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Posted: Tue 21 Apr 2009, 06:27
by puppup
do all puplet derivatives work as multisession discs? (once iso is burned on dvd-r) I'm interested in trying puppy linux or a puplet.

what's a recommended program? something similar to grafpup (intended towards graphic imaging). along with basic user programs like firefox, music player, pdf foxit.

Derivatives based on 4.1.1 or 4.2.1

Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2009, 21:15
by tlchost
I'm looking for derivatives based on 4.1.1 or 4.2.1 due to my Acer Laptop 5100 not booting with versions other and these.

I've tried
NewYearsPup RC10.
Puppy 4.2.1 retro
Boxpup 4.2.1 retro

A real plus would being able to load in more than 3 sfs files.

My goal is to have a bootable USB with the Puppy Derivative and the ability to run windows applications found at



Re: Derivatives based on 4.1.1 or 4.2.1

Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2009, 22:05
by computerophil
tlchost wrote:I'm looking for derivatives based on 4.1.1 or 4.2.1 due to my Acer Laptop 5100 not booting with versions other and these.

I've tried
NewYearsPup RC10.
Puppy 4.2.1 retro
Boxpup 4.2.1 retro
You could give browserpuppy a try.

Re: Derivatives based on 4.1.1 or 4.2.1

Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2009, 22:57
by tlchost
computerophil wrote: You could give browserpuppy a try.
Don't think so, as
Parent Puppy: Barebones Pup 4.1.2

Thanks anyway


Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2009, 23:11
by Caneri
Hi Thom,

Maybe try this...I may be way off course here but posting anyway..Eric

Posted: Mon 13 Jul 2009, 00:39
by tlchost
Caneri wrote: Maybe try this...I may be way off course here but posting anyway
Thanks Eric....I'll wade through that thread...but it appears to me that it's about the Acer netbook, where I have a notebook.

It looks to me that when 4.1.2 was produced, it didn't have drivers that were in 4.1.1 that worked with the Acer notebook....and all versions after 4.1.1 had the same issue, until 4.2.1 retro.

Hopefully I'll find something that will play with the Acer I am not facile enough to roll my own from the 4.2.1-retro version.


Posted: Thu 16 Jul 2009, 06:45
by nac
Hi. I'm looking for large puplets (>500 MB or at least 200 MB with bundled software & codecs) based on the latest release of Puppy (puppy 4 2 1 k2 6 25 16 seamonkey or at least above 4). Is there a way to filter the puplet lists with these parameters or do I have to keep trying them one by one? Basically I'm looking for something approximating TEENPup with a newer kernel, etc for a certain PC which has no network connection (hence I need large bundles of pre-configured stuff). So far I've tried LighthousePup (recommended on the first page of this thread) which I sort of liked and flexxxpup1.7funnynight, (from which I didn't like at all. I'm thinking about MiPup or Fire Hydrant 3.01b next. To tell the truth, I'm getting a little disoriented already.

Re: WHICH Puppy derivatives?

Posted: Thu 23 Jul 2009, 15:26
by EZ4arabs
scsijon wrote:Could someone with some knowledge please put a "sticky" at the top of the first page listing all the derivatives and what's so special (or why they were created)?
There are now a few of them and I (and i suspect quite a few others) have no idea what they are about.

thanks to the hardworking creators, but......
I am just an end user with so little knowledge but a piece of advice for anyone that have an old pc or a laptop (to me old is more than 10 years )

Stick to using 2.14 ,2.15 or 2.16.
I learned my lesson the hard way.If It Isn't Broke, Don't Fix It! :roll:


Posted: Tue 01 Sep 2009, 05:21
by Nekroze
Although i have not read through all the pages on this topic i get the gist and will tell you a little bit about my new puplet.

Dev-Pup, 1.0 has just been released.

Dev-Pup covers some what 6f a void i have come across in the way of software and development even compiling puplets.

lets brake it down into just a simple what you want phrase:

Do you or do you want to or even ever wished to be able to use Puppy Linux to develop software, make programs for windows or linux, model characters for a game or animated movie, what about even making an entire game completely on the go without the massive hassle of finding and setting up every single thing needed!

Well alas here it is Dev-Pup, geared specifically to be an entire Project and Software development suite. Packed with programs well known and liked and not to mention free and working, Dev-Pup has every thing you need to make almost anything you need on the go!

