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Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2005, 02:31
by rarsa
:) This is the one I mentioned Mercury does not work with :).

Given that, I would recommend installing the version that includes the VM.

Mercury up and running - no sound from mike though

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 02:42
by goncal

followed your sound advice and now Mercury installed fine with the few restart issues you talked about.

Had lots of trouble getting the JMF files via torrent which I managed to set up as per your instructions, but sadly I kept getting unfinished packages all the time even after leaving the connection open for 5 hours - would never get past 6.5M - and finally ran a search and could download it off

I am very happy with Mercury as the webcam functions well (after starting it manually with a bash script modprobe'ing etc).

However I now have an issue with my sound input system as I will not get any sound off the microphone. I posted a thread somewhere else in the forum.



Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2005, 06:15
by rarsa
Good luck with the mic.


Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2005, 21:11
by goncal
thanks rarsa actually there is something in the mixer system that is not working as I cannot record any sound input via line in either.



Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2005, 04:11
by klhrevolutionist
Well I am googling my head out trying to find spca5xx.o
This way I can compile the latest and greatest plus have a read me file. Someone mentioned above they made a small script that automates all the confusion. Could you please post that little script ?
And please rarsa provide a link for the homepage for spca5xx.o

Great job! Hope to see a wikki page for this how to.

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2005, 04:19
by rarsa
Here it is:

The author actually updates the version every month.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2005, 16:10
by Lobster
I am trying this under 107a

* First I tried with the java 1.0.5 prepared by G2
Nope for some reason was unsuccessful

* So I tried with their own stable java (had this before with java progs - there own one is more stable as they say

* Signed up with Mic. . . Micr . . . "The Company that must not be named" "VoldeSoft" (I think it is)

* Got a basic Mercury working OK

* downloaded and unzipped the spca5xx.o

* Now seem to be stuck with this - time for some seaweed tea and maybe I will try again
# cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o
cp: cannot create regular file `/lib/modules/2.4.29/kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o ': No such file or directory
Mercury seems a very pleasant program and I have to agree with your pragmatic approach. Do we want video conferencing? Yep. Then we have to compromise. I must admit I did feel unclean after signing up with MS Passport control - think I will go and browse some porn sites to remove the taint . . . :wink:

Really looking forward to the Dotpup

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2005, 17:35
by MU
Lobster wrote:* Now seem to be stuck with this - time for some seaweed tea and maybe I will try again
# cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o
cp: cannot create regular file `/lib/modules/2.4.29/kernel/drivers/usb/spca5xx.o ': No such file or directory
Lobster, simply look at the filestructure of Puppy in Rox, then you will see this should work:
cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/2.4.29/usb/spca5xx.o


riddle me this

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 00:03
by klhrevolutionist
Ok. This is almost working!!

Alright I installed the mercury messenger without java as I already
have java installed and mercury works. Instead of installing
mercury to /root/ I installed to /opt/

So my question is where do I extract or put the files mentioned below?
Extract to /root/Mercury/jre/lib/i386

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 00:17
by Lobster
MU wrote: cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/2.4.29/usb/spca5xx.o
OK did that and got here


:? eh . . . am I nearly there? Have a logitech camera installed but not sure what else to do? More commands?

:) More testers needed!

Re: riddle me this

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 01:40
by rarsa
klhrevolutionist wrote:So my question is where do I extract or put the files mentioned below?
Extract to /root/Mercury/jre/lib/i386
Wherever your jre/lib/386 folder is. I cannot answer because it depends on where you installed Java.

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 01:48
by rarsa
Lobster wrote: :? eh . . . am I nearly there? Have a logitech camera installed but not sure what else to do? More commands?
Follow the instructions in this post

Please notice that in that post it indicates to go and follow the instructions in the Mercury web site. The instructions there are fairly clear and I didn't find the need to repeat them.


Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 04:19
by klhrevolutionist

Click for larger image.

Well it is not the best quality. But with time.........

Thanks to rarsa and all the tester's and whomever else helped.

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2005, 05:28
by rarsa
Great! At least it's working for some else than me!

You just need to focus your camera.

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2005, 14:45
by RMW

Code: Select all

# cp /mnt/mydata/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/2.4.29/usb/spca5xx.o
# depmode -ae
bash: depmode: command not found
# modprobe videodev
# modprobe spca5xx
modprobe: Can't locate module spca5xx
depmode: command not found ?


Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2005, 18:56
by klhrevolutionist
Err, that is what screwed me once as well.
Rarsa must have had the same problem we all have sometimes.
We end up misspelling.

So here

# cp /mnt/mydata/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/2.4.29/usb/spca5xx.o
# depmod -ae
# modprobe videodev
# modprobe spca5xx

Now if you want this to load everytime you boot
add these lines to rc.local

depmod -ae
modprobe videodev
modprobe spca5xx

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2005, 19:02
by RMW
thanks, that helped. Now the JMF files, I'm getting the same problem with the file not wanting to unzip.

Code: Select all

# unzip -d /root/my-applications/Mercury/jre/lib/i386
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of or, and cannot find, period.


Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2005, 20:33
by goncal
hi klhr

I think you might have been referring to me and my very simple script, in which case here it goes -

[code]cp /root/spca5xx.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/usb/spca5xx.o
depmod -ae
modprobe videodev
modprobe spca5xx[/code]

hope it helps

cheers G

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2005, 20:52
by RMW
lol yes, depmod instead of depmode. I was copying and pasting commands.

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2005, 02:47
by rarsa
As far as I remember you had to download the NativeLinux-libs using bittorrent. (or ctorrent). When you do that, the file appears to be complete while it is still downloading. You may need to continue the download until it's complete.