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Posted: Tue 25 Apr 2017, 21:41
by bigpup


The wireless shows on desktop, but it is not correct.
See image:

Xslacko Slim

Posted: Mon 11 Sep 2017, 17:02
by Volhout
Dear Zigbert,

Tried your pWidgets 2.5.8 on Xslacko Slim 4.2 R54 (the last) and it plays bad in XFCE. All widgets work, but there is a timing problem between desktop and the widgets.

If I open pWidgets, and press apply, some, but not all widgets show. Pressing apply again gives a different set that is visible. It is try and error, until you have all widgets working.

A restart of X typically shows all widgets, but a restart of puppy shows typically none.

Maybe this is related to XFCE, or to my netbook (slow / screen resolution).
Does pWidgets only work on JWM, and was I lucky to see anything at all ?



P.S. the wireless widget works fine on my netbook...when it is visible...


Posted: Wed 25 Oct 2017, 03:13
by jrb
I've been playing a bit with torm's pclock-retro and I think it could be a replacement for xonclock. I've tried it in Puppies from Wary5 to Artful and it worked in all of them without any added libs. Needs wmctrl which all modern puppies have and can be added to the older ones. As it stands it only has two clock faces and they have to be 128x128 but I'm sure some of the Puppy Graphic artists could make more.

Note: just realized i haven't tried it in Slacko's, :oops: wiil have to get back to you on that.

Posted: Thu 22 Feb 2018, 22:46
by Bill_Gates
Is there a fix for this? Im having the same issue using xenialpup64_7.5

bigpup wrote:Xenialpup64


The wireless shows on desktop, but it is not correct.
See image:

Posted: Fri 23 Feb 2018, 04:38
by musher0
Hi guys.

Not that I'm using this conky parameter, but there is something here about it.

It looked at first as though the old version of conky provided with pWidgets was to
blame, but the above forum discussion is from 2007.

Is the parm correctly set? Maybe check in the list of conky settings.

Just a few thoughts to get your car out of the snow bank! ;)


Check config file

Posted: Fri 23 Feb 2018, 23:24
by davids45

I don't use the 64-bit pwidgets but looking briefly at my 32-bit versions....

the Wireless widget looks like there's a problem in its config file such that it's displaying part of the config file's text line, not the required data.

It could be hardware-related as well?

Had it been displaying correctly?

Can you post the TEXT part of your Wireless config file (the lines below the 'TEXT' line) if you go File>Show widget config(s)?

For example:
${color2}${font Pdingobats2:bold:size=20}0${font DejaVu:bold:size=13}$alignc${color0}Wireless
${color1}$alignc${wireless_essid wlan0}
${color5}${wireless_link_bar 8,140 wlan0}$alignr${color3}${wireless_link_qual wlan0}
This example Wireless config file (in my /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/config/) is from my desktop Wireless widget config (pwidgets upgraded by Forum-member Bob Moat). My desktop doesn't have wireless but if needed, I could start up my laptop which does have wireless and does have a working pwidgets Wireless (again, only 32-bit). This should be a better example for comparison if needed.

David S.

Posted: Mon 26 Feb 2018, 02:36
by Bill_Gates
Thank you for your reply davids45

The wireless widget worked fine on the same Dell Laptop using pwidgets-2.3.8 on tahr-6.0.2, so I suspect it's not a hardware issue.

Here's what I have in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs/Wireless

Code: Select all

${color2}${font pdingobats2:bold:size=24}0${font DejaVu:bold:size=13}${color0}       Wireless
${color1}${font monofonto:size=16}${wireless_essid wlan0}${color2}${font}${alignr}${wireless_link_qual wlan0}
${color2}${wireless_link_bar 10 wlan0}

Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2018, 18:42
by zigbert
Calendar script updated to show up correct if monday is set to first day in week and the 1. is on a sunday (as in april 2018). Thanks to mfb

