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#31 Post by gcmartin »

But, I wasn't sure if I THANKED YOU for adding IPSCAN (AngryIP) to the PPM. It really is a useful tool for any of us LAN users..

Maybe next release will have it in the system's Menu>Network>AngryIP.

This is a very forward-thinking distro. Impressive.

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#32 Post by Volhout »

I saw in the first post mesa was mentioned. Could not confirm.

When I check glxgears, it gives an error "I couldn't get a RGB double buffered visual". Under HW info, OpenGL is "unknown".
Running on eeePC (i945 video)
If I run Slacko 5.3.3, and install mesa package, OpenGL works.
Not on FatSlacko.

Any idea ?


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Re: glxgears

#33 Post by 01micko »

Volhout wrote:I saw in the first post mesa was mentioned. Could not confirm.

When I check glxgears, it gives an error "I couldn't get a RGB double buffered visual". Under HW info, OpenGL is "unknown".
Running on eeePC (i945 video)
If I run Slacko 5.3.3, and install mesa package, OpenGL works.
Not on FatSlacko.

Any idea ?

yes, wrong xorg.conf, my fault. You need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf @ line 32 put # symbol at the beginning of the line, restart X, glxgears will then work.

EDIT.. ok I made a pet with a proper fix
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FAT is beautiful

#34 Post by frktons »

Hi everybody.
Just arrived in Linux and Puppy world.
Being a Linux noob but not afraid of getting my hands into something new,
I'd like to ask a couple of simple questions.
I've read something about the Puppy project in general, and I have to say
that it looks fantastic.
The FAT derivative is also more intriguing. Many things already there, ready
for use.
First question:
Considering the reports about missing things or bugs or whatever comes,
the distro is going to be corrected so that the new iso contains the patches
needed to make it works Out Of The Box (as they say)?
Second question:
Many of us (I suppose) own far more powerful PCs than the minimum
required to run a Puppy, so what about making distros even fatter with
other programs people tend to use, like: Chromium, Jdownloader, Skype
and so on?

I think many of us can use a 4-8 Gb partition for a full HD install with
a 2 GB SWAP extra partition.
I'm probably saying stupid things for experts Puppy geeks, but as I said I am only a noob :shock:

Thanks for your time



#35 Post by Jasper »

Hi frktons,

The future is unpredictable, but read the two posts immediately above yours and consider when you last saw a developer publish a solution within 16 minutes. Of course that's quick, even for Puppy, some volunteers sleep sometimes and some even have paid jobs and other unpaid tasks.

As regards your second question, have a look at Slickpet and also Puppy Package Manager (PPM) where you can use the Find box to see if any of the packages you would like installed are readily available.

Finally, you may like a frugal installation or some other choice rather than a full installation - so perhaps take your time for trials and thoughts.

My regards

PS I'm no expert - just a fully satisfied user.

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#36 Post by frktons »

Thanks Jasper.
I agree, maybe some of my doubts will clear up as I delve into the
documentation and try some solutions by myself.
After that, if I get lost I can always ask over here :D


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#37 Post by 01micko »

Hello frktons and welcome to Puppy Land!
Considering the reports about missing things or bugs or whatever comes,
the distro is going to be corrected so that the new iso contains the patches
needed to make it works Out Of The Box (as they say)?
I do intend to maintain this release and so far the bugs are relatively minor. If you do need the bug fixes in a CD to run live only, which is basically for what this distro fork is intended, then it should be possible to do an installation, add all current bugfixes only, then use the Puppy remaster tool and you will have a fixed release.
Many of us (I suppose) own far more powerful PCs than the minimum
required to run a Puppy, so what about making distros even fatter with
other programs people tend to use, like: Chromium, Jdownloader, Skype
and so on?
The reasoning behind what software one decides to include in a Puppy distro is governed by the target hardware. As you will see in the first post I have a "Minimum System Requirements" section and this Puppy should run fine on those targets loading fully into RAM. Why? Because that is the design of Puppy, to run in RAM. It will run on a machine with less RAM but there is a severe performance hit as the CD will stay mounted because the OS has to read the CD to operate, and we all know that reading from a CD (or DVD) is slow. Just FYI, puppy unpacks into RAM approximately twice the size of the main sfs file located on the boot media, it's the file with the sfs extension.
So, a line has to be drawn somewhere depending on the target hardware.

