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Gimp install not working

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2012, 15:15
by MikeDAdams
I installed precise puppy 5.4 to HD on older laptop.
Was running lucid puppy no issues.
I then rebooted and installed or tried to install gimp 2.6 via the package manger...

It tells me i have missing dependencies.
I tell it examine and then let it start loading.Says it found 19 dependencies.

I have tried two different sources and get the same results.
Now it installs about 5-6 packages or so then i get a pop up filled with squares instead of text. each button is also filled with squares instead of text.

No way to know how to exit, closing dialogs produces the same effect.
Now i assumed it was a missing package and clicked the cancel button on each popup (or that location).
The install finishes but we still have no text for 95% of the windows. even the system popups are borked.
Rebooting makes every Icon an !. and the text under each into a square.
Every attempt to load a program produces a popup with square rather than text.
This distro is now non functional until you blow away the install and re do it.
Also cannot screenshot issue as all programs have no text in them at all and do not know the screens well enough to take a shot from button placement.

Think i will be moving back to either lucid or looking for another distro entirely.

Re: Gimp install not working

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2012, 16:50
by otropogo
MikeDAdams wrote:I installed precise puppy 5.4 to HD on older laptop.
Was running lucid puppy no issues.
I then rebooted and installed or tried to install gimp 2.6 via the package manger...

This distro is now non functional until you blow away the install and re do it.
Also cannot screenshot issue as all programs have no text in them at all and do not know the screens well enough to take a shot from button placement.

Think i will be moving back to either lucid or looking for another distro entirely.
I've been fairly happy with the latest version of lupuplus myself, but maybe that's because I brought my 2sf files from 4.3.x along.

I'd suggest you give Lazypup a try before abandoning Puppy altogether. ... &start=420

(get the English build #3, with the md5sum ending in "626" - the first page of the thread is a bit confusing as to the latest version - click on the download link on the page linked above)

But if you decide to jump ship, do try Knoppix 7.0.4 LiveDVD. I have it installed to an 8GB microSD card (leaving 4GB of space available for installing and configuring additional apps), from which it loads in under a minute, and find it to be the most trouble-free live distro ever. And I'm told it is easily installable to hard drive.

It installed to USB without a hitch using its internal flash installer, boots and loads interchangeably on my two aging desktops and my three or four year old laptop, and autoinstalls and configures the latter's Realtek wifi modem (which has proven impossible even with ndiswrapper and the Windows 7 drivers under lupu_528). And there is a choice of packet management apps that work with the deb repositories (not always successfully, but never disastrously, in my limited experience).

The Knoppix English forum, although nowhere near as busy as the puppy forums, is quite helpful and generally polite, and Klaus Knopper himself is quite approachable and not overly prickly.

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2012, 20:22
by bigpup

Precise 5.4 is buggy.
The latest version is Precise 5.4.1

Issues with Gimp in Precise

Posted: Mon 12 Nov 2012, 15:06
by Ol'Duffer
akash_rawal wrote: Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 14:36
Finished downloading precise 5.4. Testing it reveals several problems.

On first boot it refused to save the session. After asking for save file name it rebooted without saving session. Next time I ran wmreboot in terminal but this time it worked properly. :? Will try again to reproduce the problem.
I had a similar experience on an older computer. On repeat, just before shutdown finished, a message blinked by, and I became suspicious. I discovered a hidden process apparently searching for a place to save the session file. :roll:
This reminded me of the sagacity of a UI design gem discovered :idea: by Disney while designing Mickey Mouse cartoons - without a progress indicator (or other fair warning) you may assume nothing's happening/happened, and move on ... 8)

jwmrc-personal key-mask / key keycode problem

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2012, 15:01
by ETP
I stumbled across this issue whilst working on a re-master of 5.4.1 but have found that it exists in every pup I
have tried including Slacko 5.3.3. The re-master is devoid of desktop & taskbar icons and working key-masks and
key keycode entries are mission critical.
The problem is that they ALL cease to function when the window or windows are minimised to the taskbar.
It is easily reproducable as follows and may be a Woof or JWM issue.

A typical mask would be
<Key mask="CS" key="c">exec:PupControl</Key> ------ CTRL+SHIFT+C
or in Slacko:
<Key keycode="111"></Key> --- Print Screen key

To Reproduce / Does binding work?
1. Boot to desktop YES
2. Launch say pfind YES
3. Minimise pfind NO
4. Exit pfind NO
5. Restart JWM NO
6. Restart X YES
Sometimes restoring the window re-enables the mappings.

