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Posted: Mon 30 Jan 2012, 20:38
by Jim1911
Hi Mick,

Hope your first day of classes went well. :D

Manual frugal install on an ext4 partition on my desktop with i7 processor. Runs great. Everything tried works. This is your finest distribution to date.:D

Re Petget and nouveau_unload, I ran two tests:

1. Nouveau_unload:
a. Installed and created a new 4fs save file, selected devx and kernel_sources sfs.
b. Executed

Code: Select all

and allowed reboot.
e. Went to prompt and executed

Code: Select all

f. Executed

Code: Select all

and selected nvidia driver, returned to desktop and nvidia driver worked perfectly.

2. Petget: With new save file installed and then followed same steps as above with same results. No problems.

Thanks for nouveau_unload, it does the job of getting it out of the way. :D


Re: and

Posted: Mon 30 Jan 2012, 22:04
by tubeguy
01micko wrote:

Code: Select all

tubeguy.. try a PPM search for that.. they are the libs you should need .. let me know if it works and I'll put aqualung in PPM with that depend and it will install automatically
Installed pet, didn't work, then tried using a libavformat deb for squeeze and got

Code: Select all

# aqualung
aqualung: relocation error: /usr/lib/ symbol ff_log_missing_feature, version LIBAVCODEC_52 not defined in file with link time reference
I'll have another go this weekend at compiling Aqualung from source at

JRE problem in beta

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 19:53
by gcmartin
JRE is an ongoing problem in many of the Puppy distro. Sometimes, when it appears to be "licked" and straightforward, we find that we're back at the starter's post, instantly, again.

Here's the current SLACKO scenario
  1. Booted ISO
  2. Setup system localization for specific need.
  3. rebooted
  4. Open SlickPET
  5. on Menu bar, click PETs>Update and waited for completion
  6. Again on Menu bar, click PETs>PPM
  7. In PPM typed JRE and click GO
  8. Select the JRE offered
  9. Allowed it to install
Upon completion I got a message indicating that JRE dependencies were NOT MET! Missing libjava, libjvm, and libmawt.

I then tried to use PPM to find the lib's....with NO luck.

Maybe this needs a prerequisite that is missing. (Usually, before package downloads, we are told of dependencies, but, in this case we were not.)

And ideas would help.

Another JRE note (this, I believe to be JRE, but unrelated to this problem)
I have already alerted the Puppy distro (@Playdayz) about JRE will NOT be available after a save-session and reboot.

Any helpful ideas and approaches should be resolved before going GA,

Hope this helps.

FirstRUN and system when hostname is changed

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 21:17
by gcmartin
Slacko appears to be more evolved than the last version. One example is on my laptop where the drive (at bottom on the X desktop) is showing a device with "DVD-R" showing. This is some of the slick polishing that this version is bringing our way.

One simple problem ("simple" because I think Playdayz, TaZoC and maybe Shinobar have solved this) is the processing of the FirstRUN when the user selects a hostname for their Slacko PC. Even though some system parms are set appropriately, all are not...UNTIL...there is a logout that has occurred on the console.
The installation of SAMBA exposes this problem. As a circumvention: When I cancel the SAMBA Management Utility, Ctrl-Alt-Bkspce, logout, and xwin, this appears to handle the system needs. At this point, the SAMBA Management Utility exposes the correct hostname that was set at FirstRUN.

This may have been solved in the last version of SLACKO, but, I don't remember.

Below are the processing order of things in SLACKO which exposes the "bug". I assist as follows
  1. Slacko SAMBA - Hostname and localization screen
  2. Slacko SAMBA - Welcome screen after Localization
  3. Slacko SAMBA - Connect from Welcome Screen shows correct hostname
  4. Slacko SAMBA - LAN setup from Connect Screen step
  5. Slacko SAMBA - The BUG - Shows original Hostname when NO logout has occurred for desktop user before SAMBA installation started
  6. Slacko SAMBA - I get CORRECT Hostname when logout has occurred after FirstRUN processing has changed the hostname
See all of these screens below

Hope this is understood as presented.

Posted: Tue 31 Jan 2012, 23:37
by Keef
Booted from a CD (unusual for me) on a Compaq Armada M700
P3 450 with 320mb ram.
This was achingly slow to boot, especially for an ISO of this size - and the desktop took an age to load.
The Personalize settings thingy was very slow too (it is slow on Akita as well, but runs quite well on Wary 5.2).
Once it has settled down it is not too bad, but Seamonkey took 25 seconds to load. Typically the big browsers (FF, Opera and SM) take 10 to 12 seconds on this machine. Couldn't test internet as only have a wifi stick that needs ndiswrapper, which is not present. A couple of versions ago I compiled it myself (my first and only module), but the kernel changed again the next day :lol:
Copied files over for a manual frugal install, but the desktop still loads very slowly.
No problems on the Athlon box with a GeForce FX5200 - had to change resolution, but it did so without problem.

Posted: Wed 01 Feb 2012, 21:03
by Keef
Did I kill this thread? :oops:
Oh well. If someone starts another thread about browser preferences, I promise to go and work my magic there.

