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Posted: Wed 15 Feb 2017, 16:30
by jss83
Thank u so much for your hard work. I am lovin it.

found 95 look theme too. :D

Posted: Wed 15 Feb 2017, 17:23
by ttuuxxx
jss83 wrote:Thank u so much for your hard work. I am lovin it.

found 95 look theme too. :D
Glad you enjoy it, lol I remember the old windows 3.1 days, When Windows 95 came out, I was actually against moving to 32 bit OS, lol I found it slower and more resource hungry and full of bugs, wasn't as stable, But then after protesting for a couple of years, lol I upgraded and really liked it, Then windows 98 came out and it was so much better than 95, Much more stable and handled hardware a lot better, Then windows Me came out, It felt and looked more refined but boy talking about Blue screen of deaths issues,lol Then Windows XP Now finally I was happy with XP, new look, ran great , a hell of lot more stable than Windows ME, Then Long Horn/Vista, Extremely bloated, not very stable, resource hungry Crap, That's when I said enough time for something new. So I went out and found Puppy and never looked back. Only time I use Windows these days is on my wife or daughters laptops for 3D Printing, They are still stuck in the world of windows, lol As for the old windows 95/98 Icons look and feel, well funny that, as soon as I made the pet I instantly felt at home with it, Usually new icons take a bit of time to get used to, Not this time, funny that after all these years I can just jump back to using them, Retro icons are pretty cool.

Updated my JWM themes links.

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2017, 15:27
by alaskalinuxuser
Hey all,

A few days ago, someone pointed out to me that my links on this site for my JWM themes were old and dead.

I haven't worked on JWM themes in a long while, but I still had all of my old work on my machine. So, I zipped them all up into one zip, and put them back up on my website and media fire.

There are around 20 themes from Batman to Ryu to Guile, and Winter, Fall, the beach, chocolate, etc... The zip contains the background image I used as well as the .jwmrc files and the screenshots. Some of the folders also have the .conkyrc files too.

Here are the new links:

Media fire, direct download of all 20 themes: ...

My website JWM theme fridays: Has screen shots if you want to know if it is worth downloading the zip file. ... me-friday/

Anyways, this is an old thread, but for any lurkers still out there, have at it and enjoy if you can use them!

I'm sorry, I don't hang out on this forum anymore, so if you have a question or comment for me, you will have to jump over to my website to contact me.

Re: Updated my JWM themes links.

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2017, 23:09
by ttuuxxx
alaskalinuxuser wrote:Hey all,

A few days ago, someone pointed out to me that my links on this site for my JWM themes were old and dead.

I haven't worked on JWM themes in a long while, but I still had all of my old work on my machine. So, I zipped them all up into one zip, and put them back up on my website and media fire.

There are around 20 themes from Batman to Ryu to Guile, and Winter, Fall, the beach, chocolate, etc... The zip contains the background image I used as well as the .jwmrc files and the screenshots. Some of the folders also have the .conkyrc files too.

Here are the new links:

Media fire, direct download of all 20 themes: ...

My website JWM theme fridays: Has screen shots if you want to know if it is worth downloading the zip file. ... me-friday/

Anyways, this is an old thread, but for any lurkers still out there, have at it and enjoy if you can use them!

I'm sorry, I don't hang out on this forum anymore, so if you have a question or comment for me, you will have to jump over to my website to contact me.
Also uploaded here

Posted: Fri 14 Apr 2017, 18:26
by Jorginho

Someone have a JWM theme like Windows 10?

Posted: Tue 11 Jul 2017, 08:29
by jss83
There might be a win 10 theme in the back pages.

Anyone has a KDE like theme for JWM?

Posted: Sat 11 May 2019, 06:15
by tallboy
I used the old JWM black-vg theme for many years in dpups and Lucid, but it doesn't work in later versions of jwm. My new Dpup Stretch-7.5 have the 2.3.7 version of JWM. I like the traditional desktop setup, so I have rewritten the black-vg theme code, kept it close to the original, and named it Sub-marine. I hope some of you will enjoy it. :D

Posted: Sat 11 May 2019, 06:39
by musher0


Posted: Mon 25 Nov 2019, 10:14
by recobayu
Hi Everyone,
I make a pet. jcc (jwm color changer). It compatible with the new woof ce (jwm v-2.3.7)
Please look at my post here: ... 48#1042648
For the last update, please look at the last post.
Now (191125), the jcc is v-0.4.
Thank you.

mint 3 and clearlooks_puppy themes

Posted: Wed 22 Apr 2020, 19:34
by radames
Hi, I made my first two themes for jwm.





Another one, olive3


More here, cosmic99


gnome-2.3 theme




Buntu_cosmic99 window buttons:


blue-space, you need the Roboto fonts and the window buttons theme too.


more themes

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2020, 18:40
by radames
Another dark theme here:

