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Posted: Sat 15 Jun 2013, 15:12
by simargl

Posted: Sat 15 Jun 2013, 16:22
by anikin
I don't see a contradiction here.
Barry is talking about his personal experience of compiling Seamonkey. Given, he's been working on Puppy for ten years already, he's got some experience to share as does someone who's working on Slax. He's discussing compression, not rocket science. On a good day and under the best of circumstances, perhaps I could have come to the same conclusion ... if I had a little bit of Barry's knowledge.

Posted: Fri 21 Jun 2013, 17:08
by Jim1911
Hi pemasu,

Due to health problems, I am late getting to check this out. However, I have found it to be very stable and most everything works as it should. :D

Main problem is being unable to install my printer. I installed the which works for me most of the time.

Only other problem noted is that Bibletime installed from Ubuntu repositories will not display text. This is an Ubuntu problem though, since the same problem occurs with Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail. A pleasant surprise is that Xiphos installed with the PPM from Ubuntu repositories and works perfectly. I've also installed Wine and am able to run my favorite Windows programs: Bible_Analyzer, e-Sword, and theWord

Thanks for a great distribution. Looking forward to your version of Barry's latest.

Thanks again, :D

Equipment: BFG NVIDIA Geforce 8400 GS 512MB, Asus P6T Motherboard, Intel core i7-920 (8MB Cache, 2.66 GHz), DDR3 3GB 1333MHz ram, Pioneer DVR-2910 DVD+-RW Dual Layer Burner, Realtek ALC1200 Audio, HP Photosmart C5280 All-in-One Printer

Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013, 17:33
by 666philb

Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013, 19:27
I have attempted to install wine (both the pet version and ubuntu version) and both times I end up with an error message

wine: cannot find L

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 07:01
by James C
Still running with no real problems. I'm passing on Barry K's latest since he returned to the pae sticking with this version.


Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 13:26
by Volhout
Running Upup Raring on a eepc 1001HA (N270) from USB stick. Nice work !
video and wifi work fine. Nice feature that you have implemented the power modes in form of the laptop tool (from puppeee ?).

Impressive set of apps are included. This by far exceeds whats included in the Slacko builds. The only thing I didn't find at first glance is an e-book reader. But that is easy to fix.

Wil play with this a little more, and report findings here.

Thanks Pesamu...

Posted: Wed 26 Jun 2013, 14:08
by pemasu
Thanks Volhout. I have used fbreader from the Puppy Package Manager. It is nowadays Qt libs application. unfortunately get a lot qt libs with it. But those qt libs works with other apps also. Like Smplayer, VLC etc...

I havent included old fbreader pet anymore. The qt lib based Raring repo version works fine. I have read quite a lot books at evenings now. Having leisure time still. epub and mobi versions. Raring fbreader handles them fine. I think that I dont have .mobi straight mime coupling, but is in the todo list. Lol.

And thanks to other posters also. I enjoy using Puppies....Upup Raring, Upup Precise, Dpup Wheezy and even Dpup Exprimo with my daily comp usage. But no creative or productive usage. Just used them as end user.

Still have great summer in Finland, Now 26 c in shadow. Yesterday 30 km trip on the road with poles and rollerblades. Next night I go to the fishing. I installed navionics gps plotter map application to my samsung android phone so that I know where I am going. I also ordered fishing sonic device for the boat so that I know the actual deepness and profile of the lake bottom. And maybe I even see some fishes with it. Gonna have some jigging experience.
But next night is for wobblers.

GPS - on the rebound?

Posted: Thu 27 Jun 2013, 03:06
by davids45
G'day pemasu,

When you mention enjoying your warm summer, and have yourself a new navionics app, I wonder if your new GPS system can measure the 'Holocene' rebound I assume is happening to your part of the world?
According to geologists, Scandinavia is possibly rising about 1cm per year, recovering from being under a kilometre or two of ice for quite a while until about 20,000 years ago.

Time to buy some downhill skis for winter?

David S.


Posted: Thu 27 Jun 2013, 06:32
by Volhout
Hi Pesamu,

I hope you caught a lot of fish last night....

It is hard to imagine what the world looks like up there in Finland. Your winters must be long, and so "unfriendly" that you spend a lot of time indoors. En when summer finally lands, you cherish it and spend all the time you have outside. The winters are for Puppy (or e-books), the summers outdoor fun. Enjoy it !!!

Back to fbreader: didn't find it in
or anywhere on the server.

Did you suggest to take it from the Ubuntu packages ?



Posted: Thu 27 Jun 2013, 08:56
by pemasu
Volhout. Yep. I meant to use official Raring packages. Use check dependencies and download them all. You get somewhat working qt libs installation as side product.

Posted: Mon 01 Jul 2013, 00:04
by linux28
Latest Stable Kernel: 3.10 2013-06-30

SLight annoyance

Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 12:04
by tlchost
I am running a bootable usb with 16 gig of memory. Every now and again, Raring stops while accessing a directory or some applications like pfind that look in many places.

I suspect it's something to do with the memory. I notice that Barry's latest Raring is super slow, to the pointof being inuseable on my system. The problem has also been mentioned by others.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this periodic slowness?

Other than this annoyance, Raring is great.


Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 15:11
by backi
Hi !
Made a test with GLXGEARS on my Laptop makes 200 Framerate .

With DpupExprimo makes 5000 Framerate .

Is there any way to increase Framerate for Upup Raring ?

Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 16:23
by 666philb
backi wrote:Hi !
Made a test with GLXGEARS on my Laptop makes 200 Framerate .

With DpupExprimo makes 5000 Framerate .

Is there any way to increase Framerate for Upup Raring ?
hi backi ,

the framerate being lower is probably because the drive is synced to vblank .... meaning that it matches the frame-rate to the screen refresh rate of the monitor, which reduces screen tearing.

maybe :)

Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 17:17
by backi
Hi 666philp !
Thanks for your information but ....... not sure what this mean ....
is this good or is this bad ?

(Dont have any video problems )

Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 02:39
by subarus
Works wonderfully on Asus X101CH netbook

youtube HD is no longer choppy, thanks to working graphic driver. Resume after suspend no longer hangs. The full hardware potential of my little machine is finally unleashed.

fwiw, X101CH was a piece of junk prior to upup-raring, because no working graphic driver on linux. Win7 besides being slow, freezes sporadically

X101CH is now my machine of choice when I need a machine which is ultra portable and fanless.

I just have to write something to express my gratitude to upup-raring ringtail developers.

I wonder if the cedartrail developer realize the value proposition they could have had if they released enough technical info for something like upup-raring to be developed 2 years earlier? and are they going to continue to let microsoft to screw them up in the future? just like microsoft screwed nokia up. or is there something I am not understanding about business strategies of these large corporations?

Thanks again

Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 23:53
by don570
I can get a Chinese install in this version of Raring :lol:

Using this method.


Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 10:14
by anikin
Hi pemasu,

I'd like to remove Firefox from this Raring and do it cleanly. There was a discussion about removing Seamonkey some time ago, but I can't find it.

Thank you in advance.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 14:55
by don570
I'd like to remove Firefox from this Raring
Don't forget to change the default apps.

They are located in /usr/loca/bin/default***

You just have to change the execute line.
