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Posted: Mon 29 Apr 2013, 13:44
by vbdanl
thanks nooby.. i will try that.

Posted: Sat 04 May 2013, 12:44
by vbdanl
nooby wrote:I asked on your behalf but also for my own knowledge
I have had same problem here is the answer i received
quote from Proebler
assuming you talk about Pwidgets.

To get it out of the way of the waste basket and lock go:
Menu> Desktop> Desktop Settings> Pwidgets tiny....> File> Preferences> Options/Vertical startpoint

adjust it to your liking

Hope that helps
that setting allows me to move the widgets up/down along either the chosen right/left side of the screen. what i really want is to move them left away from the trash and other folders that appear there by default.