I hope this goes some way to explaining why I didn't make FATSlacko obese :wink: . It's still relatively small as a linux distro goes for the features it packs. once again, it should be possible to remaster with some extra programs to fatten FATSlacko some more.

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#38 Post by frktons »

Thanks Micko.

You have done a nice job and it is ready to be personalized.
I actually have a broad idea on how to do it, just need some time to
read and learn something about Puppy Land. :D



UTF-8 Encoding

#39 Post by gcmartin »

On initial boot, I selected UTF-8 in FirstRUN. I run a Live media system.

But, when using Geany, I've getting IS0-8859 encoding???

Even though this is an easy thing to fix (when spotted) in Geany, shouldn't
this have been handled when the desktop restarted? Or is this hard-coded in Geany?

Thanks in advance

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Pet for FATSlacko - Docear PDF management

#40 Post by Puppyt »

Cheers 01micko, (EDIT how do I always get your name wrong?)

I'm really enjoying FATSlacko on my Lenovo T60 (2Ghz, 2GB ram). Mucking about recently, I just downloaded the latest Beta (3) for Linux of Docear http://www.docear.org/ - from their website:
[quote]Docear – The Academic Literature Suite

Docear (pronounced dog-ear) is what we call an “academic literature suite
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making a PET for FAT Slcako

#41 Post by gcmartin »

THIS IS NOT MY AREA OF EXPERTISE! BUT, i'm going to go out on a limb to assist by asking few questions
Puppyt wrote: ... I just downloaded the latest Beta (3) for Linux of Docear http://www.docear.org/ - from their website: ...
  • You mentioned that you did an "untar" and this worked perfectly. I believe there is a tar2pet feature with PUPs that would allow your tar file to become a PET without the need to compile.. Did you try this?
  • Also, you mentioned compiling. So after your compiling and linking the compiled program into the system. Did you test it to see if it worked OK prior to making the PET?
  • And, as I remember, there is a src2pet package which will take your compile into a PET for you. Was this tried? As well, are you aware that by posting your efforts on that site, those that do this all the time will find your problem and ensure guidance for compiling source into a Puppy PET.
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#42 Post by Puppyt »

Cheers gcmartin,
those tips are great - yes I'll give them a try soon (work beckons), 666philb has already given me some additional tips on SFS production on the 'Request' section of the forums.
While I want to get a working puppy pet/sfs of Docear available come hell or high water, my additional goal is to post a 'how to' with screenies and other notations made to reach that goal. A comparison of different strategies used -such as you have raised - to achieve a working pet (etc) and success/fail I think would be helpful to demystify/troubleshoot pets made by 'L'-plate end-users like my myself. With my currently uploaded pet I haven't been able to locate an error log (if any generated) to flag whether the fault lies with re-locating JRE etc.
Sorry 01micko for hijacking the FATSlacko thread for this - as I said the Docear "raw" tar.gz works out of the box in this derivative. Big :)
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#43 Post by gcmartin »

LibreOffice (LO)

When LO is opened to full-screen, the X desktop crashes at ALL resolutions on this laptop. I have the same problem when using the Intel driver or when switching to Vesa. The system test were done at Pristine, boot.

I have attached the My FATDOG laptop system report for review.

Is this an X problem or an LO problem?

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#44 Post by Billtoo »

I made a pet of QupZilla, a QT web browser, this works in Fatslacko
which has all of the dependencies included.
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Re: FATSlacko

#45 Post by infromthepound »

Billtoo wrote:I made a pet of QupZilla, a QT web browser, this works in Fatslacko
which has all of the dependencies included.
That picture is obvously a happy Windoze user

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#46 Post by Eyes-Only »

LOL JB!!! That's a good one!