Posted: Wed 01 Feb 2012, 23:24
by MinHundHettePerro
Keef wrote:Did I kill this thread? :oops:
You, most certainly, did :shock:!!
Thanks, a lot, mate ! :evil:

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2012, 00:06
by gcmartin
Keef wrote:Did I kill this thread? :oops:
Oh well. If someone starts another thread about browser preferences, I promise to go and work my magic there.
Hi Keef
SLACKO (and Puppy, too) are trying to aim at PCs build since 2006. The AMD/Intel PC specs called for PCs with 1GB of RAM even though some (very rare) were shipped with 512. Further, the P3 was NOT manufactured for vendor distribution, then.

Even though some of us have gotten SLACKO to run on P3 with much more RAM than you, you MAY want to try one of the following should you want to use SLACKO (or Puppy 528 for that matter):
  1. add RAM to your present configuration
  2. try SLACKO on a different PC that meets or exceeds the 2006 spec.
  3. Use Barry's WARY which is designed with your specific platform in mind
Even though SLACKO (and Puppy) are very fast performers and once loaded tend to be light on PC resource use, they were built with a different PC in mind.

One item that I have always found beneficial in using any PUP distro is the use of a SWAP partition, physically present at boot-time. This has made all the difference in the world in some occasions for me. I am a Live media user, thus I ONLY have ever used PUPs via CD/DVDs; just as you say you're trying to use.

Hope this helps

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2012, 13:51
by Keef
I'm just giving feedback, not asking for changes. Maybe the feedback is useful, maybe not. I mainly use frugal installs, but tried a CD as I used it on another PC. The booting (more accurately, the time it took for the desktop to become functional) was exceptionally slow, but if it affects no-one else, it can be ignored.

Right, I'm off to complain about the browser in Saluki now...

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2012, 15:39
by tronkel
I've been having a go with my two Realtek wlan usb dongles.

Story so far:

Both of them have Realtek chipsets. One uses the rtl8192se module and the other uses the rtl8192cu module.

Slacko recognised neither of them until I copied over firmware that I had compiled under Debian Squeeze 64 bit. The source code is the stuff at the Linux Wireless website (latest bleeding edge COMPAT collection). This then enabled the wlan0 interface but would not connect - not really surprising being compiled under a 64 bit version. Looks like a firmware blob issue.

I then tried to compile this source code driver collection in Slacko using the main devx. No joy. Got a make warning to compile the kernel with option CONFIG_LIBIPW=m

Would be nice to be able to compile this within Slacko. This stuff compiles no problem in Debian Squeeze and thereby allows good WLAN connections.

Any chance of enabling this in the Slacko kernels?

Has anyone perhaps already successfully compiled these for Puppy?

I also have recently acquired an AirLive WN-370USB WLAN usb stick. I bought it under the misapprehension that it had a Ralink Chipset but it turns out that it has a Realtek one instead. Got no joy at all with this even with compiling from source in Debian Squeeze.

Then tried NDISWRAPPER in Squeeze using the Windows XP driver. Again nothing. Then tried it in Slacko 5.3.1 stable with NDISWRAPPER. This succeeded in finding the wlan0 interface but would not connect. Again looks like a firmware issue. It's a hard life in Linux with WLAN issues.

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 10:07
by Iguleder
Great news - 01micko. I'm currently running a x86_64 build of my Slacko-compatible distro, built with my improved Woof implementation, which has full slackware64 support.

It was built using Slackware 13.37 x86_64 packages and the only PET packages needed to boot it are Busybox and a kernel, so I built initial packages of both using a Slacko x86_64 chroot environment, through Fatdog. Both were built automatically, of course 8)

Once I had something bootable (using both packages), I rebuilt these core packages and added the window manager, applications, etc' - now I'm running the result, a perfect x86_64 port in two clicks :)

This build uses the latest long-term kernel tree (3.0). I'm currently upgrading the it to the latest stable release (3.0.19, from 3.0.18). I omitted printk() support by mistake and my screen becomes blank once KMS is enabled, so I'm also trying to work around these issues too.

When the new kernel is ready I'll start a mass re-compilation of Puppy's x86-only packages to x86_64, so a Slacko64 is finally possible. I'm confident that this two-clicks approach can be utilized to port Slacko to ARM, too.

EDIT: it works, here's a screeny of the first 64-bit Slackware-based Puppy-like thingy.

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 13:17
by 01micko
Keef.. thanks for your report otherwise I wouldn't know that ndiswrapper was missing, it was supposed to be there :oops: ..BTW, I'm not dead just busy :wink:


tronkel.. it seems many of the open firmware projects are very experimental. We've had enough drama with broadcom firmware (which by the way is not supposed to be distributed), now ralink, :roll: . I will definitely need to get a decent package together for firmware-cutter, no matter how hard I try I'll miss some firmware, especially since 3 series kernels have shifted the goal posts.


Iguleder. The 64bit project sounds very encouraging. Have you published your build system? If not, can you?

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 13:35
by Iguleder
Here's the build system, in all its glory.

I'm currently working on a full rebuild of the package repository - once it's ready, I'll upload all the packages.

The packages (and all the sources) will be available here.

