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Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2018, 12:01
by p310don
Which version you use ?
The first version by defaullt overwrites files with same name if they are different.
The v2 cannot do that AFAIK.
I discovered this. The file I upload is 2gig. After a week my google drive was full, and every file looked exactly the same. Google doesn't do a great job of versioning.
Automating should be possible by using command line
That was my thought. I am almost allergic to the command line, and was hoping for a simpler alternative!!

I'll have a further play with drive & gdrive to see what I can get going.

Posted: Mon 15 Oct 2018, 22:39
by Mike Walsh
p310don wrote:I am almost allergic to the command line, and was hoping for a simpler alternative!!
Hah! You and me too, mate. I avoid it unless I have absolutely no other choice.....though I will make use of it where necessary, like for debugging purposes, etc.

I'm never quite sure whether it's a 'curse' or a 'blessing'.....

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2018, 01:53
by p310don
Thanks fredx181 for the command line solution.

Code: Select all

drive push -hidden -no-prompt -m /root/my-file ./my-remote-folder/
in a bash script does the job for me.

Interestingly I have been using V2 which does not overwrite the file. I installed the original but it doesn't run in my Puppy (Carolina Vanguard) for whatever reason. Doesn't matter, it installed drive, which does work.

It is beyond my skill set, but a great addition to this gui would be to add a scheduler like pschedule to make it run at a set interval to upload any new files in a directory, like the windows version of google drive sync.

Posted: Fri 11 Jan 2019, 15:38
by RedQuine
Testing the portable app on Bionicpup64 7.9.8 CE RC:

V2 opens, but when I paste the URL into my browser, I get error 404 from the Google server ("404. That’s an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.").

However, the 0.3.2 version works perfectly! Thanks for saving me considerable time, effort and drive space. :)

Posted: Fri 11 Jan 2019, 16:52
by fredx181
RedQuine wrote:Testing the portable app on Bionicpup64 7.9.8 CE RC:

V2 opens, but when I paste the URL into my browser, I get error 404 from the Google server ("404. That’s an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.").

However, the 0.3.2 version works perfectly! Thanks for saving me considerable time, effort and drive space. :)
OK, good that v0.3.2 works for you, but I'd like to understand why you get the 404 error with v2.
I tested again v2, Portable Appimage 2.1.0, 32-bit from here: ... 902#979902
Did you try the same ? (EDIT, see below EDIT, you used 64-bit portable Appimage 2.1.0 ?)
Works fine for me, not a 404 error when I paste the url in my browser.

EDIT: didn't read well first time, you are on 64-bit.
Tried now on Bionicpup64, same as 32-bit, the 64-bit portable Appimage 2.1.0 works fine for me also.


Posted: Sat 16 Mar 2019, 20:08
by fredx181
Hi everyone,

Google-drive Filemanager v2 stopped working a while back, error message is:

Code: Select all

Failed to get file: googleapi: Error 403: Rate Limit Exceeded, rateLimitExceeded
From what I understood, the reason is that too many people (in the whole world :) ) are using at the same time gdrive (included in googledrivegui2), but not really sure :?:
(google has a limitation on the amount)
EDIT: See also explanation here: ... -423048518

Found the solution by following this complicated tutorial (oh, yes, I'm a little crazy :wink: )
And compiled gdrive, using my own credentials for the Google-Drive API, so works now (hasn't reached the limitation (yet?), sort of starting over fresh).

To run this new version, you cannot use created authentication from earlier version, so then remove first the old "token_v2.json" file e.g.:
Then it's required to start over again with the authentication process (button "New Profile")

Download .pet packages:
32-bit ...
64-bit ...

Download portable appimages:
gdrive_gui2-portable-2.1.1-32bit.tar.gz ... k9lHcwfYb0
gdrive_gui2-portable-2.1.1-64bit.tar.gz ... mxm63OQA8W


Posted: Sat 16 Mar 2019, 22:00
by RedQuine
Yay, thanks Fred!

