How to play a movie from files on a DVD?

Booting, installing, newbie

Parole, in Slim X-slacko Slim

#41 Post by Pelo »

I did not translate the topic. We have this problem with Parole, in Slim X-slacko Slim created by mistfire. Parole must be use as a jukebox, where chapters would be songs. Use Thunar to reach chapters, then open with Parole.
Mplayer has been deleted, but Parole read DVD without it. XFmedia plays everything full film, or chosen chapters. 4MBs will be the price to pay, libs included.
Tabernacle, why don't they include Mplayer as default everywhere :?: what an idea to delete it !


how-to use shortcuts with SMplayer

#42 Post by Pelo »

They don't work, do they ?
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