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Accuweather RSS feeds

Posted: Mon 04 May 2015, 02:02
by jrb
Hi All,

Recently I was dismayed to see that my weather widget had quit working. Upon investigation I found that the Accuweather RSS feeds for many small Canadian towns had been abandoned. :cry: I don't know if this is true for any of the rest of the world but I decided to take action.

I have rewritten the /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/scripts/weather and /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/scripts/weathericon scripts to use the of your town ( ... cast/52722 ) instead of the RSS code ( NAM|CA|BC|Smithers ).

You should install this pet AFTER installing the normal pwidgets pet.

So when you go to setup the weather location click on the "www" button which will take you to, find your town, copy the url and paste it into the pwidgets weather location dialog box. You should be good to go from there. I've tried it for various places in the world and it has worked for all so far.

It would be better if these files were incorporated into the normal pwidgets pet, perhaps as weather3 and weathericon3 but, sadly :oops: , I don't have the gtkdialog skills to do that. Zigbert, maybe you can have a look?

Space_Puppy_filesystem widget

Posted: Mon 04 May 2015, 23:29
by davids45
G'day zagreb999,

The pwidget Space_Puppy_filesystem will show the SaveFile space for a Frugal install and the partition space for a Full Puppy.

I have attached three screen shots of different types of Puppy.

I hope you can read the Puppy Space widget display to see if that is what you asked for.

[I add the RAM and CPU bars (TEXT lines in those widget config files) to Space_Puppy_filesystem widget config so the one widget shows these data.
Easier for adding to new Pups.]

David S.

Weather widget 're-location'

Posted: Tue 05 May 2015, 00:14
by davids45
G'day jrb,

I have tried to use your alternate weather widget that uses the accuweather source.
I can pick from a couple of nearby weather stations (about 5km away) so have no problem there.

I loaded your .pet and added the address of the North Ryde weather station to the line in the Weathericon script.
#AccuWeather icon, using weather.ttf
#USAGE: WeatherIcon <locationcode>
#150503-modified by jrb to use accuweather http ( ex: ... cast/52722 )

LOCCOD=" ... cast/12470"
if [ -z $1 ] && [ -x $LOCCOD ] ; then
echo "USAGE: $0 [locationcode]"
exit 0;
elif [ ! -z $1 ] ; then
# ---------------------Proposed Change Start-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load from accuweather to a scratch file first for testing before overwriting the main file

echo $LOCCOD > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/Weather_City.tmp #jrb
CITY=`echo $LOCCOD | cut -d "/" -f 6` #jrb
curl -s $LOCCOD | grep -e RecentLocationsCarousel.push | grep -e $CITY > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/Weather.tst #jrb
Not sure if this needs to be in quotation marks or not? Maybe you could actually put in your Smithers URL as a working example.

My main question is about the Weather config text file.
When I want to add the Weather widget, pwidgets asks for a location based on the older format (see attached screen shot).
What do I do there? Or is there something else to be changed or have I missed an important step?

David S.

Re: Weather widget 're-location'

Posted: Thu 07 May 2015, 15:27
by jrb
HI David,

Sorry for the confusion.
davids45 wrote:I loaded your .pet and added the address of the North Ryde weather station to the line in the Weathericon script.
No need to do anything in either of the scripts in my .pet, all you have to do is enter the URL, without quotes, in the Weather config dialog box.
My main question is about the Weather config text file.
When I want to add the Weather widget, pwidgets asks for a location based on the older format (see attached screen shot).
What do I do there? Or is there something else to be changed or have I missed an important step?
Yes, as I mentioned in my first post, my gtkdialog skills are not great and I don't really understand what triggers the Weather config dialog box. So, for now, it still asks for the old format, just ignore that and paste in your URL.

The URL will only show up in line 48 of /root/.pwidgets/widgets/Weather.

BTW: I wanted to ask you where you found the RSS code for Weather_Station?

Revised Weather Widget

Posted: Fri 08 May 2015, 08:30
by davids45
G'day jrb,

Thanks for replying and I have done as you indicated, just copying the accu weather URL for my nearby weather station at North Ryde into the Weather config box, and it is all good.

Re the revised 'Weather Station' widget:
The address for my weather feed is entered into its config file as:
#### PWIDGETS #####
AS=Australia, 0112 is Sydney and c is for not-funny degrees.

I think however Yahoo is not as comprehensive as Accuweather, as I have trouble getting a nearer weather station than "Sydney" which is about 10km away and closer to the ocean/harbour. Accuweather lets me have either of the two local stations I know of - although Hunters Hill looked odd today with the wrong weather (cloudy - didn't see one all day) and temperature (13C when it was more like 20C). Perhaps they have the wrong "Hunters Hill". I'll try a bit more testing of this.