Code: Select all

#! /bin/sh
# Added by MHHP for compliance with ISO 8601

cal_monday (){
	LANG=C CAL=`cal`
	echo -e "\n$CAL" | cut -c1-2 | grep -v "^  $" > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal1
	echo "$CAL" | cut -c4- > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal2
	#if 1. is on sunday, it requires an insertes line in converted cal 
	if [ "`head -n3 $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal1 | grep -F '1'`" ]; then
		sed -i 's/ 2 /                 \n 2 /' $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal2
	paste -d ' ' $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal2 $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal1 > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal

	DATE=`date +%d`
	[ `echo $DATE | cut -c1` = 0 ] && DATE=`date +%d | cut -c2`
export -f today

case "$1" in
		#build calender here to do it only once
		if [ `cat $HOME/.pwidgets/widgets/Calendar | grep WEEK_FIRST_DAY | grep MONDAY` ]; then 
			cal > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal
		head -n1 $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | awk '{print $1"   "$2}'
		head -n2 $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | tail -n1 
		grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | grep '[0-9]' | awk -F$DATE ' BEGIN {i=0}
		($1 == $0 && i==0) {print $1}($1 != $0 && i==0){i=i+1;print $1}'; 
		echo $DATE;
		grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | grep '[0-9]' | awk -F$DATE ' BEGIN {i=1}
		(i==0) {print $0}($1 != $0 && i==1){i=i-1;print $2}'; 

Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2018, 19:00
by zigbert
I checked the wireless widget here, and it's working well. Have to mention that I am running a 32-bit system... Have you got any closer a solution?

Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2018, 19:22
by zigbert
Slacko 7 requires an extra symlink to start pWidgets

Code: Select all

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2018, 19:23
by zigbert
To get analog clock work I grabbed a lib from Puppy 4.3.1


Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2018, 20:19
by mfb
Whereas the Calendar widget for April 2018 continues to show properly if Sunday is set as the first day of the week; that was far from true if the first day is set to Monday.

My thanks to Zigbert who has very kindly fixed my problem earlier today with his post near the bottom of page 214: ... 4a5#987345

The code shown there needed to replace the current code at:
and the fix is as shown in the screen shot below.

Calendar alignment

Posted: Tue 03 Apr 2018, 00:17
by davids45

I have a minor problem with the Calendar widget aligning the number dates beneath the day abbreviations.

I looks like the spacing is not including a notional '0' in front of the first 9 numbers so the first two lines are shortened losing alignment to the day headings (screenshot).

Having played with the fonts and font-sizes for the widget to no benefit, I think the problem is in the calendar script, presently:
#! /bin/sh
# Added by MHHP for compliance with ISO 8601

cal_monday (){
LANG=C CAL=`cal`
echo -e "\n$CAL" | cut -c1-2 | grep -v "^ $" > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal1
echo "$CAL" | cut -c4- > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal2
paste -d ' ' $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal2 $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal1 > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal

DATE=`date +%d`
[ `echo $DATE | cut -c1` = 0 ] && DATE=`date +%d | cut -c2`
export -f today
case "$1" in
#build calender here to do it only once
if [ `cat $HOME/.pwidgets/widgets/Calendar | grep WEEK_FIRST_DAY | grep MONDAY` ]; then
cal > $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal
head -n1 $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | awk '{print $1" "$2}'
head -n2 $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | tail -n1
grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | grep '[0-9]' | awk -F$DATE ' BEGIN {i=0}
($1 == $0 && i==0) {print $1}($1 != $0 && i==0){i=i+1;print $1}';
echo $DATE;
grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' $HOME/.pwidgets/tmp/cal | grep '[0-9]' | awk -F$DATE ' BEGIN {i=1}
(i==0) {print $0}($1 != $0 && i==1){i=i-1;print $2}';
The /tmp/cal file mentioned in the script is OK if viewed in geany (screenshot) but when copied (ctrl-c) comes up the same as the widget display:
April 2018
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
I'm using pwidgets modified/beautified by forum member Moat although the calendar widget looks pristine (I added Osmo tasks to the TEXT section which displays below the calendar).
The widget files are stored on my data partition and most Pups' widgets just run via links to these files (such as the screenshot which is from a frugal bionicpup+12). Changing the config in one Pup then affects all the others sharing pwidgets.
This may be a part of my problem if no one else sees calendar mis-aligning in their pwidgets.
For the few Pups that have individually installed pwidgets (no shared links), the calendar is generally well set out and stable.