To find out more head over to

Thank you all for your time,

for nac

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2009, 07:59
by wuwei
Hi nac
have you tried this one, yet?

Have fun.

Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 17:02
by esalkin
I am looking for a small footprint OS that is little more than a host for virtual machines.

Why? I run a server for lan, a server in the DMZ for web access and an occasional anonymous (TOR) desktop. I'm now running all three on my everyday desktop but I'd like to dump them on an "old", spare pc (AMD64-3500, 4GB) and free up my games machine. I figure I can run them all using a small footprint host and get better performance that my current setup. Am I correct?

My VMs use VMWare but I can convert them to just about any of the others.

What would you recommend? (Bear in mind that I am one step above a noop as far as Linux goes.)


Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 21:00
by TrailerTrash
I'll stop there 'cause I'm a hands-on kinda guy who, if I'm at all curious about a particular derivative of Puppy, simply downloads the .iso, burns a 50 cent bootable CD and boots it up and plays with it to see what's there. But perhaps that's too much like work for you?

You could drop the developer of the variant a polite note in the relevant thread asking them to post a list of the apps they've included/added or excluded/subtracted from the base Puppy distro that virtually all are based on.
If that fails I suggest you send them a kvetching note like the one you've posted above condemning their failure to spoon-feed you and DEMANDING AN IMMEDIATE FULL REFUND OF EVERY PENNY YOU PAID THEM FOR PUPPY! :x[/quote]

DUDE! Here is a polite note

Too much work? No friend, it's just that I am burdened with dialup. It takes a long time to down/burn/look during which I can't use my computer for much else. :(

Puppy is the greatest thing since inside plumbing. :D I'll never complain about anything (almost) except the great inequity that exists in internet service around the world. Probably North Korea has worse than what I have to use, maybe. I betcha that little people's republic prick :twisted: with the strange hair has broadband. I'll bet $1000 usd that he does. Yeah I know it's bad in OZ too but here I am just a few miles east of San Diego, Ca. and I can't get decent telephone service. Hell, why am I complaining? I could have a party line as in years past.

I would ask though that you remember this and perhaps consider how lucky you are (and it is luck) that you are not limited to 2.2 kbs downloading with connections that drop just before the file is complete.

So there. :!:


Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 22:12
by Colonel Panic
Trailer Trash,

You're not alone, I'm on dialup too. It's one of the main reasons I use Puppy, because Puppy's one of the very few Linux distros which still puts any effort into supporting dialup. It's even better than Vector (which also still does through chestnut-dialer) in that respect IMO.

Posted: Tue 05 Jan 2010, 04:06
by nitehawk
@Colonel Panic......
Yeah,..I'm on that dialup thingy myself. (And I also use Vector). When I get really wound,...I use the Debian Lenny DVDs to create a complete workable distro for my main (P4) desktop. But since I have about 4 other (PIII) computers,...Puppy is just about a necessity. I wish I could just download some of these derivatives,...but it would take forever! Usually I'm stuck with just getting the main release CD. (I have 'em all since 3.01).

Posted: Tue 05 Jan 2010, 19:37
by Colonel Panic
nitehawk wrote:@Colonel Panic......

Yeah,..I'm on that dialup thingy myself. (And I also use Vector). When I get really wound,...I use the Debian Lenny DVDs to create a complete workable distro for my main (P4) desktop. But since I have about 4 other (PIII) computers,...Puppy is just about a necessity. I wish I could just download some of these derivatives,...but it would take forever!

Usually I'm stuck with just getting the main release CD. (I have 'em all since 3.01).
Hi. I've never tried Debian or Slackware. I've got lazy I suppose (or impatient) and don't want a system that's going to take as long to configure as Debian or Slackware does (and what is their dialup support like?).

I find the best Pups for my machine are those from version 4.20 upwards (and their derivatives). I've had problems with XOrg and sometimes also with dialup with the earlier ones (which is a bit sad, because there have been some I've liked such as IcePup and Teenpup).

Vector's good on the whole but I've had problems with the latest version (6.0); the ppp dialer sometimes locks up on me when I try and turn it off and I then have to switch the machine off and start again (and usually do a certain amount of e2fscking).