Nonetheless, the temperatures agree between the two widgets but the icon for the Weather Station widget is not right or up-to-the-minute sometimes. Well after sunset here, it was still showing a sun icon with some clouds. It has been cloudless all day here in Chatswood and we are in for a cold (by our standards, not yours probably :wink: ) clear night. Accuweather has been quite accurate in comparison - sunny then a clear night.
Perhaps this is a problem due to slower updating by Yahoo?
Partial screen shot attached showing both widgets.

Can we get all the details in accuweather that Yahoo reports (mostly looking right) and optionally use accuweather in the Weather Station widget? Pick the input that has the better source for one's location?

David S.

Re: Revised Weather Widget

Posted: Sun 10 May 2015, 13:29
by jrb
davids45 wrote:I think however Yahoo is not as comprehensive as Accuweather
Maybe I'll just stick with AccuWeather then. They still give listings for about 4 times as many places as our National Weather Service, can't understand why they dropped the RSS feeds, how much extra effort can it take? Their nearest RSS feed to me now seems to be about 400km away.

Thought I better tell you I'm on the road right now. Drove 1000km yesterday, will do another700 today. Going to my Mom's little farm which is 50km from the nearest internet. Will check the forum in a week or so.

Cheers, J

Re: Wind direction on weatherstation widget

Posted: Tue 19 May 2015, 20:19
by Moat
Hi David -
davids45 wrote: It could be fun to add some extra days' forecast detail which is in the Yahoo output.
I finally had some time to tinker with this, and now have a modified config and script that displays all five days of the Yahoo data (including today's!) - archive attached, if you (or anybody else) would like to give it a try.

Includes the Eurostile fonts that I use - otherwise you might have to fiddle with the config's font settings to make it appear right (eh... just might have to, regardless! :shock: ).


Posted: Tue 19 May 2015, 20:27
by Moat
@ Zigbert -

:!: It seems the domain from which the Pwidgets download is hosted has expired!


[SOLVED] Pwidgets - put one "anywhere"?

Posted: Tue 19 May 2015, 23:36
by davids45
G'day zigbert (& Moat),

Now I am using more pwidgets and getting more information into some of them (e.g. see Moat's post above), I cannot fit them all in just one column on the monitor :( .

My LCD monitors have the now common 16:9 rectangular screen replacing the older squarer versions which had a bit more column height.

To save some space, I have removed the analog clock widget from my standard list of widgets and run xonclock separately as I can drag this anywhere on the pinboard/desktop.

Can I configure a widget to be placed anywhere I like on the screen (e.g. like a pinboard icon)? Or if not, can I start a second column of widgets?

Sorry if this request has already been answered here, but this thread is getting a bit long :) .

David S.

Re: Pwidgets - put one "anywhere"?

Posted: Wed 20 May 2015, 00:07
by Moat
Hiya', David -
davids45 wrote:Can I configure a widget to be placed anywhere I like on the screen (e.g. like a pinboard icon)? Or if not, can I start a second column of widgets?
Yes, you can - ... 235#428235

You can save as many "profiles" - for individual or multiple widgets - as you want, each located anywhere on the screen you want.

The "profile" allows setting left or right, and the vertical displacement from the screen's top. But for further tweaks of the horizontal placement, you'll have to open the config file (in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs) and tweak the left/right offsets from there (up near the top) -

Code: Select all

#### PWIDGETS #####
Once you get things positioned where you like, save the profile (Menu>File>Save As) and it will then be available via the Plugins>Cluster popup window.

You can later fine-tune the position by opening-as-text the pwidgets-exec_conky files in /root/.pwidgets/profiles/, too.

Works well, once you get the hang of it. :)

For example, below I'm running three widgets and a clock - left, right and center - all using the cluster function of Pwidgets...


Weather Station Forecast widget

Posted: Wed 20 May 2015, 01:56
by davids45
G'day Moat,

I've incorporated your updated weather station forecasting widget and slightly changed it to make it parochial and smaller.

'smaller' because I had not seen your quick and helpful reply to my query about how to put widgets anywhere on the desktop - many thanks, and so now I'll have something more to play around with rather than do stuff around the house :lol: .

You may just about see from the attached screen-shot, I have also added the accuweather taskbar icons to my browsers, just to further weather-clutter my pinboard. There seems to be slight disagreement in the forecasts between accuweather and yahoo - time will tell, I guess.

And if you want another little widget-project :wink: , the calendar widget seems to lose alignment when I fiddle :oops: with the fonts (check screen-shot) - the top row of dates is out of 'day' alignment after decreasing the font size or type.

David S.

Follow-up: have now managed to put widgets in clusters across the pinboard/desktop. :D

Posted: Thu 21 May 2015, 18:26
by Mike Walsh
Hey, jrb.