Thanks for any advice.

David S.

Posted: Wed 04 Apr 2018, 21:05
by zigbert
I think you calendar-issue is related to fonts. It looks to me like the font in your screenshot is not monospace.

I just checked my latest calendar-widget in Bionic, and it looks great...

Posted: Wed 04 Apr 2018, 21:32
by zigbert
Kernel info in the 'Puppylinux' widget may give alignment issues if string is too long. The info is grabbed by the uname -r command in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs/Puppylinux

Code: Select all

# uname -r
to fix this, I have stripped the result

Code: Select all

uname -r | cut -d'-' -f1

Two fixes successful

Posted: Thu 05 Apr 2018, 04:08
by davids45
G'day zigbert,

Thanks for taking time to look at my pwidgets issues.

With your confirmation Calendar is good with the right font (monofont.ttf), I found, with all my recent "playing around" with fonts links, the monofont TF file was missing :oops: .

I had a similar problem with pdingobats2 which also didn't seem to work in Pups on sda1 via a symlink of the font file from my data partition sda5.

Copying the complete/original ttf files to /usr/share/font/default/TTF in each Pup seems to fix the widget display.

And thank you mind-reading my un-posted concern ( :shock: ) about the long kernel text string in some Pups so the widget panel becomes a bit wide and untidy.

Your script edit works :D .

David S.

Posted: Thu 27 Jun 2019, 22:01
by Subito Piano
215 PAGES!!!! Popular thread....

Has anyone created a pwidget to show one's (external) IP address? I see it's been done in conky...

64-bit Pwidgets

Posted: Mon 22 Jul 2019, 07:13
by davids45

A few posts back, "Our" Bill Gates posted a year and a bit ago the problem he was having getting the Wireless widget to run in a 64-bit Pup:

Now/still I'm now having the same problem :oops: :D .
We've gone wifi on the home network and I slowly trying to get 64-bit Pups to run on my computers. Wireless widget is still fine in 32-bit Pups.

Has anyone been able to run/fix the Wireless widget in a 64-bit Pup?
Could it be a conky problem as the widget config scripts look the same in 32-bit and 64-bit configs, but only the 32-bit runs (screenshots)?

David S.

64-bit Wireless Widget Woes

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2019, 00:20
by davids45

Still trying to find a 64-bit Pup that will run the Wireless widget like every 32-bit Pup does.

Latest checks were with old JustLighthouse Pups but still no success.

JL has a conky display (screenshot) which includes wireless activity. It reports not "wlan0" but "wpl0s29f7u6". Replacing 'wlan0' in the widget files with this 'wlp0s29f7u6' did not fix the Pwidget problem. Not surprising I suppose as the same widget scripts (using wlan0) in 32-bit Pups are all good.

Any suggestions welcome.

David S.

wireless widget (plugin) under FbBox

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2019, 02:15
by mikeslr
Hi Dave,


Recent problems (since solved) with wireless strength had me hunting for some way to find out without having to run setup networking each time. Fortunately, although on most of my Puppies I've shifted to use radky's most recent jwmdesk, the Xenialpup64 on my Laptop still uses radky's FbBox,

One of the builtin plugins you can choose to appear on the FbBox panel is "Network Status". If selected, current signal strength is always displayed. Left-Click that display and a popup window provides the further information indicated in the attached screenshot.

Radky has a lot on his plate at the moment. But perhaps some one who understands bash can identify the code used in FbBox's plugin and either create a stand-alone taskbar plugin for JWM, or a widget for pwidgets.