I never did get round to trying the AppImage, for some reason (I think I had other issues to play with, er, get sorted out). I just gave it a whirl, and got as far as the error 403 you described. However, your new works a treat on Bionicpup64 8.0; I can see my G drive at last!

This could save me hours of uploading and downloading via the browser. All the more time to break other stuff. :D

Posted: Sat 16 Mar 2019, 22:17
by fredx181
RedQuine wrote:Yay, thanks Fred!

I never did get round to trying the AppImage, for some reason (I think I had other issues to play with, er, get sorted out). I just gave it a whirl, and got as far as the error 403 you described. However, your new works a treat on Bionicpup64 8.0; I can see my G drive at last!

This could save me hours of uploading and downloading via the browser. All the more time to break other stuff. :D
Ah, thanks RedQuine ! I'm glad it works for you.
But don't use it a billion times a day please :lol: :lol: , then the Google-drive Api may get overloaded again.
No, seriously, probably that's not going to happen.


Posted: Tue 19 Mar 2019, 01:36
by wiak
fredx181 wrote: Download .pet packages:

64-bit ...

Hi Fred,

Do you have deb package available? I want to use in XenialDog64.
Also, does this need Go installed on system?

EDIT: I'm also looking for the similar app in deb form for Dropbox. ???

Cheers, wiak

Posted: Tue 19 Mar 2019, 06:43
by fredx181
wiak wrote:Hi Fred,

Do you have deb package available? I want to use in XenialDog64.
Also, does this need Go installed on system?

EDIT: I'm also looking for the similar app in deb form for Dropbox. ???
Yes, deb packages googledrivegui2 :
32bit ... 1_i386.deb
64bit ... _amd64.deb

No need for Go installed, only for compiling it would be required.

Here's deb for dropboxgui (noarch) from mikeb, see :
EDIT: dropboxgui link updated to v1.0.9, v1.0.8 conflicted with official dropbox deb package, see wiak's comment below. ... .9_all.deb


Posted: Tue 19 Mar 2019, 07:34
by wiak
Thanks Fred, I'll give these a go (pun) tomorrow

Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2019, 06:18
by wiak
Really enjoying using these dropbox and google drive gui programs Fred. Thanks to mikeb, and also to yourself too for bringing it to google drive too.

Actually, I do have the fully syncing official dropbox client on my computer (with a specially prepared and necessary ext4 partition for the storage), however, despite full syncing being nice, the package proves flaky (currently running stable on my XenialDog64 system, but had to take it off my partners similar setup because for some reason it caused major Firefox crash when signing on... I kind of prefer the simple up/down filemanager GUIs though - less could probably go wrong IMO and resource usage bound to be much less I imagine.



Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2019, 09:55
by wiak
Just one thing I should mention:

The dropboxGUI package uses dropbox.desktop in /usr/share/applications, but that's the same name used in official syching dropbox client, which as I said is also on my system just now. Because of that official one being already installed, dropboxGUI wouldn't install because of the .desktop file conflict. I simply extracted the dropboxGUI deb and changed the name of the .desktop file to dropboxGUI.desktop and repackaged the deb for my use. That then successfully installed without issue.


Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2019, 19:33
by Mike Walsh
@ fredx181:-

Just wanted to say 'Thanks' for version 0.3.2 (portable), Fred. I've been using the original 0.2.0 release until this morning; thought it was high time I tried the most recent release. Certainly fires up quicker, I'll give it that.....and connecting on uploads is faster, too.



@ wiak:-

Don't know if you're aware of it; there's a new, semi-official Electron 'upgrade' of the old Grive client now available:- ... nux-client

It's called 'O-Drive', and I've been testing it out in Xenialpup64 7.5 for a few weeks. Works well.....but, as you say, Mike & Fred's GUIs are a hell of a lot smaller!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2019, 19:35
by fredx181
wiak wrote:Just one thing I should mention:

The dropboxGUI package uses dropbox.desktop in /usr/share/applications, but that's the same name used in official syching dropbox client, which as I said is also on my system just now. Because of that official one being already installed, dropboxGUI wouldn't install because of the .desktop file conflict. I simply extracted the dropboxGUI deb and changed the name of the .desktop file to dropboxGUI.desktop and repackaged the deb for my use. That then successfully installed without issue.