I reported the problem to the Vector forum and was given a workaround ("killall chestnut-dialer") which did the trick, but I don't see any indication that the problem will be fixed or even that they know what it is. If that changes I'll be happy to retract my statement.

Vector 5.9 SOHO's pretty good although because it's based on KDE I find it a bit of a stretch to run it in 256 MB of RAM. I use a lighter window manager like Fluxbox instead of KDE and it runs OK. I got it for next to nothing as part of a joblot of CD-Rs with Linux distros on them but you normally have to pay about $20 for it :o

As for getting Puppy CDs, I had an informal arrangement with the local community centre last year that when the place was quiet I could use one of their machines (they've got a computer suite) to download a Puppy ISO and burn a CD of it; it usually took between half to three-quarters of an hour. The centre's been busier lately so I've not been able to do that.

There aren't any new ones I'm really itching to try at the moment anyway, 4.20 "Deeper Thought" does what I need at the moment and seems very stable.

Posted: Tue 05 Jan 2010, 20:43
by nitehawk
@Colonel Panic .....
I have the exact same problem with Vector (Chestnut-dialer freezing on shut-sown). Very irritating. And as far as dialup in Debian, aien't easy. Lots of stuff to configure. And I guess I'm getting pretty "lazy" in my "old age",...'cause I'm getting to where I don't like having to do all that configuring junk!!! And what's weird is that plain vanilla Debian uses more memory than does Linux Mint. My Conky was showing about 30% ram usage as compared to Linux Mint's 10% ram usage (Puppy uses so LITTLE memory, it's almost hysterical)... :P Seems like now I just like the quick and easy way Puppy does things. Why go to all that bother sitting up systems that use oodles of ram and don't work so well with dialup???? Life is too short for that stuff,.............
(ps,..I also like and am using 4.2.0).

Posted: Wed 06 Jan 2010, 09:17
by Colonel Panic

Thanks for your post. Funny how I have to find out on a Puppy forum that someone else has the same problem as I do in Vector!

I tried Mint but found it hard going in my system; it seemed to use a lot of memory, it probably needs 512 MB. Looked good though.

Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2010, 19:48
by Colonel Panic
PM sent instead


Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2010, 11:20
by Shep
TrailerTrash wrote:I would ask though that you remember this and perhaps consider how lucky you are (and it is luck) that you are not limited to 2.2 kbs downloading with connections that drop just before the file is complete.
I share your sentiments, and mild irritation with those who forget what a trial it can be for dial-up users to co-exist with those on broadband.

#1 You do know that the command line utility WGET laughs at dropped connections? It can resume the download right where it left off, automatically.

#2 WGET also allows you to throttle back its speed, so that you can do other things over the connection. Obviously, if you restrict it to 25% available d/l speed, then it will take 4 times as long to get the file :(

--limit-rate=RATE limit download rate to RATE.

WHICH Puppy derivatives?

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2010, 16:15
by nwbuntu
scsijon Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2007
ok, as the one who started this (and clearly ruffled a few feathers)

1- a new user who sees the title"puppy derivatives" I thought would find as FIRST document some form of index saying what is out there in the puppy community including what was so special about each that they needed to be created. This would let them see if one of the derivitives, rather than the base , is really what they want to download. It wasn't there!

2- as a puppy user who had a thought of a derivitive to suit a specific purpose, it would be nice to look first to see if there was already a derivitive version out there that would either do as is or with a few additions. Called "not reinventing the wheel"!

3- as a "left field thinker" you would want to try a different derivitive for a puppy version to see if an "idea" was worthwhile continuing in puppy, or if you had to change versions to get what you wanted. Where would you start but looking at what was already out there.
and I had looked elsewhere in the puppy forums, but having got lost between the various sites and looped between messages.... I decided to submit this post instead.

all I wanted was something that helped people looking at puppy to easily see if one of it's many faces would suit them or not rather than spend hours searching or giving up at an early stage from frustration.
I agree with the posts of Scsijon at the very beginning of this thread!
There is so much information on this forum that for (new) users it can be confusing to understand what the different Puplets are about, and what makes them so particular.

I found unfortunately not very up to date,
but I was happy to find the more up to date:

maybe it can be useful to add in this schedule some info like language(s)and 'release date' and if there is still an active development (I mean, Grafpup and Edupup for example seem not to be active any more)

I hope this can be of help for some new users!