In most of my pups I routinely deploy mappings for my multimedia keys and had on occasion pressed a button to no
avail. I had incorrectly attributed this to dodgy buttons but always had an icon to click on instead so it had not been
a big issue.
Perhaps there is a workaround using Xbindkeys or Xmodmap?

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2012, 15:07
by pemasu
Typical usage for xbindkeys and easy to create with xbindkeys-config gui tool.


Re: Infrastructure mods to facilitate addition of Frisbee

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:30
by darkcity
Hi rerwin

Thanks for the work on Frisbee.

Regarding, Frisbee 3, I can confirm it works with RTL8188S WLAN Adapter (on Precise 5.4.1) - after all PETs are installed.

peebee has also being working on Frisbee so it might be worth coordinating the improvements see- ... 070#666070

I've updated the wiki page

It might be worth starting a new thread (if this hasn't been done already).


Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:26
by backi
Hi !
Cannot burn Video dvd with Pburn 3.7.8

Shinobar reported same issue earlier ...
Seems problem with DvDauthor version as Shinobar stated .

Re: DvDauthor problem

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:45
by npierce

Barry released a service pack that should fix that. See ... 938#666938

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 16:46
by backi
Hello npierce !

Followed your advice !
Installed service pack ..but did not help .
Still unable to burn Video DVDs with Pburn 3.7.8 .

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 17:06
by backi
Hi.... its me again !

Did as shinobar posted earlier...

installed the older version of dvdauthor

Now pburn 3.7.8 burns Video DvDs ...

Imagination 3.0

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 20:01
by don570
Slideshow presentation application

Imagination 3.0 works nicely on the latest slacko and precise.
I downloaded the debian packages from and
made a pet package.

Available here

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 02:26
by 8-bit
I went to upgrade the video to the NVIDIA factory install using the run version from their site.
Precise did not like that and gave me a blank black screen with a flashing cursor and no way out other than a hard shutdown of the PC.
Did changes to xorg trash the ability to use the NVIDIA factory installer?

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 09:37
by BarryK
backi wrote:Hello npierce !

Followed your advice !
Installed service pack ..but did not help .
Still unable to burn Video DVDs with Pburn 3.7.8 .
My Service Pack has dvdauthor from Wary.

Now I have changed to dvdauthor from Slacko 5.3.3, as advised by shinobar, which will be in Service Pack

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 09:40
by BarryK
Note, discussion of the Service Packs assumes the user is running Precise 5.4.1. There is a separate thread for feedback on the official release of 5.4.1:

Posted: Fri 30 Nov 2012, 18:34
by backi
Hey you all !

Testing Dvdauthoring Tools .

Want to report ......" Pdvdrsab DVD rip/shrink/author/burn "
seems not start/working in this puppy .

Posted: Sat 01 Dec 2012, 10:31
by BarryK
Precise 5.4.2 released

This has many bug-fixes and enhancements relative to 5.4 and 5.4.1, recommended to upgrade!

My blog announcement for 5.4.2:

Precise 5.4.2 has a new Forum thread for feedback. The thread that you are on now is for feedback on 5.4. Please go to this new thread: ... 041#668041

Posted: Sat 01 Dec 2012, 13:45
by backi
Hey you all !

Testing Dvdauthoring Tools .

Want to report ......" Pdvdrsab DVD rip/shrink/author/burn "
seems not start/working in this puppy .

Sorry the wrong place to post ...

This was meant for Upup precise 5.4.4 .

Midnight Commander menu entry.

Posted: Mon 03 Dec 2012, 21:25
by rodin.s
When installing Midnight Commander from PPM menu entry doesn't appear. I guess 'Filesystem' category is not recognized at all.

Updated Frisbee and companion woof-update packages

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012, 01:49
by rerwin
I post this here to make it easy to locate the set of packages to integrate Frisbee into Puppy. The Frisbee package is "frisbee_integrated-20121210, here: ... 521#662521

The matching woof-updates package is woof_updates_precise-20121204, here: ... 518#662518

If you are starting fresh, be sure to also install the other 4 packages at the woof-updates link.

I expect to continue discussion of frisbee_integrated in the Frisbee thread, since the package is intended for all future puppies.

NOTE that these two packages MUST BOTH be installed, as they are interdependent. As of 12/7, I see that the frisbee package has been downloaded more times than the companion woof_update package. Please do not test with only one of them installed.