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Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2015, 22:28
by jeffneedle
Hi. Just tried installing pwidgets. No problem with install. I added weather2, shows up in the list on screen, but returning to the desktop doesn't show any weather widget.

Using Tahr 6.0.4. Thanks.

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 00:32
by rufwoof
Tahr 6.0.2 with 6.0.3 patch applied and 4.3.2 recent kernel dropped in (32 bit PAE, Celeron D single core 2GB ram).

I extracted the pet and did a manual install as I run a read only pup (pfix=ram booted, no savefile) that runs 100% in ram (including Libre Office etc) and I prefer the exact same pup to boot each and every time.

I've recently added zram swap (as I don't like the idea of swap writes to disk and otherwise have no swap partition) and the tray freemem icon wasn't showing the correct amount of free space. So I disabled that tray icon and added pwidget to show both CPU and RAM on the desktop.


I have a different puppypin for each desktop, so each desktop can have different icons/icons arrangements, and wallpapers, as well as the more usual different windows on each desktop. I just had to add a call to pwidgets -S to each desktop (as otherwise the pwidget would 'vanish' when changing desktops) i.e. my ~/.jwm/jwmrc-personal desktop tag now contains

<!-- Number of virtual desktops -->
<Desktops width="3" height="1">

<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin2;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin3;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin4;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin5;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin6;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin7;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin8;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin9;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin10;pwidgets -S</Background></Desktop>


And its all working great - change desktop and the CPU and RAM widget flashes up on each desktop. Nice bit of extra animation to go alongside the animated drive icons (vbar) that pop out at you when you hover over them.

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 03:21
by jeffneedle
Thanks for the response. Looks like it's more trouble than it's worth.

sensors Missing

Posted: Sun 17 Jan 2016, 15:42
by Mayou
for temperature icon down the screen
console told me no sensors, but this pet works well : 81 K
# sensors
No sensors found!
Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need.
Try sensors-detect to find out which these are.
# sensors-detect
No i2c device files found.

Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2016, 01:13
by Moat
Uggh! I can't believe my eyes, but it's looking like I may have to...

As of the last few days, Yahoo has changed their weather API, making it no longer open to the public without an authorization "key" of some sorts - breaking all of the Pwidgets weather widgets that rely on Yahoo -
To increase the security measure and better serving our YDN customers, weather data source will enforce OAuth 1 starting March 15, 2016. Please update your API calls with OAuth 1 enabled (via the OAuth /v1/yql end point if using YQL) using your Yahoo App key and secret. ... oblem.html

I booted my Precise today and noticed Weather Station Forecast was not reporting - a check of /root/.pwidgets/temp/wever-temp showed "Please provide valid credentials. OAuth oauth_problem".

This has broken Vovchik's Yweather Puppy app as well - - which after a few minutes seems to become locked in an endless loop, spiking one CPU core @ 100% until killed.

Anybody else experiencing this issue with the Yahoo weather widgets?

How immensely disappointing, if true!!! :evil: :( :evil: :!: Grrrr... makes me wanna kick something/somebody...


There's no weather today here too

Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2016, 01:33
by davids45
G'day Moat,

I have been widget weather forecastless as well, from yesterday I think.

This morning, I went as far as checking the original yahoo address in a browser but it was unresponsive. Definitely not a 'Good' Friday.

So I found yahoo weather for Chatswood on the site ... /chatswood

and being an optimist, copied that address over the original in the weather widget, but nothing resulted.

Is there another less troublesome weather agency that could be used for a detailed weather widget? The original basic weather widget is still OK but I miss the extra information and prognostication of the Forecast widget.

David S.

Re: There's no weather today here too

Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2016, 01:54
by Moat
Hi David -
davids45 wrote:Is there another less troublesome weather agency that could be used for a detailed weather widget?
I've been wondering the same thing myself. On my Windows machines, I run the desktop widget app Xwidgets, which AFAICT uses for weather information. For me, it has reported faithfully for years without a hitch.

I do have to wonder how difficult it might be to modify our existing Pwidgets configs to work with a new information source. I'm guessing it will take some rather serious work... :?

It seems no one can leave well enough alone these days. :x

Ziggy, Mick... help! :) :oops:


Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2016, 01:57
by musher0
Hi Moat.

I can confirm that vovchick's yweather is not responding properly today. I did get a
couple of forecasts during the day, forcing it with a restart of xwin. However after the
last forecast I got late this afternoon (Ottawa time), the app froze badly.

Maybe try a general weather site, like or until we really
know what's going on with yweather? Maybe it's just a glitch, or a database update.
(Since they carry weather data from everywhere in the world, that DB must be huge.)


Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2016, 02:27
by Moat
Bonsoir, musher0 -
musher0 wrote:However after the
last forecast I got late this afternoon (Ottawa time), the app froze badly.
Yup - it was right around that same time period (late this afternoon, Eastern time in Michigan) when I noticed the Pwidget failed in reporting, after working fine earlier. And then at that point, launching Yweather, it failed (and crashed a few minutes later) also.

The scary thing was the authorization error reported in the Pwidgets temp weather file - and in Googling that specific error, led me to the (very recent) Yahoo info linked to earlier. Doesn't look good. No specific mention there of rss feeds, though - which is where Pwidgets scripts snatch their weather info from. So who knows... it may indeed be a temporary glitch while Yahoo sorts out this authentication/secret crap.

But I'm not holding my breath. Grrr...

Thanks for the reports, fellas.

[edit] Looking closer, I was wrong - it indeed appears the standard rss feeds are affected by this change after all. Grrrrr.... :cry:


Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2016, 07:10
by tlchost
weather underground still offers forecast and free keys.
I use it in a script in the #puppylinux channel on freenode

Most puppies have a link to the channel...if you care to, log in and type
!w or !w help

Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2016, 20:09
by Moat
Still broken today, throwing the same "Please provide valid credentials. OAuth oauth_problem".

More people reporting the issue - ... e_if_your/

I don't get it - just what in Pete's name are they thinking? Potentially breaking millions of users' weather reporting apps, worldwide.



Posted: Sun 27 Mar 2016, 23:04
by Moat
Found a simple fix for the Yahoo weather issue, from this post in the Rainmeter forums - ... 17#p121417

Simply replace the existing config's Yahoo URL...

Code: Select all

... with this -

Code: Select all

For how long this "new" URL will continue to function, who knows. But it's working dandy here, so far. YaY! :)


New yahoo weather link

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 00:07
by davids45
G'day Moat,

Thanks for finding the fix for our Weather-Forecast widget yahoo source.

It works for here (Sydney (not the one in Canada), temperatures in Celsius) in my browser.

But not yet in my widget - I'd probably fiddled with it too much and will need to start again from scratch :oops: .

Hoping Yahoo don't decide to stop this feed before I get the widget fixed :roll: .

Fixed - I needed to paste the new URL in the (unused by me) Weather_Station widget config - I'd pasted the link in the Weather_Station_Forecast config (which I use) but it called the URL from the Weather_Station widget (ignoring the URL line in its own config file?). Probably something I've broken during playing around.

David S.

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 11:08
by tlchost
this url gives me what I want for weather
when used in the weather station configuration file, it doesn't return
any values

Any hints/ideas ?


nobody cares of my trouble with pwidgets.

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 11:33
by Mayou
nobody cares of my trouble with pwidgets :?: not US, women... I go away, where sun is shining, where pWidgets is not frozen as in United states of America.

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 18:09
by Moat
tlchost wrote:Any hints/ideas ?
My guess is that line 16 of the Weather_Stationfunc plugin has to be changed to reflect the new URL (for Weather_Station, that would be /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/plugins/Weather_Station/Weather_Stationfunc) - otherwise it might be overwriting the config's new URL with the bad, old URL if being invoked via the Pwidgets GUI.

Just a guess. I plan on digging into these issues if I get some time this week. Looks like all of the Yahoo weather widgets/plugins will need to be tweaked.


Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 19:43
by Moat
Hey musher0 -
musher0 wrote:I can confirm that vovchick's yweather is not responding properly today.
In case you're interested, I more-or-less repaired vovchik's Yweather, using this newly-discovered, working Yahoo URL - ... 431#896431

I'm sure you could do a better job at compiling it, but hey - it works, and it's really not that big anyway. FWIW! :)


Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2016, 21:27
by tlchost
Moat wrote:
In case you're interested, I more-or-less repaired vovchik's Yweather, using this newly-discovered, working Yahoo URL - ... 431#896431
any luck with pwidgets weather ?

Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2016, 22:55
by Moat
Hi tlchost -

After applying the URL tweaks I mentioned in a few posts above - to both the Pwidgets' config and especially Weather_Stationfunc plugin - unload/re-load the widget via Pwidgets GUI and in the location popup window enter USMD0018 for Baltimore (from this website - ... /maryland/ )

IOW - USMD0018 is the location code you want.

See if that works. It does here (is it really mid 70's there today?).

Actually (and optionally), the Weather_Stationfunc plugin's location parameter forecastrss?p has been deprecated, and could be changed to forecastrss?w instead - in which case your original WOEID of 12766523 should likely work.

Aack... more tail-chasing, never-ending stuff to fix... :?


Posted: Fri 01 Apr 2016, 23:57
by tlchost
IOW - USMD0018 is the location code you want.

See if that works. It does here (is it really mid 70's there today?).

Actually (and optionally), the Weather_Stationfunc plugin's location parameter forecastrss?p has been deprecated, and could be changed to forecastrss?w instead - in which case your original WOEID of 12766523 should likely work.[/quote] now...and yes, it's 74 and we're having a thunder storm.
BTW, USMD0020 is the weather station 1/2 mile from me.

Hopefully the changes will be incorporated in the next release of pwidgets