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Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2013, 13:52
by Arefacti
thanks for your answer.
I try to obtain acpi but with a AMD processor (so, must be powernow-k8 or powernow-k7), and unfortunately all the wiki talk about systemctl to make this work.
Because certainly systemd and systemd-sysvcompat are both installed by default on installation media newer than 2012-10-13. (it is NOT a bad review for your work : it's just to explain it :wink: ).
So...I try to find !

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2013, 14:39
by slenkar
the download doesnt seem to be there

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2013, 18:40
by mavrothal
Noticed that the 16MB libxatracker is in the base.
If I understand correctly this is used exclusively for X acceleration in VMware.
Is it really needed?

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2013, 19:05
by Arefacti
yes ! I do it ! :D

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2013, 20:32
by mavrothal
Arefacti wrote:yes ! I do it ! :D
You do what? Run VMware on Archpup (needed) or run Archpup on VMware (not-needed)?


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 04:29
by rameshiyer
I checked sourceforge and found only md5 file and some SFS only. Where is new ISO file for 13.2.1. Please provide link

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 11:06
by simargl
Finally, new version with fixes for locale-gen script is now available for download ... 130211.iso

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 11:13
by simargl
Only one file left for upload and it is archpup_13.2.1_minimal-20130211.iso. Edit: It's done!
Those are the stable versions for next couple of months.
Please report any problems you encounter using this new release.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 17:41
by lemmy999
Loving the latest ArchPup. I'm using it on a EEEPC 1000HG netbook. Main issue for me is a keyboard layout issue. Not too sure how I can change what I have to what I need (GB keyboard layout) Pwireless appears to work ( detects my network but I can't connect because of the aforementioned keyboard issue.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 17:47
by simargl
Hi lemmy999,
I remember someone reported keyboard problems with netbook if numlock is set to ON.
You could try to fix it, by removing this line from /root/.start: numlockx on &

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:57
by lemmy999

Thanks for the hint. I changed my keyboard layout in /root/.start to "gb" and all is well. Wireless is working well. Now to tweak to my taste :D

Edit- cancel that! Suddenly the keyboard has reverted to its previous state ie typing "p" produces a "-" :cry: I have removed the entry for numlockx on & but that doesn't seem to help.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:00
by mavrothal
13.2.1 looks pretty solid. It is now time to start polishing to make it shine from the first glance :)

As you said it needs a settings center, something for time, timezone, keyboard, language, screen resolution (one that works) etc. (quicksetup does some of this and could do more)
It also needs an installer and I assume the puppy one should be OK with small modifications.
In general whatever you have in "Help" would be nice to have a UI for. No one reads instructions :-P
You can look for what is out there to fulfill that need or start coding in gtkdialog :-)

It also most certainly needs filemnt with all these SFSs flying around (did you ever tried it? filament needs pupmessaging too).
BTW the latest pet2arch is v0.3 and not v0.2 included in 13.2

It would be also nice if you patch dhcpc and have Frisbee going (though for me Pwireless is fine)

Then it needs some minor changes, like in the openboc rc.xml so apps will not default to open in full screen, and the usbsave to default to "save" instead to "quit", and other little things that I forget right now.

There! You have something to do till 13.2.2 in a couple of months time :-D

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 21:57
by simargl
Starting applications like evince and web browsers in full screen is intentional, I prefer it that way
so edited rc.xml with those rules. To tell you the truth I didn't test filemnt script nor pet2arch :oops:, will do
it later when time allows.

And who knows will I ever write that settings center, it certainly will not be in gtkdialog because I never actually tried it,
maybe in yad but I lack motivation for a start :roll:. And having too many dialogs makes everything looks ugly

What I would really like to do is to setup mirror for ArchPup, where we could upload our packages.
Like virtual box modules, nvidia drivers, maybe some packages built from AUR
Will check if it's possible to use google code as pacman's mirror
mavrothal wrote:In general whatever you have in "Help" would be nice to have a UI for. No one reads instructions :-P
I know that people don't like to read, that's why it is all very short.
Edit: Google code does not allow making folders in download area, so that option is out ... loads/list

JWM & Rox

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 00:50
by anikin
simargl et mavrothal,

have you, guys ever considered building Archpup based on JWM and Rox?

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 05:29
by stifiling
simargl wrote:I know that people don't like to read, that's why it is all very short.
It's more to it than that sim....

ppl don't like to read...'specifically'...the instructions.

I'm thinking it's a domino effect from using Windows. you know how Windows 'Help' feature......never helped. you just wasted your time reading it, after 5 clicks of "Didn't Help? Try something different." you just go ahead and google for the answer. and after going through this song and dance maybe 2 more times in the never, ever, click help again...

The teaching of the system is going to be the hard part. because the the last thing people would read.

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 07:45
by mavrothal
That is very handy!!!
you can add the archpup repo in packer or even pacman with repo address
Very handy indeed

+1 whatever stifiling said
(and yad is not even close to gtkdialog on features or looks :wink: )

Downloads ARCH from Linux USB creator

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 08:00
by Pelo
ARCH 2013 492 MB 2802 downloads
ARCH 2012 245 MB 5878
ARCH 2012 392 MB 5050

Androïd 29261 since dec25, 2012

Yes, this distro is successfull, I shall try the Puppy one.

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 09:28
by simargl