Ah good to know, later I''ll add new deb version to repos.


Posted: Fri 22 Mar 2019, 20:37
by fredx181
Mike Walsh wrote:@ fredx181:-

Just wanted to say 'Thanks' for version 0.3.2 (portable), Fred. I've been using the original 0.2.0 release until this morning; thought it was high time I tried the most recent release. Certainly fires up quicker, I'll give it that.....and connecting on uploads is faster, too.
You're welcome Mike !
Don't know if you tried the v2 (different, depending on "gdrive"), is there any reason you'd possibly prefer first version ( the 0.3.2 (portable) ) using "drive" ?
I ask, mostly out of curiosity, because the v2 has some improvements that I didn't add to v1 ( but working on it, btw), e.g multiple file selection support (not depending on yad) and full view when maximized.


Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2019, 12:51
by fredx181
*** Google-drive Filemanager v1 updated (portable, v0.3.3) ***
(this v1 is using "drive", v2 makes use of "gdrive" and has below improvements already)

- Multiple file selection supported from the GUI, required for that is gtkdialog v0.8.3 or higher, but if older gtkdialog installed:
When nothing selected, a 'yad' window will open (if yad is installed) to select multiple items,
e.g. for Add, Download or Remove.
- Can handle files containing spaces in the name
- Full view when maximized
- Updated Help text

32-bit: gdrive_gui-portable-0.3.3-32bit.tar.gz ... 4bohZFIPNw
64-bit: gdrive_gui-portable-0.3.3-64bit.tar.gz ... ty6wJPUAuG

Extract somewhere (e.g. in /mnt/sda3) and run e.g. gdrive_gui-portable32. (a config file ".gdriverc" will be created in same directory)
The advantage of portable is that you can run it from different Puppy installs
It's a self-extracting script, the "drive" binary is included.
The most convenient is when running it from the same directory as you set up the "Profile directory"


Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2019, 21:11
by Mike Walsh
@ Fred:-

Why 0.3.2, and not v2? Ah; there's 'method in my madness', mate.

I find, for some reason, that the v2s treat whatever directory you fire them up in as the profile directory.

I have a couple of desktop icons which, when clicked on, open up small sub-directories, with symlinks to various .desktop entries. It's a continuation of summat I began doing years ago in XP; a way to 'group' similar items together, without taking up excessive desktop real estate.

One of these is utilities:-


.....which when opened, gives this group of utilities:-


As you can see, one of these is a sym-link to the Google-drive-GUI .desktop entry.

Now; I set this up at the root of the file-system; '/'. 0.3.2, having set the profile up for that directory, stays with it; even with the .desktop entry modified to point to the executable script. v2 (and I see 0.3.3 now does the same), if I have that sym-linked Menu Entry in the utilities sub-directory, now seems to think the script is starting from the 'Utilities' sub-directory.....and insists I set up a new profile again.

Which is a PITA, to say the least. You did ask..!

(BTW; I run an identical range of the same apps in every Puppy. That 'Utilities' directory is actually on a remote partition, sym-linked into every Pup.....because the same set of entries will work for every Pup. Make sense?)

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2019, 21:52
by fredx181
Hey Mike, a bit late now for me to understand exactly what you wrote, but it looks like I made a bit of mess with version names etc... ...explanation about different versions of two different programs (v1 and v2) a bit chaotic ?

EDIT: Next morning, ah, probably I see now what you mean, problems with the v2 pet and v1 is ok , I guess.


Posted: Mon 25 Mar 2019, 18:04
by fredx181
New portable appimages for Google-drive Filemanager v2 (2.1.1), see Here (at the bottom)