Billtoo? One thing I've always noticed using Qupzilla on all my Puppy installs, be they frugal or hard drive: Unless I had an accompanying KDE-4.7.3 desktop equally installed ( you can find it under "Additional Software" by Battleshooter ) the browser failed to render .gif files, especially those found here on the forum - they would all be replaced by little "?" marks in blue boxes. Most annoying to be sure! :x

It would do this even if I had a full install ( "full" as in "entirely complete" ) of the Qt-4 libraries under "/usr/libs/qt4". I found this to be quite strange. So apparently it was lacking something from the "/usr/libs/kde4" section despite my doing an "ldd qupzilla" check in CLI for dependencies and having it tell me that all dependencies were met.

Like I said, however, once I added the KDE-4.7.3 desktop qupzilla worked perfectly fine. In fact, I frequently use it here when not using Dillo-3.0.2.

Just thought I'd throw this in to compare notes with you to see what you've discovered.


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#47 Post by Billtoo »

Eyes-Only wrote:LOL JB!!! That's a good one!

Billtoo? One thing I've always noticed using Qupzilla on all my Puppy installs, be they frugal or hard drive: Unless I had an accompanying KDE-4.7.3 desktop equally installed ( you can find it under "Additional Software" by Battleshooter ) the browser failed to render .gif files, especially those found here on the forum - they would all be replaced by little "?" marks in blue boxes. Most annoying to be sure! :x

It would do this even if I had a full install ( "full" as in "entirely complete" ) of the Qt-4 libraries under "/usr/libs/qt4". I found this to be quite strange. So apparently it was lacking something from the "/usr/libs/kde4" section despite my doing an "ldd qupzilla" check in CLI for dependencies and having it tell me that all dependencies were met.

Like I said, however, once I added the KDE-4.7.3 desktop qupzilla worked perfectly fine. In fact, I frequently use it here when not using Dillo-3.0.2.

Just thought I'd throw this in to compare notes with you to see what you've discovered.


"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"
Hi, I haven't seen that yet, I compiled QupZilla in Fatslacko and it shows qt470 because I installed kdegames and qt470 gets installed too along with the kde stuff, I'm a bit of a kshisen addict :)

I've been spending most of my time in fatdog64 600a2 and I have the full qt482 installed in that, I haven't noticed any blue boxes while using QupZilla in fatdog.


EDIT: I booted my Fatslacko puppy pfix=ram, downloaded and installed the QupZilla pet, googled gif images.
Maybe compiling with kdegames installed prevented the problem.
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#48 Post by Eyes-Only »

Thanks for the updated info Billtoo re: Qupzilla. How fascinating that it works for you so well and yet not for me unless as I've described in my above post. -scratches head-

Oh well! As I used to tell people when doing gecko developement, "When working in a static environment it was always easy to predict just how it [ gecko ] would work and behave. However, when once released ino the jungle of everyone's hard drive with hundreds upon hundreds of programmes - and you're only using gecko products - no telling how all those zeros and ones will interact!"

In other words: "Is there really such a thing as an 'exact science' out there? REALLY?" I think not. We often delude ourselves... but now I'm robbing the thread and waxing philosophical. LOL!

Again Billtoo: Thanks for the extensive report as it was very much appreciated!


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#49 Post by capicoso »

is this 64bit?


#50 Post by gcmartin »

capicoso wrote:is this 64bit?
FATSLACKO is a 32bit distro which will work on any current PC that has from 512MB to 64GB of RAM. Not only does it work well on 32bit PCs, but, it will run ALSO on any 64bit Intel/AMD as well. It is fully featured and should do most everything without having to add anything via PPM to be fully functional on desktop or with all devices on your LAN. Enjoy :idea:

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