Now, I may be wrong, and I may be right...I don't know. I'm guessing that your weather widget is the one listed as 'Weather 2' in pWidgets 2.5.6.....if the familiar dialogue box is anything to go by.

I've no idea of your location, but I'm still getting a reliable feed here in the UK from our local RAF weather station (RAF Marham; the one where the Tornadoes flew from when they went over to Libya a few years back), about 7 miles up the road from us.....literally 'round the corner'.

Just wanted to let you know that wherever the feeds come from for the widget, mine appears still to be working fine!


Mike. :)

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2015, 21:36
by zigbert
Version 2.5.7
See main post

- Use $HOME/.config/autostart instead of $HOME/Startup to start pWidgets at bootup.
- Include Moat's fixes for weatherstation script - thanks. (pcompass.ttf is not included)

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2015, 05:39
by Moat
zigbert wrote:- Include Moat's fixes for weatherstation script - thanks
I am quite humbly honored! :oops: Thank you, Zigbert.
pcompass.ttf is not included
I'm curious as to why... because pcompass font is broken on later Pups? If so, any noob-friendly pointers as to how I might approach fixing the font, myself?

I've tried a few freeware tools already (on both Linux and Windows), but always end up with the same display/render errors (displaying a rectangular box instead of arrow) after tweaking and saving the "new" font. It seems creating/editing fonts is a bit more involved than what I first thought (!) - maybe beyond my limited skills/abilities... :?


Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2015, 08:04
by tlchost
Hmmmm, in 256 and earleir versions, the weather station, using the location code of usmd020 gave me accurate 257 using the same code, I get nothing, so 257 is a non-starter here.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2015, 16:10
by Moat
tlchost 257 using the same code, I get nothing...
Thanks for the report, tlchost. The internal tweaks I did should not have affected anything involving setting location, BUT - it's quite possible (likely) I inadvertently screwed with the name of either the weatherstation script or config (likely)... in which case the location-setting plugin won't recognize it.

I'll take a look as soon as I get a little time, comparing the two (256 vs. 257).

I'm so used to entering the config's location code manually, I didn't even think to utilize/test the plugin. :oops:


Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2015, 05:07
by bigpup
Tahrpup 6.0.2
manual frugal + save folder on hard drive.
Updated with the latest Tahrpup updates to Tahrpup 6.0.3

The Pwidgets not showing Tahrpup 6.0.3( this may still be a bug in Tahrpup)

Installed Pwidgets 2.5.7

When trying to access plugin calendar I get this:

Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2015, 22:55
by Moat
tlchost wrote:Hmmmm, in 256 and earleir versions, the weather station, using the location code of usmd020 gave me accurate 257 using the same code, I get nothing, so 257 is a non-starter here.
Running a fresh & updated Tahr 6.0.3 from LiveCD, my location code - USMI0161 - works. Neither your location code - usmd020 - OR the extended forecast code for Baltimore, MD - USMD4633 - works.

This is on either Pwidgets versions 2.5.6 or 2.5.7. It appears to be a local (Baltimore area?) glitch in the rss feed, as the /root/.pwidgets/tmp/wever-tmp file shows errors when the Baltimore codes are used -

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:yweather="" xmlns:geo="">
<title>Yahoo! Weather - Error</title>
<description>Yahoo! Weather Error</description>
<item><title>City not found</title><description>
Invalid Input /forecastrss?p=USMD4633&u=f
<!-- Tue Jun 30 15:35:35 PDT 2015 -->
(Edit to add) - Trying some more extended forecast codes from around here, in Michigan, and many appear "broken" as well (from - search location, click on "Extended Forecast" at the bottom of the Forecast sub-window - the new page will have the location code as part of the http address). I wonder if Yahoo has recently made some changes that are causing this problem...??


Posted: Tue 30 Jun 2015, 23:27
by tlchost
Moat wrote:
tlchost wrote:Hmmmm, in 256 and earleir versions, the weather station, using the location code of usmd020 gave me accurate 257 using the same code, I get nothing, so 257 is a non-starter here.
Running a fresh & updated Tahr 6.0.3 from LiveCD, my location code - USMI0161 - works. Neither your location code - usmd020 - OR the extended forecast code for Baltimore, MD - USMD4633 - works.
Odd...the location code works fine in 256 on a updated tahr6.03 on a bootable USB.

I'll stay with 256....but thanks for checking it out.

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2015, 03:11
by Moat
That is odd, tlchost! BTW - the codes need four digits at the end - the example you gave - usmd020 - is one number shy of being valid...!? Probably should be capital letters in front, as well. Might be part of the issue, as...

Now on an older Precise 5.7.1 remix, using an older Pwidgets 2.3.8 - and getting the same errors using the Yahoo weather webpages' codes. Below is a more direct and reliable webpage list of the proper location codes (thanks to some of our British friends... :) ) - tried a few, and they're working... ... f-america/
