c);

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2012, 10:55
by 01micko
0.07 is out

Fixes persistent pink message recurrence.

See main post

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2012, 11:02
by pemasu
:D :D :D

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2012, 12:49
by 01micko
New version 0.09

See main post

-now compiles the source with a Makefile (devx needed for compilation, not for pet install)
-supports FatDog
-lm_sensors now optional (ymmv - reports please)
-README in source package
-new, rounded corners on icons
-icons are included in PET, no longer generated, faster on older HW
-some minor bugfixes

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 00:41
by davids45
G'day 01micko,

A little off-topic maybe, but I'm curious why this interesting little utility was not in Slacko (or is it and I couldn't/can't find it)?

I have two computers using high operating temperature CPUs so like to watch how often they get over 70C and to see the background colour change from green to yellow/amber. I assume it would get to red if I find and run the "right" software.

David S.

Tempicon 0.09

Posted: Wed 13 Jun 2012, 06:32
by ETP

Thanks for this latest version. With my 6 year old hardware I found that retaining lm_sensors displays more info. (i.e. max allowable CPU temp)

Posted: Wed 13 Jun 2012, 16:24
by technosaurus
@micko I recently made an update to sit:
It should work well with tempicon now that it just monitors each icon to see if it is modified via inotify and directly launches the left and right click apps (no need for a monitor loop any more).

Let me know if you are interested in using it. I think I have simplified it to the maximum extent possible (<20 lines of code) but would like some feedback. (for instance, would it make more sense to fork the click actions, so that icons continue to update while the click event is open?)

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2012, 21:17
by 01micko

using sit2:

Code: Select all

#set -x
# Records the CPU temp, calls "sit" to display in system tray
# depends: sit[2] (technosaurus
# other unix: +gtkdialog



PREFIX=`dirname $0`
export PREFIX

PROG=`basename $0`

[ ! -d /tmp/tempsit ] && mkdir /tmp/tempsit

echo "	-h|-help -show this help and exit "
echo "	-v|-version -show the $PROG version and exit"
echo "	-t|-togle-startup -Controls if you want to run $PROG at Startup, exits program"
echo "NOTE: Only one argument to $PROG will be allowed"

#generate svg
FFAMILY=helvetica FFS=14
[ -f /etc/fatdog-version ]&& FFAMILY=sans FFS=13

[ "$1" -ge "100" ] && T=$FFS
BG="#FF0000" #red (default)
	[ "$1" -le "65" ] && BG="#00FF00" #green
	[[ "$1" -gt "65" && "$1" -le "80" ]] && BG="#FFFF00" #yellow
echo '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <rect width="32"
     id="rect1" />
</svg>' > $TMPDIR/temp.svg

cat >  $TMPDIR/ <<_EOF
ENCODING="\${LANG#*.}"  #check UTF-8
[ "\$ENCODING" ]&& DEG='°' || DEG=' '
[ -f \$TMPDIR/count ] && TEMP=\$(cat \$TMPDIR/count)
echo "Current CPU temperature is \${TEMP}\${DEG}C" > \$TMP
echo >> \$TMP
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor 2>/dev/null | grep -q ondemand
if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "OnDemand CPU Scaling: on" >> \$TMP
  echo "OnDemand CPU Scaling: off" >> \$TMP
FREQ=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq 2>/dev/null`
if [ -n "\$FREQ" ]; then
  echo >> \$TMP
  echo -n "Current CPU Frequency: " >> \$TMP
  echo -n \${FREQ%???} MHz >> \$TMP

echo -e '<window title="tempsit info">
   <text><input file>'\$TMP'</input></text>
  <hbox><button ok></button>
</window>' > $TMPDIR/infodisplay
chmod 755 $TMPDIR/

case "$1" in
-h|-*help)usagefunc && exit ;;
-v|-*version)echo "${PROG}-${ver}" && exit ;;
	if [ -h $HOME/Startup/temp2tray ];then rm -f $HOME/Startup/temp2tray
     MSG="removing $HOME/Startup/temp2tray"
     ln -s $0 $HOME/Startup/temp2tray
     MSG="creating startup file $HOME/Startup/temp2tray"
echo "$MSG" 
exit ;;
infogui)infofunc ;;

[ ! -f $TMPDIR/temp.svg ] && SPID=1

#get cpu temp
while [ ! $SPID = "" ]
	 #echo $SPID #debug
	   FILE=`find /sys/devices/ -name temp1_input|head -n1`
	   OUT1=`cat $FILE`
	   if [ ! $OUT1 ];then
	    FILE=`find /sys/bus/acpi/devices/ -name temp|head -n1`
	    OUT1=`cat $FILE`
	   if [ ! $OUT1 ];then echo "not working" && break
	    else OUT=`echo ${OUT1%???}`
	   echo ${OUT} > $TMPDIR/count
	 text2svgfunc $OUT &
	 sleep 5 #update at 5 sec intervals
	 SPID=$(pidof sit)

cputempfunc &

sleep 1
[ -f $TMPDIR/count ]&& VALUE=`cat $TMPDIR/count`
if [ ! $VALUE ];then 
    xmessage -c -bg pink "TEMPSIT ERROR: Your system isn't supported."
    rm -f $HOME/Startup/temp2tray 2>/dev/null && exit
#all good, run

CPU Temperature

Left click for more info
Right click to quit"
LCLICK="$TMPDIR/;gtkdialog -f $TMPDIR/infodisplay"
RCLICK="killall sit;rm -r $TMPDIR;"


But of course the function 'infofunc' doesn't work (see edit), have to create a separate script for sit to call.

Playing with this exposed a bug in tempicon so I'll fix that soon, it's in the main loop.


EDIT: working now

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 05:53
by 01micko
Version 0.10 is out.

critical bugfix to kill the main loop if you quit the program

See main post


There's one Q I will answer
davids45 wrote:A little off-topic maybe, but I'm curious why this interesting little utility was not in Slacko (or is it and I couldn't/can't find it)?
Not off topic at all, the reason is the stability. I wasn't quite happy with it, now I m a little more happy. V 0.06 is currently in the Slacko repo. This version will be taking it's place.

I'm hoping this one will build and run on the raspi platform. Since it is passively cooled temperature stats will be interesting.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2012, 11:45
by 01micko
version -0.11 is posted


The main loop refused to start after X restart or restarting the prog manually

See main post

Tempicon working great in Saluki 23 with new Xfce desktop

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2012, 00:22
by Pete22

Thank you for a great program.
I wanted you to know that it works well with Saluki 23 that has the latest xfce desktop and panel.

I was wandering. Is there a way to change temp to Fahrenheit?