EDIT: all packages are up. There is a possibility that the 64-bit kernel can be used with Slacko too, if the Puppy init script does not attempt to load Aufs and Squashfs (which are built into the kernel, in this one).

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2012, 12:48
by Puppeteer
Slacko (slacko-5.3.3-beta MAIN version)

System Info
Fresh frugal install (on NTFS partition)
AMD Athlon64 @2400 MHz, 1Gb RAM
GeForce 6600 @1900x1200

Booted straight to desktop with nouveu drivers. Then did following:

1. Ran nouveau_unload and rebooted (after creating 1Gb .3fs save file).
2. Downloaded and SFS-mounted:
a. devx_slacko_5.3.2.1.sfs and
b. kernel_sources-3.1.10-patched_slacko.sfs.
3. Downloaded from NVIDIA and ran "sh" after exiting X.
4. Ran Startx and could ascertain that the NVIDIA driver was in use.

Network / Wireless

TP-Link TL-WN821Nv3 USB dongle detected and working automatically (thanks to the Atheros in-kernel ath9k_htc driver) and included firmware.
Getting blazingly fast speeds - approaching 100 Mbit/s from e.g. Smokey01's server (over wireless)!

Sound is working well in DeaDBeef-0.51.
GNOME Mplayer works ok, though sound quality better in DB.

Installed Firefox 9.01 - works, though I immediately updated to 10.0 which appears to be stable in Puppy (unlike 9, and judging from about one week of usage) and snappier.

My thanks to all involved and, of course, especially 01micko.
Looking forward to the final release!

Finally a Slacko that works properly with Netgear WN111v2!

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2012, 17:11
by Jades
Testing on Merlin, the Pentium D machine, is progressing very well! The serious problems I was having on 5.3 and 5.3.1 with my Netgear WN111v2 wireless dongle seem to have gone and internet performance is very good, seemingly on a par with Lupu 528.

Currently using a LiveCD with the pupsave on a USB stick as the computer's hard drive has developed a wierd fault that's preventing XP from booting (Puppy isn't the cause of that).

Slacko 5.3.3-beta ..testing (

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 01:14
by Billtoo
I did a full install of slacko-

Sun 5 Feb 2012 Operating System: Slacko Puppy- Linux 3.1.10-slacko_pae
0.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT216[GeForceGT 220](rev a2)
oem: NVIDIA product: GT216 Board - 0682vb12 Chip Rev

X Server: Xorg Driver: nvidia
X.Org version: 1.9.5
dimensions: 1440x900 pixels (411x263 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GT 220/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 275.43

# glxgears
30994 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6198.694 FPS
31049 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6209.686 FPS
30995 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6198.877 FPS

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500
Core 0: 1200 1: 1200 MHz

Processor 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz
Memory 4101MB (271MB used)

It's working great.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 03:36
by Announcer
Audacity-1.3.14 compiled on Slacko:

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 05:35
by 2byte
Congratulations 01micko

slacko- PAE is the only Puppy other than fatdog64 to run properly on this machine with both video and sound!

Frugal install.
Booted direct to desktop with no problem. Created a save file and loaded the devx and kernel sources.
Installed the catalyst driver with the proprietary

Sun 5 Feb 2012 Operating System: Slacko Puppy- Linux 3.1.10-slacko_pae
1.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 9640
oem: AMD ATOMBIOS product: SUMO 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: fglrx
X.Org version: 1.9.5
dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels (507x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

AMD A8-3850 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Core 0: 2900 1: 2900 2: 2900 3: 2900 MHz

# fgl_glxgears
Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer
10035 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2007.000 FPS
11213 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2242.600 FPS
11258 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2251.600 FPS
11226 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2245.200 FPS
11245 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2249.000 FPS

Total Memory : 7715984 kB

Very nice!

The only thing so far is retrovol says my sound is set at 65295% :shock: and will not adjust it, but it says that on every Puppy that uses retrovol. Sound is set with alsamixer.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 06:22
by grump
01micko wrote:grump, thanks for info.. that should help alot of b43 users :) ....
01micko - I've been trying today on the HP mini and the info didn't help me this time!

I copied the b43 firmware in as I described about 20 pages back, but now get the same message about not being able to raise the wireless. I'd like to submit the logs as before but the instructions have disappeared from the 1st post.

Just an aside - not sure I like the minimalist menus - it was nice to see the full menus when looking for an option.

Some time later - edit to add that is working fine on my old Toshiba A200.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 10:50
by drblock2
Recently Slacko (regular flavor not PAE) has been booting into a black screen with no icons. The JWM tool bar and the cursor are present, programs can be opened from the menu and everything seems to work properly - except no wallpaper and no icons.

Restarting X solves the problem loading the wallpaper and icons. I say "recently" because I have been using this release for sometime now and the problem only appeared yesterday.

VIDEO REPORT: Slacko Puppy, version

Chip description:
product: NV34 Board - p162-2nz Chip Rev

Driver used by Xorg:

Video mode used by Xorg:
Resolution: " 1280x1024 " Depth: Depth 24

AMD Athlon XP/MP (Barton) 2GHz